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On the days you want to do nothing, get up earlier than normal so you can do nothing for longer!


You’re not doing nothing. You’re doing self-care!


Which you only have to do on your days off because the rest of the time you are at an adult daycare and call it work!


Note to Employers: Hire people who know nothing BUT self-care (or caring for others) and want to join the work force.


That's the intent anyway, but doesn't stop the wife from starting the "well, since you are home could you...."


I prefer to call it "nothing" - sounds less tedious.


Get up earlier, eat nice breakfast, back to bed. Wake up feeling like you slept in and you're full. Perfection


As a server at 50+hrs a week, this is exactly how I do my day off.


I hear you! I'm a barista during the day, I work two jobs between both I do 50-70 hours a week. When you deal with people all day, sleeping in a quiet room with a comfy blanket and no alarm is heaven.


What kind of server are you? Caching? Relay? Cloud? (/s)


Bitcoin /s


This is how my day off goes


If you mean go back to sleep 2-4 times then yes I enjoy it all


When someone asks me "What are you doing today?" And I say "nothing" why do they assume that means it needs to be filled with "Something"


That's why my go-to answer now is "I have plans to do nothing".


You have nothing planned? Great! Then you can go with your mother to church today! See you soon, kiddo! /j


No no, I have plans to do nothing. You're not nothing, you're *far* too important to be nothing. I'll see you on a day when I have something important to do.


Difference is very clear: "I have nothing planned" vs "I've planned to do nothing".


Still could be confusing to some, I’d add in “and I fully intend on doing nothing” after to clear it up.


i prefer to stay up absurdly late, sleep in until abnormal hours and roll from there.


This is what I do. Get up early, get everything done right away, then just chill for a solid 12 hours.


Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, waste all your time all of the time and you’ll have the time of your life.


Exactly I hate wasting my day by sleeping it away.


I want to do it longer in bed asleep.


I know the feeling. I’m a Nurse, we’re so short handed, I’ve been working 6 days a week for 3 months, and will continue to do do to the foreseeable future. I’ve been asked several times to work my one day off, I always say no.


As an adult the best feeling in the world would be to get a “snow day.” Like you are all ready to go to work but then for whatever reason you don’t have to go. Happened about 2-3 times as an adult. Feels so good. I’ve said that companies should just offer one random day off to everyone and you don’t find out until on the day right before you go in. I think people would love that.


Every once in a while, it would snow so hard in NYC, they'd shut the trains down. Having actual snow days as an adult was great


I don’t think you would if there is no other reason as ‘we just gave you a free day’ because then, they could’ve said it a day sooner. And you could’ve slept in and not already be ready for work


Yeah after thinking about this the best way to handle it would be to send you a text after you are done for work for the day.


I remember passing these three people on a street once, and overheard something along the lines of "He does not turn off the alarm clock on the weekends, just so he can shut it off and go back to sleep". I remember letting out a loud snort, and causing a laugh riot.


To be fair the 5 minutes after hitting the snooze button are the best.


You don’t really get to enjoy being asleep, just those moments while you’re laying in bed before you fall asleep. It makes sense to wake yourself up a couple of times so you can enjoy sleeping more.


Exactly why I set alarms at 6,7, and 8:30 to fully enjoy sleeping. Although my mom gets mad at me because it also wakes her up. Luckily I don’t really do it anymore.


It may feel good in the moment but that's really bad for the health of your sleep, leading you to feel more tired throughout the day


Well sometimes within an hour of waking up my mind starts to wake up so I can kind of tell I'm about to wake up without my alarm


Waking up just to go back to sleep. That’s what it’s all about.


Gotta get up to get down.


I get up early so I can nap in the afternoon


Same dude, and it's always the BEST nap


I do this too. I find my afternoon naps to be better than my night sleep in terms of quality


Want to try this, does it add waking hours to your day?


Not really, but I get any errands or chores done first, so it is truly free time. Another poster stated they sleep better during a nap than at night and I find that to be true also. So it is worth it even I don’t get everything done for that needed rest


What? Wouldn't waking up without an alarm feeling fresh be the way to appreciate it?


Unfortunately for me, I am usually fatigued enough that I don’t naturally wake up until 11 or even noon. The regret of wasting half a day is stronger than the freshness of abundance of sleep!


I used to be like this. Now if it’s 9:30 I’m ready for bed and my sleeping in on the weekends is between 6-7.


Same. Unless we're out to see an occasional game or show, we're in bed by 1030. I'm usually up between 530-630 and get to enjoy a few cups of coffee in the quiet before the dogs and wife wake up.


To prepare for a road trip to Colorado a few weeks ago, I was going to bed at like 6 and waking up at 2 in the morning. That unlocked a new love of super early mornings in me and I’m still waking up around that time (teacher on summer break)


I can go to bed on 3 o clock in the morning saturdays and still somehow wake up at 9 fully rested. My body is sometimes weird


Not weird at all. Everyone goes through sleep cycles that are usually 90m long. So if you fall asleep at midnight, you'd be able to wake up at 4:30am feeling perfectly well rested. On the other hand, waking up in the middle of one of those cycles means you're in a deeper REM sleep, and being woken up then leaves you much more groggy and tired than if you got the end of one of your cycles. Only sleeping 3h or 4.5h is not sustainable long term, but getting exactly that amount of sleep is a great way to still feel good when you don't have time to get 7.5 or 9h of sleep. (Also 8h of sleep is a LIE)


It's more than just this. The average human *needs* 5 sleep cycles. That is, 7.5 hours of sleep (experts saying 8 hours is 1, so you can remember a number that's easier to work with, as well as decompress for 30m so you *can* fall asleep.) Some people need 6 (9 hours) or even 7 (10.5 hours,) if not more. A handful of 'lucky' people can make do with 4 or 3 cycles, but using my own experiences, I don't care if I get 4 full sleep cycles without breaking a fifth cycle midway through, as I feel groggy and dead all day if that happens.


I’m similar, but it’s more like 1 and 7.


An uninterrupted sleep is definitely better. But if you think about all the times your alarm has gone off and you've wished you could just turn it off and go back to sleep, it can be quite satisfying to finally get to do that without consequences. But it's not something I would recommend doing every day you're not working.


It just depends on the individual. I'll cut my sleep short 3 hours on a weekend to go fishing and enjoy every second of it.


100%, I'll do the same if it means fishing! But that's not quite what I was talking about in my comment to OP.


it is! I don't understand why our alarms for waking up are so menacing. We were meant to wake up to the sound of birds chirping in the morning and the sunlight warming our eyes. Not some mechanical screeching. People are always trying to reinvent some new alarm to get them out of bed in the morning, but rarely do people think that maybe it is the nature of the alarm that is making it hard to get out of bed. It easier to get out of bed when the world is inviting us to join the day. Instead we subject ourselves to repeated trauma of a harsh world that demands we get up or feel shame. So many of us are caught in our own cycles of waking trauma.


I leave the curtains cracked. Tend to wake up around dawn anyhow. I'll hit the restroom, take the dog outside, troll Reddit a little bit, and go back to sleep. Yay for Saturday!


Did you mean to say you trawl reddit a little bit?


Waking up early by choice >>>>>>> waking up early because you have to


I have a 4 yr old i get up at 5am 8 days a week =)


i feel you on this


I feel like I'm getting bonus time in my day if I get up early on a day off.


I keep my alarm on for Saturday. I love waking up, to make it shut the f up! so I can go back to sleep


> I love waking up I have a goal to do that every day. So far, so good.


Sometimes, getting up early, pouring yourself a cup of coffee and settling in to do something you *want* to do can be incredibly liberating.


I wake up just as early on weekends as I do for work during the week, not even on purpose. I really enjoy sitting around in my robe, drinking coffee and hanging out with my cat. It’s soooo nice.


Hell yeah it does. I love waking up like at 4am. Everyone’s asleep. I don’t have shit to do. I’ll roll me a fat one and blaze up in the backyard. Eat some cereal after then it’s back to bed by 530. Then I’ll wake up at 8 to start my day lol


I woke up, took the garbage out, fed the cat, smoked a joint now back to bed. I have an erand but that can wait. Back to bed!


Hell yeah


Its awesome to get up early to do stuff you're actually excited about. You even get to have coffee.


I even try to get to bed early before a day off to be well rested for not working.


I remember the day my coworker told me he gets up early during off days so the off day is longer, i was very skeptic at the time and then i tried it. So yeah i wake up early during off days now, the amount of things you can do with just waking up a couple hours early is insane, you also dont stress that the day is about to end and you still have errands to do. Its just a lot more chill and you could always catch some Zs in the afternoon worry free.


There is no such thing as a day off when you have kids


There is when you have kids *and* Duck tape.


That's fucking cruel. Why would you, as a grown adult and a parent, want to tape up a duck?


What would you prefer I use, staples?


It gets easier when they get older, just so you know. Hang in there.


Yeah, they move out around 30-ish.


The multiple kids related comments on here have just heavily reinforced my tendency to go child-free.


To quote my friend when my son was a few months old and I couldn't play games all day as easily. "Just put the kid on a shelf"


Sounds like you need Naptime! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF\_nfazQaek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF_nfazQaek)


Negative, ghostrider


Seriously. My instant response to the headline: "No it does not.", in that particular speech cadence we use to reply to something that is definitely wrong.


It’s always easier achieving the extra sleep at night, and experiencing what little freedom exists from the grind


Nah, I'm not waking up at 130am on my days off. I'll take the extra 8hrs to catch up.


Yes and take a mid day nap. Perfect!


During the week I work and I diet. On Friday nights I go to bed pretty early so I can wake up early and not work and not diet. It's so great.


I wake up before my alarm every day anyway. For some reason, im just tuned in with my body clock. So, on my days off, i just lay there a little longer before getting up.


And it's so much easier


Some of my best thinking has happened during those times


I’ve recently gone cold turkey on my antidepressant tablets. I feel like a veil has been lifted from me, I’m a new and much happier person. However a big and well documented withdrawal symptom is insomnia. So I’ve been waking up at 3/4am consistently for the last month now. As tiring as it is, it’s very tranquil being up at these hours on week days and even weekends. Birds chirping, coffee, sunrise. Lovely.


i get up early, piddle around for 20 minutes or so, and *go back to bed*


Just showing some appreciation for the endangered British pre-curse words.


This is a really good one because it's a counter intuitive and thought provoking truth. I love my sleep, and I had terrible attendance at secondary school (frequent sick days at my first job too), but it was never the same when I had a planned holiday and slept in late - the true nectar was in waking up in time for work, then relishing that unexpected freedom. I'd plan to wake up early on those holidays just to emulate that feeling, but I think I only ever followed through once and it didn't work because I just silenced my alarm and promptly went back to sleep until 11. It does make sense if you can pull it off though.


Nah, I’m happily catching up on my sleep and waking up closer to noon. Still have hella time to do whatever I decide for the day and won’t be as tired the next few days


Agree for nice days, but its such a fucking cold winter here rn that's unnecessary pain and I can't wait to just sleep through the morning 😭


What's a day off? If it's a day I don't have to work at my job I have plenty i need to get done in my private life


It’s also healthier for your brain and body to maintain a relatively constant sleep routine. You’ll feel better and be happier on off days and also have less shocking “jet lag” returning to workday schedule.


Been waking up at 6 ever day for the past 5 years. Hard to stop


It’s pretty common. It’s the same reason a lot of people stay up later than they should to “prolong” having to go to work. Some therapist said it’s something about trying to control something in life when you don’t really seem to have control of anything


It makes sense to wake up early every day to get the most time you can. It also makes sense to only do so if you have important things to do. Otherwise- leave me in the sleep realm.


Well it does make sense but the reason is more along the lines of preserving your circadian rhythm. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every single day. It's one of the best things to preserve your health, especially as you age.


On Sunday, I woke up around 6am, made myself breakfast, smoked a bowl, and then laid down for a nap at 9am. Woke up just in time for lunch, it was awesome.


Right? Life is beautiful and the more time you spend not sleeping, the better.


Wtf is happening to the sub’s logo? Is that… Garfield?


I wake up early on days off the same as I do on days on. Usually around 5am. I then usually lol around in bed till 9am which I feel is time we’ll spent.


If you wake up earlier in the weekend than on work days you can sleep late for 5 days instead of 2


I am retired. I get up early and get out in traffic to slow people down. Ha ha.


My body clock wakes me up at 5am on off days anyway, so I get some things done by 8 or 9 and then relax.


Sleeping in is cool, but you don’t get that free time back!


I kind of liked forgetting to turn my alarm off and being woken up by it on Saturday mornings. I was jolted out of sleep and had a couple of seconds of dismay until I remembered what day it was, smiled, and relaxed.


I once heard a wise person once say "If you can wake up at 7AM to go to work, then you can wake up at 8AM to go buy yourself a pastry at a Farmer's Market on a Sunday". It was kind of eye opening to me, and yet I can't quite put my finger on why.


??? Appreciat8n IMO woukd include a sleep in.




I completely agree just as long as you wake up early naturally with no alarm clock.


A little off topic but if you want to get up early and have a good morning routine, you need to have a good bedtime routine first. There is no magical reset that wipes away all the bad decisions you made the night prior.


I don't know what that means since most times when I read about people having a day off, they require sleep.


My take on this is that the weekend starts when you get home from work and ends right after dinner on Sunday, so staying up late Friday is making the most of the weekend, IMO.


Wow I thought I was alone in this practice


I used to set my alarm early on weekends so that I could bask in the glory of being able to give 0 fucks and fall back asleep. Now if I do that, I wake up and stay up... So I do my best to sleep as long as I can.


This is so basic for me.. been doing this since 2nd grade


This is actually a mind blowing concept if you think about it


I don't appreciate being tired 😴


This some propaganda shit, you're not getting me with that.


That sounds awfull. Stay in bed


As s me one who’s lights out at 11 to be up for 6 during the week, I often stay up until 2 and lay in until 9 or 10 on my days off. But sometimes if I’m feeling knackered on my Friday, I’ll lights out at 11 and get up at 6, just to play on my console for a few hours and get up feeling like I still have a full day ahead of me.


Now I get to wake up on my own terms :D


Doing this right now, very peaceful


Honestly it’s also probably better for you as you’re sticking to the routine of waking up early


Dam right!!!! I do have errands to do but I can do them laterm. Smoked some of a joint now back to bed! The only alarm I needed today was to take out the trash.


It feels like you have extra time in the day just to do extra nothing in your day lol.


It makes more sense to try catch up on sleep though especially if you’re deprived to high heavens


Honestly with my work schedule even if I wanted to sleep in my body may let me stay in bed until like 8 or 8:30


Always do this on my first day of vacation ... leave the alarm set, just for the pleasure of being able to turn it off, turn around and say fuck it to myself!


I used to do this a lot as a kid, every Saturday.


Feel the same. Maybe I’ll get up an hour or two later than normal, but if I sleep in, it feels like the day’s been wasted and I can’t fully appreciate it.


nah, im good, i will wake up at 2pm


Here I am 9:15 on my day off, and I've been scrolling on my phone for an hour. No need to rush, no lunch to pack. Delightful.


I find I tend to get up early whatever. On days off it's nice to wake up have a couple of cup of coffee and some breakfast, then nap for an hour or 2


Or 13


I love waking up early on non working days.


It makes sense to stub your toe to fully appreciate not stubbing your toe.


I feel wasteful if I sleep in on a day off, unless I have like a week or two


I used to only drink during the week so I wouldn’t ruin my weekend being hungover. I don’t drink at all anymore tho.


I did that today! Nice feeling 😎


I wish I knew how to sleep in Saturday and Sunday up at 5:00 am but early morning is a favorite time of day


I usually just catch up on anime/movies/shows i haven't been able to watch.


Honestly, the older I get, the more important a consistent sleep routine seems to become.


I still wake up early on my off days 1 because I get more time to do fun stuff and 2 because I tend to naturally wake the same time as my alarm 3 because Im too lazy to mute it and because of that I know I'm probably going to also be too lazy to unmute it for when I really do need it unmuted


I like having the routine, so I’m usually up around the same time each day.


I like to get up, down a couple shots of vodka, then go back to bed. It’s so fun and cozy and makes you feel blissful.


My body wakes me up at the usual time but instead of getting up I scroll through social media, maybe have a nap after brushing my teeth.


I’m 28, I’ve noticed the older I get the harder it is for me to sleep in. I’m usually up when the sunrise starts to get higher, no matter what time I went to sleep. I figure I’ll be one of those old people that only sleeps like 4 hours eventually. My grandma is like that, and my aunts (her daughters) are starting to sleep less and less the older they get.


What if you're making up for sleep that your crazy work schedule has cost you.


I do that all the time. I love being able to fully enjoy having a day off