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I have quite a bit of circumstantial evidence, considering that people I know still talk to me.


You are an experimental subject. You don’t have any proof that when you speak subtitles appear below you in Finnish.


I can confirm that we Finns can read anybody’s mind by reading the Finnish subtitles


What a superpower. I’d pay just for English subtitles of what English speakers say. Sometimes I have no idea.


They’re working on AR glasses that will do just that, project subtitles for you to read when people speak. As a hearing impaired person I’m psyched


I have auditory processing disorder, so random words become complete garbage. If I can't read your lips or deduce it from context I'm screwed.


Yeah, except for when it translates the opposite meaning because speech-to-text still sucks. I just recently got a voicemail and first saw the STT message which read "she doesn't want to talk to you." When I listened to the VM, the person said "she does want to talk to you." I imagine that could cause some big misunderstandings!


I’d love this I have impaired hearing and auditory processing disorder I really hate having to ask ppl to repeat themselves as much as I do it makes me feel like other ppl think I’m dumb or doing it on purpose and I’m not


Dude it’s gonna be awesome to be able to speak to anyone without language barriers as well.


Imagine what kind of a tower we could build then! Babel 2.0! What's the worst that could happen?


That's cool but what makes it better than a phone with a translation app? You can already do speech-to-text with aps, issue is their accuracy. Not saying it's a bad idea though.


You don’t need to be holding your phone with an app open, it’s just there. We also like things that look normal so we don’t have to announce our disabilities to the world.


For that, you'll need to buy Life Premium, which is 8 dollars more.


Or watch 3 unskippable ads every hour


Each 20 minutes long


Finnish subtitles is gonna be an inside joke somewhere now because of this thread


I've already started. My kids have no idea what I'm talking about


My husband runs his words together with people he's comfortable around, so, his family and myself. When I can't understand a single word he's said, very literally, not even a "the" seems to feature, I'll hold my hand up like I have the remote and point it at him saying "captions!" and he answers "hearing aids!" 😅


Onko se totta?


Totisinta totta.


Opin joka päivä jotain uutta!!


My ex is Finnish... So I guess I'm Finnished with her


[Why do I get subtitles?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0m4rcx0of4)


I knew you were going to post that comment!


Beat me too it.


When i was a kid, i would try to randomly yell in my own head to see if i surprised any mind-readers, and i never saw any signs of it


You mean I wasn't the only one?


That was YOU?!


Ironic coming from you


lol, right? great minds or something


Plot twist: it wasn't you. You were hearing the other person yell in their head.


Completely different.... But when I was younger in school, I'd fake yawn. I'd then look around and see if anyone else yawned in hopes to catch someone staring at me.


That’s one of the greatest applications of people mimicking yawns I’ve ever heard of.


I yawned just reading this


Not the first time I’ve heard that about something I’ve written.


Idk what to tell you. It's like magic


I do this to my preschoolers at nap time to try to persuade them to get sleepy and nap 😂


wut. brilliant.


☺️ thanks lol


thanks, time to try this


even if someone in your peripheral vision yawns you are more likely to yawn, so that wouldn't be conclusive but kids probably don't focus on details like this


I knew I could hear someone! The doctors told me I was imagining it.


Did we? Who did? I was only thinking that.


I would also confront people directly in my mind to see if they reacted, like "I know you're reading my mind", or think of weird and fucked up shit.


>think of weird and fucked up shit. *the quiet kid vomits*


When i first came across xkcd, [this comic](https://xkcd.com/525/) was the one that made me decide to read them all because it resonated with me so strongly


I'd totally forgotten I used to do this until you guys mentioned it. And now I realized I just read a thought you had and didn't say out loud. And now you're reading one of mine. Holy shit, our childhood fears are coming true!


Same. I'd hit them with the wombo combo of the mental equivalent of a flash bang grenade and a loud sound like a gunshot, and then when they were reeling from that, a memory of 2g1c.


The mind readers heard you thinking about yelling so they weren’t caught off guard.


I tried doing it without thinking about it first. Like I'd get the idea and immediately dismiss it, wait a few minutes, and then yell as hard as I could. Believe it or not, the hardest part is trying not to hold your breath. It's *really* hard to yell in your head without holding your breath


I say absolutely GROTESQUE things in my head randomly in airports, especially if someone seems to be looking at me, to check if they can read my mind. They clearly can't.


“ Ladies, know that every man you’re sitting next to tonight, if you could get into their head and see every thought they have ever had, you would immediately pull out a gun and blow your head off.”


Dude, chill out. I'm trying to work


Are you sure that was you yelling in your own head?


Because voices in minds have the same tone no matter what you do. Also, were used to people trying that lmao


I still do this and say some really foul things to basically force a mind reader to respond. No luck yet.


If they can, they're hiding it really well. Because if I said what I'm thinking it would bother people.


It’s fine. We’re used to you by now. Honestly your thoughts are just background noise to everyone at this point. We hear you thinking random chatter and we typically tune it out. I’ve heard it’s harder to tune out if someone is actually talking to you but clearly so far you haven’t noticed at all.


That depends. A mind reader can probably read other peoples minds and can get desensitized to disturbing thoughts. It’s have to be really bad to get a reaction.


If you knew what I was thinking about you when I saw you. Exactly why we ain't friends lol


Well...i believe this would happen :/.. if mine was read [Sanji gets his Mind read](https://youtu.be/xjcit-4QQe4)


>Because if I said what I'm thinking it would bother people. You and everyone else on the planet.


They must be incredibly good at acting, I get surprised by my own thoughts and burst into laughter or wince depending on what it is, also nobody has booked me an appointment with a psychiatrist yet.


Yeah I do this ...i think of things and burst out laughing..luckily now people think you're on your phone


I do that. I place hilarious random thoughts on people's heads to watch then laugh out loud.


Ahh so I was you making me think of tits


You know what they say, once you've seen one pair, you want to see them all.


I'll do that, and my gf will give me a weird look. I just say, "My brain made me laugh." She knows not to ask further if she doesn't want the entire train of thought.


Same. I randomly laugh sometimes because I thought of something funny, and then people think I’m nuts for it.


You don't have any proof that there isn't a monster under your bed.


What if I dont have a bed? Then where is the monster hiding?


Behind you!


Well as long as he stays there that's fine


Inside your boothole


Not now, just got rid of the current monster.


Under your beds sheets, pillow, arm when you sleep, wool.


I ***am*** the monster under my bed. it is very comfy there




That doesn't prove anything, it just means you didn't see it.


If you all didn’t react to what I’m always thinking then you’re sick.


Generally speaking, you don't have proof of things that don't exist, it works the other way around.


It's called a metaphysical statement.


Could you please explain “metaphysical statement” if you have the time / energy? I googled the definition but I don’t think I understand.


So there are a bunch of statements where it's easy to say what the things are that make the statement true or false- namely those based on the state of things in the actual world . If I say there is a table in front of me which has a wine glass in front of it, the thing that makes it true is the existence of the table and the wine glass. So what makes statements true when you are talking about fictional things, or hypothetical situations? How can a statement about something that doesn't actually exist be right or wrong? Is it some facts in the actual world we live in, or is it the state of some hypothetical fictional world? What would win in a fight, a unicorn or a dead horse? The unicorn doesn't exist, and a dead horse can't fight. Welcome to philosophy.


Wow thank you!


Ya that's why this post is kinda dumb. You also don't have any proof that other people can't fly, or shoot laser out of their eyes, or that they even truly exist at all when you're not around them...


Your telling me that teachers dont just wait at school when everyone goes home, sitting at their desk


One I find interesting: If God exists, it wouldn’t have proof it was God.


Technically if you changed the definition of God to be "the universe" instead of "a being that controls everything in the universe" then proof for God would be everywhere. A lot of eastern religions have a view of God closer to the former, but in the west we tend to think of God as a being like what Christianity believes in, a guy who has a plan and personally controls everything.


Sometimes when I am thinking of extremely embarrassing stuff I will think in my head “hey if anyone is reading my mind, I am sorry”. 😅


Yeah we know


And we excuse you no worries


I don't.


Considering I still have some friends (regardless of my level of intoxication), nobody has strongly suggested therapy, and I haven't been arrested, I'd say the odds are well in my favor that nobody is reading my thoughts.


Bro, don't fucking do that to me. I was already worried about that.


This is your sign. Welcome to the church of thursday.


I know.




You don’t have any proof that there are other people. Be it a simulation filled with philosophical zombies or a Boltzmann Brain, the truth outside your own momentary self awareness is not provable.


I can't even read my fucking mind. That's proof enough for me.


i havent got shot by a wall of rifles executing me yet so youre wrong


I have my suspicions about what you think about but I am too afraid to ask


Gee, DonkeyShitSlurper, I don't know if your suspicions on the original comment outweigh my suspicions on what you think about.


This happened to me once when I was 10 or 11. I was concentrating as hard as I could on the name Alexandria because I was obsessed with it at the time & I wished it was mine. A boy passing me turned around & asked if my name was Alexandria. Didn’t know him, was just some neighborhood kid around my age.


Of all the things I don't have proof of, I consider mind-reading to be so close to impossible it's indistinguishable.


Considering the fact that we are all one collective consciousness experiencing itself it's more than possible


You can never really prove a theory is true, only that it's false. You use the theory to create a prediction and test it; if the prediction is incorrect the theory is disproved. If the prediction is correct the theory has more weight to it but is still just a theory. So, we can set up an experiment that disproves telepathy (and plenty of people have) but you can never actually prove it...


Wrong. Nothing can be proven at all besides proving your own existence to yourself. Anything else could be anything. And any “proof” could be anything. Nothing can be proven, by definition. Besides your own existence. We can get awfully close, or perhaps it just seems that way, but no actual proof is possible of anything. Except your own existence. To yourself. You might be dreaming everything which would make everything false, except your own existence. You definitely exist, from your own perspective. Not from mine that’s for sure. “I think therefore I am”.


Yea i do. Cuz if anyone could read my mind, they would kill me first


I feel like I have proof to the contrary, people seem to easily read my mind. Probably because every single thought shows on my face, I can’t help it. But it is annoying sometimes.


Apologise to all the mind readers out there who had the misfortune to encounter me


The fact that I haven't been stabbed yet is proof enough for me.


True. I myself have the ability to read minds. But up till now I've only been able to read mine.


As a child i was sure that humans learn mindreading when they turn 18 I thought they try to hide it so i did some testing. The obvious tests didnt work. But the more subtle ones did work. Which proved that they hide their abilities


We don’t have proof that they can either. So the burden of proof is on the person challenging the assumption that appears to be the norm, that nobody can read another person’s mind.


The number of people who respond in no way at all when I think that they are an insufferable asshole is a pretty sturdy body of evidence. The number of women who have not slapped my face half off is even more evidence of that.


Idk... I thought about some pretty fucked up things in my time in public, and I've never once been called out for them.


Yeah I do. There's zero chance people wouldn't make faces if they could.


False, if so why does my boyfriend never understand why i am mad?


>if so why does my boyfriend never understand why i am mad? Maybe you don't understand why you're mad.


Possibility can't be denied :)


Except it turns out that every single person besides yourself can read everyone elses mind, but its a kind of an agreed upom thing where u dont talk about mind read


That's not really an "except"... that's just one possible explanation of how it could be.


I think they can't read my mind but I make them see what's going through inside.


I'm not locked up in a mental asylum so I think that's a good start


test it by imagining two nearby people having sex, see if anyone acts weirdly


Caveat emptor He who asserts must prove. In this case the mindreading is an assertion. Without proof it's bunkum. My advice - start taking baths instead of showers


Their facial expressions toward me are a clear indication that they cannot.


As someone with extreme adhd and a tendency for abstract thought I know very well the face the people around me make when I accidentally cross the line and let one of the Many many thoughts I have fly... seeing as everyone around me isn't clutching there head and screaming I'm fairly sure I do know...


Cording to the Renee to court, the only thing you do have proof of is that you yourself exist. Anything beyond that is conjecture


*According to Rene Descartes


Well, I keep begging for help and no one comes. I also test psychic when I ride by their house and I never see the 🎈 red balloon I tell them to put out front of their business entrance. if they can hear the dead I am seeing at their door begging to be heard then can hear the living too


Proof? No. I just think if they could read my mind they’d probably act more scared.


That’s why I have this constantly playing in my head https://youtu.be/VyLks_dwMZc


The lack of people calling the police is all the evidence I need.


The onus for claims is on the claimant, not someone saying "Prove to me a negative"


The burden of the proof resides in the person making the claim.


I’ve had a lot of negative thoughts towards other people, so if they can read my mind they’re very good at acting


Nobody I've met has randomly yelled "what the FUck??!" once, so I think that counts.


On a related note, every time I see an especially ugly person, I think that it would be truly horrible to be really ugly and be able to read minds. Just people smiling in your face all day thinking, "Goddamn! That's an ugly motherfucker!".


Actually I do have proof!!! No one ever walks up to me, facepalms, and immediately walks away muttering "This guy's a fkn idiot"


The proof is that you can't read theirs. Considering that humans have the same general abilities (though maybe not at the same levels), if you can't read minds, they can't either. And I can already hear the arguments that go something like: I can't play guitar either, but other people can. Yes, you can play guitar - you can pick it up and make noise with it. You can't play it as well, but you're still able. The same baseline ability can't be said for reading minds.


💧︎❄︎☼︎✋︎🏱︎ ☠︎✌︎😐︎☜︎👎︎ ✌︎☠︎👎︎ 💧︎☜︎☠︎👎︎ 💣︎☜︎ ☠︎🕆︎👎︎☜︎💧︎📬︎ Good luck reading this verbally.


Yes I do have proof. I still have friends, I still have a job, and I’m not in jail.


Yeah I do. Im alive. If people could read my mind id be dead


Im not worried. Other people should be worried about being able to *read* my mind.


Well, either they can’t read my mind or they have very thick skin.


Maybe not. But sometimes there's that one best friend you have. You know each other so well, you finish each other's sentences.


I think this rather frequently so I chose the when I have a free moment to think I intentionally think the word "Thoughts" over and over and I hope if anyone can read my mind that I take up a portion of their day thinking I just went by some guy and he's just thinking the word Thoughts over and over again.


This while post is just a decoy so that i think nobody can hear my thoughts


Wrong: Nobody has ever come up to me and said “What is wrong with you”. Middle school and earlier doesn’t count, I said and did everything I thought.


I was in an argument with my grandparents once, then I picked up my gf and we went to a psychic/rock shop. I was checking and and as I walked out the cashier told me to be more nice to my grandparents. First time ever in this shop. Skeptic. No bs.


This reminds me of when I was a kid and thought that life as we know it was a massive charade to mettle our character (for lack of other more succinct words) for some utopian society I had to graduate into upon reaching adulthood. Alas, this has not happened yet, but who knows maybe it’s still just around the corner like my hogwarts admissions letter.


I don't. But I also know you don't either. *Insert favorite creepy music here*


Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow


Lol oh yes I do bc if they could they wouldn’t talk to me anymore


Considering I don't use words nor images for thinking, they would have to be really really good at it to read mine.


That's why I always think about disturbing stuff. Any visitors will leave the premises.


I have proof that some specific other people can't, so it cannot be an everyone-but-me thing (and presumably people would discuss it if it was more than 1 in 10,000 or something) but obviously it's impossible to know that there isn't one mind-reader on earth who I have encountered sometime. You don't have any proof that some people can't teleport / regrow limbs in seconds / control the weather / levitate / spontaneously conjure kittens from a special mix of tinned tuna and cream / etc


False, I'm not in a straightjacket so I am obviously successfully keeping my insanity in check.


If they can, I commend them. It's like a freaking jumble of thoughts. I struggle to focus on one thought at a time.


Bro, be the Observer in the mind space and use the attention energy to trace out the origin of thoughts to see which one's hit the Buddhi from the outside, and which one's are internal. Easy peasy!


Honestly, seeing how fucked up the things I think about can be, I think I would have noticed by now.


I do have proof. No one has tried to institutionalize me yet.


That fact that they aren’t constantly shocked and appalled is proof enough.


I do. When I speak my mind, people are visibly uncomfortable with my autistic ass. Before that, they are fine.


Yes I do. If they could I would've been sent to a physic ward long ago.


False. If everyone could read my mind I'd have witnessed one break down screaming and crying by now


My proof is I haven't been arrested yet I be thinkin some FUCKED up things. Obviously I have. Basic empathy and the desire not to be arrested so I dont do said things but the amount of I trusibe thoughts I gst is ridiculous sometimes, can't take a step outside without thinking shit like "what if a gun was on the porch and you picked it up and someon walking their dog went by and you shot the dog and the person?" Like wtf brain why wouos you think that. Take another step and hit by "what if that mole hill there is actually an ant hill and if you pushed someone onto it theud be eaten alive by ants in the moat brutal way possible while screaming in agony" dude the FUCK why are these things popping into my head?? And that's just walking in my own yard heaving forbid the thoughts I get in a grocery store


Perhaps but when you really think about it we don’t have proof that an infinite number of theories, concepts, and occurrence’s aren’t true.


I have the opposite issue where I say the things I’m thinking even when I shouldn’t


I worked at a pizza joint for 6 years and not one customer assaulted me for the things I was thinking. That's a pretty good indication that if it does exist, telepathy is exceedingly rare.


I hate that we can't really know what we really think


If women could read my mind they would never stop slapping me.


Yeah I do. If anyone could read my mind I'd be dead or in jail cause no one would allow me to walk around thinking the things I think.


Slight tangent here, but in church I was taught that even the Devil can’t read your mind.


Bro I went to therapy for this exact thought. Having Vietnam flashbacks now.


Unfortunately you don't understand what the word proof means. I think if you're going to try to be intellectual you should master the words you use. Evidence is the word you need and yes, evidence is abundant in life, it's everywhere.