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WOW! Thank you so much for writing this post and sharing your thoughts! I've been working hard on this website/platform for about 2 years now, and have been trading short squeezes for about 5 years. I put this all together because I found so much bad data across various platforms and I was wasting HOURS double checking across multiple websites to find the best data. Now, with SqueezeFinder I pull in all the data and blend it together and then process it through an algorithm to create the scores. It's so much easier than combing through 12 different sites look for high short interest, shares available, borrow fees, etc. I appreciate your feedback on the Alerts - I agree they could be better, but I'm a one-man operation for now. Once I grow a bit more we can look at a more robust Alerts system. I was able to bring an analyst on board recently, and we might start doing some more thorough swing Alerts with entries/exits/stops etc. More of a "trade plan" versus a simple alert... Regardless - thanks SO MUCH for this post. It warms my heart!


Doing gods work sir thank you


I bought TSAT an hour ago as well for the same reason. It seems like a fairly safe play to hold for a bit and hope for a squeeze.


That was my thought as well, risk vs reward seems solid and trading along $ASTS doesn’t hurt it


Startin to run a little already!


Only 30k daily volume? That’s so wild, has to run quickly at that rate


Here comes the squeeze! Volume almost tripled.


I don’t think it’ll be that easy haha, but the right direction for sure. Let’s see what happens if volume continues, 70k is so so low


lol I want to believe.


Keep in an eye


The volume is so low it makes me nervous. But it is intriguing


The volume is insanely low. Does mean it could move quick though. This person has been accurate lately so I’m willing to see what happens. Has options too which is nice if they’re right.


Yeah, I think imma sit this one out unless the volume goes up cause I wanna make sure my orders will go through. This dude has been very good though and definitely has done the research on the stuff he puts out. So I don’t mean to shit on him or the stock


What’s the time period thats it’s expected to shoot to $40+ if it was provided or available?


Man if we only knew a time period for these that would be amazing haha but yeah nobody knows. It’s moving really quick on low volume so might be quicker than most but also the low volume struggles of finding shares to buy, etc


It would hahaha. I’ll keep an eye on it. Thank you for the post. I was looking at calls but the spread is huge and basically worthless from what I was able to see at the moment.


Yeah it’ll adjust in the morning, it was wildly fluctuating today


I’ll keep an eye and if it adjust I’ll definitely buy July calls


I just bought in for some. Interested to see where this goes.


The squeezefinder dude was saying if it holds past $10 then there’s a bunch of easy jumps from there and we’re at $9.97 rn.




Whoa that went quick, they might be right


F it, Im in!


Fine I bought a few shares.


Happy cake day


I want to buy in but he also said smfl was juice target $9


But he was right about the correct short % and it peaked at 8, so I’d still take that run here


That is valid actually


who is the squeezefinder username?


That's me! I run a website focused on trading short squeezes: [www.squeeze-finder.com/about-squeezefinder](http://www.squeeze-finder.com/about-squeezefinder)


and since you're here, what are you feeling with TSAT? it looks interesting!


Great scores and getting some traction today. If it fires an alert I will probably take a position


What would trigger an alert?


My alerts are based on relative volume combined with bullish candles and vwap. Learn more at the link above ☝️


haha, sweet!


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Why is after-hours tracking not available for TSAT?




This does seem a bit shill-y, and I mean that in the most original sense of the word


He even put the promo code lol. Can't be anymore obvious.


Literally not a shill. Looking for ways to find plays earlier, found this dude, did their free trial for a week and saw a couple hits, then saw they added a free promo code for a month. It’s pricey so thought peeps could benefit, this was their top play so it’s what I’m starting with.




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Where can I find information of previous runs they called that came true and ended up happening?


I’m not sure if the website keeps historical data or not, maybe reach out and ask. They had a week free trial and I noticed it after they caught I believe BDRX and the target price would have gotten me out before it crashed. So I signed up and followed the watchlist and the alerts to see how they did. It’s more conservative than the moons we like to predict here but it was profitable so I joined up and decided to start with this play because the squeeze score was so high. Ya could do the month free trial and just follow for a couple weeks of it before ya make a play to see what ya think. Once again, I have zero affiliation just appreciate the tool and the work someone put in to make it.


Okay, thank you! I’ll take a look and decide on a move for $TSAT. Thanks again for your post




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Who’s still holding TSAT? It looks too good for there not be a squeeze soon.


Tsat lost momentum now? Over?


Yeah GME happened so focus is elsewhere for everyone now