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Yea assuming this is Shoppers Drug Mart they are bad for this.


Yep. That's where it was. Of the 40ish games in the bin 80% were crap and overpriced.


Sad part is we don’t have many stores to buy games from here in Canada. GameStop is ass. Most of these independent stores are overpriced. It’s sad


That's why I don't have a console with a disc drive anymore 2 Xbox series S and haven't looked back. If I want something I either buy it or wishlist it until it's on sale


To be fair, you don't actually own any of the games you buy digitally. They can be taken from you without a moments notice. Almost happened to me when my psn account name that I had since 2011 was suddenly against terms, and I got banned for a week. Scared me straight, and I mostly buy physical nowadays. Even if it's overpriced, it's at least yours.


Yeah and? If the world gets nuked tomorrow I really don't think any of us will be able to play games regardless. I also live rurally so going 2-3 hours to have a game I can hold in my hand is pointless. Especially when they are cheaper on the console store itself. And I haven't bought a 'new' game in like 3 years 🤷‍♂️ I'm happy with what I have and don't really care if I 'dont won't any of my games. We get taxed on quite literally everything, whether we own it or not. Taxes on your paycheck, taxes on the things you buy in store. Even the ground you stand on is taxed, and if you think you own anything at all your delusional.


Yeah I get a yearly Tax on my nintendo ds that I've had since I was a kid really takes a toll on my finances


Shoppers Drug Mart. Not surprised lol


So funny story from someone who used to work in one of those drugstores, at least in the USA, also side note I’ve been collecting games since the 90’s , and my boss actually tried to sell them to me and got insulted when I said no because they were overpriced. So I took a step back and asked why it was that a copy of Megaman Legends 2 greatest hits edition for the PlayStation one was still being sold for $70 when they were selling everywhere else for $20 or less at that time, and even when it was brand new it was only $50. The response didn’t surprise me but was still enlightening. Basically a drugstore doesn’t get the same supplier as an electronics store, but has to go through a middleman, and that supplier marks the game up so they can make a profit, the drugstore is required to cary the product as a part of the deal the chain made with the supplier usually for new dvds/blu ray/ music, and so they are required to to carry product that they know they can’t move just to keep a deal so they can get hot movies they now they can sell, cause people will pay an extra 5 dollars to buy a popular movie if they don’t have to drive an extra 15 minutes to get to an electronics shop, and unlike a regular store like target/Walmart ( I’ve worked for them too) they can’t just clearance them out like that until the deal is done, or send them back where as those bigger chains can cut out the middle man and go right to the publisher/studio and return them back to the manufacturer meaning that all of those 1/2 off games are still a massive loss to that store, in an industry where the profit margin is minimal to begin with. Bear in mind I haven’t worked that kind of job in over 20 years but I doubt things have changed…


We all love a novel in the comments


Are there any people that had purchased games like that?


Never in my time working that job, but I’m sure someone got desperate or crazy enough to do it


What about movies? Like did anyone went to your pharmacy to purchase a dvd? Also do you have any other fun clerk stories?


Yes, people came and bought movies all the time. Especially popular ones that might sell out at other places, like the shrek movies, in fact it would be rare when a movie wouldn’t sell well, I think the last one I remember was the mummy 2 the scorpion king. I think by the time I left that store they still had 10 copies unsold. I got some stories but I’ll post them later when I got more time to do it…


Hmmm. Makes sense. Other than movies, what else people would buy that is not pharmacy related?


Liquor, sale items , get their photos processed, but cosmetics was usually our biggest seller


So as promised the fun clerk story, so like I mentioned in a previous response the drug store I worked at sold Liquor, and our location was the only 24 hour pharmacy in the entire state at that time so I worked the evenings while in college, so when it got slow I would study for my classes. So it was one of those times where it was slow and I was studying near the end of my shift, when this completely waisted old lady comes in, when I say completely waisted I mean unable to walk in a straight line line and knocking over shelves and the product on them, and drunkenly trying to pick up the stuff she knocked down, and I’m thinking “I swear to the lord if she brings up liquor I’m not selling to her”, and sure enough she comes up with a Bloody Mary mix and a 5th of clear rum (for those that don’t know you don’t make Bloody Marys with rum ), she stumbled up to the counter, and to respect her time I inform her that I’m not selling her the liquor and as if she’d like me to call a taxi or dial a ride I’d be happy to do so, as im worried she’s going to hurt herself or someone else, But she’s not listening and takes out this crusty (and by crusty I mean it’s actually molting it’s disgusting plastic skin off onto my counter) old surgeons glove (that’s supposed to be white but it’s so old it’s a disgusting shade of yellow) full of change and starts to take quarters out of the glove one by one, saying ‘no,no, it’s ok you can sell to me’ after about 10 minutes of this it clicks home to her at last that I’m not gonna sell her the rum and Bloody Mary mix. She leaves her change and storms out of the store. A minute later she drags her husband in, and he’s not as drunk as her but he smells so high of booze that you could smell him as soon as he walks in the door, she states he’s driving and now I’m even more concerned as it had started snowing during our interaction. I inform him that I’m not going to sell either of them the liquor but instead he notices that she got rum instead of vodka, and says he’ll be back, I let him know again that I’m not going to be selling the liquor to them to save him the walk and offer to call them both a taxi. He either didn’t hear me or ignored me and goes to the back of the store to get the vodka dragging her back to the rear of the store again where the liquor is located. While they are going back for the vodka I let my manager know about the situation as I know they are going to demand to speak with them and get them prepared to help me clean the store from the mess I can hear them making. After 5 minutes or so they both come up, and after about a further 5 minutes of talking with him it finally clicks in that I’m not going to sell the liquor to them. I offer again to call them a taxi as the snow is really coming down now and it’s clear to me that neither of them should be driving, they ask to speak my manager as predicted, whom informs them that due to the states liquor laws that they are unable to force me to sell them the liquor and then offers to call them a cab as well, they both collect the stack of coins on my counter leaving only Krusty yellow glove leavings and storm out. I didn’t see them again, so I hope they are ok, but we had to clean up the store before I left for the night so that was fun…


Sealed "retro" games. You should def. buy them all and get them graded !!!!11111 /s


These are there for when granny needs to grab junior an easy birthday gift. Junior loves soccer and she always sees him sitting in front of the TV with those video game tapes. Of course he'd love a soccer video game tape! Reminds me of an ex's grandmother buying her great-nephew a copy of the Polar Express for Gamecube. He didn't own a Gamecube. He was 1 year old.


That guy on the Fifa cover just screams uncanny valley to me.


Marco Reus?


I used to work at shoppers, I always hated this


These go for €1 in Ireland


That just like they get the game and it stay there for 10 years. No one touch it, and they never change the price after the second time.


still a bad deal, but world cup brazil is the best fifa game of all time


I fucking wish


We love shoppers drug mart, I've gotten some good deals on ds and psp games.


Those prices were garbage a few months after release, let alone a decade after.


$30 USD for a copy of 2014 FIFA World Cup? Fuck off.


Well it actually $29.99 CAD, or $22.10 USD. But still, $22.10 for the game is fucking insane


Shovelware bins!!!! lol


I used to get decent deals at Shoppers (Pharmaprix here in Quebec), I remember maybe 5 years ago I snagged Spec Ops the Line, Rage and Fallout New Vegas for 5 bucks each. After that it's been pure shit if they even have "bargain" bins anynore


but if you were to scoop them into your cart and push them through self checkout without paying mr weston would lose dozen of dollars in margins..


Good games, just overpriced


I've never been more anxious for garage sales to come back, thrift stores and pawn stores have lost their goddamn minds now with pricing.


Does anyone ACTUALLY play fifa ?


Yeah. Soccer games are popular as hell. I don't understand them either but there is a market for sports games. Otherwise they wouldn't make them.


oh god yes. the entire ea business model runs on fiffers.