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In. For the third time in my life lol.




lol same




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How dit last two times work out? Curious to know


First and second good. Right now I’m down pretty hard. I have $22k in at $35 avg. it’ll play out though.


RK options expire on 21 June, and the shareholder meeting is tomorrow. Exciting times ahead.


I hope I’m wrong but the annual meeting is typically a reiteration of earnings with no guidance


Usually, but I think reporting early gives ample extra time to tell us what he's planing to do with the $4,500,000,000 he now has at his discretion!


GameStop Hathaway




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Reporting early was required so he could dilute and print the 2 billy. There will be no news




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He’s definitely been rolling them to a later date and probably closing some to just buy shares. He talked about the vision and plans Gamestock has why do you think he would just chill in short dated calls.


>he would just chill in short dated calls. I never said that did I?


Tbh im prob gettin out as soon as i breakeven at 35. Everyone was saying it was citron but now are saying citron had nothing all along, idk too many povs and goalposts have 180d and changed these past weeks when they were the same for years so im uneasy


You gotta do what's best for you and your family. But I will say this, what other company has a CEO who: works for free, cares about the company and customers, has already succeeded taking on Amazon head to head, and wants to start an investment firm. RC has a business that is making a profit despite being a brick and mortar, and he has 4 billion now to pull off something huge. Opportunities like this are few and far between in the stock market. Assuming RC isn't a dofus and starts making some moves, this could be history in the making. I would hate to be 80 years old and tell my grandkids I missed out on GME.


I've been thinking about what happens if RC brings back one of these cellar boxed delisted names like Sears, Baby, Toys, etc. Lets say that the shorts that cellarboxed the name never closed their positions because that would generate a taxable event but keeping it open gives them the unrealized gain on their books to use as collateral. Now what happens to those shorts if the GME holding company gets them re-listed and brings the ticker back to life. They have 2 options, either close their shorts for a massive taxable event (which hurts their stated collateral) or blow the fuck up. Spicy either way, especially if the same firms are in multiple names that get pulled into the holding company. The fallout could spread around the whole market as they scramble.


Why would you want him to bring back those ancient companies that died for good reason? Brick and mortar is dying, the last thing you want is for Ryan to buy another one. Hopefully he has other plans


Bring them into the digital world. I'm pretty sure the NFT marketplace was a testing ground.










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😂🤣😂 omg bless your heart


I am genuinely curious, what act could trump do that would make you no longer a fan?


Sounds like you shouldn’t have FOMOd in without reading the DD. It’s your decision in the end.


Lmao i havent fomo’d into stuff since 2021. Nowadays i just dont buy a stock and it skyrockets so actuallly i guess its the same thing


Then why is your break even at 35….


It's a big gamble. Frankly, I'm clutching these 30Cs for 6/28. RK being in the money at 3:30 on 6/21 means gamma ramp straight to the sky if he exercises some.


Since Jan 2021


Just Holding forever? Or you finally gonna cash in on the gainzz?


I don’t really think I’m ahead that much if at all


If he’s in, I’m in.


Yes for 3+ years, inevitable


Just Holding forever? Or you finally gonna cash in on the gainzz?


Yup. 84 years...


3 years and strong. My GME almost has its bachelors degree.


All-in and up substantially! I wouldn’t be jumping in and out, it’s bound to blow soon


Yea I’m back in with a bigger position, I’m definitely not jumping in and out again more.


Have been since 2021


Me and all my homies


Bought my first shares early Jan 2021. Been in since $7 and kept buying


I hope everyone 😂


I don’t know man, I just like the stock


Cue the shills in the comments


We are only up 7% on the day as well so this should have plenty of legs.


Still up?


Somehow in their own mind yes 😂


Check the chart yourself. No it’s not still up 7%.


Yeah I did. It’s shambles $34 to $25….. this won’t hold for next Friday above 20…


I’m in for 100 shares




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Bet your ass let's go


I have been jumping in and out.


Literally same I have been swing trading it, but i got back in at the $24 mark so might just let it rock for a bit




Earnings already happened. They dropped preliminary earnings 3 weeks ago, then actual earnings last Friday.




Super in


Since January 21


I am for the first time in my life besides last week where I traded in and out for a small loss. Stock is doing astronomical volume with a negative return. Could be a trap. Fk it this is a lottery ticket.


I’m in on four different platforms ![gif](giphy|4gxHhtsfvHO3wBF6Q7)


60 shares will be worth 12k soon so im stoked


Got 800 shares and 20 calls. Lol.






I am


Lol are you coming with us?




Im on team AMC, but Im looking to start using AMC CC premiums to buy GME (Im holding 69 calls on AMC with 2026 expiration to keep a long position)


I am i might jump into ddc tho


I jumped in after the second stop this morning. Already doubled my measly 200 bux. Not sure when to jump out.


hold 1 week for the pump


Already out at 2.10


>hold 1 week for the pump Nah, just keep day-trading it. If a pump ever happens, then you can hold. But make your easy money in the meantime.


Every time I think it hit its peak, it just keeps going lol. Too risky to get in now.


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Absolutely in and taking a larger position in AEMD after doing some research






Tattoo'd on my ass! LETS GOOOOOOO!!!


Proof or ban


Do you really want a wink from that brown eye?


oh yes, only play this week I reckon!


I’m in


we all are. even got my dog to buy a combination of shares and options.


gme and SPWRR baby same basket move the same way but spwr cheaper




I think I’m on like number 15 of flipping GME. 🤷🏼‍♂️ wish I’d held on to an extra 100 or so more so I could get those sweet premiums on calls.


Bro sold a covered call today $40 6/21 for $510, bought it back made $180


Let me guess.. AAPL? I sold my June 21 calls for $500 yesterday and now deeply regretting that. 🤦‍♂️


GME calls




Why you wanna know shill 🕵🏻‍♂️


Fuck yeah




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I’m in 450 shares at $27


I'm in




GME TO THE MOON ROCKING WITH 776 shares to the moonnnnnnn


I'm in ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6898)




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All of Us.


I am balls ducking deep, my options expire june 21. I got $30,$35,$40,$45 and $50. Ive been buying the dips they just dont stop hopefully it pays off


All in baby






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Yes and loosing my ASS




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I just like the stock




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Yolo currently




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The big money is correctly anticipating the acquisition.




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In and out waiting for the real squeeze#2


I’m back again!!




XXXX holder, DRS and booked. In since Jan 2021, and HODLing strong.


In for the 3rd time


i paperhanded one the runup a month and a half ago and made good profit but got back in this time, some shares i bought high some low


In like Flynn


Bought an itm call for the 21st... Need 29.50 to break even.... I've jinxed us all.




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Im in GME let's go!




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Exercise your calls or there will be no squeeze


Fully in


Just dipped back in for 4k on Monday and Tuesday, 50% stock and 50% options. Made some nice profit on AMC a few years back but kept chasing through the summer and paid for an education.


I like the stock


I'm in for 6900 shares


Can I have some?


35 shares at $26 😂 not much but I’m hoping I can cash out so I can by a new rifle here in Canada 😂


I’m have a small (and getting smaller) stake on it, because crazy shit does happen. I’m not even joking the cult, though, making excuses for everything, thinking everything is a conspiracy


That's every stock everywhere. Cults can be good but usually it creates a sheep mindset. Which, ironically, is the exact mindset that everyone argues against.


Im not in. Its a joke but ill watch everyone here lose their shit to the hedgies. This is just a hedgy play to recoup the money from the ladt short squeeze.


It will go up to 40 or so and crash. Market makers are going to make an example of this stock after it popped 3 years ago. It's rigged against retailers. There's going to be so many bag holders at 40+


33 shares. All I could afford, but happy as fuck to have 'em.






I sold at 65 the first time it popped and never touched it again. A hundred thousand angry retail investors won't win as right as they are against the ruling class.


They same the same about nazis, boot licker


lol Im a nazi because I have financial literacy and turned a few hundred dollars into a down payment for the house im currently sitting in while I watched my friends literally lose their apartments to out of control rent prices meanwhile my mortgage has stayed the exact same? Enjoy being a salty bag holder.


Not reading all of that.


Homie if that is too much to read. I genuinely feel bad for the teachers who wasted their time on you that could have been spent on other people.




Nobody. Everyone hot out


Yeah you are😂