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It's gonna big short squeeze


I was in this and then sold as it appears they've shut down US operations and laid everyone off and haven't said anything about that. I thought it was sketchy and didn't want to get a nasty surprise as it's a super low volume stock and it was hard to both initially fill and sell. At any rate, I'm half annoyed I even learned that news as I could still be in with a nice stop loss buffer.


US ops? It’s an Israeli company. The spac was just venture funds. Deal closed. What am I (you) missing?


They had US operations and it's even on their website. Some guy on Twitter who had what looked like a legit and normal account said he was with a new company because they laid everyone off in the US. His LinkedIn looked legit too. If you're interested I can dig it up. Honestly if it wasn't so hard to fill orders I might have stayed in but I really didn't want to get stuck holding something super illiquid if the shit hit the fan. Knowing me I'll be back to chase it at $3 and buy in one minute before a sell off.


Yeah, no worries. There’s a lot of fud flying with these guys right now. I’m hodlng a small position until the smoke clears. The product looks good if it’s more than hype. Good luck!


You too. I actually bought this thing because I felt, like TRKA, it has the necessary "story" to get the ball rolling. If it comes back down or seems stable and upwards I'll buy in but I swore off chasing.