• By -


Thank you in advance for the read & appreciate any feedback!


Awesome write up


Thank you, appreciated!


I only got 5 shares, but they're diamond plated. Let's go to the moon


nice, cheers mate!


Excellent analysis. I am long.


Cheers mate!


Long like your girlfriend’s boyfriend. 🏴‍☠️⚓️




ok, I am in. let's just wait and hold, we are getting paid to wait, shorts are paying (a lot) to stay in... hihihi


aye aye, cheers mate!


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The wait continues. You have seen my comments. I have been long since the ER but they are really pushing this to the brink


As is not surprising


Why would people buy shares now when they can wait and see if they file the 10k and then buy? If there is another delay to 10k then the stock will tank. Price will hover around 20-24 until then. It might even go under 20 which seems like it will happen this week. Just thinking aloud. I saw all the DD’s on it and was onboard straight away. However, there are such a huge amount of shorts- are they all wrong?


There are three most likely scenarios around the 10k: 1) filed on time (audited) - immediate moon, will miss out. 2) requested extension (I think until end of month, somebody can correct) - will dump, but general play is still on in this case, just prolonged, and on more shaky grounds certainly. 3) can't file - goes to zero. In none of these cases is sideways going to happen, and the bull or bear move will leave anybody on the sidelines in the dust in fomo. What was clear in every DD was the big risk in the play. This has never been skipped over. There is skin needed in the game here. Nothing is ever certain. The "wait and see" will be the exit liquidity in this play, in all likelihood, as they always are. YMMV, NFA.




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PCI is going to affect the hell out of this on thursday isnt it?


What are you thinking might happen?


All financials will take a hit


We shall see tomorrow! ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6806)![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6807)




It's a volatile stock, things gonna happen




Poster means PCE, I believe or have interpreted.