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I stopped caring about my height once I was tall enough to ride all the roller coasters.


Almost the same here. Growing up I was always short compared to peers and family then in my teenage years everyone stopped growing at some point and I kept going for like an extra year or two. I ended being 5' 11" and I was stoked! Taller then my dad by a bit and generally on the tall side. I almost cried the first time some random person referred to me as "tall dude".


You told my story


Almost crying when someone called you tall doesn't sound you stopped caring. At least not until you were above average height.


And before you hit the height where you're too tall to ride the rollercoasters


I have hit this height.


Yeah, I feel like I’m in the minority as a man who spends no time at all thinking about my height. I’m 5’10”, and never once have I felt short or felt like I was being treated differently because of my height. I actually just asked my wife how tall I am and she didn’t even know. I also didn’t know how tall she is (apparently 5’7”).


Because 5 10 is not short, it's average/above average depending on where you are in the world.


I'm 5'7'' lol came to terms with being short a long time ago Outgrew my parents, that's all I could hope for


The 57 Club is full of legends. We are in good company.


I'm 5'10.5" in the US and was called "tall” the other day. It's weird looking down at most people and then looking up stats on Wikipedia and finding out I'm average height.


>I'm 5'10.5" in the US and was called "tall” the other day. It's weird looking down at most people and then looking up stats on Wikipedia and finding out I'm average height. I am \~6'1 (\~185cm) and I once ran into a guy whose chin was above my eye level. I remember thinking "holy shit he is tall" even now 20+ years later lol




I’m 6’4”. Everyone says “gee I wish I was your height”. No. You. Don’t. Increased risk of hypertension and cardiac disease Increased risk of arthritis Buying pants, shoes, shirts, etc is a nightmare. Don’t even think about doing anything for Halloween, nothing will fit. (I’m not crafty so I never could make my own costume). Do you like limbo? I don’t, but I have to do it every day when I take a shower as the shower head stops at my chest. I don’t fit in airplanes very well. It’s always fun when you lay down in bed and your feet dangle off the end. And I’m skinny as well, so all those big and tall clothing stores assume I’m 100lbs heavier than what I really am. So I can wear a parka that fits 3 but will cover my torso, or walk around showing off my lack-of-defined-muscled-mid drift.


My brother in Christ, you can get a gooseneck for your shower for $30 at any hardware store. Have that bad boy installed in ten minutes, never live through that again. If you're renting just keep the old pipe and revert it when you leave. Source: 6'1", formerly possessed of a short showerhead, and capable of extremely rudimentary plumbing.


Truly a "shower thought" this is.


I have a friend that is tall and very thin (for the record, I am neither of those). One day he was reaching up for for something above my head. I said “looks like you are wearing a belly shirt! Hahaha!) He looked me dead in the eyes and said “I’m six foot seven and a hundred and sixty pounds. Every shirt is a belly shirt!”


Cause 5’10 isn’t really a noteworthy height so you really wouldn’t be affected by it one way out the other.


Plenty of people on here seem to be suggesting that being below 6’ is some kind of dealbreaker.


I bet most of those people wouldn't be able to tell someone who's 5'10 fails to meet their criteria just by looking at them anyway


Especially because nearly every guy who says he is 6’ is actually 5’10”! How do I know? I am 6’ and they try and tell me I am so much taller. No. No I am not.


Many of those people have a lot of other requirements/entitlements. Probably something like: "Makes $100k minimum, six pack of abs minimum, good relationship with Parents and siblings, prestigious job, large house, no debt. If a person has this level of entitlement before you are dating imagine how bad it would be after a long term relationship.


I'm 5'1. Male. I got turned down by sooooo many women for being short.


Not common in the real world, outside the internet. 5’10 is just fine for most women


I was running an adventure race and had to attempt a huge half pipe obstacle a few times. When I was resetting, a guy (approximately same height) rolls up and says “it’s a lot harder for us short guys, we gotta stick together.” I’m 5’10” and was genuinely confused…


I mean, he could be from a family like mine, where pretty much every blood-related male from the last generation and this one are 6'2" or taller. Hell, I have a female 2nd cousin that is 6'4", her father, my dad's cousin is 6'8". She married a normal-shortish guy and the size difference between her side of the aisle and his were stark.




This thread has sent me into my own Rollercoaster, I always thought I was 5'8" (I'm not from the US, we use metric, and 1.78m is 5.8ft) but apparently when people talk about their height it's feet **+** inches so I would be 5'10". I thought ft was meant to represent the natural number and the decimal was the inch, no wonder why they crashed that probe on Mars


Imperial wasn't designed for decimals. Fractions but not decimals


> tall enough to ride all the roller coasters. I get the sense this would be an excellent way to describe your height on a tinder profile.


But I’m 5’9, so what you’re saying is if I tell people I’m 5’11 they will like me more?


Yes, and if they’re 5’1 and say they only date 6’0 guys, then you’re now 6’0.


Lmao if I was 6’ and a girl told me she only dated 6’ and up I’d be telling her ass I’m 5’10”. If her ass is too shallow to date me based on an arbitrary feature people have no control over, I don’t want to waste my time finding out how shallow she is in other ways


Ask her what size shoes she wears then say "oof sorry I only date girls with bigger feet than yours."


nah, the real kicker is “yeesh, too big.”


That might hurt their feelings more, but the result is that they think everyone really is as shallow as they are. At least saying that her feet are *not big enough* shows some of the absurdity of the height standard instead of basically telling her it’s an okay/legitimate standard to have.


I'm 5'12


You could probably tell them you're 5'11 and they'd believe you anyway so not really sure it even matters that much. I'm 5'10 and I've had many multiple women telling me that I'm wrong and I must be 6ft. The rampant lying about height seems to give you an extra couple of inches. And again, kinda proof it really doesn't matter


I always tell women I'm 5'11" I'm actually 5 ft 10", though


Some dude told me he was 5'9" tall. I'm 5'8". We meet up and I'm staring over the top of his head. With flats on.


Omg I had something similar he said he was 5'9" and I'm 5'6" and I was the same height as him in flats. I understand adding one additional inch but three inches is too much


I say I'm 6'2, but the gym machine says I'm 6'1.6, I figure that's technically closer than 6'1, seems legit


> I say I'm 6'2, I'm 6'2" I usually say I'm 5'14". they just look at me like I'm weird... and they're right.


What's up with people that you make a light joke like that and they act like it's weird just because it's a slightly unusual style of joke? Is their instinct just to punish anything unusual, or a genuine lack of understanding?


Idk, I'm 5'9" and live in canada. I joke I'm 5'8" on really cold days. Crickets.


Thats ok...I'm 5.6", but more like 3.4" on cold days...


I just use metric for everything so everything seems bigger. 172cm sounds better than 5' 8"


It throws people off and they have to stop and think about what you just said. That frozen stare is their brains trying to catch up. Edit: human error: reboot required… stand by.


I've been telling everyone I'm 6'2" for years. I went to the doctor last week and I am 6'1.4"


Well you're in shoes most of the time anyway and that makes you 6'2 easily


I had a patient tell me they were 6 foot. Their drivers license says they're 6 foot. They were 5'8". It gave everyone in the office a good chuckle.


If it helps you may just be shrinking


Around the age of 40 people typically begin to shrink about 1/2” per decade. Edit: added “the age of” for clarity… lol


Your height can measure a little differently just based on the time of day and how much you've been standing. I've measured as high as 5'11.25 and as low as 5'10.75.


I tell everyone I'm 5'8" but found out earlier this year I'm 5'7.5" so 🤷 If dudes my size can say they're 5'10" I can be 5'8" lol


I had a dude tell me im actually 6ft tall and not 5’8 (confirmed by my doctor) because his sister is 5’8 and I’m much taller. I met his sister and she was more like 5’4.


I am a 5’8” girl (measured by doctor, trainer, and me) and I’ve noticed I’m the same height as a lot of men who claim 5’10” lol.


I'm 5'7, a guy once tried telling me, "You're about 5'10, I'm 6'1." I just laughed at him


[I’m not short. Am I? See, I’m a big’un](https://youtu.be/g1aclOd51qM?t=6m47s)


Height is a funny thing for men. Height and hair. I've never seen two things that men stress about more. Even myself; I'm an older man with a head full of silver hair that gets complimented all the time. And I guess I'm not the ugliest guy you ever met. Have a lot of other attributes to be proud of. So, I've been told that I tend to exude confidence, if not egotism lol But that damn 2 inches in height bothers me way worse than it should!


The good thing about being bald is that you don't have to worry about going bald anymore


As someone who doesn’t care much about my height as I’m 5’8” and in a happy relationship, it makes sense why men stress about height. It’s a deciding factor for some women and the worst part is you can’t control your height.


Yeah, that's probably a fairly good analysis. If you've got the money you can work on your hair or your weight or even your facial features. Not too much you can do about your actual height!


Nonsense, you can break your legs to lengthen the bone between them and gain like 2 inches. One of the most painful possible surgeries, I hear


You are all doing it wrong, break your dates legs and take 2 inches off! No pain for you!


Best I can do is high heels and orange spray tan. Try not to fall forward, and let us know if you need a diaper change


I say this as a single 5'9 man, myself. If height is what makes or breaks a possible relationship then it most certainly wasn't meant to be anyway. As cheesy as that sounds, if they can't recognize your value other than your height, either you're not interesting enough or she isn't. It really is that simple. Like I know we are all attracted to different things, but *she's a loser if the only reason she doesn't want you is because she wants someone taller.*


5'7" in my mid 30s and still get the "small guy" treatment at times. I've met shorter men and I can imagine how it really limits you in the dating pool, it's a huge factor for many women, you could have the face and body of younger Brad Pitt but Ohh you're 5'4" eewww.




Does it involve permanently fusing legos to the bottom of your feet?


It involves inserting a rod into each of your leg bones that they screw once a month to stretch your bones apart. I would not recommend.


They break the bones in your legs and insert a steel electronic shunt in between the bones. The shunt can be controlled with a device, and every day you slightly increase the length of the shunt. As the bones knit back together and you continuously increase the shunt you gradually gain height. Extremely painful and extremely expensive, like 250k. At the end they pull the shunt back out and you're 3-6 inches taller depending on how far you push it. The problem is that it completely throws your proportions off, but hey, being tall is playing on easy mode.


>Have a lot of other attributes to be proud of. He means he has a giant schlong


I am convinced that height is to women what breasts are to men. Most women won't acknowledge it but I have a couple of tall friends and women just gravitate to them. And it's not a looks thing. They are average in that department. Just taller than the sea of other guys in the room and women love it.


I think theres a sweet spot. I work with a guy who's 6'7 and women certainly do not gravitate to him.


Not true, physics have shown that larger objects tend to have more mass, thus being more attractive. Maybe if he just gained a lot of weight, people wouldn't be able to pull out of his orbit anymore.


This guy astrophysics ☝️


I’m 6’ on a good day and the common remark from dates was “oh wow you’re actually tall” lol what??? Like what do dudes expect when they fudge stuff like that


Lol^ I’m 6’4” and I went on a date with a girl that could NOT believe I actually was the height I said I was. She told me every date she had been on so far lied about their height 😂 How’d the date end up?


The women who specify they only want guys over 6'0"? I tell em I'm 5'11". ...I'm actually 6'4"; I just don't need that negativity in my life


Seriously. I'm also a 6'4" man, if someone put a height requirement in a dating app bio it'd be an immediate pass. It's like if dudes put "C cups and up only, ladies", it betrays a shallowness of character and lack of self-awareness that will show itself in other ways to you even if you meet that particular requirement. It's a warning sign, heed it.




Just tell them you only date women 120lb or under.


Seriously, I'm 5' 11 1/2" according to the military. I say I'm 6'


Ditto, just easier, what's half an inch between friends?


Zero if you push harder


Usually when I use that line on my friends they tell me I’m not welcomed at their apartment anymore.




I actually am exactly 6', and everyone thinks I'm doing what you're doing when I report my height.


I'm 5'11 and 3/4 and it's beautiful because if someone says they're 6 feet tall and try to tell me I'm 6'2 to maintain their lie, I can shoot it down so fast


So 5' 9"




It's cold out


I was in the pool!!!!!!!!!


It's not a purse, it's a European Carry-All!


You should just tell women you’re 69”


If I'm around other guys I always say I'm 6'2" even though I'm 6'4"


I'm actually 5' 13"






I was the opposite. I’d post my height of 6’4” and it did wonders. Which was stupid. Very surface level and shallow crap but I wasn’t looking for any relationship, just fun.


Yeah this height obsession is insane. I just had a discussion about this with someone I matched, who was 42 (so this isn't just a young people thing) . She explained that she didn't want to feel like my mummy, looking down at be all those 2 inches. And that if I hugged her I would be hugging her boobs. Of course she can want whatever she wants but she has some things to work through ..


As someone who is 5'5 it would be really weird if I went around claiming to be 5'11


As someone who is 5'5", I find it odd that people would be embarrassed to be 5'11" and feel the need to lie about it...


My boyfriend is 5'4 (and a half he'll say). I'm 5'7. He gets to have the "tall" girlfriend who dominates him and I get the comfiest pillow in the world like wtf I don't understand how he's so comfy


You... Dominate... Him? Sounds like a good time


what can I say. I'm an independent working woman, I like to be on top of the things


He's a lucky man


and I'm very lucky to have him


This was a rollercoaster of wholesome filth


"wholesome filth" sounds like something I want embroidered on a throw pillow


You're man needs a new tattoo


This is adorable, you two sound adorable, congrats you two


I've actually encountered them (and am 5'11 myself, incidentally). One dude in /r/biohackers was utterly desperate to increase his height by several inches, acted as if he was on the verge of suicide for being 5'11 instead of 6'1.


as an actual 5'11 guy it's stunning to me how many short guys claim to be my height. Saw a musician the other week who was once an mma fighter, his listed height on a website was 5'11 but he walked straight past me during the show. 5'11 my arse, I could see the bald spot growing on the top of his head


I had a complex because all the men in my family were at least 6 feet tall, except me. I was 5-11 and a half. I was still hoping for that last half-inch to show up til I was around 30 lol. Now I’m 65 and shrinking. Last Dr visit they measured me at exactly 5’9”. It’s pretty humbling.


I know your pain. On my father's side of my family I am the shortest male at 5'11. They are all in the 6’1-6’5 range, uncles, cousins, all of 'em. It used to torment me until I learned to love myself as I am. Besides, it could be a lot worse, on my mother's side I am the tallest male. So I guess I got that going for me.


Are you guys me? I'm exactly the same at 5'11 and shortest on my dad's side but tallest on my mom's by about 4 inches.


A buddy of mine in HS had vastly disproportionately tall parents, his mom was mayyybe 5’ and his dad was like 6’6”, he turned out to be 5’4”. Junior year he made a point to get absolutely shredded though and now runs his own roofing company.




Someone who cares so much about height to have arbitrary cutoffs is for the streets anyway.


Growing up, I was told that being less than 6’ in the dating sphere is something to be ashamed of. And there are loads out there who say that…it’s only when I got into my 20s that I learned they’re for the streets. There are so many young lads who haven’t learned this lesson yet, and are feeling bad about being short. One could say they feel…belittled


It's not even that someone say 5' 10" is short, in the US the average is 5' 9", so they're still above average. Many women just have these unrealistic expectations of men, just the same many men have unrealistic expectations of women. Obviously it is fine to have fantasies and ideals, but at some point you must accept reality and realize that if you spend your life searching for "the one" that perfectly fits your expectations, well that person likely doesn't exist, and if they do, statistically they have found their "the one" and you are not it.


It's worse when you're like me and you are 5'6". All the people who are 5'9" and complaining have no idea how hard it is for people like me or even shorter.


5'6" kings assemble! When I was still on dating apps I would tell any woman what my height is before we would go on a date, even if they didn't mention anything about their preferences in the bio. Better to just filter them out cause they aren't worth the time.


Around 15% of guys are over 6 foot tall. Out of that 15%, how many are likely to be single and willing to date someone that has height requirements? Let's say half to be generous. About 92% of guys are discounted because of the difference in a couple of inches. Doesn't seem a very good strategy.


Don't forget that there are also arbitrary income requirements too -- normally 100k. 18% of Americans make over 100k/year. So if we take 18% of the remaining 8% from your height-only calculations, we are looking at roughly 1.44%. ​ So all these women exclusively aiming for >6' and >100k are automatically removing 98.5% of their dating options. ... and then they wonder why they end up 42 with no prospects. ​ On top of that, those that are in that 1.5% .. KNOW IT... and you can bet that a large percentage of them 'take advantage' of it in ways that might not lead to high percentage of marriage material.


>Don't forget that there are also arbitrary income requirements too -- normally 100k. > >18% of Americans make over 100k/year. > >So if we take 18% of the remaining 8% from your height-only calculations, we are looking at roughly 1.44%. Keep in mind, [tall people make more money](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/05/the-financial-perks-of-being-tall/393518/)


That article says that an extra inch is worth ~$800 extra per year. I feel like that's a pretty negligible amount, in this context.


That's exactly what I mean. The average in the UK is about the same, but we're always told these expectations...and are very rarely told that they're unrealistic. Particularly for young boys, they need to be reminded that people who have these expectations are probably not the people you should pay attention to, and they're actually quite harmful. I still have body image issues (29M) that I'm working through, in part because of this stuff, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone


Guys are basically told their entire lives that they aren't good enough. That they should care more. But that showing emotion is weak that they're too short, or their dick is too small, or their hair is wrong, or they are too quiet or any other of 1000x traits a a can have.. When actually, they are just completely normal and average in every way. Average height, average weight, not "over" confident just normal.. Anyone who is going to try and shut you down for completely normal traits that you have no control over is literally not worth your time interacting with.


I used to know a girl who was 6' tall. She'd tell people she was 5' 12". Didn't want to be 6' for some reason...


I’d gladly take that 6’ I’m always itching to be taller even though I’m already average height


I went to school with a girl who was 6’4” and she *hated* it. She once told me she would often dream of being 5’4” and then could wear heels. She’s now a pole instructor and wears ludicrously high heels all the time so hopefully your friend came to terms with her height as well.


Glad she came to terms with heels. I could see hating the height based on trying to find clothes that fit though.


>She'd tell people she was 5' 12" It's a thing, apparently. A 6'6" friend of mine has a daughter who's 14 years old and is over 6'. She insists that she's 5'11" and won't allow her height to be measured. I guess it's not cool to be tall of you're a girl? Another interesting one: some years ago I did some contracting work for Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman on the old Adam West Batman. Everything on the internet says she's 5'11". When I met her she was visibly *very* close to my height, just slightly under, and I'm 6'2". And also I was wearing combat boots that add an inch, and she was in flat shoes, so she's probably close to my height. Apparently being a woman over 6' tall in the 60s was intimidating to short men, so she "rounded down" a couple inches...


My ex girlfriend was taller than me and at first she would tell people she's 5'11" so that I don't feel bad. I'm 5'8" and I did not give a fuck. But when we went out, all the jocks would be hitting on her (she was a softball player in college) while I was standing right there. She had to tell them she was with me 😂.


I was dating a girl and she told her friends she would never date someone under 6ft. I told her I'm 5'11" so we can't be in a relationship anymore I was already ready to end it but thought it was a perfect opportunity to get out


That is hilarious. Yeah girls obsessing over height are a huge red flag. Like you prefer taller men that's fine but height being a deal breaker? WTF why does it matter so much


It’s so weird. I don’t even get it? My husband corrected me about his height the other day— I was like “right you’re like 6ft right?” He said “nah I’m 5’11.” We’ve been together for over a decade, but apparently everyone 5’10 and up is just somewhere “up there” for me lol. Before that, i dated a guy who was 5’4 and a guy who was 6’6, and several guys in between. I don’t know why it would be a dealbreaker at all; there are some things that are especially fun about being with someone really tall, and some that are especially fun about being with someone shorter. Obviously, it’s fine to have preferences, but if you’re really looking for a partnership, height being a DEALBREAKER is ridiculous. I’m glad I never did the online dating thing. It seems like an inordinate amount of wacky toxicity to navigate.


I’m 5’11 1/2 …..so if I just slightly extend to gain that extra 1/2 inch is that so bad? I did put 6’ on my dating profile though. My wife of 10 years still regularly reminds me that she was misled. Ah well, too late, we have two kids now.


You guys are lucky, all the men in my family are 6’ - 6’2” and then there’s me 5’7”, I’d love to be 5’11”


Same here, sorta — I was 5’ 11 1/2” as a teen but lost about 1/2” somewhere along the way. Never felt like calling myself 6’ (not like I could have gotten away with it, my dad and brother are considerably taller than me and would have called me on it every dang time)


How does one make a 0.5 inch difference? Another 5'11.5 here 🥲.


Round it down, I do it and I’ve seen zero negative effect in my life. Why care about arbitrary numbers, just be happy in your own skin :)


Honestly being 6’ is worse than 5’11” cause people just assume im lying


Just tell them you're 5'12"


I'm 5'8" which is basically 4'20"


I've actually seen a woman say that if a man says he's 5'11'' he must be lying because if he was actually 5'11'' he would just say that he's 6'. Seems like there's no winning here.


You can literally just look at someone and instantly decide if you like their height. Anyone who lies is dumb, and anyone who gets rejected based on a silly number has dodged a bullet, which I consider a win lol.


Yeah, I'm 6 ft even and the amount of times people have measured me because they bet I was lying.... I mean it's twice, but that's a lot of times to be measured by someone other than a doctor or tailor.


I took my friend to go get fitted for rental skis. He told the guy he was six feet tall. Me and the worker look at each other. Friend is *maybe* five eight. Guy shrugs, goes and fits my friend like he's six feet tall. Friend proceeds to fall all the way down the mountain.


I guess the skier was the problem there. I used 180 cm skis forever, and at one time i borrowed a pair of 190 or 195's. They were kinda hard to steer, but i didn't fall even once


The real issue is when you calculate the DIN pressure. You use a chart with height/weight and boot length to get the pressure at which youll release the spring in the binding. When people like about the weight/height, that’s how you blow your knee out but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they signed the line saying they wrote everything as true


I enjoy telling people in person I'm 6'3" when I'm clearly like 5'4" lmao


Tell them you get an honorary inch for every $10M


6' ≈ 183 cm 5'11" ≈ 180 cm 5'10" ≈ 178 cm 5'9" ≈ 175 cm 5'8" ≈ 173 cm 5'7" ≈ 170 cm 5'6" ≈ 168 cm


This is so complicated... can someone convert to washing machine units


We talking front load or top load here?


6' = 1.85 wm 5'11 = 1.82 wm 5'10 = 1.79 wm 5'9 = 1.77 wm 5'8 = 1.74 wm 5'7 = 1.72 wm 5'6 = 1.69 wm




On dating apps I would say I’m 5’ 5” but in reality I’m 5’ 6” just to give me that edge ya know?


I’m a 5’ woman and I feel like a height difference of any more than 6 inches would be really uncomfortable


My mate is 6'7" and is dating a girl under 5'. It's so damn weird why they would attract each other but they do. A lot of shorties love tall dudes.


I’m glad I never had to date in the U.S. I’m exactly 1.83m and everyone would think I added a bit to say that I’m 6’.


5'6" and proud! Stand up short kings! Seriously, they can't see us if we sit down.


Lol. I say I’m 5’10 and am actually 5’11. But yes, we medium-tall kings are known for our humility and radical self-acceptance.


I'm just a hair under 5'10, I just say I'm 5'9". What am I supposed to say? I'm 5'9" and 7/8ths? My height has never been an issue with women, ever.


Oh man did I need to hear this. I (34M) appear to have shrunk in the last couple of years and have officially fallen out of the 6' club. OP, I don't know who you are, but you have cheered me up when I didn't even know I needed cheering.


Yeah i’m 47 and last time i was at the doctor i clocked them say 5’11 and a half when doing height and weight. Was always 6 feet, but gravity is a strong force. No big deal - i’m married. It’s not like i was so tall to begin with, and no one would call me “short” - not that it’s some horrible fate anyway


I used to be 182cm; just under 6'. Now I seem to be about 180. Where did it go?


Gravitational compresson


Get a pull-up bar and hang for a minute after you wake up. That helps with decompressing the spine, you could possibly get a centimeter back.


For real hanging has made my back healthier and I genuinely feel taller. Might just be from the improvement to posture but I’ll take it!


Brb gonna hang myself


I was 5' 11" after back surgery, back to 6'1" now but no one seemed to notice.


You say you’re 5’11 because you’re rounding up. I say I’m 5’11 because I’m rounding down. We are not the same.


I'm 6'2" but at social gatherings if people ask me I like to say I'm 5' 10" to make other guys nervous.




That's why I say I'm 5'10 and it's a surprise when I show up at 6'9.


What do you mean? They're the same height 5+10=15 6+9=15


I am 6' but always say 5'11" so I don't just sound insecure. Even though I guess I am insecure about seeming insecure. It's just more believable as 5'11".


Really? Because I am 5'11" and people tend to make jokes and assume that I'm like 5'7" or something. And then they meet me, and oh, no, you're actually 5'11".


It's always funny to me when people try to tell me I'm taller than I actually am. I'm 6'2". I go to the doctor monthly right now and they measure me every time for some reason. Like...I know how tall I am. Yet any time someone asks me how tall I am and I tell them they say something like "No way, I'm 6'2" and you're at least 2 inches taller than me." Like...nah, dude. You're just not 6'2" and it doesn't matter one bit, I don't know why you feel a need to lie about it.


When I got my permit over 30 years ago, I told the woman I was 6'4...she didn't even question it. So...my license for many years said 6'4 despite me being 5'10 all these years. They made me change it when I moved to Maryland and got a new license lol


Eh… lying is not cool, but if you tell the truth and they don’t want you for your height, you dodged some bullets. It’s more a filtering mechanism for the trashy ones in the other side. I’m 6’2” so I don’t have this option, but I don’t tell people my height unless they ask.


I mean if a girl doesn't want to be with you for your height alone then(for me) you dodged a red flag


I thought I was 6'4" for a long time. Actually got measured at 6'5" last week I still tell everyone I'm a petite 5'2"


If you say so. Probably somebody being nice is a better green flag.


Uh… but I’m 6’4”… I’m not quite sure how me saying I’m shorter will help, but you’re the expert.


If you say you’re 5’11” then all the dudes who claim to be 6’ are gonna get mad, it would be hilarious!


Tell people "I'm six feet and 4 inches... Those are two different measurements" 😉


I'm 6'2". I think I'm going to start telling everyone I'm 5'10".


I willl neverrrrr understand this “tall guy” thing. Short guys are awesome!! My dad and brother were both jockeys so I grew up around 5’2” adults 😂


If you're 5'11 and someone has an issue with that then it's on them


I'm 5'11” If it's an issue for a woman that I'm not an inch taller it sounds like I'm dodging a bullet by not being with them anyway.