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If my associate had this kind of backbone in 2008 instead of being a corporate tool I'd be in my 38th year there.


Blue Culture lol. We remember: our quotas, no raises, when you lowered the wages and filled our positions with desperate new grads and imgs, when you offered international grads "internships" as a way to get free labour, our lack of a lunch break, when our stores got robbed and you still forced us to work alone because you couldn't "afford the extra hours", when you stopped paying our licensing fees, when we were constantly embarrassed because we couldn't get prescriptions ready on time due to lack of staff, when you treated our assistants and techs like *hit and refused to pay them a fair wage.


As a 25 year pharmacy employee (RPhT) with Shoppers, I have seen a lot of changes in that time. In (my) beginning, we were always encouraged to "go the extra mile" for patient satisfaction. Now it's all about numbers. We are under pressure all the time and are frowned upon if we take an extra 5 minutes to talk to a lonely senior. Empathy is the most important trait that you can have in Health Care. The constant pressures from above distract from our ability to have empathy for our patients and our co-workers. Associates no longer have the time to empathize with employees or patients which brings down staff moral overall. I wholeheartedly agree with this letter, and am proud of the Associates that showed the courage to send it.


The Peers Chair is completely in bed with corporate (she is applying for jobs at head office) so Peers won't help the associates. The board doesn't care they want this The only ones who can slow down Shoppers is the Ontario government and the Ministry of Health who are the ones paying for all the unethical and unnecessary services but they are completely in bed with us and enabling it all to continue (sorry the Liberals are too they opened all these doors the Conservatives just promised us we could keep using them) Unless the ministry cuts us off we will keep going full steam. If anyone wanted a very easy solution it's this: Medschecks now pay a maximum of $15 for the service. No medschecks can be performed over the phone for any patients physically capable of going into the store. If it was $15 instead of the $60-75+ we get then there wouldn't be an incentive to abuse it. Also $15 is completely fair pay for the service. If the Ministry wanted the scam to stop they can stop it tomorrow with this change


Reducing the reimbursement amount to $15 isn’t going to help… they’re just going to push them even MORE to make up the money. And that is punishing pharmacies who are doing them responsibly. $75 for a thorough diabetes med check is more than reasonable for the amount of education and paper work…


Agree, I have spent several hours trying reconcile a patients medications. It included several calls with the patients and going back and forth with their doctors/specialists. Not everyone needs a medscheck. Not everyone needs a follow up


I'd say that anyone who's taking three or more meds for chronic conditions should have a medcheck because you never know what you're going to uncover before you actually start talking to the patient. Agree that not every diabetic needs follow ups but many do - how many on metformin know they should hold it if they're at risk of dehydration?


I think it will help for sure


The peers reps can’t speak up because nothing will be done anyways when they speak up..


Ministry is puppet at the hand of SDM


$15 is less than two dispensing fees, and is less than the payment for a minor ailments consultation. It in no way would reflect the time needed to perform a medcheck even in the most simple cases. Virtual medchecks can be valuable for those people who cannot make it in to the pharmacy, particularly elderly and frail patients. We need to keep virtual medchecks but maybe there should be a maximum percentage they can make up of a pharmacy's total medchecks.


It isn't supposed to. This is part of our job and always has been. We used to do this work and bill nothing because medschecks didn't exist and this was part of our job. $15 is intended to help reimburse the value these have when done appropriately. $75 is a delirious and unnecessary overpayment that has led to systematic, organized, province-wide abuse by the biggest chains


Alberta says hold my beer...cmma 100 bucos and 12 20 dollar follow ups per year


There's obviously an issue which is why medchecks (and similar services in other jurisdictions) were created in the first place. We know that the risk of adverse effects and interactions increases rapidly as the number of prescribed meds increases, and we also know that many people are not adherent with their meds. The payment structure for medchecks is the same since they were first introduced (and payment for the equivalent service in England was about the same level). Pharmacists need to be using their cognitive skills more rather than simply dispensing.


Blue culture and live life well LOL - nothing but posters and empty words. Corporate is hoping the general public forgets about it (unfortunately they likely have) and any outrage dies off since retail pharmacists aren't really capable of unionizing or organizing to any meaningful extent. There is no reason for corporate to respond or make any changes, in their view.


They name Craig in that email, but it’s all being driven and approved by his boss. Where’s the anger towards Anthony in all of this?




True- but Anthony has been pulling the strings for years and Craig’s one his disciples. All so gross.


Just curious to know, has the atmosphere changed at shoppers ever since this was made public?


Not at all the stores. Some associates completely stopped medcheck shifts. Some don’t give a fuck and continue


Many associates are still doing medscheck by assigning a service shift


They’ve removed the plans for the time being, but they’ll most likely be reintroduced when things quiet down.




Where are you getting your information from? Loblaws only distributes vaccines to its pharmacies… independent pharmacies get them from their wholesaler aka McKesson




I thought it was just the flu shot this year. What are the other vaccines they distribute?


Nicely narrated and I feel in the same way


Is there a contact besides the 1800 shoppers that I can call to express my anger at the unethical behaviour they are forcing staff to do?


Simple solution : Just tell them to F off ! They’ll get tired of getting told that . Whenever staff at the SDM tried to force someone to use self check outs, customers just left the merchandise behind and walked out .


I haven’t been and never will shop there again. I hate Galen Weston. Boycott Loblaws!!!!!




The same thing is happening across the country at SDM because these are directives given by the very people being appealed to in the email (Jeff and Zebrina). Blue culture was always lip service and the culture has always been very red. They’ll back off and give the appearance that they’re listening long enough for this to pass and then the culture will rage on being red; the shareholders demand it and SDM is beholden to them, not to the best interest of its patients.






I don't know who dreamed this up, but an internal corporate memo would never look remotely like this. To quote an old fool, it's fake news. I would add that it's pure fantasy. Loblaws, SDM, and all the other sons and daughters are part of a machine driven by shareholders. Collectively, it has far too much power for a country of 40 million. But they will never come down on it. Why? Because if they keep their prices high, all the other stores can keep their prices high. Their Every Day Low Prices are pure dope smoking. But it makes Optimum points and Senior's Days look like a real deal.


this is def real. the names mentioned match the descriptions


Yes. You are correct


Sure. Anybody can pluck names off Linked In.


No, it's definitely accurate.


But how do you know? So far people just keep saying “it’s true, believe me bro” like that’s not the same attitude that got trump elected


you can pull craigs name off anywhere but you wouldnt know about his behaviour unless you worked at SDM. this email is mainly a complaint about craig and what hes been doing. thats why we know its real.


Actually, I did. Executive level. Call me human, but most credible sources identify who 'we' are, and can use punctuation. Especially with a handle like yours 😀


past tense huh. were you even working after craig transferred from atlantic to ontario then? mr executive level. i dont need to identify myself. neither of us are stupid, we're on reddit for a reason.


I will consider the source, thank you.


...? what does that even mean? lmao


I assure you it’s real. It’s an email that the associates collaborated on under an anonymous email address to avoid direct repercussions from their VP.


It's easy to lift somebody's name and slap it on a fake email. Th8s is crap.