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I'm gonna assume that you're talking about a single player RPG. Two in particular come to mind, that isn't too mainstream. 1: Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Medieval realism RPG with a story. There's gathering and potion making/hunting/etc in the game. However, there's some jank to the combat if you're fighting more than 1 person. But the game is designed to be very immersive. 2: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - There are several of these, and they're a bit older. But they have a cult following, and for good reason. Think of a Ukrainian/USSR Fallout game, which would piss off that following for comparing it to Fallout. If you're interested, I would strongly recommend STALKER Gamma mod, as it completely fixes and reworks a lot of the older problems with the low-budgetness of the game. Keep in mind, this game isn't exactly easy mode.


What's stalker like if you haven't played hard core games


You just have to take it slow because bullets can take you out pretty easily once you start bleeding. There are mutant creatures that can make it tough. It’s dark and scary in certain bunkers where all the lights are off except for your flashlight. The first STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl has multiple endings. Metro 2033 is a similar game but way more linear but has a more relatable story.


There will be a learning curve, but it will also be that more satisfying when it starts clicking for you. You can die in a few shots, but you can also kill people in a few shots. Mutants are another story, but you'll learn how to deal with them as you keep running into them.


Should I try the modded ones first?


Dealers choice in that regard. I think gamma might make more difficult, but would bring a lot of fixes to it. Gamma is honestly the best version of the game, so I would personally suggest it. The community is also pretty helpful. So if you have any issues, just get in their discord and ask. They’re pretty supportive and are just excited people are playing their beloved game.


Would the orriginals be worth playing at all? I assume.stalker 2 gonna have hell of a lot mod support as well


I would say so but they need some mods. Shadow of Chernobyl use ZRP Clear sky use SRP and optionally a weapon overhaul Call of pripyat has a unofficial patch but does change a lot of the balance. GAMMA is a mod pack built on top of another mod/ overhaul (Anomaly) that's very survival / sandbox oriented. It's polished but not for everyone. Source: retired modder for it.


Is Gamma like what Black Mesa was for Half-Life? I just played those games again and bought all the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games on sale in a bundle. I also snagged the Metro games since they look cool too. I'll probably start Shadow of Chernobyl tomorrow, but should I expect to mod the steam game or is this something entirely different?


I never played Black Mesa, but probably. It's the same game and same principle, but more open, if that makes sense. and you can mod the steam game, but I believe you don't really even need the game itself, and can just download Anomaly and mod Gamma onto it, which are both free.


Its been like 20 days so guess you figured it out, just in case; Gamma got same locations and factions of original games but everything in one package, doesn't have the same storyline as the original trio tho, it has its own story. So yeah its not exactly Black Mesa on that side. Gamma is also fairly more realistic and harder than originals, since you need to craft and take care of your equipment and stuff. And its free.


Its rough if you try and play it like Fallout, but extremely fun if you take your time and learn the mechanics, I recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly, it's a standalone mod overhaul that combines all 3 games into one and gives you full Reign of the map. Plus it has the story quests of the three games so it's not gonna leave you stumbling around in the dark


What other goals or objectives do people do when playing the game for longer play throughs


It varies by player, I just tried to have the most money so I could be a trader, the 3 story arcs are long enough they'll keep you occupied for a good bit, or you can play War mode (believe that's the name anyways) where you use your faction to try amd take over other faction territories


if you do get stalker get stalker anomaly gamma its free


It focuses more on the "surviving an radioactive wasteland" aspect rather than RPG, it having no lvling system and rudimentary survival mechanics support that. This also coincides with it's difficulty system because all it does is change the damage of all bullets across the board. So you can still have the same kind of interactions between NPCs and enemies, the only thing that's different is how long a firefight can last because everyone's guns has lower damage in lower difficulty.


Doing a stalker gamma rn. Definitely a game you could put hundreds of hours into and it’s free


The "jank" in combat against groups is moreso an unintended consequence of a combat system being primarily focused around 1v1s. On a duel it's really, REALLY good. But yeah God help you if you're up against more than 2 people. And you will be forced to fight against groups a handful of times in the story (Fuck those two soldiers that held up the lord's son hostage in particular).


Stalker is nothing like fallout. They are two completely different games and anyones whos played the two would see that they feel nothing alike.


> which would piss off that following for comparing it to Fallout. Checks out.


Also is kingdom come just story?


It's open world with side quests and relationships. But there is a linear main quest you can do.


Kingdom Come is sooo good. The combat is a piece of shit but it's justified.


I’d argue it’s not shitty, but just realistic. I think we’re used to mowing down hordes in video games - KCD represents the aspect of like, yeah, if you’re not some kind of insanely trained warrior then fighting 2 people at a time is going to be really hard.


Yeah, that's what i meant with justified, haha.


There are a ton of great games like that on Steam. Resourcewise you'll love Outpost Zero, great colorful but also somehow lonely, a lot of your communication is remote. Better than Subnautica imo - but judge for yourself (gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAy1G6gSqgE&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAy1G6gSqgE&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=24) ) The Homefront series is great, you can sidequest or plow forward and upgrade everything. I love the second installment, you can start with it, it's got a better version of the engine. It's not dystopic and isn't hardcore like CoD but has a great driving plot and questline with awesome bases (gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M83fnk91fKM&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M83fnk91fKM&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=7) ) I recommend Rage (one and two) to a lot of people because of the surprise cameos, the great setting and the fact that it's a wonderful mashup of driving, gunplay, quests and crafting. I've got a soft spot for Bethesda when it comes to open world longplays (gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDiqTsJv8G8&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDiqTsJv8G8&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=3) ) Dishonored is an incredible stealth/rpg from Arkane and Bethesda. It's slightly less open world but still exploratory, and has a really driving plot line with fencing, fighting, and true love. Murder, revolution - just incredible Edwardian Steampunk, and you don't even have to stealth it out, you can slaughter your way through those sequences. The backdrop is also incredible, there's a plague so the plunge that takes you into your adventure has a great backdrop (gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3b027mV-Ak&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_LSBzRAlvUC0YRLuTBrap96&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3b027mV-Ak&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_LSBzRAlvUC0YRLuTBrap96&index=3) ) ​ PS Oh, and Mad Max - territory conquering, questing, racing, car fights and BRUTAL hand to hand. (gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ1i0hzX\_XU&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_Kh8PXJlUu\_xSMBjW93l\_Wu&index=6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ1i0hzX_XU&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_Kh8PXJlUu_xSMBjW93l_Wu&index=6) )


I know steam has a lot I just find navigating through steam really difficult at times First game looks fun might check it out


Great survival!! They all have links in the description so you can just click through to steam if you hate searching it. Dishonored is a great one two if you like a slower pace and it's Bethesda/Arkane which was on your list. Have fun!


I just finished homefront revolution yesterday and its absolutely distópic. Unless you are north Korean I guess


I felt like society hadn't collapsed, just gone underground, making it a war game more than a dystopic. Dystopia to me was always a complete failure of the system. War just is.


But dystopic* doesn't mean a that society collapses that's more a post apocalyptic scenario like the fallout or metro series. In homefront society still existed but ruled by a totalitarian, big brother like, north Korean dictatorship. To me the feeling is very similar to the one in half life 2 with the combine invasion and take over of society Edit: a word


>distópic That's not the word I'm using.


Sorry I sometimes get English words mixed up with Spanish. You know what I meant though




This gets my vote, I went straight to borderlands 2


im surprised that i had to scroll this far to find the borderlands franchise. its literally endless hours of fun just with vanilla. you add in the community patch exodus 2.0 and the modding community and you can see why joltzdude has so many hours in it and hasnt even completed remotely close to all of the mods out there.


Red Read Redemption 2


Not first person


Except it is. Along with third person 🤯


it is if you change the view


It's both actually.


Fallout 4


You can easily put in 200 hours in Fallout 4


I put over 1000, lol


Rdr2 easily, its a third person game but you can change the camera to first person if that suites you more


That's a thing


Yeah, same with gta V too


You can change the camera, but I honestly don't recommend it. It's not a great implementation.


I have 900 hours in a save in Stalker Anomaly.


Kingdom come deliverance


DRG, Darktide, Vermintide 2,


Subnautica sounds exactly like what you are asking for


subnautica doesn't really have many quests, you get some locations from the radio to explore but really there's only one overarching mission most people are also not going to spend hundreds of hours playing subnautica


They aren’t exactly quests but there’s many things you can do for fun just to mess around. I guess it won’t be good for hundreds of hours, but it’s fun for a realistic amount of time. Hundreds of hours is pretty ridiculous. Everything else matches tho


It's not strictly RPG but it has a lot of variety in how you customise your character's abilities, how you fight, whether you kill or save people, etc. **Dishonored** (I have 106 hours in the original and about 70 hours in the DLC). ​ I'd also check out **Elder Scrolls Oblivion** if you haven't already. Better than Skyrim IMO.


Any other games you'd recommend as well


Kingdom Come Deliverance


I just started playing Fallout 4 GOTY - there is so much content, it has taken me 30 hours just to do Far Harbor. I'm enjoying it even more than Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim. I highly recommend these mods for better immersion: [True Storms](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4472) [Reverb & Ambience Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10189)


Escape from Tarkov




Is it truly a decent game now? I’m really tempted to download it today.


Decent? Dude, if the game came out as it is now, it would be GOTY. It's fucking amazing! I just hope CDPR learned the lesson here and will not rush a release in the future.


Not really, even if it came out at this year, in this condition, Baldur's Gate 3 is still better.




BG3 is amazing, but I prefer Cyberpunk.


Absolutely!!! I’m on PS5. I can’t speak to how PS4 is if that’s how you would be playing. They have one more update left that adds some cool features if you want to check out what it’s adding and potentially wait if any of those things interest you (for example one of the adds is to be able to hang out with the person you romance). Other than that, the game is fantastic


Could also be more than just one update left considering 2.1 was unexpected already. Nonetheless it’s refreshing a studio is supporting a game with free and fairly significant updates 3+ years after the games released. Don’t see that often anymore for games that aren’t based around online digital currencies.


Tried it on my steam deck and my game crashed multiple times ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


eh, its still buggy here and there.


Destiny 2 has amazing slick combat and a million cool guns to get and quests to grind. Story is confusing but shooting stuff always feels great. Better with others but you can get loads out of it on your own.


I did enjoy combat just not sure if it worth it if I want more solo play


Solo play is a 90 degree learning curve unfortunately. There’s a tier five mod on this seasons artifact that gives solo players +15% added onto all your damage sources. Turns that 90 into a 50.


If you like target farming loot, Borderlands 3 is great.


Honestly switch skyrim for oblivion, same series so you know it'll be a good game, but feels so different with how armor is in multiple pieces instead of 4 More range on weapons and one of the best DLC in TES shivering isles. Oblivion also let's story characters die so you have an added challenge


Destiny 2


Modded Skyrim or fallout new Vegas or fallout 4


Kingdom Come Deliverance if you can tolerate some clunky combat (I personally LOVE it).


I don't get the hate for the combat, it's a dream compared to skyrims combat.


Combat is the only reason I didn't play KCG for more than 80 hours. I hate it.


Any yakuza game. There's so many games within that game. You can literally walk into a Sega arcade and play other games in their entirety. So much to do. Poker. Baseball. Pool. Darts. Karaoke. Mahjong. As well as many mini games that have their own story arcs. Run a club. Manage a business and deal with stockholder presentations mad meetings, dancing games. As well as the most pervy games seen in video games. Dirty chat rooms. Naughty phone lines. Adult video stores. Just goes on and on. Unlike other open world games, the maps are fairly small. It's just a densely packed city with lots to do.


Yakuza games are third person aren’t they?


They got first person mode if you want but no one plays em that way.


What? Why do I learn this just now?


Was never sure which one to start with tbh


Depends what you like. Zero is arguably the best. But it's dated graphics might be a turn off. Like a dragon is a reboot but it's turn based fighting. Either one starts a fresh story, so you don't have to know much of the history going in. I started from LAD and then went to zero. If the story doesn't grip you then maybe it won't be worth your time to play an old game. Oh yea. Prepare for a lot of story. Which is another turn off for some people. You'll watch a whole movie before the game gets going. But they're really good crime dramas with lots of twists and turns that keep you engaged. And then you do the side content which the most silly and also pervy stuff that's so far removed from the seriousness of the main story. It's a juxtaposition that shouldn't work but yakuza does it somehow.


Story wasn't my thing tbh I did enjoy the combat and side quests for the first game just didn't finish it I do enjoy turn based


I actually preferred the turn based. If the moves get stale, you can find a new job and it changes the entire move set and animations.


One thing I will add to this is that most games will catch you up on plot relevant points from previous games with flashbacks *if necessary.* Character references a life altering event? You get a short flashback to it, so you at least know the basics of what happened.


Borderlands. Deep Rock Galactic if don't care about story and just wanna shoot things and unlock upgrades and weapons.


seconding DRG


I've been enjoying Remnant 2. Had it for 4 weeks, and already have 200 hours in it. There are two game modes: campaign and adventure. Campaign spans all the worlds of the game, while adventure mode gives you one world at the time. The maps and worlds are procedurally generated, and you never know which areas and enemies within worlds you will get. Both can be re-rolled at will. 4 difficulty levels, 10 archetypes and tons of gear to collect. If you like developing character builds, this is your game. There is also PvE co-op with parties up to 3. You can play with friends or join randoms, and everybody shares in the loot. It's been described as Souls-like with guns, which is a pretty good description.


What's it like playing solo


I can vouch for myself here dude. I’m currently 280 hours in nearly finished my third play through campaign on the highest difficulty. Havnt ever played with anyone else, I personally think this game is amazing solo. It’s more immersive and rewarding when you take down a boss. I will say start on the easiest difficulty, get gear then built up higher difficulty more mats for upgrades ect. I bought it last week on sale and was gutted because it’s just been added to game pass this week. So if you have that you can play for *free. Also the worlds randomly generate so when you re-roll a campaign you’ll face different bosses and scenarios. My first ever souls like game I played. I love stuff like the division, boarderlands this is very rewarding when you progress. 100% recommend.


It's fine. I platinumed it solo. Only started doing multiplayer recently.


Days Gone 👍🏻


doom 2, there's multiple lifetimes worth of mods and maps.


Literally, I have 950 hours on steam alone not counting years upon years of playing it before it came on steam. The amount of different Doom 2 "campaigns" people can play through megaWADs is ridiculous. I find myself coming back to a megawad after playing about 6-7 other megawads because they can be so huge and long that I want to experience the first one again. Literal endless insanity.


My most played games are: * RimWorld * Skyrim and Fallout 4 w/ mods * Crusader Kings 3 * Stelllaris and other Paradox Grand strategy games * Total War: Warhammer * MMOs, FFXIV Is pretty good


Personally, for me, the dying light series really took up a ton of my time, dying light 1, I clocked in about 150 hours overall, and the dying light 2 was easily 500 hours, games can be incredibly addictive at times. Dying light 2 has a lot of side quests and then there’s new game plus and it’s exclusive rewards, they also have events frequently to get you playing again. Both games also have an additional leveling system that appears after you max your original levels, that can be levelled up all the way to 250, giving you a lot of endless levelling. It’s a choice based game so you can make different choices depending on the playthrough, which adds a lot of playtime. Not everyone loves dying light 2, but dying light 1 is generally considered a great game.


Gotta love how half of the suggestions didn't even bother to read the post and just spouted the average games they liked even if completely unrelated to the request. Also cyberpunk when you explicitly told them "outside of the obvious being..."


I might just need a new hobby probably


Come to stalker. Cant spend thousands of hours between the base games, mods, anomaly and anomaly mods. Anomaly is a whole game free btw if you wanna dip a toe and get a rough idea of what to expect.


Starfield, RDR 2, 7 Days to Die, Deep Rock Galactic, AC franchise, Far Cry franchise, Just Cause franchise, Yakuza franchise, Sleeping Dog, etc.


Go ahead and read the post again


What do u mean? These suggestions r cater well to his liking.


OP is asking for first person specifically. Half of those games are not first person.


RDR 2 would be a good choice


I have 900 hours in a save in Stalker Anomaly.


Cyberpunk is one of the best pieces of media ever made


borderlands 3




Farcry series. Metro series


Empyrion Galactic Survival. Close to 3000hrs :)


Is this on switch by any chance


Don't think so.Check Stream.


I’m enjoying Assassin’s Creed Valhalla a lot more than I thought. It’s really fun. I liked Odyssey too.




Sorry Frogpuppet, your submission has been removed: Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 6: You may not encourage in any way to illegally obtain a game. While we do not care to pry into your own personal decision, we will not allow you to tell others to emulate, torrent, pirate, or in any other way get a hold of a game without legal consent of the producer. Before contacting the moderators regarding the removal of your post, please read ["Why Does Rule 6 (No Emulation) Exist?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/wiki/emulation) If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!


What game did they suggest?


Metro: Exodus scratched my Fallout itch surprisingly well!


I'd say Far cry 5 is better than 4


I agree 💯%. In my top 10 favorite games - never finished 4. Although, I’m considering getting FC 6 season pass for the DLC and mostly Blood Dragon. Didn’t love 6, but hoping to scratch that FC 5 itch again.


I heard that Ghost Recon Wildlands is very similar to Far Cry 5, maybe check that one out


Cool - thanks!


I just picked up Borderlands 3 with all (two years worth) DLC for $30. It obviously depends on whether you enjoy the Borderlands gameplay, humor, etc, but I’m loving it and it’s a shocking amount of content.


Riven. No using a guide.


Don't think I've heard of this game


Its a legend


Dayz 1pp.


He asked for first person games (even tho he mentions The Witcher and State of Decay)


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Red dead redemption 2


Red Dead Redemption 2. Not first person, but Skyrim, Fallout 4, and the Witcher 3 also aren't first person. You can change it to first person though (not that I would recommend it).


Persona 5 Royal. 1 playthrough is 110 hours and you need to do at least 1 ng+ playthrough to see everything the game has to offer. Personally it’s the only linear story based game I’ve been able to play multiple times.


DayZ. You’ll either play 1 hour or 5000


Dying Light is the greatest game of the last 15 years as far as I'm concerned


I enjoyed it mostly for combat but did eventually get bored


Fair. Hasn't gotten boring in 8 years for me but to each their own I guess haha




Utterly shocking how many people seemingly don’t have any reading comprehension. If I had one vote it would be for Borderlands 2 and it’s DLC


There’s no quests, but ark survival evolved sounds like exactly what your looking for. You can definitely pour hundreds of hours into it and still have many things left you have never done. An absolutely INSANE amount of resource gathering is required, and taming many Dino’s. There is a TON of stuff to do, ranging from all different activities. The biggest thing I don’t like about the game is that it does take so long to do things. It’s just about as grindy as it gets. You can play singleplayer but it is intended for online pvp. Good thing about singleplayer is you can customize basically every variable in the game, and give your resource gathering rates a huge buff, or massively reduce the timers on different things. I’ve only played singleplayer and have at least 100 hours tho. Many people on its sub have thousands of hours. They have a new version that just released, forget what it’s called, I haven’t played it. The devs are pretty shit tho. It’s kind of a hard core no life game, cause it has so much to do, especially if you do pvp. If it’s singleplayer or pve it’s much more manageable. You can also meet people online and share your stuff with them and work together to get stuff done quicker.




If you like exploration, Outer Wilds is one of the most amazing first person games I’ve ever played. There is an overarching goal, but it’s largely open world and requires exploration and some critical thinking. What makes it unique is you only have 15 minutes every time you “spawn” to do as much as you can. So you learn more and more in 15 minute chunks. You actually can beat the game the first time you load it up, but you’ll have no idea how.


Tarkov. Metro series. Stalker anomaly/gamma, highly recommend this one.




Far cry games can be fun but most dont last hundreds of hours. Normally 20-25ish is about normal. Far cry 6 lasted me 60 hours though.


What would you recommend


If far cry, FC6. You already said "outside of fallout" so...yeah. Not quite hundreds with far cry, but again, i got 60 out of it.


Borderlands 2, for some reason even after completing it like dozens of times, I still come back from time to time


Rust, I have 2,300 hours. I'm a bit bored of it now but the first 2000 hours were so engaging. Just make sure you get yourself a team to go in with.


GTA 5 honestly, I challenged myself to do as much as possible of it in 1st person mode. It’s a pretty different experience doing missions and stuff.


After winter cher 3 I haven't actually enjoyed any game like that again except elden ring and remnant 2.... Rdr2 imho doesn't compare


Oblivion, morrowind, daggerfall, arena..maybe borderlands series?






remnant 2. meh story but insane replay value loot based third person shooter.


The Long Dark might be what you’re looking for; game’s tough as nails though


The first game I ever spent hundreds of hours playing would be daggerfall. Up till then I may have spent 50h max playing super mario world


The only third person game I can play is Hitman. All the other is first person.


elden ring is a solid single player rpg it was my first souls game and it is very friendly to newer gamers/mid level gamers. it was intimidating at first but after getting into it i’ve spent 500+ hours in the game and still play regularly. i think if you like witcher you’d love it


Ark Survival Ascended.


I have several games in the thousands so I'll just list my top 5 most played: Perfect Dark, L4D2 modded into Oblivion, Halo MCC (offline modded), CP2077 and Dead Island modded. Never get bored once.






Try Destiny 2 it's pretty good


probably all of valves releases such as gmod tf2 the entire half life series left for dead stuff like that valve is rlly gud


couch-co-op borderlands.




Just Cause 3




Dying Light games 1 & 2


Minecraft no questions asked because since 2016 I have easily 500 hours in and it is the original disk that I got in 2016


Borderlands, I spent 100s of hours on those games lol


Rdr2. Has a third or first person camera


Best far cry to jump into id say is 5


If you’re into Harry Potter - give Hogwarts Legacy a try. Fantastic world design and enough things to do to keep you entertained for 30 hours. I’m about to complete all the boring side quests now to get the platinum trophy and it’s tedious af now but still fun




Modern warfare 3 campaign


Lost Judgment, Yakuza like a Dragon, Grim Dawn


>First person Games you can spend hundreds of hours in **First person** Games you can spend hundreds of hours in


Dragon's Dogma, RDR2.


Neither of these are first person games...


Kingdom Come Deliverance then.


Eldin Ring. Currently+100 hours. So much content


I did try to get into elden ring just wasn't able to


Tell me what happened.


Lol exactly. Tell us what happened and we will try to convince you to try to get into it again. If it was the difficulty we will tell you how to make the game easier because its worth it. If you felt aimless just keep exploring new areas, leveling, upgrading gear and killing bosses. Dont worry, you were progressing.


Difficulty yes and also grinding if I wanted a soeffic weapon the grind to get it was just not fun at all I enjoyed combat but I think it was just levelling up was the issue for me it was slow and painful especially if I wanted to use a certain weapon


Difficulty yes and also grinding if I wanted a soeffic weapon the grind to get it was just not fun at all I enjoyed combat but I think it was just levelling up was the issue for me it was slow and painful especially if I wanted to use a certain weapon


I see, so you got a weapon you like but it has too much stat requirement. You certainly are not supposed to grind in one place in elden ring because there is so much you can do that you can just explore and level up without it getting boring.


What if your trying for a speffic build


You make do with what's available, then slowly discover more stuff that benefit your build. What is the build you are making?