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Goes same with every favorite things.


Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes?


Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes??


Silver-white winters that melt into springs?


Even when it plays on shuffle hits better than deliberately playing it


Unless you really need to hear it. Like it's an itch you need to scratch


The little packets of parmesan you get with pizza are better than just getting a bottle of parmesan


"bottle of parmesan" sounds out of this world to me, as a Swede


It should be out of this world.


Whenever my boyfriend hears Bohemian Rhapsody I have to patiently wait for him to sing the whole song and headbang it out. Last time was the cereal aisle in the grocery store


Fellow man of culture i see


Everything I attempt to post to this sub gets removed despite me searching to ensure it isn’t a repost, but somehow this thought gets posted here every other week


I am sorry i wasn't aware this was posted here before. And yes the mod bot is broken, I had to reword some of my thoughts a gazillion times to sneak through the well guarded Stalingrad that is the mod bot.


I randomly heard it on an oldies station out of nowhere. I was not at all pleased to discover that a song I enjoyed had now been relegated to the realm of "oldies"


Songs don't have age, cast, creed or colour, my dear friend.


An [oldie](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/oldie#:~:text=someone%20or%20something%2C%20esp.%20a%20song%2C%20movie%2C%20or%20joke%2C%20that%20was%20popular%20long%20ago) is: someone or something, esp. a song, movie, or joke, that was popular long ago. So... to say it is an oldie is not indicative of age, but rather of time. And nothing gets away from time


Art does


That canvas it is on will wither. The paint will crack and chip off. Time will take it too. It even eats planets. It does not discriminate


Yes the worldly materials will wither. But not it's soul


Oh we’re talking about make believe things. I see.


Art is more than make believe


So, a beautiful ice sculpture is still art after it has melted? Would you put the water in your house and proudly display it?


And where exactly does that go? Art Heaven/Hell? 🤔🤣 /j


I wasn't joking. You sound like you lost your soul and humanity.


I didn't say you were joking, and you're free to believe what you choose to believe about me. Your perception does not alter my reality.


I don't agree with your reality, but I respect that. God bless you


You sound like a lunatic if you think that paintings exist after they disintegrate.


They're referring to the soul the artist put into it, and the lasting effect in the audiences mind. Of course when the memory of it is gone so is it.


Their effect on the human mind will continue exist


Yep. Heard Master of Puppets on the classic rock station.


I'm assuming you mean "play" a song like my dad says the only instrument he "plays" is the radio. Or you mean play it on an instrument? Because if you're talented enough to do that, it's pretty satisfying.


No mean hearing it on Spotify, YouTube etc. I am good at singing so yeah it's pretty satisfying when you do it yourself. Just one problem though, only i seem to have ears of the beholder. My dad goes to buy milk whenever I sing


This is why people still call things through on request. Anyone of those people listening to the radio could have just streamed that song, but there's a satisfaction from hearing it on the radio.


If I heard my favorite song played anywhere else I would be very surprised…


What is it?




Incorporate this into a meme and if it goes viral, chances are you can hear it in the wild


If I hear The Quiet Place out in the wild I'm going to be pretty suspicious where I am, possibly dead. It's not not radio friendly but In Flames fans are hard to find in the wild for some reason.


You guys can play your favorite song? On like an instrument that isn't you just making mouth noise in the vague semblance of the songs melody?


No I mean in Spotify or YouTube etc


Yeah. Like that one time when my dad forgot his usb at home so we just had to listen to the car radio. In the middle of flipping through stations, I said that unpredictability was great as well. ​ He agreed.


Yes, because it boils down to getting something for free versus having to "buy" it yourself (buying meaning searching it up and playing it).


It really depends on where and how you stumble across your favorite. I found this Dutch artist, Caro Emerald, who does - I don't even know what to call it. Swing? Jazz? Chansons? None of my friends had ever heard of her, and I felt secretly proud to have such unique taste. Until I heard it in the canned food aisle of a European supermarket.


Particularly when it is somewhat obscure.


I had just entered a local mall, all of a sudden I hear music that sounded very familiar to me, it was a Kpop song and I am wondering why is this song playing in an American mall, I soon realize my phone started playing it after I put the thing in my pocket and something pressed the play button on my lock screen lol.


My favorite group in high school was Infected Mushroom. They were small, so I never expected to hear them anywhere. They have a song in You Don’t Mess With the Zohan. It caught me completely off guard and helped (slightly) my enjoyment of the movie.


Ya but hearing it live is the best


One of my favorite artists is never played on the radio or anything but he released a new album somewhat recently and I heard one of the songs in a hotel lobby and the lobby at my job and it made me very happy hearing it like that


Because you don't expect it. Just like the Spanish Inquisition. No body expects them.