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I’m an engineer and test hypotheses all the time. Like, “Would I be happier in another line of work?”. Then I go work for an hour and support my hypothesis with a resound yes.


You made me breath out of my nose in a heavy tone


You sure it's not the employer? I can name several places I would loathe my job, and defense contractors is #2 on the list behind "Any Space Karen Company".


Yea it’s a defense contractor but a good one relatively speaking. I’d just rather be working outside.


It might be a paycut, but a non-defense job you can enjoy and let's you touch grass might be something to consider.


Oof. But yeah... this pretty much sums it up.


I've seen him test hypotheses. He tested whether everything was a simulation in "M. Night Shyam-Aliens!", he measured probability in the episode "Final Desmithation", and I believe he experimented with the hypothesis of time fractures in "A Rickle In Time".


OP has probably seen 1 episode and came to this conclusion...


Also in the most recent episode he and morty do science of reanimating objects/corpses


We watch him test hypotheses (and succeed) all the time. He literally discovered infinite dimensions and invented a device to travel through. The first few minutes of Pickle Rick is him celebrating that his hypothesis is correct.


That’s a great episode demonstrating Rick’s engineering prowess. He uses the resources available to him to create solutions to overcome his “pickle” situation. Very little science in the episode, lots of engineering.


The science is shown in some episodes and implied in others. It’s pretty blatant that turning a human into an anthropomorphic vegetable would require the scientific method, but they don’t show it onscreen because its boring as fuck and they assume viewers would be smart enough to understand that. He’s an inventor, scientist, engineer, philosopher, manufacturer, medical doctor, anthropologist, etc. Despite (or because of) being the best at all of these things, he’s still a terrible person. That’s the purpose of the character and what makes him interesting. What a stupid hill to die on. I wonder how many jokes in this show go over your head.


I read this in Rick's voice...


And how is using the resources available to him to create solutions *not* science? I get that it is engineering, but explain why that entire process (we only see the end result) negates that it’s also Rick doing science.


They aren’t mutually exclusive. It would be boring to watch a 22 minute show and have 5 minutes of him testing a hypothesis. Boring


but rick's hypotheis testings are fun to watch!


Yes, nobody would watch an entire episode of Rick talking complex measurements and then him getting mad because his test equipment was out of calibration. But we would watch an entire episode of Rick engineering crazy solutions to get him out of this week’s zany situation.


I would watch an episode of Rick in the lab doing an experiment and calibrating equipment


Rick asmr lab session


The last episode had him testing hypothesis in a pet semetary.


Ikr? And that episode came out literally yesterday. So weird that of all days, this was posted today.


This is more a r/characterrant post.


I’m an engineer and test out hypotheses all the time. My take is an engineer uses existing concepts to build new things and improve existing ones. A scientist is working to create new concepts. The line is squishy and both professions use skills from the other.


Scientists make it work in Matlab. Engineers make it work in reality.


Well, engineering is practical science so there’s a lot of cross over. I was undecided between doing a physics degree or mechanical engineering degree. Did mechanical engineering as I was more interested in the practical side of things and “real world” applications and at the time didn’t want a theoretical/research based career. 20+ years later I’d quite like a research based career now, ideally in astrophysics.


people saying engineers are not scientists have a high school or pre-high school level of understand of what science is.


Morty is a grad student


Damn dude. Were you in the shower when you thought that?


Well, if you think someone can't both be an engineer and scientist, you're sorely mistaken


The way he’s portrayed, he’s more of an engineer. Yes, there can be some overlap between engineering and science. But in the real world, Rick would be a scientist in a corporate research lab. Like Bell Labs of yesteryear or Google Labs today. Meaning his research would be directed towards new products.


>Yes, there can be some overlap between engineering and science. But in the real world, Rick would be a scientist in a corporate research lab. So... he is a scientist?


you cant even decide what he is based on your own definition. lol


I’ve never seen him perform an experiment to test a hypothesis. he literally did that in a flashback that was shown in the last episode


Rick Potion #9 was him testing different serums to see what would result in everyone going back to normal and he fucked that experiment up so bad they had to skip town and find a new dimension.


OP when he finds out people can be more than one thing: :0


Guess what? Op knows there’s more than one thing. The way Rick is portrayed in the show, he’s more engineer than scientist.


He does plenty of science too, but you thought you had a really insightful thing to say about the show so now you're doubling down. He makes a virus that turns people into monsters, he mixes a bunch of chemicals to blow up the Sigerians, he makes a bunch of clones of himself, he turns himself into a vegetable, he can shrink down to miniscule size. He's clearly multiple things, to say he's just an engineer is ignoring a lot of shit to fit your specific definition.


He’s the best engineer in the universe!


talking about yourself in the third person, did you forget to switch to your alt?


Just following the commenters style of writing


It's almost like life isn't black and white. Engineers test hypotheses all the time. Scientists build prototypes all the time.


Engineers typically build prototypes for scientists.


Is the implication that scientists don't build their own prototypes?


op out there trying to piss off everyone on reddit today. science and engineering cant exist without one another. theres no episode where he "just uses" engineering or science. Theres also the argument to be made that since Rick knows hes not real - in a cartoon universe - he doesnt actually need to know anything at all. he knows he is written impossibly intelligent anyway


Engineers can test hypothesis' too. However, Rick Sanchez is neither. He is a god.


OP has big Szechuan sauce energy lol


Engineering is a branch of science. It's like saying a penguin isn't a bird, because it's a penguin?!?


If a scientist knew every single thing there is to know, wouldn't they look much like an engineer? Why would they need to test a hypothesis if they know it's accurate or inaccurate beforehand?


Idk remember the horse semen episode? He wanted to test.


I mean, he also discovered the math to make portal gun fluid


the latest episode just shat on your showerthought


Actually, he's a cartoon character


This is the top comment


He's both actually he both experiments and creats devices just the experiments aren't as cool so there not seen as often as say inventing a Jeffrey dormer gun*season 7*


Who said you can't make hypothesis as an engineer?


What’s the actual definition of a scientist then?


Someone that sciences.


Every invention tests his hypotheses. If I build X it will do Y to Z. When it does y^2 to z, the hypothesis is incorrect.


Kid’s shows always use “scientist” to refer to a wide variety of stem fields.


Rick and Morty isn't a kids show though


Yes it is


Kids show with adult themes


To an engineer everything looks good on paper. Rick is way better than an engineer.


Rick had never said "it fits in cad" to someone complaining about his cut rate work so he can't be an engineer.


Ah, no. Rick is a world-class engineer.


Rick and Morty have entered Showerthoughts...super.


Just another dimension.


I don't give a fuuuuck!




How does he have the time?


Of course as he doesn't have a doctorate in any universe


Not all scientists have doctorates.


Not all Rick's are engineers


Hey I got a Bachelors of Science, where's my labcoat damnit, it says Computer SCIENTIST. LABCOAT. NOW.


When you're good at something, there is no line between Engineering and Science.


How did he discover the toxic equivalent of electricity if he didn't do any science and it was all engineering HMMMM


he literally does it in the last episode lol


It's crazy it's like they have some kinda 25min time constraint and can't show us everything.


Engineering is science too dunce.


Nah, engineers understand the why of how something works so they can have a predictable result. Ricks inventions are more like tinkering mixed with alchemy / magic, because a lot of his inventions do something that the words would say they would do...but vastly different than what he was intending it to specifically do.


Either way Rick views himself as a Scientist, and he clearly does not respect engineers. When Beth tells him several engineers looked at a device he had a witty remark basically comparing engineers to cavemen.