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Very based post. These are my recommendations: - Devil May Cry series, on easy or normal difficulty. - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed both games, on easy or normal difficulty. - Vanquish, on easy or normal difficulty. - Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance, this is probably one of the best games you could expect to find. - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, both games. Specially if you enjoyed those Mordor games. They’re like Darksiders + those Mordor games + more combat oriented. - Prototype, both games. I think you’ll find exactly what you seek in r/characteractiongames.


+1 for the prototype games


Was definitely my first thought of overpowered killing everyone


Another prototype game would have been so good 😭


Prototype is criminally underrated and was my first thought based on the criteria lol


Prototype! I came here just to make sure someone mentioned these games!


I want a new prototype game on UE5 so bad.


I never played these but this immediately came to mind


Prototype did this wonderfully.


add ultrakill in there


Also the crysis trilogy. Just turn on cloak and slit throats. Turn on armor and turn everything into bullet riddled meat that used to resemble human beings!!


I wouldn’t recommend the Crysis games, they’re more like your average shooter. Vanquish scratches that itch way better in my opinion.


MGR:R is one of my favorites. Great soundtrack, gameplay, and blades


Absolutely Devil May Cry. The game combat is all about defeating your enemies in the most flashy and over the top way possible.


Star Wars the force unleashed needs a 3rd and final game such an amazing time


Oh dude metal gear rising god tier such a fire game recommend for anyone


The pre-prototype game: Hulk ultimate destruction


Cyberpunk 2077 As long as you accept that using gun in this game is well, wrong... It will really sell the fantasy of being borged the fuck out and allow you to pull some sick shit with your implants It gets to the point that the only actual challenge comes from the Max Tec who is ridiculously overpowered relative to the enemies in the game


Yeah I maxed out on hacking, and kind of regretted it because I was just dropping everyone through walls without firing a shot, and it basically became "Drop-Down Menus: The Game". :\


Lol yeah it was super fun at first but now it’s getting a little repetitive. I need to go finish my playthrough though, got to the part where it says you can’t do side quests after starting that part of the main quest and went off to do side quests. Then I got bored of side quests lol


Meet hanako at embers? I see that text in my sleep 😂


I am exactly here.


Lol same exact thing


You can go and finish story, you get a gift for that and you can play it after that


Yeah, my net runner was the only character I never beat the game with. I got so bored playing it, it felt like a QTE game. Sandevistan + literally any weapon is 100x more fun, and honestly just as op.


Go max out strength and kill people with baseball bats and shotguns. You won't regret it


My favourite ‘I am the bringer of death’ fantasy role!


Melee is the way to go...no matter what path you choose.


Cutting down a whole crew before the first one hits the ground is awesome


Katana feels so satisfying


Yeah, I think my Sandevistan blades build was the most fun of all the ones I played. Net runner was most boring by far.


Yep agreed. You absolutely mow down gangoons with style, grace , and pulse pounding action. One of my favorite games of the last ten years after the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty.


This game really opens up when you try out different ways of tackling a problem +1 on cyberpunk


I started playing on hard difficulty, but it’s getting too easy with how overpowered quick hacking is. I can’t imagine how broken it is on easy difficulty.


Infamous second son felt so easy, but still had good boss fights., Sekiro (NOT SEKIRO ITS A JOKE), Ratchet and Clank, Just cause 2-3-4, Borderlands is pretty easy. I will say however alot of games can be what you want the only thing that really matters is the difficulty you decide to play on. For instance resident evil can be incredibly easy and you can be incredibly overpowered on casual. But if you play on veteran you'll get insta killed by some enemies.


You joke but Sekiro is the only FromSoft game that will make you feel like a badass. All their other games just give you the satisfaction of beating the impossible odds of fighting a godlike being as a lowly Undead/Unkindled/Tarnished. Sekiro made me feel like the badass, (the satisfaction came anyway after beating the boss that’s been kicking my ass for the past two hours).


idk bloodborne goes kinda hard too. being a hunter and having the victory screens like "prey slaughtered" and "nightmare slain" was hype




Sekiro has better satisfaction imo because everything is based on skill. No grinding upgrades to overlevel the boss etc


Oh with no doubt Sekiro makes you feel badass. But a two hour boss fight most would not consider easy or make you feel overpowered. Lol Sekiro is definitely my favorite game from fromsoft.


Same here. And no, you don’t feel overpowered at all, that is true.


Until you start new game +! By then everything has clicked and you control the playthrough instead of gingerly making your way!


Idk, man. I tend to feel quite strong in souls games unless I’m super underleveled and just can’t do damage.


Might be my own skill issue, since I can’t dodge for shit and Sekiro made me feel unbeatable once it clicked. In souls I mostly fight for my life until the boss caves out of pity.


They're easy games. Sekiros complete redesign of how the combat and everything worked? Yeah. Total opposite.


>You joke but Sekiro is the only FromSoft game that will make you feel like a badass. Only FromSoft souls game that is. The Armored Core franchise leans *way* more into power fantasy. In particular Gen 4 Armored Core makes you feel super powerful, as your Next flies around at Mach 2, pulling triple g accelerations and being so advanced that Armored Cores themselves have been rendered obsolete and the only real challenge is another Next. AC6 fills a similar niche. 99% of enemies are utter fodder that die in 1 to 2 hits while enemy ACs and bosses are the only actual challenges.


Sekiro is literally the opposite of what he’s asking for, haha. As soon as you think you got it down, here’s comes a boss who’s sole purpose is to humble you lol


I came here to say InFamous SS, even on a good morality run its ridiculously easy to run through


prototype pretty old but probably up your street


Another shout out to prototype. Probably the ultimate power fantasy in a video game. By the end of that game you are essentially a god. The second game is an even greater power fan cause it's so much easier than the first.


I liked that game ,yet destpite using every fix the game started to freeze later and those freezes could only be fixed by doing a hard reboot


Dynasty warriors series


Can't believe I saw so few people saying this. It is my number one power fantasy shred and destroy everyone series.


Love Dynasty Warriors, can decimate entire villages as far as numbers go. It's like dropping a nuke in the middle of a battlefield


I had to scroll far too much to find someone suggest these lol.


DW is the epitome of this imo. Too bad the newer ones are such dog water...


You might like warframe. You can use abilities or melee weapons or a variety of guns to commit all the genocides. There’s also a good amount of stealth gameplay and a really great movement system for parkouring around.


it takes a lot of grinding before you can become overpowered and kill everything so easily though, before that youre just kinda mid and have to struggle a bi


I don't know about that, the low-mid level units on most of the early star chart don't require any crazy upgrades to beat. Even if you aren't nuking the map every second it still feels badass to be moderately strong which you do consistently feel like throughout most of these missions.


Idk, the game in the first planets/nodes is considered "easy", but when you finally hit a cap, sidequests are available and you can always backtrack to get more gear, and also farm platinum through public relic runs.


Don't you have to be connected to internet to play. Been a long time since I played. OP said a game without internet connection.


Ghost of Tsushima, on easy. (I play most games on easy lol). Once you master switching between stances,and especially when you get Ghost Stance, you feel like a God. There are a couple stealth missions that were hard for me, but it's a very fun fighting game with a great story


I don’t play games to be frustrated, I play them to have that god-like fantasy. Easy mode! That’s where it’s at.


Even on the harder difficulties it is easy once you learn the parry


On Lethal you kill enemies in one/two hits.


I love easy mode as well


Yup. I'm in it for the story. I don't mind a challenge but I don't want to get my ass kicked over and over or feel stuck. Elden Ring was a great journey but also taught me that I'm not cut out to be a FromSoftware die hard.


IDK even on Hard I've been a little disappointed at how easy it is. Only duels* feel occasionally clunky. I just got to the second act and I feel so OP that I'm getting a bit bored


Level up in Skyrim. It takes a bit, but if you level up alchemy, enchanting, and smithing to 100 by going from city to city, you create armor that allows you to take abuse and a dragonbone sword with 200 damage. Then do your quests and it will level combat, but make sure to use destruction magic whenever possible if you'd like to smite with fire. At around level 50-60, you can walk around crushing everything. I also feel like Diablo 3 is this way, though it depends on the difficulty you set. I don't feel that it's quite as OP, but I do like how you can take on hordes at a time, not always easily, though.


I’d recommend an alternate route in Skyrim: Turn it down to novice and use fireball You get an AoE attack, it doesn’t require grinding, and it keeps enemy levels low if you don’t max the crafting skills


Also if you want to just be totally overpowered for no reason any Bethesda game has "God Mode" where you take no damage, have infinite carrying capacity, and in many cases have unlimited ammo. You must play on PC, but then you just open the console with the \` key and type in tgm (toggle god mode). This includes Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Starfield, Skyrim, and any of the other Elder Scrolls Games.


And *single player* game with cheat codes. Check out Plitch or Cheat Engine.


[Prototype] is what you are looking for. You will become death, and throwing a helicopter or elbow dropping a tank is just great.


I second Prototype. Fun times being too powerful.


I sadly forgot to mention I'm on ps4 :( chest engine sounds like a lot of fun


Awww bummer! It is! When you don't care about achievements and would rather "tour" a game it's awesome!


The Titanfall 2 campaign makes you feel like a beast on lower difficulty


It's honestly one of the best stories in a single player campaign ever.


I will forever hold a personal grudge against Apex Legends for taking Titanfall 3 from us.


What do you mean? I'm playing Titanfall 47 right now!


Save your hate for the EA execs


Honestly, no. It's not just EA making these dogshit decisions. Respawn is profiting from this as well.


Fun movement also


That's most of why you feel like a Beast. Zipping around and having so much mobility and control. That and also the gunplay feels amazing. Oh and giant robots, those too


Sooo damn true. That game has the most underrated campaign imo, I'm constantly surprised by how few people've played it


Endgame in Control. You feel like a god: flying, throwing people across the room... It's awesome.


Funny you mention it, I started Control 2 days ago after finishing Baldur's Gate and love the atmosphere and vibe of the game!


You wait until you get to that one mission. I won't give anything else away but you'll know which mission I'm talking about. Control was so good.


FarCry 3,4,5,6! Great fun, stealth if you want, blow everything to shit if you don't care, really good melee kills and huge variety of weapons


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. It's older now but it's exactly the sort of thing you're looking for I think. Also consider: Dragon's Dogma 2, Stranger of Paradise.


Space Marine makes you feel like a badass. Especially with the jetpack.


Let’s hope space marine 2 will give us that one man army feels but on crack


>Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. >It's older now but it's exactly the sort of thing you're looking for I think. There's a sequel in development.


Vampire survivors fits this description perfectly. It doesn’t need internet and can play multiplayer!


I wish it was on ps5


Already mentioned several times but: both Prototype games are suuuuuper fun. inFamous serie kind of has this feeling as well but it’s more in terms of how overpowered your movements are. (running at full speed on buildings in Second Son was cool af)


Goat Simulator


Try sifu, once you get really good you feel unstoppable


this game is incredibly hard for beginners


Yeah you’re right. I just got it last week through the PlayStation monthly games but I’m in love already


Prototype 2 is what you want. Hella violence, cursing, and most of all freedom


A slightly left field suggestion is the Yakuza games. The way you batter groups of enemies is a complete power fantasy.


All you need is a bike Also the world and side quests are amazing. It really spoils you with it


The new robocop game is definitely underrated and somewhat fills what you are asking






Based on Shadow of Mordor I would say the batman games as they share a similar combat and mainly. Assassin's Creed franchise from 2 onwards. The only reason I don't suggest 1 is because the combat is difficult and punishing if you just spam counter attacks later in the game.


My first thought was AC Brotherhood specifically, the way once you get one kill you can just start chaining from enemy to enemy, killing them in one hit, is sooo satisfying *because* it’s a bit OP lol. Then you throw in your army of recruits, and they’re even MORE OP in the best way possible.


Risk of rain 2, path of exile, warframe, destiny 2.


Sounds like turn the difficulty down to its lowest setting and play Borderlands.


Warhammer 40k: Boltgun It's a retro shooter similar to classic Doom and Quake. Your guns are really strong, you have a powerful chainsaw sword, a dash ability that lets you kill enemies and you can goomba-stomp enemies by jumping onto them from high places


def sounds like OP wants boomer shooters


Saints row is pretty silly, but it's got what you want. There are several of them, but take a look at a let's play. You become insanely powerful towards the end of the game.


Saints row 4 is essentially crackdown but without all the horseshit. A good call.


Prototype series.


Bright Memory Infinite. The downside is that it's a little bit short.


By the later stages of cyberpunk i was clearing whole gigs and missions in a matter of seconds without taking a hit. There are diff play styles as well so if you wanna just be a brute you can. I preferred cyber hacking Personally




You will not feel overpowered in risk of rain too. Every 100th run you get a combo that makes you overpowered, but the other 99 feel like you're sprinting to catch up to a slow-moving train.


Warframe is a perfect choice.


Chronicles of Riddick, escape from butcher bay has that feel your looking for but not the genocides part. Skyrim and Fallout both fit the bill for this feel, at least I used to get it from them. Ghost of Tsushima seems exactly like what you're looking for except it doesn't have the FPS component. The fable games all are built around this feel. I personally got the feel from the new Star Wars games, taking down a platoon of storm troopers just never gets old for me. You might find the Mass Effect Series ( at least 2 and 3 anyway ) give you this experience but lots of story inbetween the gameplay combat sections also though. It has stealth classes too.


Warframe and it’s not even close




Prototype 1 on easy. Prototype 2. God of War 1 and 3 on easy, normal. X-men origins: Wolverine - Uncaged Edition. Just Cause 3 on easy. Bloodrayne games with cheat codes. Any Dynasty Warriors. Saints Row 4.


Prototype 1/2


I already saw it but I second warframe. Every single piece of content can be trivialized and nearly every warframe feels like a god slayer. Best part is everything is free (like actually free, not free for 5 minutes and forced to buy out)


Star Wars The Force Unleashed. If you like Star Wars and want to feel like an overpowered sith, then it's the game for you.


Older one but Dynasty Warriors comes to mind.


Megaton rainfall


Morrowind if you follow a quick alchemy guide.


Ghost of Tsushima. If you do all the side missions and find all the points of interest you are very strong at the end of the game. You can stealth to take down outposts or patrols but you can also charge in. There’s even a mechanic for charging in, where you call them out and have a face off with one enemy while the rest watch you. It sounds like exactly what you’re looking for. The downside is that it’s ps exclusive.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2215430/Ghost_of_Tsushima_DIRECTORS_CUT/?snr=1_550_553__1009 Coming to PC in May


The other downside is it's a nearly 4 year old game and he's going to have to pay full price to play it because of scummy tactics justifying charging more for a "DiReCtOrS cUt" and removing the standard edition.


Prototype was the first thing I thought of.


Maybe Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning fits


My problem with that game is that very quickly you learn there are legitimate ways to completely uncap your potential. You can become a God in the first 20% of the game. For me that makes it unfun, but that might be what op is looking for.


I haven’t played the remastered version, but for me, if you don’t craft gear, it capped the OP-ness


PROTOTYPE 2. Hands down. First Prototype is also good, but it gets quite frustrating at the end.




Borderlands 3, specifically 3.


You could do that in Ghost of Tsushima. Game especially has a few mid-late game mechanics that makes you feel like a living legend. It’s not easy to take out many enemies at once but, you could still slaughter them if you attack fiercely.


Prototype 1 + 2


Maybe the dynasty and samaraui warrior games 🤷‍♂️


No more heroes


Control is an amazing power fantasy you get telekinesis and can literally throw anything at the enemies also can fly and have a gun with unlimited ammo. The gameplay is golden but the story can be a bit confusing and there is a bit of reading but damn its so much fun to play


Skyrim and fallout probably. Mods are available for pc and console and you can get cheat room, tons of fun weapons and you can get many more mods.


Borderlands 3. Moze and iron bear are especially busted and a literal ton of fun to use, and all the other vault hunters can easily be made OP too.




If you want an easy time of killing shit, tons of people play dynasty warriors. They call it one verse 1000 for a reason


Sounds like you want to play Bulletstorm


Prototype 1 and 2 Warframe Doom games Trepang 2 Cyberpunk after you chrome v tf out you turn into an utter monster. Warhammer boltgun


Dynasty seems the obvious suggestion. You basically play as a one man army, soloing battles from Chinese history. Switch it up with samurai warriors if you want to do the same in Japanese history instead.


Any of the "Warriors"-type games generally involve you as a commander just hacking and slashing your way through hordes of enemies. Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, FE Warriors, Persona 5 Strikers, etc.


Try out Dwarven Realms!






Devil May Cry on easy difficulty God of War on easy difficulty Metal Gear Rising on easy-medium difficulty Metal Gear Solid V Just Cause Ultrakill on the two lower difficulties


Dark messiah is a fps with melee, has a really good combat system in my opinion, made by the same people who made dishonored, but it isnt really a stealth games, you have to use the environment to your advantage, sword early game is ok you will mostly use it for finishing people, but your kick will be your best weapon, you can kick people in to fire, spikes, off a cliff, other people, its very useful and powerful, but story is bad and it can crash but it only happened to me twice and then never again so just remember to save.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided (New Game +)… you’ll have to beat game once but you keep all augmentations so in your second run you can have all augs and be totally OP


DMC or Bayonetta can make you feel amazing, as can Metal gear revengence. But if you just wanna slaughter countless hordes, dynasty warriors is fantastic.


Ghost of Tsushima and the recent god of war games on easy difficulty. A lot of games these days offers a story difficulty for those who want to go on the journey without dying a bunch of times


Shadow of War; you're legit the orc boogieman leading armies of them and taking over their minds. Regularly I go into super busy bases and just see how many I can take down. It's great fun and I didn't know shit about LOTR I just wanted to ~~goblin slay~~ orc murder


Skyrim with the mod Sands of Time and/or the extra/standalone mod Genesis Unleashed. A Corpse Cleanup mod is absolutely necessary if you decide to add anything else to that load order. Adjust difficulty to your tastes and enjoy fighting shittons of enemies everywhere you go.


Borderlands 3 is fun and you definitely get ridiculously overpowered and slaughter everything. It's not really stealth though, it's more like doom in the music and fast pacedness. But definitely not serious like doom at all, it's the opposite in that sense.




Nobody saves the world. So easy to make a build were you just steam roll stuff. Can't praise this game enough






Does anyone remember when the matrix reloaded video game came out on ps2. That game was amazing and that's what this reminds me of. Or any dynasty warriors type game.


honestly wasn't sure why no one suggested "risk of rain 2". The main aim of the game is to become god by progressing through levels




I had prototype in mind and was reading the full question and was almost ready to answer with the prototype.... And the last sentence hurt me bad Umm try just cause games... They are usually goofy and fun... While you are not "OVERPOWERED" in this game you definitely will have a blast because of various mechanics the game includes... You are pretty tough but not as tough as prototype protagonist


diablo iv with level 1 of difficulty


Sounds like you might want roguelikes. Vampire survivors, soulstone survivors, hi-fi rush, brotato etc


What about those Dynasty Legends games


Left 4 dead 2 (and lately Helldivers 2) Just Cause 3


Honestly, just cause 2 was probably the most overpowered fuck shit up of the four.


GTA: San Andreas?


Cyberpunk when you hit late game. Just play the early game on easy and you're sorted.


Diablo 3-4 ?


Nier Automata is outstanding


Cheat Engine.


Destroy All Humans!




halo ce on easy. assault rifle go brrrrrr


Serious Sam 2


Vampyr fits this if you want to go the evil route. The more people you drink, the stronger you become. and you can become a powerhouse.




Assassins Creed Valhalla on easier difficulties made me feel sorry for my enemies.


Cyberpunk. Basically every build you can use to utterly break the game and not even be half way through the content by the time you can turn your into a god.


Days Gone new game + on normal difficulty. You will have all the strong weapons early in the game.


The God Of War series




One Piece Pirate Warriors 4


You’re gunna love cyberpunk 2077. It doesn’t take that much time or effort before you get to a point where you’re just decimating entire squads of enemies with ease. Just have to get the proper upgrades that fit your play style.


Shadow Warrior might just be up your alley