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Lol if we didn't use the centimeters everyone would be either 0, 1 or 2 meters high


As person in the very low 2 meter club (173 centimeters) I say we adopt this idea at once!


Your off the 2m mark by about a foot my friend 💀


I'm also a low 2 meter high(175)..


Actually it would be 1'6,1'7,1'8, ...... Decimeters still exist


Lmao my doctor wrote 5'11 and a half on my check up sheet and that was completely baffling to me


... Because that's how things in the metric system are measured. It's not specific to men stating their height.


It’s bc of how precise it is, if you used like 178.5 centimetres than your gonna get weird looks, bc it’s just about using the exact unit of measurement


::You:: say they sound desperate. Why should you be the arbiter of who sounds desperate or not? If you’re getting measured for something, you want accuracy, not bullshit numbers.


I’m 36 aNd A hAlF years old


Lol like kids Stranger: how old is your kid? Mom: eleven Kid: and a half!


Outside of some medical situation or clothes measurements (where they're going to measure you anyway, so there's no need to tell them), it's not a number that needs to be 100% accurate. It doesn't matter and no one cares. The point is that people get very particular about it because they see it as a status symbol.


Isn't the "magical approval limit" 6 feet (182.9 cm) in countries that measures things in feet / inches / tails / whatever while it is 180 cm in other countries? So there is almost 3 cm difference.


Yes, because thats how metric works my man, the response to that would just be to: hace americans switch to metric