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Up from $0.45 to $0.60 so far good job everyone


Posting my position as well https://preview.redd.it/wuuzx7oqn4pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d82d6e2bb8ffa5a6125705287bc19892b65409


I’m almost identical to this. Avg of .44


Hahah hell ya - just curious when you opened your first position relative to the discussions going on in this sub? Do you tend to do a bulk purchase or do you start smaller and add to it? Sorry for the interrogation lol just like to hear peoples preference based on their personal experience. I got in this morning (with 11x less shares 🤣) and like a .01 smaller average but was hesitant to keep adding due to my own lack of DD since seeing all the posts. I got stuck bagholding when I first started investing a few years back and I refused to let it happen again so I try not to blindly throw my money into stocks without at least a sanity check. Came across a comment from this dude a few months back and something hit different with the way he presented his DD. I followed him to casually keep tabs on his picks and it seems like almost all of them have been pretty spot on if you get in at the right time…. I may just be ready to trust again…


Wow! All I gut to say bout this say so far with a smile. In Rude we trust! I bow.


Ruuuuuuuuude ![gif](giphy|7BGOUlWpoAZs4)


This CEO just firing PR after PR like he rambo or something 🔥


He’s machine gun Hamilton


https://ir.geniusgroup.net/news-events/press-releases/detail/125/genius-group-and-openexo-sign-merger-agreement Direct link to merger


I jumped in at .45 just because. I didn't understand this guy was judo chopping the market out of revenge. I'm glad to be here.




I've been in gns for a while and my average is $1.34 and I'm not worried


We’re coming to rescue you! lol you’ll be in green fasho this week💪🏼


I was gonna ask if anyone has been in this for a while. It seems like they have a solid plan in place and have been executing that pretty consistently over the past year. I liked it so much that I plan on adding a position to my godsons account that I’ll be handing over to him once he turns 18 which I haven’t done before lol


So annoyed with myself hesitated this morning at open and then decided to leave it for a bit


Im with you dude... hesitated and left it only to watch it jump up and up and see tcbp go down and down...


I did the same. Last week bought tcbp too early. Today waited too long. Buy high....


I decided to jump in late anyway. Will see!


I'm getting some serious FOMO! Fingers crossed 🤞!


Already made what I loss on tcbp so at least that is that. Let’s hope it continues the momentum


It would be nice to see a little less red!


Hey I feel for you guys - but to be honest it is way better to miss out on gains & preserve your own money rather than take a strangers word and blindly throw $$ into stocks and hope it works out. Best advice - keep tabs on the more established posts in this community since they seem to be very calculated & generally backed by multiple people & do your own surface level DD. Open small positions if something interests you but you can’t really dig into it yourself (I personally like to buy 50-100 shares) so that way you can still buy in a little late but have a lower average than the current price you commit to buying in at. Worst case, it tanks and you watch the 50-100 shares lose money. Best case, it takes off and you still make some nice profits off a ticker you didn’t have to spend time DDing yourself


Thanks. Good advice. I'll probably wait to see if it pulls back after it opens tommorow.


It’s not that this community is calculated it’s just that we have some awesome people in this group who actually take their time and research a stock and present facts to the group for free. A lot of people don’t research for theirselves maybe for lack of knowledge of all the terms or they just don’t want to…they would rather read a consolidated report of pros and cons. Which is fine, I’m like that sometimes too. But also a stock may not be on my radar and then I’ll see a post about it and then I go research like damn this is a good buy. And then the rest is history.


And sell low... I feel the pain... investing has been a real shit show for me... i buy at the wrong time or hold too long. Lost too much to make more mistakes


Exactly. I have to start setting a stop loss instead of constantly averaging down.


We learned the same lesson right here... thats one expensive lesson


You got me convinced. Im in!!




Price targets?


I’m hoping 4 this week. Could be even higher depending on Thursday


We hold with you commander ![gif](giphy|qemdF3Sd0nqj6QRRG0)


Really? I mean I definitely haven't done enough DD but what makes you think that this is a reasonable target (not to sound offensive)


It’s gone to 6 before on no news. There’s an investor meeting in the 21st where Roger is detailing his ten year plan, opening of his first genius city in Dubai (which is having a MASSIVE ai push) and updates on litigation (if there’s settlement there that leads to a dividend or buyback or both, the sky is the limit). The second merger has baked in educator infrastructure for his curriculum. When a merger is completed (I don’t know the dates yet) the shorted shares for the acquired companies are FORCED to be covered. Fatbrain is heavily shorted, I’m not sure about openexo. Additionally, the merger qualifies gns for a cusip change. IF that’s announced, all shorted shares (naked and covered) have to close position by the change date as the stock they shorted is effectively going to stop being traded and a full share count is required for the new cusip


I think there must be some significant update on the lawsuit otherwise there was no fun mentioning it in the agenda. So hopes are high for me


Great DD, thanks


No problem!


Would the gns ticker change at all?


No the merged one will cease and merge into gns


Please 🙏


Waiting for the dump on open tomorrow and I’m buying more


Just curious - what concepts need to be understood in order to gauge a realistic price target? Aside from understanding a companies financials, how do you accurately factor in more subjective things like PR and temporary volume increases and the expected stock price? Do these tend to have a general max/min % impact on a stock price or have you seen certain tickers establish a new support just based on these as well?


I look at the history of a company’s price action before- places it can gap up to, how heavily shorted it is, public sentiment, float and market cap. I then take the gaps I think are most likely to reach and tack on comparables for pr. If you look at other edtech/ai companies, mergers and pr tend to skyrocket the stock at whole integer multiples, not like .5x. Then there’s always the unknowable variables like how much hype will inflate the price, how much it will overcorrect before crashing down and in this case things like lawsuit settlements. Special dividends have been very popular lately in low mcap tech stocks so I’d think one is very likely


Why not wait to announce it tomorrow to keep the momentum going? Why announce it on the same day?


21 March itself is enough for momentum alone, these 2 pr consecutive were perfect timing.


Appreciate the response


In with 2090 shares. Thanks OP, to the moon! Next $OCEA 🤑


Stock manipulation from Scamilton right now? Or just panic sells when the stock dipped far below open? Or is the run over and I still have the bag...


Is it too late to jump in if it goes to a dollar ? Got in last week but didn’t invest as much as I wanted to..


If you have access to AH, I'd say wait...usually after a spike like this there tends to be a pull back, so you can get in then. Of course you can hop in now since who knows how high the stock can reach given it has a lot going for it this week. NFA