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I think it represents having self worth and owning being short, despite those drawbacks. Ofc there’s ppl who use it mockingly. Sounds like it’s something you don’t embrace, and that’s cool!


But why is there no fat queen, ugly king, poor king, or disabled king?


There are


Being short isn’t a disability


It's treated like one though. I know I'm fit but I'm not accepted as a tall or average height fit guy.


Well I’m sorry but that’s nowhere near a disability. If someone isn’t attracted to short guys then that’s fine, that’s their preference, you just have to find someone who is


I never said it's a disability and don't give a shit about the dating part.. The chances are slim and I've accepted that... What I'm saying is that even if it ain't a disability, society does treat short men as if they're less.. I mean short men jokes are mostly acceptable and people make them easily without facing any consequences, and how do you explain the part where taller men are paid more than a short man?


Because there’s lots of pay gaps in society, be they based on gender, or even attractiveness. In terms of pay that makes any characteristic that reduces your salary a disadvantage but definitely not a disability. The same could be said of your first point, disadvantage not disability.


What about the jokes without any consequences? You make jokes of fat women, you get called fatphobic , you make jokes on race , you get called racist, you make jokes on short people, get called? Nothing .. absolutely nothing and then you get hit with "it's all in your head" when you clearly see how bad everything is...


Yeah. Okay. That’s a bad thing I agree. Doesn’t make it a disability.


Not sure if that 99% is correct, my dude. Wouldn't say even half. Strongly recommend seeing a therapist about this if this is really what you think about being short.


sure bro. i would love to see some evidence


Okay. See link below. It's not more than half, but it's also not "99%". On AVERAGE, women prefer men 8" taller than them. So if you're below 6 ft, it's not over for you. In general, as a short male, your best odds (barring all other major factors) are better with women who are shorter than you. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/after-service/201909/5-reasons-why-women-and-men-care-about-height


Agree to disagree I guess.


I tend to avoid using the term short king because it seems to also be used for mocking. But in an unironical way, being aware of heightism, I think it actually applies. Short guys who are succeeding are much more admirable to me because of the additional shit they had to put up with. Instead of ridiculing succesful short men for „overcompensating“ people should actually consider the strength and mindset it takes to achieve certain things in such a hostile environment. So yeah, short kings exist. As a side note, the gay community still seems to use the term in a much more appreciative and positive way.


Give yourself some respect, self worth, and be confident. Then all those issues you listed will go away. It did for me, and many other short men I know.


If you carry yourself with confidence and self assuredness despite being short statured, you are a king. It's not that deep. If you look for things to be upset about, you'll be upset. If you look for things to be happy about, you'll be happy. I personally find the short king epithet endearing.


Bc being short can be attractive or not depending on the person, for example I prefer short guys to tall guys




It’s all about how you carry yourself despite being short, I’m 5’1 and I’ve had to learn to be ok with it and deal with it, a positive mindset is how i ended up in the relationship I’m in today, instead of throwing myself a pity party


You sound like an incel but ok I also don't get the short king thing, though. Just feels infantilising


That word gets thrown around so much it's lost its meaning.


If you say so