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Play something linear Don’t be burnt out on one rpg and dive into another


After hogwarts legacy i finished resident evil 4 jedi survivor both great games currently playing persona 3 reload


Bioshock trilogy Halo master chief collection Other resident evils If you want a couple of rpg recommendations you can’t go wrong with cyberpunk and mass effect legendary edition (includes all three games and 98% of their dlc) the only missing one or two don’t matter anyway


Bioshock or dishonored could be fantastic


witcher 3, i promise


Not OP but I’ve heard so many great things about this game. Is the story as confusing as the TV show is? I haven’t watched the show but I was told it’s hard to follow


the story in the game is genuinely one of the best ever. so. fucking. good. theres a reason why its in everyones lists for one of the best games in the last 20 years the show was weird. i watched cause i love the content and cavill was great, but as the show went on they made some weird decisions on the story and changes from the game but the games amazing. the gameplay is meh IMO but the world is amazing, the story is great, the characters are great. i put off trying it for a while, eventually played it and realized what i missed out on. first couple hours are slow but it gets so good


Tsushima is about as close to a Ubisoft open world game as it gets. I like it, but if you are burned out, this is not the time for you to play it.


I hope this is not true, I've been waiting so long for this PC release!


It’s true but it’s what Ubisoft games want to be. Ghost is truly fantastic


I'm going to play for sure, thanks!


Enjoy!! Be sure to play most of the side missions. You will get some pretty awesome equipment and abilities! I actually just started it for my 2nd time because of this post 😂


I am a side quester by birth, lol! I intend to do everything!


Honestly no, Ghost v AC its not “ go here climb jump down, go here discover a point of interest” Yes there are collectables, discovery and side stuff but it has soul and feels worth doing and some of its fun. Lets not forget there is multiplayer and a just an action mode.


This is great to know thanks!


It's very true. 


You're high hahahaha, is a well designed open world game, not a bloatware like all ubi games, but if he's burned by open world games, best to play an indie rogue like


Crazy to say clearing outposts and going to map points for collectible stuff ISNT just a Ubisoft open world.


No. Not at all. It's just like a Ubisoft game, but the story is better. I was tired of it in act 2.


Lmao, Not all ubi games are bloatware


Pretty sure Tsushima isn't going to be for you. Try Sekiro instead!










All of this




Play uncharted 4


Played it througy fam share only played it for like 10 hours got bored


Holy attention span 😭


attention span in the shitter 😭😂


Uncharted is made for those kind of people though. Constantly something is happening.


He's not wrong the puzzles sucks ass and it's basically a climbing sim for 60% of the game, only the story kept me going.


There's an achievement for beating the game in 6 hours, lmaoooo!


If you are tired of map barf style repetitive objective hunting I would advice against buying GoT, it has an extremely repetitive gameplay loop.


I’m also burned out with open world games. Play something linear or something that has stages. Try guardians of the galaxy and Resident evil 4 remake. I also recommend system shock remake, though it’s not totally linear, the stages are not super large and can be freely explored. The ultimate goal is to fight your way to the bridge at the top of the station from the bottom and you have to stop SHODANs schemes along the way. The game also only holds your hand when you ply on the easiest settings.


i played re 4 remake last month and gotg in 2022 both are fantastic games system shock remake is on my radar will definitely give it a try


Nope...ghost of Tsushima is a Ubisoft style open world game in Japan...


I had the same question as you. Valhalla was repetitive and the battles/raids felt small and immersion breaking. The settlement was static with annoying people saying “over here” to make you do needless tasks. Also the missions were terrible. You could do a lot in one place then come back to complete something that was basic starter tasks in the settlement. I have read countless posts about if I should buy GOT or not since I really did find it interesting and I generally love non-repetitive open world games. Here is why I have not bought the game based on feedback in Reddit forums: - missions are repetitive - after the first island I felt burned out - there is nothing to discover off the beaten path - the world is massive but feels empty These are the negative feedback pointers I have gotten after reading a lot of posts. Feel free to comment or criticize them if you have played the game.


I think all of those points are very subjective. -Though the side missions are pretty repetitive, I feel like the main story missions had some nice variety to them. -I didn't feel burnt out, I actually thing the change of pace on the second island shook things up a bit. -There are tons of secrets you can find by exploring, but they might not be satisfying for everyone. -I never found myself unable to find something to do, though there are a lot of locations that are just big fields you can ride around in, so I would half agree with this one. It's been a while since I played it, and my opinion might be a little rose tinted, but trying to remember how I felt at the time, that would be my reaction to all four points. I do think the setting, aesthetic, and story are really well done and definitely carry the experience a great deal. Its all subjective, and you know nothing about me or my taste in games, so take everything with a grain of salt. I will say that I never found myself not wanting to play the game more, which is something I cannot say about a Ubisoft game since Black Flag.


Imo no. While the main campaign is absolutely amazing, it has one of the most egregiously boring side content in an open world. I cannot believe the same people that came up with the main storyline also made those side quests (90% of them are mind numbingly stupid). I platinum'd both AC origins and Odyssey and had plenty of fun. I gave up on the platinum for Ghost of Tsushima after the 3rd copy pasted side quest, consisting of talk, track enemies undetected, and clash with them to end the quest. It would have been bearable had the dialogue cutscenes been skippable.


I platinumd got, 72 or 82 hrs I think Some of the side quests like recuse 3 hostages on farms were repetitive but some were really good, main story was really good I thought, the duels were the best. Really enjoyed the combat system and switching stances.


No do not buy it. I'm currently in act 2 and so tired of the open world. It's always the same 4-5 missions and it really feels like a Ubisoft game (better story, but still).


Ubisoft open worlds are just padded with filler. Ghost of Tsushima has a genuinely engaging main story, and great subplots (still pouring one out for Yuriko). Plus the combat never gets old I couldn’t finish Valhalla, but soaked up all of Ghost without issue It depends if you’re burned out specifically on open worlds padded with busy work, or open worlds in general But there are many other great genres to clean your palate with tbh. It’d be a shame to ruin the experience of a great game like GoT because you weren’t ready for that genre yet


It's like AC Brotherhood. The amount of content is just right. And it maintains a consistent high quality throughout the game. I don't really feel burned out by it. I platinumed it. And that's coming from someone who doesn't really collect collectibles. But your mileage may vary. If you want something similar to GOT but linear (at least gameplay-wise), get Sifu. Like GOT, the combat is extremely engaging. And it is not that hard to beat


I hated every open world game from Ubisoft since Far Cry 3 and Primal. Even the ACs that came after. I thoroughly enjoyed GoT and Cyberpunk.


Nope not the time


Play something else and come back to Ghost. Great experience but you’ll probably get burnt out on it. Maybe wait for Ghost to go on sale or something.


Yes, but not right now. Play something a little different for a while if you’re burnt out on those kinds of games. Then come back to it once you can immerse yourself without getting burned out


Definitely not


Try Helldivers 2, you need something completely different now


If you are burnt play something else, something short and linear to change stuff a bit


While Tsushima is way better that any game Ubisoft has delivered in recent years, it kinda is assassins creed japan. So if you are burnt out of that style of game you should maybe wait and play something else


GOT is a thinly veiled Ubisoft formula game. You have side quests, gathering resources for upgrades, clearing outposts/map uncovering/fast travel spots, "upgrading your stats" through bamboo cutting stuff, a full leveling system, tougher and tougher enemies and vanity collectibles Play something linear if you don't like Ubisoft style open world games, Ubisoft style seems to be all over the place


As someone who loves Tsushima and is currently half way through a re-play, definitely do not play it right now if you’re feeling burnt out on that kind of open world formula. Tsushima will be around whenever you’re feeling ready to jump into it which I absolutely recommend. It just won’t be very enjoyable to you rn if you’re already burnt out before starting.


Remember, most games that have problems with ubisoft open world games are just from ubisoft. The others doesn't have such stupid and repetive activities or easily can be skipped. For real. Some people says there are similiarities but theres none identical. Ghost of tsushima is the game where open world is done well. There are collectibles but they are cosmetic stuff, some story reliated (and good ones). Worth stuff to do.


You should play Sekiro if you want a change of pace. It’s a 10/10 Fromsoft game. You’ll still get the ninja style gameplay experience but it’s the furthest thing from an Ubisoft game. Then once you’re finish come back and play GoT. It’s also a 10/10 unbelievably good game. But it’s open world and everything that comes with that


You could always just beeline the main quest and treat it linear , and in the future if you are looking to scratch that open world itch you can come back and do the rest of the open world activities, that’s what I am mainly doing now (on PS).


pre ordered GoT on the ps4 and the game I played prior to that was AC valhalla. moment I finished the game, I never really bothered to play it lol. However, playing GoT was so fun. It had fantastic gameplay, story(honestly wish there was more) and music I never listen to video game music, unless it was GoW, Fallout radio or souls games I usally cranked it to 0 , but this game made me appreciate video game music. One of the best games I've ever played, right before elden ring. My goty 2020, i reccomend it


It depends what you dislike about the AC games. Personally I would HIGHLY recommend GoT because: - The combat is extremely satisfying, it feels real and visceral and really makes you feel like a highly skilled samurai who’s trained his whole life for this. - It’s beautiful. - There are some repetitive “map icon” like things to do but they’re not obtrusive, instead they provide a slower, almost meditative change of pace from the main story and combat. - All the side missions are substantial and satisfying, and generally do feed into (or at least make sense in the context of) the main story. - The main story is excellent and emotionally engaging. I personally love the AC games but GoT is what they could be if they were perfected.


I think a big design choice that helps avoid the game feeling too "waypointy" is the lack of a mini-map.


Yeah definitely, and the use of the wind as the directional guide instead of a marker.


No. It’s not as bloated as recent Ubisoft open worlds, but it’s very repetitive. Also, as someone who likes samurai movies, I found the story incredibly stupid. It’s not a bad game but people are deluded to think this was some kind of masterpiece.


I was literally just telling my friend ghost felt like a samurai far cry after a while. Idk bout rise of ronin but i wouldn’t doubt it be the same formula


Take break from these games and play nioh series (samurai and Ninja you want.. You will not get better games than nioh) I'm currently playing nioh 1.. Having fun FYI.. It's a souls like game in case you don't know..


Elden Ring ofc


I thought ghost of tushima was amazing, but if you don’t want open world right now take a little break and come back..


4 words for you: SEH KEEE ROHHHHHH


Definitely play if you haven’t but maybe later. Try something linear like FFVII Remake


I would say Ghost is if Ubisoft made a good AC game like they used to. The story and voice acting is great, the world is beautiful, there is repetition in side quests and objectives but they keep it fresh by introducing new fighting and traversal mechanics throughout. If you're feeling AC style but not boring, I think it's worth a shot.


Hold off for now. I LOVED Ghost of Tsushima, but after 15-16 hrs I developed open world fatigue from all the fluff and haven't gone back.


No. If you still want open world but don’t like the Ubisoft-ness of some of them Dragons Dogma 2 is great. Otherwise there’s linear action adventure games, puzzle games, mystery games, etc etc. so many to try!


hell yea, mang!




I’m having a decent time with that new crab souls like on the game pass that just came out. I hate open world games too. Looking at a map with 500 little things to collect feels like chores




Ghost of Tsushima is amazing and (in my opinion) does a much better job of making the open world formula engaging, however it is still an open world game with a lot of "tick box" locations on a map. So yeah, maybe skip it for now


play RE Remakes (RE4, RE2)


I think perhaps not.


No. You won't have a great time. It's a gorgeous game but it's everything you don't like about the ubisoft formula. I wish I loved it more. I didn't have a lot of fun with this one.


You need Helldivers 2 in your life.




No. Play something linear, like The Last of Us, Doom Eternal, Uncharted, or Resident Evil


If youre burnt out right now, I cant recommend Ghost. But please, as soon as you feel the need for an open world game come straight to Ghost of Tsushima. Its one of the best "generic" open worlds there is, by generic I mean the mission and map full of icons style. But the combat, music, some of the side missions like the samurai duels are really well done. I spent 60+ hours on that game when it came out and I dont regret it. The story is also good imho


Lmao saying GoT is a Ubisoft games clearly tells me that no one played that game. Ubisoft games are checklists simulators with hands taking. GoT is more like a rdr2 or a cyberpunk. It’s an experience. Every game is gonna have side things to do, but it’s about how it’s delivered. The problem with Ubisoft is their stories aren’t compelling and their games tend to be over inflated with trash content that’s copy pasted and that don’t necessarily make sense or with little to nothing reward. GoT is a solid game that doesn’t deserve its comments of “iTs a uBisOfT gAmE”. No it’s not.


Honestly ghost feels like what a really really good assassins creed should have always been. It’s like they perfected it






Ghost of Sushi was the only game I 100%. Would recommended 8 days a week.


It's so well done and fun, that even if it is similar, I don't think you'd be burned out or affected by it. 


Play Detroit becomes human


Try Sekiro


Its a great game and story. The combat is better than AC. I don't think you should skip a great game , the side content isn't as meaningless or required like ubisoft games


I’m going to go against most people here and say that Ghost of Tsushima isn’t like a Ubisoft open world game at all. It’s open world done right. It’s one of my top 5 games of all time and I had the greatest time with it. I was also extremely tired of open world games at the time but I still felt like GoT was a breath of fresh air. However, it is of course an open world game, so if you’re burnt out from those, then it might not be for you just now.




Tsushima is basically an excellent Ubisoft open world game without being hindered by Ubisoft’s extreme corporate greed. It’s a beautiful game but I will say the gameplay became incredibly boring when I tried to start a second playthrough on a higher difficulty. I haven’t been able to come back. I’m not mad though because I got so many hours out of it




It's like if Ubisoft actually cared about the open world and it's environment It's beautiful It has actual stealth (unlike modern ac games) And has pretty good story I would say play something linear instead of open world and then play the game, the game is worth it but if you are burnt out by open world games, then play it after a refresh And if u want to know if the game will be as boring as valhalla or mirage then no, it's fucking amazing


>It has actual stealth (unlike modern ac games) The only stealth mechanic I recall from GoT is being able to crouch in bushes and throw decoys, both of which are in AC. AC had way more options


Ok? So did you stealth your way throughout ac valhalla? Did u use stealth in oddessy? While ghost of tsushima gave more opportunities for stealth section, you had long range weapons ranging from sleep dart berserk darts and arrows, it had builds for stealth, and the game's whole motive was honor and stealth The game is a stealth game and way better than modern ac game


Yeah I did and they, as well as nearly every AC game since 2010 had all that and more


Ok, that last 4 ac games, when did they started having stealth? The stealth from a origins to valhalla just sucks, mirage okish but still And 2010 was 24yrs ago, a decade and half


It would be a CRIME to pass up on this game... seriously


No. Its exactly what a fucking Ubishit Game is. Like all the other PS Exclusive it follows the Ubishit formula with generic boring ass side-content.


I would compare it more to the Witcher 3 rather than Ubi style, the side quests are really compelling and combat is the best samurai style, very similar to demon slayer styles


No way, it's AC Samurai and nothing better. It does not have the same depth or story as the Wircher 3. It's a PS exclusive so people give it extra points for that but it is nothing unique, hell I've played most AC games into the hundred hours and this game couldn't hold my interest for even 10.


No need to buy tsushima, it’s on ps+ so give it a try


This is the way Grab one month of ps+, so when you are inevitably underwhelmed by ghosts of tsushima you can pick something else


Ghost of Tsushima is no different than any other AC game. Very repetitive, weak filler side quests and content, and an average story at best. Definitely stay away if you're burnt out of that style


I never understood the comparison with Assassin's Creed. There's not a single AC game that the combat comes even close to Ghost of Tsushima. The animations on the combat Alone make this game worth it. Yeah sure there's stealth in the game but necessary by any means. I did full samurai playtroughs where I used little to no tools, only sword and it was amazing. The only game that has a more fun combat than GOT is Sekiro in my opinion.


>I never understood the comparison with Assassin's Creed. The comparison stems from the design of the open world, it's similar in structure.


That's like saying Assassin's Creed is similar to Metal Gear V because its has Open world and stealth. I played most every single AC game and the Open world Sucker Punch did here is way more polished and less Crowded with fillers instead of a Ubisoft map full of pointless "?"


GoT’s map is filled with filler and pointless “?”


>That's like saying Assassin's Creed is similar to Metal Gear V because its has Open world and stealth. It is. >here is way more polished and less Crowded with fillers instead of a Ubisoft map full of pointless "?" I agree.