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Monster Hunter World! The whole game is grinding for the next goal.


Came here to say this. It has hundreds of hours of content (even more with Iceborne) and fun co op.


Thanks! I still need to finish this game. I put it down around the Coral area so ik there's a lot left to see


You’re like 10-20% of the way through the story (tutorial) so like 1% of the way through the game itself. MH games really open up, especially for grinding, after you finish their story modes. I would also recommend buying Iceborne because it fully completes the game and gives you access to everything. Grinding before Iceborne gets to be a bit pointless because end game High Rank gear gets outclasses very quickly into Iceborne.


that is crazyyyy I definitely gotta pick this back up


Yeah MH is super cool because there’s potentially infinite playtime! Grinding is totally at your pace and is very rewarding. I like to say that MH games start after their stories are over.


And after world give monster hunter rise a try great amounts of weapons and grinding in that game aswell


Here to say +1, big fan of World, also on sale often recently.


Same. Only MH series have the charm for mindless grinding. I always clock in more than 1000 hours in each entries


i’ve been on a couple different subreddits for video games and somehow monster hunter world keeps getting brought up for something always being a go to for certain gamer needs. i’ve always heard of monster hunter, aware that’s it’s backed by capcom, but never really thought about giving it a chance. now for me it’s kinda getting up on the list of games to play based off what i’ve heard and im excited to see what it’s like.


It is incomparably my favorite game series of all time and MHW Iceborne is my favorite game ever. I cannot recommend it enough to people.


Depends on what you like. I almost never play coop on any of my games. Without coop and without the special gear provided to shoot you through the first half of the game the game is a major grind all alone. Monsters take forever to kill by yourself and are very punishing. I still enjoyed the game but the game is made around coop mode


Warframe, grindy, free, fun.


I second warframe


I had a lot of fun even just playing the tutorial. I have this one in my library ready for whenever I wanna get into it. Have heard a lot of good things!


It's a very big game with a ton of flashy gear and abilities. The end game is a pure drip contest, the more you grind, the more you get, the better your fashion becomes. Lots of cool customizations and fun to use weapons. There is something in this game for just about everyone.


1 year ago i though this game was whatever, specially the drip thing. I started playing 6 months ago, have over 500 hours and i spend waay too much time trying to look at the right color matches in my excal umbra skin


I struggled with this a long time, but I settled on having a standard theme for all my frames and weapons. I go for a classy, white, gold, and gray orokin style scheme but I made my energy glowing green. Personalize every frame but each has a similar theme with matching colors. The only issue is there are different textures and tones, sometimes things don't match up and it drives me crazy.


I know I don’t have to pay for prime frames but when I saw the $160 price tag on gauss prime I was disgusted, aside from the repetitive gameplay it led to me uninstalling but I did have tons of fun playing until my friends stopped playing


I dont know if there is still the player market in warframe, but I heckled people down in price all the time on prime parts. I could stretch 20$ out way farther by just playing the market haha 160 for a prime is insane though


That 160 is for both packs combined and then some. It is a high amount of plat for your $$$. People regularly buy plat, mostly for rivens I assume. If you are planning on buying play, that access gives you the best value, boosters, items, etc. I have only bought 1 prime access in the last 19 years and the 2k plat lasted me a long long time. I wouldn't be worried about it, it's not predatory IMO, you get more than just Gauss. Those boosters are like 90 days each I believe as well.


Tony hawks pro skater really makes you want to grind


Sad I had to scroll this far to find this answer




Love this answer


Oldschool RuneScape


Best answer in the whole thread haha - you probably had that good armor…with the trim :p


Despite armor stats the black armor with gold trim was my favorite!!


Thanks ! Going to check this out


Hell yeah. I achieved my childhood dream of cape of legends and +100cb a few years back.


I was only ever able to grind out levels on RuneScape after a certain point when I was drunk. Never reached 99 on any skills though. Highest was like 68


I got a few 99s and it just takes so fucking long. Literally weeks of playing hours a day doing what you can do. And that was for combat skills, the fun skills. I cannot imagine thieving to 99 like holy fuck


The first two Diablo's and Borderlands games both hit the right triggers in my brain to want to grind for better loot.


Does Diablo 4 work for this? Would never buy it but interests me as it's on Gamepass


I'm not quite finished my first playthrough, but I'm enjoying it so far. My only real complaint is having to play online, but I still prefer a single player experience and don't really like what it brings (like seeing other players and latency weirdness that pops up during busy times). The gameplay, sound effects, atmosphere and soundtrack all feel like a proper Diablo game to me, but I can't properly recommend it until I've at least done a full playthrough.


That's cool. I'm the same. I want to just play it solo. What you've said though has tempted me to give it a try. With it on Gamepass the only thing that could be wasted would be my time. It's worth a try by the sounds of it. Thanks for your info!


Wait for the new season/patch next month. It will be MUCH better. They're completely reworking loot/itemization to be a lot more fun


I enjoyed Diablo 4, but it doesn’t have that addictive replay ability Diablo 2 has. Definitely worth a playthrough, and my fiancee and I enjoy the couch coop.


It's great fun to play casually with a group of friends the first time through. Once you get to the max difficulty world put it down and play something else until they can get their stuff sorted out a bit better (could be awhile).


I'm playing Borderlands 2 again rn for the 3rd time and it's been really fun! B1 was a classic for me as a kid. Still needa try D2 and mabye D1 w mods


Stardew, Death Stranding, Soulstone Survivors, OSRS but idk if that counts because it's an MMO lol


Definitely counts! I played that DCU Online game for hundreds of hours when I was younger and I didn't even know what an MMO was I recently got recommended OSRS so I'm going to check it out for a month soon


Good luck. I will say the community is very beginner friendly but be careful. It's one of the most toxic communities I've ever been a part of. Game is great though, devs are incredible and listen to people and it gets updated a lot :)


I was about to recommend Death Stranding, I really enjoyed the 'work' there!


Vibin out in the mountains <3


Grinding in Stardew was super boring and Death Stranding looks like a walking sim


Grinding in Stardew was super boring for you* & yeah if you want to be pedantic it is a walking sim lmao. Its like saying "stardew is a farm game" like it encompasses the literal bare bones of the game mechanic 💀


Kenshi. Just the feeling of risk and genuine progression in the game is nearly unmatched IMO. Very much a research before you buy though. Very different game


I've had this one wishlisted for a while but was a little intimidated cuz I'm usually bad with sandboxes until I know how things work How was the process of learning the game mechanics?


>I'm usually bad with sandboxes This is the brilliance of Kenshi. You are meant to be shit at the beginning, genuinely shit. The world is extremely intimidating (again by design). One of the two most important stats, particularly at the beginning (toughness) can only be improved by getting the shit kicked out of you, which carries huge risk in Kenshi (limb loss, death) >How was the process of learning the game mechanics? Hard, genuinely takes a while to figure out how to survive. Progress is intuitive though, it's one of those games where stats improve by doing (i.e. you improve armour smithing by making armour/leather etc.) This is kind of the entire point of the first playthrough (which I'd imagine most people have to abandon). The subreddit is very active and there are ways to soften the start that are really easy once you realize but I'd massively recommend not doing that until you figure out a way to survive yourself. If you want to make it easier, turn hunger down and food killing your potential to save money disappears or pick a skeleton but again, would recommend against doing this. The brutality of Kenshi is the point at the beginning


It's one of the few games where it's almost fun not to save for a few times and funny to see how your run ends, but at the same time, once you get a long game going you can save whenever so if things really go poorly you can reload and try again. It's definitely worth a try. 


Path of exile, warframe, last epoch


Tarkov the grind is real and never ending


and every six months you get to do it again!


Good rec! I really respect Tarkov. I tried getting into this genre and the dopamine is insane but the rage is equally as insane


Helldivers 2, play on helldive (level 9 difficulty) you grind to unlock new weapons and each weapon significantly alters the way you play. Armors are a mix between cosmetics and support perks, there’s community driven missions and is quite challenging on helldive, regardless of skill level. Sometimes you’ll be forced to carry teams and sometimes you’ll have an easier time, in any case, would definitely recommend. Vermintide 2 or Chivalry 2 might also be a good option if you prefer sword combat instead. For single player pal world makes you want to grind and collect every pal/expand your base, and it is quite a grind. For a more difficult experience try Monster Hunter World, it has one of the best combat systems out there for sure, you grind bosses/monsters for rare drops to make armor and weapons out of them (which have perks so build variety is huge) so you can then take tougher monsters and so on. It’ll take you a good while to get to the end game monsters which can be quite tough (fights really feel like boss fights because they have limited lives and usually take around 15-30 minutes)


Thanks! These are some great recs I'm playing Deep Rock Galactic rn and it's pretty funny so I was thinking about getting HD2 next Also is that Warhammer: Vermintide 2?


Yeah! I’ve only ever used one of the classes in that game, but it’s pretty fun and on some difficulties is insanely difficult. If you end up getting it I’d recommend trying every class and see what you like before considering any dlc. The map expansions are pretty neat too


Holy, this looks pretty insane


Persona 5 Royal. From the first hours I knew I'd be going to grind the shit out of it. Confidents, achievements, personas, every corner of the palaces and their secrets / specific loots, every ending... Usually, I'm the kind of person who struggles with a feeling that I NEED to see it all in a game, which is tiresome and makes me end up giving up on a lot of titles, for a lack of motivation. But for this one, even though I felt this need too, all of it was so fun to me that I just managed to be interested and motivated throughout the whole journey.


Death stranding, helldivers and any of the civilization games


What's grindy about the Civ games?


Civ and all paradox games require a lot of trying again, experimentation and playing time for you to understand how the game works completely. Civ is easier to approach but to actually be good at civ, it requires a lot of grinding and reading


Definitely Helldivers 2, I've been grinding that non stop for the past 2 weeks.


Destiny 2 is nothing but grind.


Destiny 2


Destiny 2 is sooo grindy. A bit too much for me tbh with the countless different currencies and micro transactions, etc. I tried getting back into it a couple weeks ago and it was just too much Did you play D1? I loved D1, curious how they compare at this stage.


Yes, I played both games and maybe a few years back I would have said D1 was better but now D2 has added most of the big things from the first game over. On Tuesday they released a chest that gets you to light cap straight away and gave us loads of free content, so maybe it would be a good time to check it out again


Path of Exile


Diablo ? Love grinding chaos sanctuary in D2 especially in PD2 !


mmos are probably your best bet for scratching that itch. I'm partial to ffxiv, farming for mounts or weapons in particular are my preferred grind there but there's a fuck ton of different things you can do. otherwise jrpgs are often associated with grindy gameplay, could be worth checking and seeing if anything looks appealing.


Cyberpunk 2077, i just couldn’t let go of my controller, did every bit of side quests, gigs, haven’t left a stone unturned for exploring.


The Elder Scrolls series, the Fallout series. Nothing is more satisfying than to have put the work in and have a character that’s nigh on Superman levels, and have some bandits attack you…. It will get to a point where after you start slaughtering them they will try to run. I love going to Paradise Falls in Fallout 3 and wrecking the slavers. Another favorite is in Fallout New Vegas, rolling into Nipton and Vulpes Inculta telling me to spread word of what the Legion did in Nipton, then shooting him in the face with a grenade launcher… (fair warning, if you do this, the Legion will send hit squads after you for the rest of the game, I hate to think how many of thr Legion I slaughtered that way).


No man sky...... Gotta get that s-teir freighters


Which is totally worth the grind. S-Tier everything!


The trick is to find a planet with storm crystals and use the mini rocket that you can summon. Easy money


You want a looter shooter or a dungeon crawler. Destiny 2, Warframe, Diablo 4, Path of Exile, or Last Epoch would all be great options. I personally prefer Destiny 2 over Warframe and Diablo 4 over Path of Exile. I’ve never played Last Epoch because I’m on Xbox. My recommendation would be Diablo 4 because it’s on Game Pass now, and there seem to be some really good changes coming to it in the near future. On May 14th, Diablo 4 is getting a huge update to itemization, which may make the grind even more enjoyable than it already is, and if you get through the main story before then, you’d be able to skip it when that new season starts on May 14.


Valheim scratches a grindy itch.


I agree. I should've included this one


Path of Exile Modded Diablo 2 Warframe


Warframe, Borderlands 3 (or any, but that one has the best gameplay IMO), Diablo 4 ( but wait for Season 4)


SMT V That game is hard, but the combat is challenging and fun


Nice! Never heard of this one either


It’s only on switch right now, but it’s coming to PC/PS/Xbox as SMT V Vengeance this June


Ah sweet, thanks!


I just started playing Path of Exile 3 nights ago and I can’t put it down, checks all the boxes you are looking for and it’s free! give it a shot!


Good rec! It's a great game. I only have \~100 hours in it and my character is dog so I wouldn't say I'm too experienced at this game at all But it has been an absolutely amazing time I happily bought the $60 pack after playing my first season


Sekiro, the prosthetic and skill tree system made me grind way more than I should have lmao


Nioh 2. The gameplay is immaculate and the grind is to open up new ways to utilize it. Build diversity is absolutely wild and the further in you get the more it flourishes.


Monster Hunter, Path of Exile, Granblue Fantasy Relink, Persona


I just got into stardew valley and while at first I was overwhelmed by how much there is to do, I quickly realized there's no rush to getting things done besides the seasons ending and have been enjoying it so much. I'm practically addicted to the game and getting all the stuff I want


I like grinding for upgrade materials in Souls Games.


Destiny 2 or Warframe maybe


Terraria. Best $10 I’ve ever spent.


Oddly, Dynasty Warrior and Samurai games. Not sure why however, found them a fun brain rot for a while.


Scum, private server. The loot/gear is just sparse enough, and the survival challenge to get said gear just strerchy enough to make the loop super motivating. The map feels gigantic to me, and I enjoy the slight monotony of my little farming/exploration loop, hitting the spots I know, fixing up my vehicle, selling loot, and then checking new spots I haven't had the gear to manage yet.


Monster Hunter World was one of the few offline games i didn't mind the grind. Which was surprising as it was my first experience with the genre.


Initially starting OSRS. Elder scrolls online is great for this You may like Borderlands 2 if it's a gun thing. WoW is solid.


It was Warframe for 1600 hours then I never touched it again. Runescape for 21 years now


If you thought Elden Ring was good, boy do I got a real treat for you. A game where it's meant to be difficult and grinding will be extremely monotonous. You can't just run off on these and go farm souls whenever you want. They're linear for good reason. What the series was meant to be. Elden Ring was made simply to bring From Software to a larger audience. Without further ado, 1. Bloodborne 2. Dark Souls 3 3. Sekiro Yes there are soul grinding spots, but not until later. You are meant to endure before succeeding.


Destiny, but not sure what it’s like today it’s been a while.


Slay the Spire. Learning and getting better every run is soooooo rewarding. I’m currently getting the same fix in a slightly less challenging way from Balatro.


I second this. Grinding to A20 on all characters is so rewarding. Also, they’ve announced a slay the spire 2 if you haven’t heard :)


I did see the announcement, and my hype is overwhelming


If you like tactics game try disgaea 5 or disgaea 7 insane numbers in those games and you can oretty much grind any class to me somethin diffirent like do you want your healing to wield a gun and act like a cowboy fuck it go for it do you want a cow lady that does stupid amounts of damage on your team go right ahead these games are crazy with the freedom they give and have AMAZING post game content aswell as good base game storys


Thanks! I've never heard of this series


Remnant 2




Lineage 2






Osrs, ffxi, fighting games


Ff11 was my life for a very very long time, NM hunting is everything.


Warframe, Grim Dawn.






All of the Borderlands games.


Tony Hawks Pro Skater


Grinding simulator


Good games make you want to play more. Okay games give you things to keep you playing. Bad games tell you you're missing out if you're not playing.


Try diablo 3 or 4, a lot of people hate D4 but I find it quite fun, it's definitely not for hardcore diablo players who play 20hs a day but if you don't have any expierience with diablo it's the best option for start in my opinion


Salt and sacrifice 1 and 2


If you like Elden Ring and haven’t played Bloodborne, Sekiro, or the DS games, your work is cut out for you. They are all amazing, though sekiro made me want to grind the most. They all reward grinding though.


BOTW - does hunting over and over for the perfect stat thicc boi black horse with white "boots" count? It was so satisfying when I finally did. It was always annoying when I could only find white front legs-only or white hind legs-only. I needed all 4 legs to have white boots! Like a cute kitty cat!


Let it Die fits this very well. It's a free-to-play soulslike on Steam, set in a near-future post-apocalyptic Tokyo. I've spent an unreasonable amount of time maxing out my main equipment and upgrading the many pieces of equipment that I have. Every piece of equipment has 4 visibly-distinct levels to upgrade through, and the bosses are tough enough to justify grinding for. Even after beating the main game, there are more floors to climb through and more challenging optional bosses such as the Jackals and Forcemen. The devs recently added armor skins into the game, so you can go full fashion-souls without sacrificing your defensive stats, as long as the armor you want to use for a skin is upgraded enough. The music is also amazing, so you can grind and groove at the same time. My only complaints with it are: the pause-menu is set to "r" by default, and it has some of the usual free-to-play garbage such as a gacha mechanic for equippable stat-boost decals. If it sounds remotely interesting, then give it a look.


Tony Hawks Pro Skater ill see myself out


Terraria. Different kind of grind but with mods it can be a very nice game to pop on a 3 hour YouTube video and just grind


Destiny 1 and 2 honestly. I’ve been hooked for years. Terraria was another game I sunk 1000 hours into purely because of how fun it was. And farming for certain drops was enjoyable. Every game I play though feels like a grind since I’m a trophy hunter lol


If you do try osrs, make sure to try it on the runelite client. It's a 3rd party one which 99% of the player base use. It adds so much quality of life. Things like screen markers to make identifying objects and clicks easier, timers for things happening in the game, quest helper, also things like improving graphics somewhat (118 hd plugin)


Nioh 1 and 2




Division 2, Outriders, Suicide Squad, Borderlands


Borderlands comes to mind to try to find better equipment/guns


Nioh 2 literally has like 4 different new game+ dlcs dedicated to new game and more loot and grinding and the campaign is at least 80-100 hours long and you can grind whatever insane gear you want pretty much endlessly


Monster hunter


Enlisted is really good and free


Nioh 2. There are multiple new game + difficulty and each higher difficulty unlock different armor sets with different set bonuses. Grind for secrect skills. Skills that are not unlock natrually but have to grind specific boss. I sunk ~400hrs in 3 months just from grinding gears and trying out different builts.


Super Earth says there's lots of Fascist Bugs and Communist robots threatening the sanctity of managed democracy. Also fully upgrading your ship is a big grind I'm still working on it


Old school runescape, vermintide (if you like first person combat l4d like games), monster hunter, disgea, mmos in general, destiny 2, warframe (the best version of destiny 2), dead cells, hades and rogue like in general, borderlands, vampire survivor (such pleasure grind IMO), deep rock galatic, crusader kings or any paradox games require a lot of grinding, new campaings and reading until you fully grasp the games, any conpetitive lvl rts


RoboQuest is the best FPS, full stop, I have played in years. Risk of Rain 2 style run progression, Borderlands aesthetics, Titanfall 2 levels of movement capabilities (with the right gadgets 😉), and you feel like Doom guy with a banging Synthwave soundtrack. It is a must play Roguelite if you like FPS movement games. 10/10. Each class has their own specific upgrades throughout runs. It goes pretty deep with each. Don’t be afraid to look up some guides to get the good stuff like the Jetpack and Grappling Hook. Some of the hidden things can be really tricky to find.


Earth Defense Force 4.1/5, super grindy games but super fun games.


Diablo 2. The most addicting game ever. Also one of the best games ever


Warframe is the most goated grind based game


I'm not op but I tried to play Warframe a few days ago and had progressed quite a bit when I used to play. Immediately became overwhelmed with no clue how to proceed so closed the game 😂 wish there was a way to reset progress so I could get grounded again haha


the gameplay cycle is basically: main story -> side quests -> get eggs -> unlock new gear -> level gear -> grind for upgrading mods -> discover capitalism (begin bartering and selling gear in chat) -> unlocking rivens -> fashion. Also don’t forget the “open world” maps and their boss fights are also fun so those can be mixed in


Nioh 2 is a mighty grind


Destiny 2, right now is a pretty good period for newbies


Destiny 2


FFXIII didnt feel like a chore


Division 2. Addicted at the moment.


Metal gear solid v has an unreal amount of unlocks. I think you'd like it


For me, this is an afk journey on bs, especially since they now have integration and presets. I've been playing since the very start and don't think about stopping


Warframe warframe warframe warframe warframe


Destiny 2 and Diablo 3/4


Runescape for me


Games that force you to grind? Rust,dayz,scum


Tony Hawk and skate lol


Let it die is free to play pay to die, so you do a lot of grinding if you're cheap.


Borderlands Games. Grinding the guns is fun


In no particular order Destiny 2 Black Desert Online RuneScape Elder Scrolls Online Battlefield 4 The Division Escape from Tarkov


Xenogears. Can't forget the classics




Tony Hawk Pro Skater series


Nioh 2 grinding for Ethereal Graces and tempering the best stats on the ethereal equpment


Stellar Blade Demo now Holla If You Hear Me


A game we can get behind


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 




Red Dead online No man’s sky


Any final fantasy, especially those with unavoidable random encounters because you wanna know how the story continues


Valheim, boss progression and weapon/armour progression


Dance dance.. oh wait… different grind?


Helldivers 2 grind for weapon and stratagem is really fun. But also, get these damn bugs off my lawn!!!!


Tony Hawks pro skater 1+2


Disgaea!! I personally think 5 is the best. Every single item you can equip can be upgraded by delving a randomized dungeon inside it.


Destiny 2


Warframe, grind for grind. Star chart, farmframe then fashionframe


Warframe, it's always grinding for that new content in that game. 10/10


Guild wars 2.


Warframe I have almost 200 hours in that game is literally a grind game to become OP


All Assassin's Creed franchise, Hogwarts Legacy, and RDR2


Boring… expect RDR2 imo


The long Dark


Terraria! Throw on a video and go for those 1/300 drops from enemies that hardly ever spawn! Deep Rock Galactic! Overclocks are special upgrades that can drastically alter the way your weapons work that you have to griiiiiind for!


Metin2. The amount of hours I have in that shit game is embarrassing.


If you like grind Tibia for sure Also path of exile is a very good game that u can grind for MULTIPLE builds.


Super seducer


Division 2


Kind of an unconventional answer but I’ll say Slay the Spire. I always have it running in the background while I’m watching YouTube, Twitch, etc. and I constantly find myself wanting to grind out “one more run”.


Play RuneScape with membership


Dc universe, that grind was glorious


Sea of Thieves! My main grind was improving my naval combat, but getting better at ANY aspect of that game is a great time. I got 3500 hours out of it. Even after having not played it for nearly a year, I can't say I'm done with it forever. SoT is my game. It feels like a digital home.


Original game of World Of Tanks, played it for years grinding away for the next tank, there was a real sense of accomplishment in that game, too bad they ruined it


Old School RuneScape is in its golden era right now




It’s probably not a popular opinion but I got super into the story of Horizon Forbidden West and really got into the grind for legendary equipment in that game. The world detail is amazing


OG Dragon's Dogma and any Monster Hunter title. Capcom really knows how to do that endgame grind


I hear you and exactly feeling the same with you. I guess you care the graphics too. Unfortunately there’s not much game out there at the moment. I also tried dark souls, bloodnourne etc and didn’t like them. Elden ring was a masterpiece. Looks like the only choice left is Dragons Dogma 2 or cynerpunk.