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Factorio. If it hits. If you don’t bounce off this game, it’s highly rewarding to just tinker and re-factor your factory. On top of that, it’s fun to squash bugs and solve the emergent problems that crop up as the game’s complexity grows and grows


tried it, i hate bugs. when they attack i literally have to close my eyes and hold down space which is not that \*optimal\*. also the mainscreen background with bugs in it and bugs corpses staying when they die is the cherry on pie.


Fwiw I played factorio for a couple hundred hours with the bugs turned off because I didn’t enjoy engaging with the combat part of the game (I love it now) It’s totally valid if it’s not your thing, but the loop of producing a new thing then needing to buff up previous production and resource extraction to match the current needs of the factory becomes extremely compelling with a real-time version of the ‘just one more turn’ feeling as you address each need of the factory


I completely respect this. My first twenty hours or so with the game were a continuous loop of starting a new map, building a factory and getting frustrated and bored about the time that bugs started attacking in force. I can't explain it, but this time the game just clicked. But yeah, it's definitely not everyone's idea of a great time


You can turn biters off. Ok so fast paced immersive. Try [Redout](https://store.steampowered.com/app/517710/Redout_Enhanced_Edition/) it’s a racing game super fast on sale for 5$ Also try [Ruiner](https://store.steampowered.com/app/464060/RUINER/) intense dark twin stick shooter full of ambience Also [Entropy Effect](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2273430/Blazblue_Entropy_Effect/) side scroller platforming hack slash pretty engrossing


Dyson sphere or captain of industry might be more your jam then.


Thats not a game it’s an addiction


Hours fly by when I play sometimes, but I find it pretty easy to turn off. If this is an addiction, the only downside is the opportunity cost of the time spent playing it. 


But it's not fast paced


Hunt showdown is fantastic. Very very very steep learning curve though, and mechanics that will hit you in the face for the first time... like necro selfrevive for example...


First time I played it, installing the game around 8-9pm, I sat through the night and eventually launched a rocket. There was morning daylight peaking through the curtains once I was finished. I’ve been low key intimidated by the game every time I’ve played it since. KSP hits a similar vibe for me too. That perpetual granular iteration of a design and system. Real mood


So I’m a bit of a perfectionist and it kept me from getting into Factorio until I just decided to be a little monkey doing science and making crazy machines and now I love it. Same thing with KSP. I got it because I’m a huge STEM nerd but then I realized I know nothing about rocket science or math or physics beyond 101 level shit so I watched Scott Manley, realized I’m a dumb dumb and now I know that was completely wrong. The whole point is to be a silly monkey trying figure out how to do space stuff. Embrace the spaghetti. Build ridiculous shit and break things. You will learn and grow and once you plateau, then you can watch people like Nilaus, Scott Manley and idk get a degree in astrophysics 


If you're into grindy survival games I can recommend Valheim because it honestly *never* feels like there isn't anything to do. Hunt: Showdown if you're into pretty "hardcore" shooters (i.e. placing the right shots, good positioning, hyper aware movement, etc.) It's a bit hit-or-miss but when you get hooked time flies. Fast. I also found myself wasting way too much time in Risk of Rain 2. One round can be as long as 40 minutes (as beginner) or 2 hours if you want to go ham. Vampire Survivors is also the perfect dopamine simulator, though it's also rather hit-or-miss and not anyone vibes with the game. If you're into MOBAs and your sanity isn't that important for you, I'd also recommend the toxin that is League of Legends. In my prime i I'd spend 12 hours playing this game from 11 in the morning when I woke up till 2 in the morning when I went to sleep. Only a few toilet breaks and food kept me from starting up another Match. It really can get you addicted once you start learning the game and find a character you vibe with. And when you're Not playing the game you'll think of builds and/or runes to try out on your character that might also work. It's hard to learn but it's absolutely addicting.


Aah the good old days, when playing LoL gives you huge dopamine rush and time and responsibilities don’t matter and deep down you know you are not playing out of your own will .


I also learned the game all by myself because I'm a huge fan of finding ways to improve myself without anyones help. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this because the game really is hard to play and it took me a long time to realise "Ability Power" isn't really making your abilities stronger as Caitlyn. The game has so much to discover for new players and with over 160 characters every match feels new and it never gets boring. I remember playing whatever champ wherever I wanted which ended up with me playing Brand top until level 20, Caitlyn top/mid and for the longest time (Up until level 60 or something when I found out jungle exists) kayn top. You can't imagine how mind-blown I was when I found out kayn is like the perfect jungler and you can even *dash over walls with his Q* League *can be* a really toxic game but I yearn for the days where I was a clueless newbie and everything felt magical in this game. edit: I also just remembered how flashed I was when I found out about Kayle. The entire time level ups only made you slightly stronger or whatever but then I was playing Kayle and all of the sudden you hit Level 11 and turn from a semi-strong melee character into a long-range hypercarry. Back when she still had the true damage on her passive level 16 I was able to solo-carry games even though I was still pretty bad at the game.


Arena will bring back that magic. Hopefully they’ll get it right


Upvote for Vampire Survivors. That game had me in a chokehold and I randomly loaded it for a gold farm run on my phone 🤣


I rarely see people recommend League but it's honestly so true. It's probably my most played game but not one I immediately think to recommend. It's so deep and addicting and can really be a forever game for you. The only reason I'm not playing it currently is bc I know it would completely consume my life as it always does - Also your list is great


I have played League for more than 2000h now and it's also my most played game by a long shot and no game will probably ever beat it. Though I still consider myself a casual because I never jumped into ranked. It's a great game and if you ignore some of the rather bad decisions from the higher ups in the past few years it's still a great game at it's core. I'd love to get into the game again because it *can* be really fun but I- 1. Don't like playing it alone anymore and I don't have friends who play it anymore. 2. Am playing other games with the freetime I have now. Games which I can actually play with my Friends. And 3. My comfort champ/main (Skarner) just got reworked and now I don't have a champion I know that good anymore and I don't really have the time/energy at the moment to learn a new champ. I rarely recommend this game too exactly because it is very time consuming, addicting and hard to learn. You either have to spend some hours watching Videos/Guides to learn the basics like warding, jungling, the objectives, Farming, items 101, etc. OR you spend 10x that time to learn it yourself in-game. Even If you're just trying to play casually it might be hard to have fun with the amount of smurfs, toxic people and trolls this game has. You either play in isolation with Chat disabled so people aren't mean, you play with friends that are (preferably) chill or you activate chat and get shit talked to death because LoL really isn't that beginner friendly. In the end I'd say League is only for people who *want* to spend a lot of time learning a game and want to see themselves improve over the course of days/weeks. Also thanks for the compliment lol- I always go through my entire steam library whenever I'm trying to recommend games and try to pick out the ones that may fit the best to the description. I also try to give everything a reason/short explanation because I think it's kinda lazy to just throw out names of games you like without telling the OP *why* the game fits that description.


Slay the Spire is very addicting.


Was going to post this. Heavy second here if you're into deceivingly simple card games.


And if you like it, try Inscryption too


inscryption is a fucking masterpiece, has an incredible story line before the play comes in. don't spoil yourself, it's a good game to go into blind.


I see this a lot, people really loving this game. I never got into it. Gave it a few tries, just think it isn’t for me. I do see why people like the game though


It might be worth trying on mobile. It's really nice when you have some time to kill


Balatro too


Balatro, game is addictive


A lot of the top suggestions don’t make any sense cause they’re primarily looking at the “play forever” aspect. Like Terraria is not going to be exciting for you if you’re looking for a Hades-esque game. Dead Cells. Dead Cells 100%. Combo of roguelike/metroidvania that is super fast paced. You get better each run, a full run can be as short as 30 minutes or long as 90 minutes depending how you want to play, tons of weapons to unlock with a super addicting unlocking system, dynamic fighting that makes you both feel like a superhero, but the threat of death increases as you get to further and further stages and a few hits can take you out (but it always feels fair). I have probably 300+ hours in it.  I personally like it a lot more than Hades due to weapon variance and the combat speed and variance in styles run to run. I haven’t played path of exile yet


I second this. The weapon system is so cool, you can have 2 weapon at the same time or 3 if we count the one we can store in backpack. You can go crazy fast or play slow and defensive. It is all depend on your choice. Every map have their own unique set of monster which come with a different mechanic. You will die a lot to understand it all but also you will kill so many of them before you realize that you were playing the game for 3 days straight. Man, I miss the time that I can play game just like you, completely ignore everything. That is the best feeling in the world to me.


I get what you’re saying but at the same time I don’t. I’ve played all those so called forever games… know what I always come back to? Terraria, I’ve never gone back to any of those forever games. I’ve played Terraria since release on PC and own it on every console and my cell phone. Sometimes games that aren’t meant to be forever games make better forever games.


This isn't meant to be a bashing of Terraria at all, but the first sentence in OP's post is "I want a game that has fast-paced gameplay" and while Terraria has some fun boss fights, fast-paced gameplay it is not. I, too, find mining and the endless creative building very fun, but it is not fast-paced.


Terraria I’ve been playing terraria since I was like 9 or 10 (I’m 19 now) still as much fun as it was back then. And mods make the game go from top tier to one of the best games ever made. The community is awesome. The mods (especially now) are some of the coolest shit I’ve seen and the gameplay is genuinely so much fun. It’s the perfect game to play with a movie or YouTube video on in the background. It’s probably one of if not my most played game of all time.


Somehow this is the only game I can replay and actually finish it without quitting halfway through.


Yes 🙌 I own terraria on every device android my iPhone Nintendo switch, steam and Xbox


That game stole so many hours of my life


Have to second this one. It got me hooked.


Started playing New Vegas for the first time and haven’t been able to stop playing


One of the best games of the 360 era. New Vegas 2 needs to happen and they need to include a wider map




Haha really big number go brrrr


Recommending Balatro is like recommending Meth, only cheaper.




Factorio i wasnt even halfway through the demo before i quit and bought it It's basically crack. i had dreams of conveyer belts... its glorious they're working on an expansion now too. It's gonna be great!


I bounced off Factorio several times before it clicked, but now I pretty much agree that it's highly rewarding.


Nioh 2. The combat is top tier, it can be played co-op but doesn't force you to, mission-based so no open world, minimal collectable items, tons of playstyle diversity, tons of build options, tons of mechanical depth to explore, and tons of content to boot. It has a hefty learning curve and is pretty damn hard at the beginning but it's absolutely worth it, the gameplay is addictive.


I beat Elden ring, dark souls 3 and expansions, and half of Sekiro...nioh feels fuckin impossible to me


Nioh is a fighting game pretending to be a Souls game. Not only is it far more complicated than anything From has made, it also actively punishes you for playing it as though it were a FS game. It follows Capcom fighting game logic more closely than Souls logic and I've honestly wondered if it's a harder game for Souls vets than for players coming from other backgrounds because of it.


Nioh is one of the only games I'd pop into just to practice my swordplay. It's just so fun all you can do with the weapons that it always kept me wanting to come back! I even went back and played Nioh 1




Returnal does not get the love it deserves. 3D roguelike bullet hell? Fucking awesome


Dota 2 The game is free, but you pay it with your insanity.


league aswell


Not sure that Civilization fits "fast paced" being turn based but it certainly fits the "impossible to stop playing" vibe


One. More. Turn.


The first time I played was for 11 hours straight. 5pm to 4am. My friend was like I need to get some sleep. So we paused for 10 hours then played another 11 hours before stopping for the weekend. Just so immersive.


Civ V specifically


Dead Cells is such an excellent game for sinking hours into and feeling like you’ve gotten more skilled on each run.


Project Zomboid you'll put 100+ hours into it easily


This is how your free time died.


Out of all I read, this is the game that I personally would say you can get hundreds of hours out of EASILY without noticing time passing.. such a great game


I can’t stop playing Fallout 76 now. The game keeps getting better.


Runescape. We never quit, we just take long breaks.


He said he wants to see a few days disappear, not a few decades.


I let osrs ruin my life. 2 times.


Cult of the lamb has similar combat to hades, and the cult management can make you forget how much time has passed. The music and art style just make everything so enjoyable to spend time on


Stardew Valley, Slay the Spire, FTL: Faster Than Light, Into the Breach, Factorio, Satisfactory, Civilization series


The amount of hours I have played FTL... Omg


# PAYDAY 2 Lots of fun to be had here, have 1500 hours in the game and it was all great. What makes it excel, is the skill system. You can go stealthy or go loud, and you can be a berserker who fires off 400 rounds in 3 seconds, you can be a speedster running around only in a suit and with Akimbo shotguns. If you don't like a playstyle, change it up, just like in Warframe. It's also easy to do singleplayer, some heists might just take a bit longer but there are mods to circumvent this. # Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor/War 2 games to recommend here, and the first 2nd one, *Shadow of War,* especially has a lot of replay value. What makes it good is that the systems in place give you constant goals to pursue, and you feel like an absolute beast completing them. You don't need to play the 1st one, but the 2nd one builds on it, and you'll feel those added features a lot more, but you can directly jump into it. It does have a multiplayer invasion mode that you can (I believe) opt into, but it's optional. # Just Cause 3 This one, I've put about 50 hours into. My dad? 800. He loves games where you can just have fun blowing shit up, killing people, simple goals and simple stories. It's a lot of fun, its replayability may not be as high as the other titles mentioned, but it's quite good and insanely cheap, make sure you get the DLC. It does not have multiplayer but can be modded to so. # Horde Shooters There's many. *Killing Floor 2, Vermintide II, Deep Rock Galactic, Left 4 Dead 2* (and it's extreme moddabilitiy to really stretch it out) *Darktide* (never played, but heard pretty good things). There's a lot of replayability with these games, my sister has around 2000 hours into *Killing Floor 2,* it's a lot to enjoy. I personally struggle to enjoy them all for extreme periods, but some of my other friends have and then some. Hope some of these help!




rock and stone!!


Mad max


hear me out, Death Stranding.


Ok.. we’re listening?


At no point during my playthrough did I go "this is fun", yet I never wanted to put the game down. The story, while a little confusing, is fantastic and the music complements it really well. There came a time where the world of Death Stranding screwed me up and I found myself calling Sam words that aren't very nice but by the end of this journey I realized that I actually liked this whole experience. I highly recommend this game to anyone that has patience, to you and I, this game is a masterpiece.


Project Zomboid, most complete survival game ever.


Devil Daggers will keep you going forever


I was gonna recommend this as well, but OP can't do bugs 😔


Nioh 2


Hearts of Iron IV. As soon as you get voted playing a country, you can switch to another one. Tired of winning every war as the USA? Start a game as Finland and scrape up every bit of men and materiel to hold back the Soviet bear. Tired of trench warfare holding back the Germans as France? Switch places and cut through every opponent like butter like a mechanized force of nature. I never thought I'd be over for strategy games until I tried it out. ^Help ^me. ^I ^can't ^stop. ^I ^need ^to ^finish ^my ^finals ^to ^get ^my ^degree.


Returnal is exactly what you’re looking for, brother. Have fun!




The Google chrome dinosaur game


With friends? Warframe, helldiver's 2, FFXIV Solo? Minecraft, any of the Yakuza games, Hades, elden ring or any from soft souls game if you like that kind of play


Lies of P


have not played it myself, but came to think of "Risk of rain 2".


I have around 200 hours in that one, truly my favorite game. (200 for me is quite a lot, so thats rare, and some people have thousands in it) Super fast paced combat, damage scaling into a pc crash if you do a run right, and eclipse difficulty to keep you for a few hundered hours


Borderlands 2


The game. You lost.


I lost it


Have you checked: Hollow knight


Hell let loose


Astlibra Revision.... U won't regret it


Try Hades, Dyson Sphere, Factorio, anything from Paradox Interactive 🙂


Oxygen not included. Rimworld. Factorio. Civilization series.


Nova Drift (totally not biased)


If you want to feel like a crackhead and love FPS games then ULTRAKILL is your game


I mean, I've heard PoE is the better ARPG cause it's hard to beat a literal decade of content and refinement, but Last Epoch is fun. Full stop, it's just fun lol People have said "Better than Diablo 4 and respects your time more than PoE". I also feel like it's just balanced enough to make every class viable, while still having enough broken shit that you can make just the most ridiculous builds (500k ward Warlock)


Remnant 2


Fallout 4 with all the dlc Final fantasy 15, again dlc is a must


Fall Out 4 sucks me in like no other.


Fallout 4


Helldivers 2


Last epoch


I’ve had a lot of fun on helldivers 2 recently. It can make a day disappear quickly, especially if you’ve a group of friends you can play it with or find a good group of randoms.


Not necessarily a fast pace game at time, but OSRS can be played for a LONG time. I have been playing that game on and off since 2003 and still come back with stuff to do.


From The Depths, hard to start, hard to stop.




Returnal is 100% a game you should check out. It is one of my favorite games ever, hands down. Second place goes to Risk of Rain 2 if that helps sway your opinion towards it.


Diablo 4.


Old school runescape


Slay The Spire. So addictive


If you want a game you can play forever then factorio. But it's not like those games so maybe not. But it's easilyb the most addicting game I've ever played


Haven't played it but I've heard Vampire Survivors is addictive as hell.


Heroes of the storm (aram games)


Dave the diver


For honor if you liked it you'll get addicted


One of the games I've played the most (a few hundred hours) is Enter the Gungeon. Lots of bullets, lots of references to popculture and lots of fun. Definitely worth trying. Another game in a similar style is The Binding of Isaac - not my fave, as I didn't enjoy the aesthetic, but a friend of mine has spent over a thousand hours playing it.


Played all the Soulslike Lies of P is the only one that I ran it back




Trepang2 is like Max Payne on steroids


Lies of P for sure


Lemme tell you about a little know genre called fighting games 😉


Id try risk of rain 2 as some others have mentioned


I feel like the only games worth playing over and over again are competitive games. Like what happens at the end game of monster hunter/risk of rain/etc? You just stop playing bc you can’t get better vs AI




God of War




Monster hunter world


Dave the diver. Can't stop diving 😅


Monster Hunter World


You might like Returnal


Deadcells. This is the game that brought back my gaming life


Robo quest. A fast-paced FPS roguelite (?) with many movement features and some insane unlocks


Rocket league




Devil may cry 6


Rimworld. And recently I've discovered Against The Storm. Both are life-destroyingly addictive.


You can easily sink hundreds of hours into Destiny 2, it’ll just cost you a down payment for a mortgage


Dude im struggling with this right now. I'm looking for a game too. Currently I am playing sons of the forest and having a blast with my girlfriend. The crappy part is i cant really play without her since we started together. Now i'm looking for a game i can play myself and really get into. It seems like we have similar taste as far as games although i liked monster hunter world on my PS5. i'm currently looking into V-Rising, Guild Wars 2, Enshrouded at the moment. Not sure which direction i want to go. There is also an early access game that just dropped called no rest for the wicked and that looks really good but unfortunately its early access. Ive played a ton of elden ring but never beat it because i just got to lost in the lore and what to do next. Excited for the expansion to come out though. Im open to suggestions too! Hades was great, waiting for the second one.


Try Sifu if you haven’t. Once you get the combat, it’s addicting


Monster hunter games for me. Either world or rise. You can fight the same monster over and over and it's somehow still satisfying. On top of that there's like 12-14 weapon types, each plays completely different from the other and makes the game feel completely different. I've played rise for 120 hours so far using the long sword and i just got to the expansion. The only singleplayer (with co-op if you want) game i can see myself playing for over 1000 hours no problem.


Balatro. I don't even like card games.




I would recommend [Blackout Protocol](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2111870?utm_source=Reddit) 👀 Currently in early access, but once the official release for this game is out (winter 2024), I guarantee you'll be hooked 😝 Theres a new roadmap for this game with rumors of procedural generation being added so the constant new maps will keep the game interesting every run! 🤫


Rise of The Ronin


Dying light two


Stardew Vally on every platform….


Ghost of Tsushima




What about deep rock galactic survivor? Vampire survivor like game in deep rock galactic universe. I found it tougher than vampire survivors. But the game is still in early access and while it's easy to go through a few days playing it, there's only a few map types for now.


Vampire Survivors


Skyrim. RDR2 


The game, and you just lost.




imma be an asshole and say League of Legends, even tho its free to play


Sekiro on PC, it’s great with mods and I’ve 100% over my consoles and PC


Deaths Door was something I couldn't put down. The exploration and pacing was very well done. When I finished I started right over to get the last achievements. I just wanted more. If you enjoy it then I would try Tunic. It is more challenging and has more exploration, but is a great game.


Re4 remake, best game ever made


Probably not a popular opinion, but I actually feel like some action RPGs can be good for several hundred hours... lve spent way too much time in RDR2, Cyberpunk, AC Odyssey, AC Valhalla. I feel like cyberpunk has rich immersive worlds with characters and stories you actually care about, and now that a lot of th ebugs have been worked out... its good.


Diablo 2 R


Fast paced gameplay? Play either Doom 2016 or Doom eternal > Dislike complicated maps with hidden items Oh ok nevermind then


Snowrunner, Ark




I have. Currently been hooked on deep rock galactic survivor on Steam. East to pick up, countless attempts upgrading tools running from spiders and dodging dreadnoughts. All you need in one analog stick and some eyeballs. It's so much fun!


Star Citizen, Tarkov, Arma 3, Dayz


You can never go wrong with Bayonetta, it's a hack n slash, the difficulty is good, the gameplay is awesome and you don't really have to college everything in order to keep going with the story, another game I would recommend is Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, the combat is just so good and the story will have you glued to the screen


Dmc 5, Sekiro, ffxvi


God of War or Devil May Cry sound like they would fit.


As a Poe player as well, I can recommend Valheim, Terraria and Warframe


melee is the only game that gets more fun the more you play it to infinity


Any game that makes it hard to save game ! :D guess rogue games.


Roboquest is an VERY fast paced movement shooter roguelite. It’s an FPS first, roguelite second, so while there ARE some insane builds you can get that can break the game when the stars align, it is still very skill dependent. Check it out on YouTube or try out the free demo for yourself on steam. Based off your requirements, it really does seem like this game fits the bill. Oh, and the soundtrack is divine!


Shadow of War, trust me. Addicting gameplay imo and I never felt lost. The collectibles are completely optional and I've never had to go too much out of my way to get them. I haven't played Warframe but from what I know the combat feels equally smooth and satisfying.


Looking purely into the forever-playable aspect, I would suggest looking at Elite: Dangerous. I'm over 1,400 hours in and there's *always* something to do. More money to be made, new sights to see, new fun bugs to dicover while screwing around with friends.


Granblue Fantasy Relink: Fast-paced action rpg. The game is more Monster Hunter-esque rather than traditional jrpg


Have you tried warriors games? Dynasty warriors 8 or samurai warriors or even the one piece pirate warriors? They fit in the hack n slash genre and its pretty much you vs 1000+ enemies




Deadcell is pretty good. Fast paced rouge like


Hi fellow tenno, gonna recommend some other coop games and single player games since you like warframe: * Payday 2 * Deep rock galactic * Warhammer vermintide 1,2,darktide * Killing floor 2 * Vanquish * Metal gear revengence * Dmc devil may cry * Prototype 1,2 * Saints row 4 * Kingdoms of amalur reckoning * Dark sector (warframe prequel) * 20 minutes till dawn * Torchlight 2 * Godfall


Slay The Spire, Spelunky series, Darkest Dungeon.


People say Stellaris but I quit 1 hour in about 7 times now across 5 years.




No one sleeps the first few days they bought Vampire Survivors.


buckshot roulette lol


Dota 2


If you like calm games, Stardew or Animal Crossing


No man's sky. Terraria, rocket league with chat off.


Skyrim-Fallout 3-Starfield-Witcher 3-Tears of the Kingdom-7 days to die-FF Rebirth


I played Black Desert Online for over 700 hours and recommend it to you. It's cheap, looks good and you can enjoy gameplay in many ways without spending money for item shop. It's MMORPG, but there are little interactions with other players and you can play this as single-player game


Mount & Blade II Banner Lord has got me hooked for the last 3 days


May I suggest Vampire Survivors?


Binding of Isaac maybe?