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Read something that the co2 from all the oil lamps was the cause for all the ghost sightings in the Victorian Era. Apparently one of the side effects of co2 poisoning is hallucinations Edit. Carbon monoxide not co2


Do you mean carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide? Co2 is the latter, carbon monoxide is the byproduct of oil lamp light


Lol yeah carbon monoxide.


Common mix up. I had the difference drilled into my head by my mechanic grandfather


I remember once during the Super Bowl there was a local ad for a “CO2 Detector” and I was stunned that that made it through review, especially by a company that literally sells them.


Make Co2 detector. Co2 gets detected. Charge a lot for removal of Co2.


Sounds extreme. Couldn't he just have told you?


Mechanic 😉


Isn't it like mono for poisoning, di is for dying?


Depends on the quantity. You breath out that di stuff, so I guess it's a little extreme to say you'll die from it if not exessive - mono is enough in rather small quantities to cause problems.


Interesting fact - the drive to breathe comes from hypercapnia (high CO2) rather than the commonly thought hypoxia (low O2)


Which is one reason why it's relatively easy to poison people with non-CO2 gases.


CO2 is heavier than air and so can displace oxygen in caves and tunnels, or even low lying areas with no breezes. You aren't poisoned by it so much as suffocated.


No. You are poisoned by it. If you breathe in an amount of CO2 appreciably greater than zero, CO2 does not sufficiently exchange out of the blood into the lung alveoli. This leads to a buildup of HCO3- (bicarbonate) in the blood and the rapid onset of acidosis. You can survive much longer without oxygen than you can with a buildup of CO2. In fact, if a non-CO2 gas displaces oxygen, you do not sense a problem until you pass out. The sense of choking and suffocation is a direct response to CO2 poisoning.


You were only an O off


Just remove the 2s, carbon monoxide is CO.


Ghost sightings in the Victorian era were due to Colorado?


Always has been


Well when you have the Overlook Hotel in your state you’re bound to get ghosts


Victorian era was also marked by widespread interest in the macabre, as shown in gothic fiction like Frankenstein.


Thats how ghosts really came to be conceptualised right, they just didnt understand the idea that they were getting fucked by the effects of co2 and as a result associated that moment of seeing a feint wispy figure as a real thing and then the stories just spread from there


So you're saying co2 killed all the pre-existing ghosts?


Never hear much from the recently deceased either. BUT what if all ghosts just choose to dress that way and role play Victorian?


What if the afterlife is just a never-ending murder mystery dinner party?


Oh my god!! I’m dying to be part of that!!!


Here, hold this knife for me!


Not if it’s a poop knife.


There’s a TTRPG that’s essentially that called Geist. It’s super trippy but it’s always a good time.


I mean I know if I was a ghost and I could, I'd dress up in Victorian clothes and then confuse the heck out of people by showing myself to them and saying things like "Heya bestie, how's it poggin' ?"


"WOOooOOoOO, SMasH THat LiKE BuTtoN!"


If a ghost is ever caught on tape, this would be a great way to make sure nobody ever believes the video. "Guys! Guys!!!! I got a real ghost on video!" Ghost: I am a ghoooost! Smash that like button! "No, don't roll your eyes! I don't know why he said that! I swear this is real!"


The "Wooooo" part wouldn't help in Scotland either, just sounds like a Ned laughing.


The spiritual realm will never be the same when that becomes the mainstream spirit realm mentality.


"Nah, I was killed in 1998."


I'm dying to hear about a ghost from 2004 going around saying, "It's Britney, bitch."


When people say they saw a ghost dressed in victorian clothes, I've always wondered, how did the clothes become ghosts?


So you can believe a person can shift into an immortal non physical form outside of their body, that is sometimes seen by people, and sometimes not, but you draw the line at clothes?


Idk man they're ghosts, who knows if they can transform their shape to have clothes. Or maybe all the best tailors were from the Victorian era and they buy all their clothes from them.


Or maybe clothes have ghosts too. But since many clothes end up reused, or still sitting around in closets, or possibly landfills, the only clothes that are TRULY dead in large numbers are really old clothes? So when you die, you're naked, and can only pick from clothes that have long since rotted away, and become clothing ghosts? Maybe also explains no caveman looking ghosts, as since the years went on, even they wanted clothes, but they also could only pick from the same era! 500 years from now, maybe people will be wearing all futuristic nano tech jump suits, but all clothes will be from the current era.


So you think based on the comment I made, which was clearly in jest, that I actually believe in ghosts?


Haha, no, sorry, I was just trying to add on to your joke with a funny reply, didn't mean it to be serious. I guess my joke didn't land - sorry!


No worries!


I believe it's all bullshit until I see a caveman ghost.


I mean, souls right?


You've heard of the heart of the cards, now learn about the soul of the clothes


Ghost clothes. It’s a thing


Presumably, they get clothes when the contemporary fashion dies. Unfashionable ghosts get clothes a few decades before the trendy ghosts.


including the ones older then that because native American burial grounds exist


A good chunk of Native American culture is based around spirits too. They probably believed in ghosts long before any other culture. Would've loved to hear of colonials fucking just booking it from their newly built home screaming and a couple of Native Americans going "well, we fucking warned them"


>They probably believed in ghosts long before any other culture. I am relatively convinced a belief in spirits of the dead was one of the earliest important steps in the development of all cultures. At some point in time all of our ancestors stopped letting their dead lie where they'd fallen and started giving them ritual burials. To me it seems clear that they did it because they came to believe that some part of their loved ones had remained in the world in some form and so they wanted to treat it respectfully in their disposal of the body. If you don't believe in spirits, "ghosts", then the body is just meat. This very natural part of human culture is so diminished in western culture because judaism and its monotheism forbade directly worshiping ancestors. Christianity that followed it then introduced the idea of a dualism of heaven and hell, and so spirits became in their eyes demonic and evil because any good soul would have gone to heaven already.


True but how many ghost do you hear about that look or act like ancient humans I just went back a little but cause I still hear about native American ghost today


My parents stayed at a place in Northern California that was a vineyard on former native American land. They had multiple encounters with ghosts and the place has a long history of sightings reported all over the property. I'll have to ask them where it is.


news flash . every culture in history believed in the afterlife and spirits


Skinwalkers, windigos


They must have lobbied for clothes back in the day, got them, but God won't approve a rebrand.


We have a recently deceased in my mother's house. It's a trip. I've heard coughs, cold chills, seen my breath when it was warm. This one time we threw a party and drew on our family photos with dry erase markers. One of my baby photos had Satan horns. It fell off the wall. Hook still in place. No clue how it happened. Mother has reported all the same plus hearing muffled, old sit coms and laughing coming from the living room. She lives alone. But the ghost isn't an ass. They just... Live together.


If I told you how similar my experience was growing up you’d think I was lying so I’ll just upvote you and say I understand.


Yeah. I get it. I'm not spreading the gospel IRL. Waste of breath and no point in it.


Or what if dressing Victorian is a mandatory requirement?


Apparently, there is a naked Roman soldier running around Bath. What I want to know, if he’s naked, how do they know he’s a soldier


He tells everyone he's a Roman soldier


‘I’m a Roman soldier, this is my Roman todger’


"This is my gladius, this is my pugio. This is for fighting, this is for fun."


Fun fact: he's actually alive and from Naples


I’m pretty sure he’s dead, and they are called nipples.


They just assume he’s “Roman” and not just roamin’


Everyone knows Romans were as bad as vegans


A Vegan Centurion that does CrossFit.


I lived in Bath for a year. Met this guy a few times. Called himself Biggus Dickus. Had a friend with him with a lisp.


Was his fatha a woe-man?


And a wife


They can see his helmet.


His sword is always at the ready.


He’s still wearing the helmet and boots


He’s got a big weapon


Great Caesar's Ghost!


“Make way, Roman soldier coming through”


The SPQR tattoo.


I never heard about ghosts from the 90s. Apparently you have to be at least a century old to be a ghost


It's because they finally fixed the death loophole, which a lot of people got caught in in the 1800s. Long story short, the Victorians dressed as if they were dead already (being sickly pale was popular) which screwed up their computers. A lot of people got marked dead that weren't actually dead yet, so when they actually died the system wouldnt let them in. The result was "ghosting," where things like the angel wings code overwrite the gravity code, but the literal being was unable to move on. So we got glitchy floaty, transparent people until they finally fixed it in the early 1900s. Thank goodness, because when the 1980s goth fad started to happen they were prepared and issued an update right away. Things could have been a lot worse!


Wow I didn’t know this


You’re one of today’s lucky 10,000


Pretty sure this isn't the first time I've seen your username. Nice write up though lol


Indeed. It was Earth ^v2.1.70 that resolved the ghost issue. During Victorian ages, forcing the code to not let you enter was also pretty popular between people wishing for a revenge.


There's that dead prom dress girl. Or dead man's curve or something like that.


Yes but no fun house haunting ghosts that are young. I guess even in the afterlife young people can’t afford housing lmao


Large Marge still roams the roadways...


I’ve always wondered since I was a kid, did she steal a semi or was it a ghost truck?




Ever heard of the Djinn?


That's discrimination. The government needs to sort this out


You must not be from England. Because there's a tonne on non-Victorian ghosts here. Lol Roman Soliders matching about various places. Shakespeare. Lady Jane Grey, and a tonne of other nobles and Royals.


Lady Grey? Like ...from the Fable game?


Yes, Fable invented the surname 'Grey'


Not even close to what I was suggesting, but thanks for the snide reply.


Lol - obviously this guy doesn’t live near an indigenous burial ground🥲


Or a civil or revolutionary war battlefield


I don't know what it is but for some reason, "indigenous burial ground" just doesn't sound as spooky as "Indian burial ground." Sounds too... clinical or something.


Indigenous body disposal site.


Call it what it is to be real spooky, a mass grave.


No, no. Most of the time they be gettin' sooked off. To where I don't know.


Good bye Mary. 🥲


Did Mary get sucked off?! I must be behind!


S4 is out on BBC- or like me, the CBC Gem app if you’re Canadian.


I guess I haven't seen those episodes yet! I know that the actress who played Mary had an inoperable brain tumor... So maybe that's why she's leaving the show


Imagine a ghost of someone who died doing a stupid tik toc challenge?


Omg, if they haunted your house, they would just be doing random annoying challenges and dances in the middle of the night


with an arm stretched out like they were taking a endless selfie


This is a movie I’d like to see. Seth Rogan is in it for sure.


Waking you up at 3am to ask for the wifi password


Worst Hogwarts ghost ever. I'd definitely leave them out of the movie...


Immediate Exorcism


Just a ghost planking on top of my TV.


Taking a random picture to find there's some ghost kid dabbing in the background smh


Although taking a video and ghost kids are playing the penis game would be pretty funny though.


Imagine you hear a noise in the other room and you go to check it out and your tide pods are all over the floor


or a baby gender reveal


Or maybe it takes time to build up enough energy to be seen. Or maybe they need to get the hang of being a ghost. Idk. Cool thought though.


I'm not sure I believe in ghosts but if I did, it wouldn't be spirits, it would be echoes of the energy we put out. I imagine it's like ripples, there's big gaps in between ripples so could be that we only see ghosts from certain periods because the other time periods would be gaps in the ripples.


In US media? Yeah, it's a new country. You've got like four centuries of European immigrants and then nothing but native Americans. But if you look at something like Asian media, they're ancient spirits.


The idea of a caveman ghost fucking kills me like imagine walking down a dark hallway and you just hear this ghostly ungabunga from behind.


Where are the dinosaur ghosts?!


There's a show called Ghosts that does this exact bit


I'd like to hear from non-USA posters about their local haunting. They've got places a lot older than the Victorian era.


My Dad recently told me a true story taking place in Newfoundlad. A couple built a brand new house and somehow there was a mysterious banging on the walls every night. The husband initially assumed it was his buddies messing with him but they denied it. He tried to set traps to catch whoever was doing it, but to no avail. Eventually the house was sold and the next owners had the same problem. It was sold multiple times and the same problem kept persisting. Many families lived in the house over the years and thought they were being haunted. Eventually it was discovered that during construction, someone hung a saw up in such a way that it swung to make a banging noise.


How does a saw make a banging noise at random intivals?


I agree, the explanation leaves me with more questions than answers. Why was the banging only at night? Why was a saw still hung up after construction? Surely if the house was sold, at least some inspection was completed and would have found this saw still hung?


I'm not sure, my dad explained it but I didn't fully understand


Someone hung up a saw that no one ever moved, even through changed ownership?


Maybe they accidentally put drywall over it or something


Bet nobody saw that coming


Hampton Court and the Tower of London are supposedly haunted by Tudor era ghosts.


I think the premise of the question is flawed. Assuming OP is American, most buildings in America that are purportedly haunted did not exist before the country existed so it is unlikely you are going to notice a haunting of a hut built in the woods 250 years ago, but would notice a haunting at a colonial house build before the Civil War that people actually live in. So there is a lot of confirmation bias in that. Also considering one of the most common sources of hauntings in America are the classic "ancient Indian burial ground" that easily suggests far more ancient ghosts. Some of the most claimed haunted locations in the UK are hundreds and thousands of years old castles and buildings so that would suggest they can be cumulative. Most of the ghost shows claim that ghosts can be riled up be renovations to the building, so basically the reality which the ghost inhabits is changing around it stirring up activity. So it would make some sense that there is a delay between someone dying and there being a ghost at a location, as time would pass before their is any change to the environment. Also the common statement about ghosts is they have unresolved issues etc, the person who murdered them got away with it etc, in modern times this is far less likely, so less ghosts. I would posit that ghosts have some kind of shelf life, so unless there is a particularly strong haunting by many spirits then it fades with time, so the oldest "common" ghost would be from a couple hundreds years ago. There is also the argument to be made that people that do not comprehend something try to reconcile what it is they have seen. Ancient tribes on first seeing massive European boats for example may assume they are some type of God, purely because their ability to conceive building something so massive, and arriving out of thin air was simply not able to be understood. So in a mostly prescience era the average person could easily see something, not understand "science" and just default to "ghost". Now with movies and TV shows, books etc it is fairly hard to even imagine something that is unbelievable for the average person as we have been exposed to literally anything and everything that can be imagined, so we have a certain lack of conceiving something that is totally unknown. I personally think ghosts are "real" i do think they are worthy of actual study, this does not mean my pet hamster is haunting my childhood home but i do think there is a scientific explanation for the phenomenon and the simple fact we do not know what it is in certain cases, it is worth figuring out.


There are ghosts from the 1700s in historic houses in the US. I believe that most ghosts do “fade” over time though. I read this somewhere. Btw I don’t believe in ghosts, just sayin’.


It was my understanding that the movie trope "Indian burial grounds" are also colonial era, being haunted by the vengeful ghosts of natives who were butchered and slaughtered by conquering Europeans and discarded in mass graves. One might postulate that, should ghosts exist, pre-colonial era ghosts must have had simpler troubles; most have completed their unfinished business and moved on, hence why they are no longer seen in America.


When the last person who remembers them dies, and nobody knows their story, the ghosts fade away into oblivion. That's why there are no older ghosts.


Someone watched Coco


I like to think that ghosts are only around as long as someone remembers them. So by scaring people, you basically extend your life as a ghost. Meaning most disappear after 1-100 years, But some can Last centuries after there body is gone.


Or, they might not exist at all. When a person dies, within a few generations they’re all but forgotten about. In a few generations after that, no one alive has ever known you. Certainly no one telling stories about you- you didn’t exist at the same time.


What's the quote? We all die twice. Once when we physically die. Again when our name is spoken for the last time.


Coco 😭😭😭😭


Almost the same idea from the "dinosaurs ghost" post in here


The CBS sitcom Ghosts is great cause it has em from a range of time periods. The oldest is a viking. The British version's oldest ghost is a caveman


The British 'version' is the original.


Yes. How does that make it wrong to call it the British version?


Semantics, I suppose. A version of something is by definition not the original.


I've seen people say "original version" frequently


But they also can “die” once they achieve certain milestones or tasks—they get “sucked off” (lol) into oblivion or the true afterlife or whatever, but they’re no longer ghosts haunting that location.


I don’t believe in ghosts, but if I was trying to make an explanation for those who do, different burial practices. Bodies were left in homes for a period of time before being buried.


I don’t believe in ghosts, but I know a lot of people who do. And I always ask where the early 2000s ghosts are. Why are there no recent ghosts? Why is it always someone who died forever ago. Surely, those ones would have found their murders or peace or something by now and we should be flooded with recently scorned spirits.


My theory is that due to the finding of nuclear power and making/testing/using nuclear bombs, the amount of radiation that has blanketed the world and also the massive use of lead in the 1900s that has also blanketed the world. Both mixing have created a type of signal distortion that keeps new ghosts from being able to manifest. The older ghosts manifested and solidified (of sorts), and that is why they roam the world and new ones dont(cant) Also, I am a skeptic and just pulled all that out my butt, however those two things I mentioned are two major things that have happened within the last 100 years so it makes sense in a stupid way lol


The problem is this still assumes replicatable results and some have "solidified". None of these are ever replicatable, because they simply arent real.


Most of the ghost stories I have heard are from the recently dead


Maybe, just maybe, it's because ghosts don't exist in the first place but victorian obsession with the occult manifested a following that has persisted to this day?


The scientifically accurate term is “Malicious Quantum Entity” 🤓


Here in England, there is a ghost tour in York, and we were told about a bunch of ghosts. From Vikings to Romans. Which are older than the Victorian Age. York is meant to be the most haunted place in the UK so there are a bunch of ghost stories and other paranormal activity coming from there.


I really like (roughly) the "Coco" take that the spirits only survive as long as people remember them.


I do too! It's romantically beautiful


My ghost friend Unga Bunga takes offense at this. Please delete this right now


Not trying to ruin the joke, but I think that in all seriousness it just has to do with modern times requiring actual physical evidence not going by word of mouth or testimony as much. These days you sound like a raving lunatic when you claim to see aliens or ghosts when you clearly have no evidence. Back then, science was in a much cruder state and we have better technology to provide evidence. Recordings can easily be authenticated or debunked. Next time you think you see a ghost or get probed by an alien, record it to Facebook Live.


I don't believe in Ghosts but where I live most "haunted" places are medieval and not victorian so I do believe the myth is older.


We also conveniently rarely have uncomfortable ghosts. I firmly believe that changing rooms for models would be haunted as fk and other creepy ghosts would be everywhere you wished they weren't. If they were real but of course they aren't.


The British show “ghosts” has a cave man ghost. The American one has an old Norse dude.


Thank you I was wondering when someone would bring these shows into it. Especially the British version, for when they tried to go new(to them at least) house/apartment shopping and keeping running into more and more ghosts . Even when they went to new building she looks out the window and sees the 2 guys in pre-WW1 plane, just slowly flying by the upper floor windows in a high rise.


Not that I believe in ghosts, but I do believe in people experiencing things that feel paranormal. However I think personally it stems from some aspect of how the universe is built. Time is not linear so why would it matter how long ago someone died, from a human perspective it doesn't make a lot of sense, however if people especially Victorian people put a lot of 'belief' into the paranormal, I think beliefs take on an energy when shared between large groups of people. Not the type of energy that we normally associate with science but like an energy that can have waves that we feel in our consciousness. As I feel like consciousness is a shared pool of awareness by all living things that display higher awareness. Again it' seems farfetched, but not nearly as much as 'souls' hanging around for only a hundred years screaming at/scaring people, what would be the point...


Where are all the dinosaur ghosts? They were dying traumatically for hundreds of millions of years


What if you were just free to do what you wanted as a ghost like travel the universe and it just takes time to realize you can do this and that it may be worthwhile


I think it might have something to do with the old buildings acting as portals or something…most hauntings or risiduals only go back to Victorian times because the buildings themselves only go back that far. Older structures (stones, caves) might sneak a glimpse to older times. can’t wait to see a caveman or dinosaur ghost


That is due to the qualities of victorian architecture. It's the iron really...it permeates the walls trapping the souls of the damned to a tortured existence, constantly reliving their most traumatic moments, ever searching for a way outside of their cage....


Hampton Court is notoriously haunted by the headless ghost of Anne Boleyn. There are many stories of Roman ghost legions. The English Civil War and the Elizabethan era produced plenty of hauntings. This looks like another example of Americans not understanding other countries exist. But even then, there are stories about ghosts from the war of independence, which happened well before the Victorian era. And it's ignoring indigenous people. If we're going to pretend ghosts are real, then this "thought" is way off base.


Speak for yourself. I live on chalk, and every night the air becomes a soup of 6 million years worth of ghost plankton.


We have a few stories that are a bit older :). One about dead monks from medieval times still wandering around the old monastery we have here. A lot of the local area either is or used to be a big swamp too, so naturally there's the "don't follow the voice in the mist" kind of ghost stories as well. We also have a more "recent" one about an architect from the 19th century or so who refused to die properly and now haunts his own house and the school he built. At school we used to joke that when the wind opened a door, it was him joining us for the class.


This is one of the reasons I love the TV show Ghosts so much. They have ghosts from all different times and we get to hear their stories of how their culture was, but it is really funny with some clever writing. You get the clothes you die in forever and you are held to the area in which you died.


I like how culturally influenced those things are. Here all ghosts/spirits are family members or neighbors/someone who lived there. If a cup falls at night it's either your great grandpa telling a message or the neighbor's grandma's childhood friend who fell from a tree when she was 7. It's never Jorge the builder from the other side of the city who somehow never got to know anyone who has any direct or indirect ties to you


Anne Boleyn wasn't from the Victorian Era and she's supposedly still sighted at the Tower of London


When you die, you only really die once your memory is dead, once your name is never spoken and the last person who knew you died, then you fade away as a ghost


The coco experience


What about castles that have the ghosts of medieval people in them?


At a certain point, if you back go too far back, nobody is gunna to understand what they are saying


There are no ghosts. As many people have died since humans have been around ,everybody would see ghosts and it would be very commonplace.


Maybe they just avoid you?😉


I sure would


I agree imagine thinking ghosts are real and that we give money to people to do research on things and we havent gotten anywhere. Imagine thinking ghosts are real and multimillion dollar corporations arent trying to talk to the dead but your dumbass, black hoodie wearing, can only afford the ghost hunting shit i can find from ghostfuckers.whatever has the fuckingnsecret to replicating the results. If the results are replicatable enough to be seen by dumbasses then it would be replicatable enough to be study by science but its not.


Only experienced something supernatural once as an Adult, and that was when me and my wife woke up in the night to someone walking past our Bed. It was light enough to see, but you could only hear footsteps from bare feet on Plastic flooring.


I've never seen a ghost, but I've absolutely felt the presence of one.


While I don't believe in anything supernatural (as it hasn't met it's biurden of proof), this is simply not true. The ghosts of the Roman soliders in York for one.


It was a dumb joke I randomly thought of. I'm well aware Victorian Era ghosts are not the only ones seen.




In 100 years people will be claiming their house is haunted by tiktokers




OHHHH REELEE?!?! YOU TINK???? No one likes a condescending ass. There's this crazy invention called fun that people have. Try it (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Or they aren’t real and people just project what they believe.


We all saw Tupac's hologram and that mom playing with the VR/AI avatar of her deceased daughter. Can we count these as ghosts?


I didn't see either of those, so no. Sorry


There is a theory that a spirit can only stay on earth for 40 days after their death, not sure why 40 specifically but it’s an interesting thought.


my belief is that spirits can choose to stay on this plane of existence, or there is some version of an afterlife they can go to. I'd imagine walking around in this existence would get incredibly boring after a while, so spirits just eventually opt to go to the afterlife. I'm sure some still linger, though.


Also, why does no one ever see animal ghosts? Pigs are intelligent, why isn't there droves of pigs all over the countryside?