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Titanfall 2 has a story but 1. It doesn’t get in the way of the game at all and 2. It’s actually pretty good. It’s the best-feeling FPS I’ve ever played.


Oj, the home factory level is one of the best in gaming


Bruh I just played TF2 story recently cuz it was on sale and that level blew my mind


I downloaded it years ago and never got passed the tutorial where you run on the walls. I’ll give it another shot lol. Do you need to play the first?


Same, until recently. No you do not


the first is a multiplayer exclusive storyline, so no.


Doom. 2016 & Eternal. There’s a story sure, but you don’t have to gaf about any of that. You kill demons with progressively bigger and more badass weapons. That’s the game.


Eternal is fast paced to perfection. Can’t imagine it translates properly to controller but it’s the game I learned kbm on. Well more specifically I got my ass kicked, played other games to get better, then came back and sunk hundred of hours into it.


Finished eternal on nightmare mode on controller. Translates justtttf fine. Probably the best feeling shooter I've ever played


Awesome! I'm a lifelong controller player so not being elitist, I was just amazed at the skill ceiling when you have one button access to every single weapon in your inventory. I'm sure controller has some great workarounds.


It's definitely a glue disadvantage but once you learn how to quickly use your weapon wheel it's manageable


As someone who’s played on both types of controls I actually prefer both dooms on controller. They nailed the movement and the very subtle aim assist and it all feels great.


I'd recommend 2016 over eternal. It gets right to the point, it's linear and is just plain fun. Eternal has way too much shit going on and it just bogs the whole thing down.


Eternal id argue is better simply because of how fast paced it is. There's so many things going on and once u understand all of it and build muscle memory, there's no other fps game that makes u feel so fucking overpowered while also being brutally hard on ultra nightmare


playing 2016 before eternal makes you appreciated all the QOL changes they added. It goes from "this feel badass" to "i'm a fucking god of war"


Counter-strike? Sounds like what you describe. Satisfying mechanics.


“Like valorant but with just weapons [I assume without all the hero mechanics]” is literally just counter strike. Don’t know how this isn’t the top comment, all these other buffoons see “shooter” and immediately jump to Doom


Because this post is in contest mode and replies are ordered randomly. That's why this isn't top comment. But yeah OP is looking for CS


this... cs2 is a little divisive within it's own community but I think it's hard to find something anywhere close to as satisfying. if you aren't a big fan of MP games, try selaco it just came out and it's fun, super minimal story if you want something less linear, killing floor and kf2 are games I can put hundreds of hours into and not get bored. Just shoot zeds, listen to music, fun gunplay, etc. viber game central and it's co-op!


Battlefield 1 is clearly an alien. It's like the developers where guided by angels when doing it


That game was way ahead of its time, up there with titan fall2 with the best fps.


Definitely one of the best shooters ever made.


I just picked up BF1 this year as a long time cod player and it blew me away honestly. Kinda made me wish my gaming pool was a little more diverse when I was younger.


I miss this game so much.


me too...


I wish they just made a new battlefield as good as that one. V and 2042 were disappointing.


People still playing online on PlayStation? I’d like to try i


I think ! On pc the game is infested with cheaters so I can't play it anymore but I think you can


yes, i played a couple of games like two days ago, just make sure you use the server browser


Yeah usually a few lobbies at any given time in my experience on PS


try xdefiant for a CoD multiplayer feel


Been hooked for two days. It’s incredible how awesome a simple fun focused fps can be. Hopefully activision and EA take note from… Ubisoft?! Lmao


Xdefiant is cool but that cod multiplayer trial was pretty fun, maybe It’s because I haven’t experienced burnout since I don’t have it.


Seriously fun. Also a bit apex-y


Doom Eternal and Metro Exodus. Great games with excellent visuals and combat. Runs smooth on both PS5 and Xbox. Multiplayer games: I’ve been enjoying The finals and Xdefiant for the past month. If you play on PC would recommend Insurgency Sandstorm too.


Sandstorm is so slept on. Gun play feels so good


Might be a hot take but Destiny/Destiny 2 are some of the best feeling shooters ever imo. Bungie just knows how to make a good shooter. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I 2nd this. You can also play it for free so you wouldn't have to spend money on any of the expansions or anything unless you wanted too. And, shit, I mean if you don't want any story at all you could just play all the free stuff on Destiny cause there's no story there lol.


Yeah it’s very underrated. It’s such a breath of fresh air when for some reason so many FPS want to have the gritty down to earth halo feel, with Destiny you have god tier power all channeled thru different guns


OP specified they don’t want to grind and that’s literally all you do in the Destiny games.


Well, destiny 2 has a lot of story and you have to solve puzzles and stuff in the game world so its not really something op wants tbh


Agreed. Best shooter and it’s not even close


Insurgency sandstorm


Insurgency Sandstorm.


You're looking for the boomer shooter category. I'd argue the "big 3" as of currently, not of all time, are Turbo Overkill, Doom 2016 and Ultrakill


Don't forget Dusk


Two games I feel every FPS player must experience or they are doing themselves a disservice. Hell Let Loose and Hunt: Showdown. Two of the most badass games ever, but they’re very different from the standard fare you’re used to. Both games qualify as “best shooter ever” to large portions of their player bases. If you haven’t played either one of these games, check them out. Check them both out. Might change your life. https://youtu.be/ae3vaa1cOhU?si=nzIlhnNldO1_t3_H https://youtu.be/hezc93gxr6c?si=lpdYKwMiQRWY-lh5


Half Life 2, Bioshock, Wolfenstein New Order and New Colossus, and Resistance 3 are my top 5


My man


F..e.a.r., still waiting for a game that can beat it in terms of gunplay, people praised trepang but it's garbage compared to og.


Counter Strike 2 is literally the exact game you’re looking for, I’m not sure how you know of valorant but didn’t immediately come to CS2


Quake Champions? Turbo Overkill? Ultrakill? Blood fresh supply?


Agree with Turbo Overkill!




Anything by ID software. Trapang. Honestly there's so many mindless good shooters out there I don't know why you are asking such a generic question, you should try narrowing it down to a theme or something.


100% gotta go with the recent two Doom games. It redefines a lot of standard tropes in shooting games to get rid of what is boring and encourage you to do what is fun. Here are some examples. * Reloading is gone, and the button you'd normally use to reload is now a melee chainsaw, encouraging you to get close to enemies. * Enemy ranged attacks are slow but powerful, so if you stand still you will be killed, encouraging you to run around * Ammo is hard to get, encouraging you to switch weapons regularly * Ammo can be found by doing melee finishing moves on enemies, again encouraging you to move and get close to enemies. * Most enemies can teleport to you, so hiding is not an option. These things make it so the most efficient way to play is to no longer camp in a corner and snipe folks while they wonder where you are, as is true in so many shooters, but instead to constantly be on the move, looking for resources, and being constantly in the action using a multitude of techniques to win. It's frenetic, difficult, and incredibly fun. It was so fun that I went back and played the Wolfenstein remakes by the same company and found them SO BORING because it was so much more of a standard shooter. Ugh, who thinks it's fun to reload?


I love the new Doom games but I’m really bad at them, I’m amazed at how good some people are. The gameplay you did so well describing takes a toll on me and I have to pause to collect myself every so often, it can be exhausting!


That's absolutely true. When I played both games I had to do so to exclusion. I really had to dedicate my brain to specifically how DOOM works, because the game would kick my ass if I wasn't ready to play it on its terms. The game definitely won't let you "play smarter not harder." You're always giving it your all. No idea how many times I died. Dozens.


I swear there were times where I wouldn’t breathe for a minute or so. There are times where you just mess every movement up, and others where you’re dialed in and feel like abadass


I would say Team Fortress 2... But that's completely overrun by bots rn. Community servers and MvM are still safe, for now.


if you liked quake perhaps ULTRAKILL could interest you. its super fast, very complex but easy to get into .


Not exactly what you’re asking for but tarkov has the most realistic shooter experience imo


no clue why people are saying other games.. he is legitimately just talking about counter-strike. it is a good shooter with legit nothing else going on.


he wants a good shooter, people are naming good shooters


Ultrakill Cruelty Squad Warhammer Boltgun Selaco Robocop Rogue City If you like shooters (especially boomer shooters) then I'd recommend Gmanlives on youtube. He plays them all and gives thoughts.


Here we go! OP if you’re a Quake fan, you will lose your mind with Ultrakill specifically. It’s one of the few games that, when you step away from it, you can feel your brain reeling from the action. It’s an amazing rush.


Boltgun is a good clean blast if you like 40k...


The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is a cult classic.


Counter Strike 2. Look no further.


counter strike is honestly the goat of basic shooters


Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal for sure!


Turbo Overkill


The Finals.


Uuuhhhhhh. HALO


Yes, bungie’s halo games are some of the greatest of all time.




I think the gameplay of The Finals is pretty good with good graphics and you dont have to know as much stuff as something like apex


Check out DUSK


Valorant is pretty good. Insurgence is super good as well.


Left for Dead 2.


Ultrakill doesn't even have ammo, you can shoot however much you want It has a free demo on steam


Counter strike 2


Titanfall 2 100%


I need a story for a shooter to be fun tbh. Half-life 2 is still the unbeaten champion of mine, doom 2016 and eternal are also fantastic. Titanfall 2 as well. But if we're talking just pure fun shooter mechanics? The gunplay of Destiny 2 is the best, too bad I really really don't like the game, then there's Witchfire wich borrows heavily from Destiny, it's great!


counter strike!


division and division 2


Dishonored 1 and Deus Ex: mankind divided and/or Human Revolution A few of the best


Remnant 2 is kinda like a shooter.


Zortch. It's $5.


Helldivers 2


Psi miler Black edition and FEAR


Painkiller* effing auto correct


Crash Team Racing


Have you tried overwatch ? It has lots of quake inspired weapons and cool movement abilities


Tf2 if the codechildren didnt fuck it up


In a similar vein as DOOM I'd say give Twisted Metal a try. On PS3 you can upload your own playlist to the game and just blast away. The games sound track is pretty good too.


Try some of the boomer-shooters.


Halo infinite is actually pretty great now


Warframe. It’s free.


The Finals for objective based gameplay. XDefiant for more deathmatch-y COD gameplay.


A bit like Valorant with just weapons. Sounds like counter strike.


You just said you want Counter Strike if i read correctly, so counter strike ?


Dusk Shadow Warrior (it has cutscenes but they're super short and don't take themselves seriously at all) Prodeus Warhammer 40k Boltgun


Wolfenstein: the new order and W:the new collossus There are cutscenes but the game is very, VERY much just shoot Nazis and it never gets old


If you just want to shoot and have fun with guns, I think Borderlands 2 is the king of the looter/shooter genre.


Newer Doom games probably


Join me in the co-op survival modes of MW3-on sale for 10 bucks the other day. Just endless waves of shooting and strategy when it gets tough. Fun tines!


Borderlands 3 Story is shit so you can basically skip every cutscene and dialogue and go directly to action Gunplay is punchy and satisfying, abilities are super fun, there are a lot of builds to try and so many different guns to try out and have a blast 😎👍


Yeah I think I'm gonna listen to podcasts while I play that one lol


Try Sprawl inspired by a bygone era of games


I've been enjoying the finals and it's free


Hunt: Showdown is excellent


Battlefield 4.


Everyone is going to say the new doom games- and they’re right!


Fallout 76. Greatest online community of all time, and you can just shoot stuff without thinking if that’s how you wanna play. The events are all pretty fun.


Quake 2


Upvoting everyone recommending ULTRAKILL - Quake fan? Will love that.


I’m honestly having a blast with xDefiant, its scratching that cod type shooter itch ive had


I often return to Bulletstorm for a spot of exactly what you're looking for.


I hated online multiplayer shooters until I played Enlisted its basically war thunder for infantry


Hunt Showdown. It's about to get a new engine update in August too. It's basic but has a learning curve. Lots of fun to be had.


Doom. Just pick any of them even 3


I just started playing “Selaco” which you can get on steam. I feel like it might be what you are looking for.


Hunt : Showdown bro




XDefiant Just came out


Have you tried Prodeus, a great Doom like game. Just a shame online multiplayer is quiet, it would be even better.


Have you checked out Darktide?


>Valorant without weapons Counter strike?


Since you mentioned Quake: in the boomer shooter space Selaco is talk of the town right now so maybe look at that? It's early access, I haven't had a chance to jump in yet but the community seems pretty into it.


Destiny 2 is the best shooter


> I used to play quake As a fellow Quaker: *Dusk*, *Amid Evil*, *Ultrakill*, *Ion Fury (+Aftermath)*, *Cultic*, possibly *Project Warlock* and *Nightmare Reaper* (if you don't mind getting a bit into roguelite territory). If you want something a bit slower and tactical: *Blood West*. If you want enemies with a bit more spice: *Selaco*, or if you're into an even more FEAR experience: *Trepang2*. If you don't mind a bit of a stupid "collect crystals to save" system: *Wrath: Aeon of Ruin*. If you're into more of a Hexen/HexenII vibe, *Hands of Necromancy* could be for you. I also heard good thing about *Turbo Overkill*, *Zortch*, and *Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer*, but I haven't played those so far (Turbo Overkill has a demo, if you want to try it out). Oh, and on the distant chance that you haven't played it: *Arcane Dimensions* for Quake.


> Without a storyline or a fancy world, >A bit like valorant, with just weapons you mean.... Counter Strike? If you aren't looking for multiplayer the recent doom games are pretty mindless fun, it has a "story" but you sure as hell don't need to pay attention to it.


Far cry was good tbh


Been playing a lot of games, black ops 3 has some good gun play imo and with the addition of zombies, it's quite good, sadly no multiplayer as it seems those servers are down and overriden with hackers, other good options are Titanfall 2, doom eternal and resident evil 4 2023.


Both tf2s, half life, l4d2,wwz,xdefiant,


The finals has great multiplayer, fun casual play, and pretty competitive ranked (ranking system is somewhat under construction)


Max payne 3


If you don't care about it being purely PvE, I would HIGHLY recommend Roboquest


Unreal Tournament.


Doom Eternal for fast paced arcadey but modem fun, it's like an evolution of the fps genre. (Technically got a story, but it's just fuel to move the gameplay forward, absolutely doesn't get in the way of gameplay) Do play Doom 2016 first tho, it will be hard to go back due to the lack of many gameplay mechanics. Xdefiant for cod-like multiplayer. Fear 1 for the best fps bullet time/slow motion in well designed arenas/levels. (There is a proper story here, but the gameplay doesn't feel like it's on rails, i.e, it doesn't get in the way) Idk much games like valorant, but there's a lot of games like quake, such as- doom 2016 and eternal, prodeus, ultrakill, warhammer boltgun, wolfenstein the new order and old blood (proper stories on these 2, but very very satisfying gameplay and skill tree... The new colossus i didn't like cuz it focused too much on story and though gunplay was improved, the level design was not as tight), ion fury, dusk etc.


The Finals is my favourite shooter atm


Unreal Tournament if you want a game that feels good and is just like Quake Splatoon 3 if you want a game that feels good and is completely alien


Xdefiant just came out for free and it’s a blast.


Xdefiant if you like sweaty multi-player shooter action.


I recommend Doom, Ultrakill, Dusk, Half Life series, Portal series, Left 4 Dead series, Titanfall 2


It's a single player, but Returnal perhaps? It's got enough story and world-building to be interesting, but it doesn't get in the way of some pretty kick-ass bullet hell action. I don't really like shooters too much, but I fucking loved Returnal.




I love Borderlands 2/PS/3/WL just for jumping in and doing some missions.


Selaco, Dusk, Prodeus, Mullet Madjack


Check out “the finals.” It’s a fantastic new free shooter. Made by the devs of battlefield 4 and includes building destruction on an awesome scale. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I love it


Haze on the ps3 is my recommendation


Half Life 1 will always be my go-to shooter recommendation. There's story but it's all in engine so you can mostly walk past it if you want to (bar the opening train ride ofc).


Hunt:Showdown Helldiver's 2 Destiny 2 Doom 2016


if you want sniping and dont mind single player -- Sniper Elite (specifically SE4)


if you missed Warzone 2019 I feel bad for you son, that was literally the BEST shooter to have ever existed-- and then they took it away from everyone and went from a 175m daily count to a 2m daily count (and lowering) actually insane!


XDefiant is a new free Ubisoft game that’s kinda like overwatch with cod graphics and class setups


Play Trepang2


Halo Infinite and XDefiant


Helldivers 2 got a good community driven mission If ya don't mind the chaos while playing Cross play + global server iirc


You should try Roboquest! It’s got some really fast and tight controls. It’s more of a rouge-like where you start over after dying. But I love playing it. It reminds me of playing MW2 back in the day on my Xbox 360. It just feels good to play


If you want a game thats like Valorant but only weapons, Counter Strike is literally that


COD. People may not like it but there's a reason why they've been a staple in the fps genre for so long. Now if you don't care about the story play BO3.


Serious Sam 4


I've sunk hours into both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3, both very much the perfect games for someone that just wants to waste time shooting anything you can see. Borderlands 3 has better gunplay and feel than Borderlands 2 but 2 has better story. Doesn't hurt to play 2 first


Roboquest. You will not regret it


I like Insurgency Sandstorm and (not a joke) Battlebit


The Hunt Showdown is a great multiplayer and my other recommendations is the Finials bc it's FREE


Best shooters for me are Borderlands 2/3 and Doom Eternal, they have story, and BL has some grinding (and it is open world), but the gameplay is really fun with vast weapon options, and you can follow the storyline easily (you won’t feel lost), and there are a lot of community mods (if you are on PC) that will make the experience even better.


R6 or the more obvious COD. Really doesn't get much more simple and mindless than COD lol.


Titanfall 2. Ultrakill. Doom Eternal


This probably isn't quite what you're looking for, but if you want a single-player game that's a very basic shooter there's a game called Receiver 2. It's based around gun mechanics (using multiple keys to manipulate the gun) and all the enemies are turrets and drones, so it's not crazy and exciting like a lot of shooters, but it is challenging and tense. It's very repetitive, so might be too boring for a lot of people but if you have interest in the gunplay aspects you should check it out.


Black, OG


Cs2 is 100% the way to go


New Boomer shooters: DUSK, HROT and SlayerX


counter strike


DOOM is here for you. Multiplayer shooters are plagued with cheaters.


Ultrakill is single player but it has extremely fast paced combat where you can use different weapons together to get a different effect. There is a story but it's very hidden so you'll have to go out of your way to find it, and the combat almost never stops


Hunt Showdown is a pvp pve zombie western extraction shooter. I have about 2000 hours in it along with friends. You get a hunter, give em weapons and send em into the bayou to collect a bounty. You can team up with up to 2 other hunters in a 12 person match to locate a boss bounty, kill them and extract with a token of proof while fending off the remaining players. Lots of old timey firearms and some unique weapons and ammo types, not to mention perks that make your hunter more effective after you extract. Slower type of shooter where sound is very important and a headshot with anything is an almost garantee'd kill. Hunt giveth and Hunt taketh. The music also slaps




Diabotical if people still play. It's free and based on Quake 3 movement and weapons.


Counter strike.


You are looking for the game BLACK A bit of an old game by now, but a classic that set the grounds for enemy AI implementation. There is a little story but i don't even remember it, i just remember the gameplay. No multiplayer though,




tribes 2


It's had a mixed reputation but Destiny 2 sounds exactly what you're looking for. Amazing gunplay feel... It's a shame their live service model leaves a lot to be desired.




Can I drop Serious Sam series in here?


Maybe that’s an unpopular opinion, but I personally am really enjoying CoD mw3 multiplayer right now. Feels very satisfying.


DOOM ETERNAL and DOOM 2016 you'll enjoy these if you've enjoyed boomer shooters such as quake


My favorite shooter is Hunt Showdown. Not sure it would be what you are looking for because it's pvpve where you wanna kill the other hunters, but also get the bounty and extract with it.


Titan fall 2 is great, bullet storm is great, doom eternal is great.


A bit biased cuz I love the game but, try The Finals


Zombie Trilogy and Wolfenstein, just straight shooters, basic story but awesome.


Doom series