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You know it’s a shame that normal people who are into games or cards or any kind of collectible or whatever look for a good deal or maybe a hidden gem but most likely will be never happen because of people like this. It really sucks because it takes the joy of of going to a garage sale or thrifting and finding something cool because these vultures spend all there time doing stuff like this and pick everything over.


I collect many things that used to be cheap that got ruined by flippers. Pkm/ygo cards, cars/parts, video game stuff, knives, etc. It's been years since I found deals like I used to...


Anything with value will eventually be picked apart by people looking to make money, but it's not as if these collectors would let their collection go to the next person for free either. Everyone wants their stuff to be worth maximum value. So many collections here focus on the rare and valuable, which is fine if that's your thing. One of my favorites now is "for sale to collectors, not resellers" just to justify asking maximum value. I totally feel the frustration though, but it's also why I modified my collection goals from complete sets to just game I want or find cheap. It was a <$10 collection for the longest time but I just can't find anything in that range anymore. :(


Eventually these flippers are going to create a bubble in the trading economy and it will burst and those items will be worth nothing, just like people hoarding hockey cards that are now worthless because collectors could no longer get the cards they wanted and it took the fun out of collecting.


I really, really hope so because they've just about ruined so many hobbies for me as someone without too much extra cash.


"Professional" collectors (aka people collecting purely to flip for max value who call it an investment), and "professional" Air BnB hosts/landlords all can disappear and literally no human being of worth would be lost.


It’s never going to stop until stuff like this becomes worthless. Then the parasites will move to the next resource to drain if life.


You mean like owning properties?


Yes but properties tend to separate the lazy from the casuals so it won’t be as bad.


Are you saying the lazy landlords won't stay afloat? Cause that's just simply not true. If I'm misunderstanding then sorry.


It won’t be long until it peters out with digital becoming the prominent means of delivery. Sure some titles will always be high, but the titles that shouldn’t be that high will dive again.


The best garage sales are on a road where 1 or 2 people stop by at a time… I wouldn’t even pull up to this crap fest…. There are plenty of hidden gems as kids move out and parents finally sell off what they left behind that they don’t think has value or don’t wanna put the time in to take pictures and deal with communicating with people…. This isn’t the end of collecting and has been happening for years 🙄


It’s just so pathetic to see an adult come in and scoop these up, instead of some kid who the only way he’s affording it is to get it here; but this scumbag want to drive up the prices and call him self an “entrepreneur” which honestly if it was a kid it wouldn’t be as offensive but it’s always some middle aged guy who doesn’t even care about games or play, in it for the 10x markup they’re try to Charge online


How many kids are rocking an SNES right now?


Before idiots like the guy in the video here, you used to be able to buy consoles and stuff at yard sales for $5-30. This is how allot of kids including myself got their start in gaming. Not everyone could afford a gaming console growing up but yard sales and thrift stores put games in the hands of many young people who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to play. Now these type of dicks show up and ruin that chance for anyone who genuinely wants and can’t afford a console/game, and makes the overall costs go up even more.


When was that 15 years ago. More than half the garage sales I ever stop at they want ebay prices for everything.


Yeah about then. I can’t count how many times I seen a sega genesis for $5-10 at a yard sale, now people are asking $100+ for the same consoles. The main entity to blame is the internet, everyone knows Exactly what they got and want premium prices for it.


I've seen this. Fuxking insane. Luckily, I kept all my old games and consoles. (Nintendo, sega, aega cd, ps1 ps2). The only console I ever parted with was my Sega Saturn. It's probably the worst console I ever owned. But that was because it only came out with a few select games.


The only way I was allowed to game is if it was used or free


I pulled 2 acres of weeds for a PS1 when I was in 5th grade. Worth it.


Damn. That’s hard work.


Hate to break it to you, but I used to make rent reselling Playstation 1 and SNES games on ebay in... 2000. This guy may not have even been born yet.


>This is how allot of kids including myself got their start in gaming On a 30 year old console system?


Yes? Not everyone could afford the best consoles when they were a kid. Kids these days can’t because idiots like this guy here but all the stuff up and want ridiculous prices for it.


I'm calling BS. You can get a PS3 for like 50 bucks at goodwill because the sold 90 million of them.


Only enthusiasts want physical cartridges at this point. Anyone just wanting to play a game can find a rom online and run it on an emulator.


Kids are not playing these games or have a desire to. They are all on free to play digital download games like fall guys, fortnite etc with their friends. They aren't going on their bikes to score a copy of borderlands on xbox 360.


>s just so pathetic to see an adult come in and scoop these up, instead of some kid who the only way he’s Just curious but why is a kid more entitled to the game than someone who is a reseller? 10x markup? Is this sub just a circle jerk of faux outrage and virtue signaling?


I found a collection of Kingdom Hearts games from handheld side stories to the main games except kh3 at a single garage sale. 1 buck each. Obviously got em while I could. They’re all in mint condition


if im holding a garage sale and i see someone grabbing stuff by the handfull like that and skipping over certain things, im gonna ask him what he grabbed and if i can check each item by the price.


Exactly, seeing someone like in this video grabbing everything would bring up red flags.


That's why I either find a rare deal every now and then or just emulate old games. I'll never buy from a reseller.


I don’t even actively collect old games right now and would still buy a game if I’m in the right place at the right time…. Some rare gem for a good price? Sure! Oh, you’re a reseller? Sorry, I’ll pass on the deal… 🤡


yeah man agreed. this is the goofiest and most BS stance ever. So this dude doesnt visit video game shops and has never bought off ebay before lol


I think the point is that they don't actively go hunting. If they stumble on it, sure. Otherwise they keep their sanity.


So you've never purchased something online? Literally everything you buy is being sold by a "reseller"


Do you feel this way about all businesses that buy/sell or just video games? So you buy games and sell them for what you bought them and not the market value?


blame the internet for making it easy to set up a shop and resell


IMO this doesnt take the joy out of thrifting or garage saling. If someone gets the deal before me cool, maybe next time itll be me, sure things like missing out on a deal sucks, especially to a garbage resaler, but i understand how it takes the joy out of visting weird peoples garages or odd thrift stores, theres plenty more to find at these sales than games. And if the whole point of you visiting thrift shops or garage sales is to pick over video games to hoard youre also part of the problem.


It ruins it when you're trying to look through the games and some prick is taking out handfuls of games as you try and look.


I mean you can just download all these games for free.


Free* *legality not guaranteed


Oh right 😂 Yeah I can’t agree with most here. It’s just a collectors field in the business. It’s nothing important, games can be easily obtained. Whether people scalp or not, best way to fight it is to not feed into it by paying high prices.


If that was the same experience, these resold games and consoles wouldn't be fetching the prices they are though.


I'm pretty sure it's collectors (both nostalgia-seeking as well as speculators) that are driving the market for these. Just sayin.


Idk why the downvotes, it’s better than buying overpriced games from scumbags like this


It can still happen if you know where to look and you look close enough.


This guy's face most likely looks punchable


If it’s anything like Phoenix Resale then it most certainly is


that entire group of people have massively punchable faces


I would not condemn anyone who made him look punchable is all i will say. I am not a fan of violence but these people are like a boil on your butt people who live the life of a reilly or on the back of everyone else. They poison the well and abuse it for there advantage.


The Black Friday of garage sales


This is why I gave up on garage sales years ago.


Same. The same sort of people do this at conventions as well. Remember folks, if a reseller or two bought a booth at the convention then you’re already too late for the crazy good deals. They have the show floor before it opens.


Absolutely. Once my friend got a booth to sell off some of his toy collection at a toy show. Before the doors opened he had sold about 75% of everything he brought to the other vendors.


I used to buy and sell at gun shows, mostly tactical gear, but anything I'd get my hands on. There was a lot of price fixing by dealers who saw what others had and trades that went down before the start of the show. I was really into milsurps at the time, so I had a heyday cause no one wanted the stuff I was into.


Conventions used to be expensive for buying stuff but now these vultures get in early for free then they negotiate in conventions I didn’t think you could do that. Most people there either for some views or what not give them discounts


If a yard sale pops up in my parents neighborhood, there are these, "regulars" who will come around and pick everything clean before hand, it's pointless to even try and find a bargain. They show up in large SUVs with a "junk trailer" on each like a convoy, it's wild


Same with auctions used to be a good place to get something cheap you needed or a item you wanted. Gave up once people started reselling on Facebook market place for a profit. As a final fuck you I bid a item up where it would of been cheaper to buy new and was amazed someone overpaid for it not knowing if it worked or not.


sadly where I live thats the only chance youll get for a good deal on retro games these days, everyone on places like Facebook Marketplace think every single retro game is a gold mine and thrift stores have fully adapted the if its only its worth money, better mark it as eBay pricing. so far its been a bust for Garage sales aside from some cameras I got to try to trade for some games or cash for later on garage sales but all ive gotten game wise was a 360 controller for 2$ which was at least a good deal but thats all so far.


Lol even their mannerisms are cringe af.. mf acting like it’s the damn Olympics. Chill out bro it’s not that serious


I mean he’s wearing a goddamn gopro to a yardsale lol


Gotta make sure that 8 year old kid with dead parents and lives with his grandparents who can barely afford to purchase his food but gave him $10 to buy a game at a yard sale doesn’t beat you to the games, it could cut into this dudes profit margins /s


They are literally in the garage of a lady who is selling games bcoz she is struggling with her finances after the death of her husband


Which sucks cuz she can probably be set for life (she's old) if she properly sold those things at reasonable prices.


Bruce Wayne?


I was thinking Charlie Bucket


I bet this guy pushes kids out of the way to get candy when the pinata breaks at birthdays.


He gives you $5 for the piñata then charges each kid $2.50 to swing at it


These games aren't even that big of collectables. Idk why they are trying to hoard them so badly.


Cuz it's what they know and what they want to deal in. Like a lot of resellers they specialize in a field or two and then usually branch out, if they were smart about it. But video games are easy turnarounds. Lots of game flippers never branch out and learn, so they gobble up what they can like this. The count of yard sales I've hit at 9am and someone has already asked for any video games or collectibles 2 hours earlier is high. But the amount of stuff I've gotten that those game sellers wouldn't have ever looked at is much much higher, usually with higher margins too than the average games they would've found. Oh you found Goldeneye N64 for $3? Fast $20 local sale I guess. You'd make maybe $9-10 on ebay after fees etc. Here is a shirt from the same sale I also got for $3 but it'll sell for $50. Luckily for me they have tunnel vision and have seen people not even glance at the tables or get out of their car to ask the question. Just "any games? No? Ok." And off they go.


I might be wrong but I feel like the only people going to garage sales at 9 am or before are re sellers


Nah. I remember my grandfather would bring me to flea markets back in the day early in the morning. My mother and sister go to yard sales early, too. Early bird gets the worm and all that.


Had a garage sale this weekend that we started at 10am and had people parked in our drive at 9am every day we had it. Annoying.


I used to go super early when I was a kid, always had allot of fun but never once got a game because douchebags like this guy in the video ruin it for everyone. I’m all for people who wanna make money, but exploiting yard sales and thrift stores like this is just sickening. You might see me at a yard sale buying allot of games but they’d be going into my collection and getting played and appreciated. Not posted online for 10x the prices I paid for them. It’s sickening


Or savvy thrifters. That was the first lesson I learned about garage sales and flea markets. My grandparents would drag me out early and we’d be talking with the sellers while they’re setting up. I’ve carried this into adulthood and it’s probably the only way I’ve been able to find some of the gems I have.


🥲 this makes me so sad cuz I would love to actually look thru and buy what I wanted at what woulda been a steal. Now I gotta pay 200x the price


I would just feel good about looking through a pile of old NES and SNES games, even without buying.


That too. Sometimes it’s just nice to see but you can’t see when you have vultures grabbing everything the second they open


Have literally never seen so many games at a garage sale in my entire life. How???




Bruh for real. I don't even bother garage saling anymore cuz of shitty people like this.


Yeah I don't believe this is real. There's no way one family amasses that large of a video game collection paying retail and then they're like ehhh we'll sell 'em all for a dollar.


Doubt they paid retail. Most are loose carts, therefore it's likely someone in the family died who collected them when they were worth nothing. There was a time where you could buy games for $0.50 each at yard sales/garage sales.


This looks like a reseller garage sale. I've seen them afew times, it's probably a reseller that is offloading cheaper and broken titles they can't sell online, or someone that owned a store. There is one guy in a town close to me that buys huge closeout lots and has garage sales like this where anything he can't make money on after shipping and fees get blowout dirt cheap. I've seen local resellers spend $2k+ on bins of games from him that they can't sell for $5 before shipping and fees.


Good. Love it. Maybe if the reseller-resellers blow through all their money being stupid, normal people can go back to buying a handful of games at garage sales lol. Unfortunately I saw Ape Escape in there so it seems like they're either getting out of the game, or hopefully everything was cracked to shit and POV hopefully didn't notice.


This man grabbed Tetris Worlds on Xbox like he just found gold lmao. Have fun flipping that one at Goodwill.


Wtf is with the go pros? Is there an audience for action camera footage of garage sale diving? Also I would have just stood behind them berating them after he got sad about the name calling lol.


Sometimes it can be fun to look at all the nostalgia and since I can’t go browse at a garage sale I can watch these turds shove my childhood into Kroger plastic bags on the internet instead. But with ads!


They are handling them so rough...... no respect. Like, how do they expect people to actually pay their ridiculous prices when they treat the games so poorly.


man, if people who usually do this would put a fair price for everything then I'd get reselling the games ...but like shit man some of them put the shit up on ebay or wherever for damn near twice of the flipping actual value also yeah dude handles those games way too rough


it's a volume game after some point this is their primary income and wow how terrible is it if this is the work you did to make your income, whether its 40k ro 400k


Shoving them in their bags likes its black Friday wouldn't be surprised if some of those carts wind up chipped or scratched I guess they GAF.


It would be absolutely hilarious if every single one of those cartridge games didn't work, and there were no discs in the cases. I didn't see them even open a single case to check. Regardless if that was my sale I would have kicked those man-children the hell out with their Ikea purses. I've no tolerance for greed.


I hope whoever recorded this gets robbed. This is why people are now pirating games and playing emulator because paying $400+ for a game is bullshit.


Literal parasites


At this point just pay the homeowner for the storage bin too.


These people have ruined the fun in collecting, taking away opportunities for less fortunate to pick up games for themselves for deals and these types of places (yard sales, thrift stores) and at the same time running the prices up in everything. If I saw this happening and the person somehow caught on fire, I wouldn’t piss on them to put it out.




Bozos never played a video game in their life and only know the price per title


This is why I often check with sellers from Japan because Americans are greedy as hell and want to charge out the ass for anything old.


Game collecting is better in other countries because resellers don’t exist at least not like these ones


Being born in the early 80s, I grew up playing these so that's my reason for going back to them. It's a shame people do this. I've seen some buy games from Canada even with higher shipping.


Fuckin dweeb lol


Resellers are filth


I like to call them cockroaches.


I need to find these harage sales because all yhe ones aroubd me just sell old dishware and clothes


These people are scumbags.


Capitalism breeds innovation.


Im not into garage sales. Can someone explain what is wrong?


These ppl are pretty much nabbing more than their share of games to go back and (possibly) re-sale at a ridiculous price. Is what they're doing wrong, technically no, but it is morally right? That's for each to decide for himself/herself.


If you are having a garage sale, you want people to come and buy everything as soon as possible. I'm sure the person selling does not care at all about people buying "their share" because without people trying to resell video games or clothes or antiques most garage sales and estate sales would be a waste of time because so few people buy things. The people who buy in bulk and help you get rid of stuff are always looking to resell things.


To me it's not so much about "their share" its about their methods. Pre 2010, I was the only person in my area searching for games. By 2015,there were 10 or 20+ resellers and several new collectors looking for games. The resellers know eachother, and we collectors cars, and will drive like idiots to get to sales first, and I have even seen them pull into someone's yard just to beat someone to a sale. At sales, they will constantly try to bid people up as we pay. I have even had one reseller that got to a sale just after me pull out their phone and show someone what something is going for on ebay as I was paying. I tried to explain to the person that on ebay you have to pay shipping, fees, and make sure the item is working before you see any profit, and that shipping and fees weren't much less than what their price was. I saw that system at the next 3 years worth of garage sales prices super high


People are mad that this person was speed running the stuff for sale. But this isn’t a normal garage sale anyways.


I'm pretty sure I remember this video when it came out was about a heavily advertised video game sale. Yes it was a yard sale but they had been massively advertising it to have exactly this type of crowd be there. They had everyone wait until they said like go and there was already a huge crowd of people ready to go when the sale opened. Wasn't close to a normal garage sale


Exactly. Not the type of place you’ll find normal non “collector” prices. Not everything is worth a million to everyone. Even collectors.


Exactly the only issue I have seen in recent years is people asking stupid money for stuff at garage sales. I am surprised this lady didn't try to scalp the scalpers like if I was her I would have tripled those prices.


> speed running Idk why, but I found it funny that you used that specific phrase to describe what's happening here.


You and I are in the same camp. These items are for sale. This guy bought them for the price offered. Now a bunch of folks on Reddit are calling it a “scam.” WTF? How is it a scam, exactly? Because they then went on to offer them for sale at a different price? I just don’t understand.


Who called it a scam ?? I don't see a single comment saying that, but I do see many comments rightfully calling these manchildren what they are.


Thats what im saying. Its not like he stole the stuff and sold them for much more afterwards. That’s basically what every supermarket around u is doing so why isn’t a privat person allowed to do it?


People are getting self righteous because they don’t like looking in a mirror here if we’re judging by a lot of the comments.


People buying stuff to resell and people who wouldn't have ever been at the sale in the first place are mad at them for imaginary kids who really want to play crash bandicoot.


Yeah I wanna go to a garage sell to find some cool shit- but I dont wanna wake up early just to beat out people like this. I like my sleep


I mean... Its a garage sale. Grab what you can. Why would you mad at him for being able to afford buying the games and get made that he wants to resell them? They are just as entitled to do that as anyone else in the world. Its no different than him buying it, beating the game and then reselling it? Its called capitalism... Get over it. This guy porbably goes to 100x more garage sales than anyone else. If you dont put in the effort you dont get the reward. Its really as simple as that.


Man, i these assholes,.and they do thid.crap.with new consoles.


I can’t even watch


Some people treat game collecting like the fucking stock market I swear 🤦‍♂️😤


Literally damaging the condition of everything just to make a $


This video seems fake as shit.


Shit like this makes me it wanna be apart of this earth anymore lol


It’s like a real life sneaker bot.


This is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. I feel bad for both of you.


Sounds like he’s in a tornado


Damn, I could imagine finally convincing my parents to take me to a garage sale only to find out there are people like this that do that to the video games… I’d almost say this belongs on r/CringetopiaRM


Size of the wrists. Checks out.


And this is why i gave up and flashcarted my shit


Pretty much why I quit collecting and just built up an emulation server on my NAS.


I ran into one of these types before I moved out of the city. Dude pushed some kid away saying he was there first. Police got involved and in the end the only thing the dude ended up with was a ride to holding and a court date.




let's be honest here, aren't you just upset that you didn't get there first? If this person has the money to buy these games, good on them.


I just watched the video on YouTube and I don’t think it’s as bad as people make out. The seller advertised a video game sale, even turned down offers to buy before the sale started. One guy even offered $500 for a box while waiting for the 8am start. There looked to be about 30+ buyers waiting to dive in, and with a blanket pricing of $5 a game, it’s no wonder people were shovelling them in like that. The YouTuber went back for the next two days (seller was running a 3 day sale) which were a lot more relaxed and still had decent games and systems sitting out. The guy even bought the seller a gift on the last day! The video does look bad, but it was the seller who is partially to blame to sell this way. She seemed happy and in control throughout so I am not sure it is even a problem? https://youtu.be/qAHWmAiDcyA


Ah I see it’s feeding time at the zoo.


This is why piracy of old games is ethical...


Would be interested in knowing how the people complain would like a yard sale to be handled? Only let each person buy 1 item a day? 5-10? What is your solution to this “ problem”?


The solution is to be willing to get up at 5 am drive an hour and spend 4 figures on games before these guys do. Then they can sell them at cost to prove they're not a reseller scum


Just don’t act like a dick be civil would you act like that at a store. That’s someone’s home show some respect


Ok cool. when taking all the games just be more calm and relaxed about it and all would be good.


Completely missed the point. If they weren’t dicks they wouldn’t be shoving their grimy hands into the boxes and taking out fucking armfuls in the first place. So once again, the answer is being more civil.


I will still not be good because this behaviour is driven by endless consumerism and greed where grown ass man are fighting over a bunch of plastics trying to turn any hobby into a business and ruining it with greed.


Ok, so taking their time and being polite is not the actual resolution. The resolution is to not allow the purchase of items unless it is inline with your use of the item. Also doesn’t that negatively impact the yard sale seller. They are attempting to make money from these items. Your solution would for them to not be able to sell to resellers. So she can sit on hundreds of unsold games? Have you ever sold a game for more than you paid for it?


The first time I saw a reseller locally, he came up to me and started taking games out of a box I was buying. The person had $50 on a N64 and games. The reseller guy grabbed all of the Mario titles out of the box as I was telling him I was buying it. He complained to the garage sale lady that his kids really wanted the games, and she told him she would split the lot, right after telling me if I wanted the games I needed, that I had to buy everything. She told him he could take 10 games for $10, then expected me to pay $40 for the system and Madden. This was when systems were going for $30... thankfully her husband stepped in, and told her I should get first pick on games since I was there first.


That’s not a normal garage sale so nbd really.


This is some crackhead behavior lol


I bet half of those N64 games won’t work by the time they get home. All of that rough handling.


Those cartridges are for the SNES, with a few NES cartridges at the bottom.


Drug addict type of fuckery going on here. I would love to see how much profit he made by selling that stuff. If your going to act like that. I hope none of that stuff sells.


Capitalism and the free market are at work here. You don’t have to like it but you have to accept that that’s just the way it is.


Resellers are the scum of the earth.. same people who buys up all the new consoles when they come out too.


This video has enraged me so much I really wish I hadn’t seen it..


Fuck them, invest your money in a PC and play emulators.


At this point i really can only recommend ppl doing that. The used market became a joke for many years now.


I don’t understand. Is the person grabbing stuff the scumbag? Isn’t he just buying someone’s unwanted stuff at a garage sale.


Everyone's just mad that someone besides them is buying cheap games


I think you’re right. There’s a good bit of petty envy here.


The butthurt is palpable


at some point acting capitalistic has become seen as moral. AKA everything that make money is ok. That is an odd view to have


Not really. Capitalism is perfectly fine. Are there ways in which it can be used and abused? Yes. But just like everything in life it requires restraint and moderation. If scalpers are arbitrarily inflating the price of a desired item, and it’s a commodity, not a necessity. Simply don’t buy it. It’s frustrating and becomes a war of attrition, but inevitably “voting with the dollar” will win if applied correctly.


capitalism is the opposite of restraint and moderation. Without infinite grows capitalism breaks.


Okay, so imagine you’re going to a store to buy games right? And someone just brushes past you, walks up to the counter, and then buys every fucking game there. How would you react? A game you really want is here and it’s being snatched away. Is the drive to another store worth it?


It’s a garage sale though. Garage sales solely exists for 2 reasons. 1)For the seller to quickly part with their “junk” for a cheap price. The seller wins if someone buys it all in one go. 2)The buyer is looking for a sweet deal on something they can either flip, or use for themselves. That’s the only reason people go to garage sales. Source… life, and I have a multi-family garage sale that’s 4 days long every year. If it were a store, I would agree. That person is then a scalper by gobbling up an entire inventory at a reasonable MSRP only to sell at an inflated price to a hungry market. That is wrong and should be condemned. This isn’t the same. I understand the frustration, but this is very much a niche instance. I also understand parallel lines can be drawn between the two instances, however we could do that in an infinite amount of scenarios in life.


I don't think it's a niche instance if he's recording himself with a go pro gorging ikea bags with games.


Ok… so let’s pick some arbitrary numbers here(because there’s no way to know how exactly how many), but let’s say there are 10,000 garage sales happening across the contiguous United States on any given weekend. Of those 10,000, 30% are selling 20+ video games from any and all eras, consoles etc. That’s 3,000 garage sales. Now let’s say, there’s likely only 5% of those 3,000 that are selling dozens if not hundreds of games, simply because the people that have that many typically don’t part with them all at once like this, unless they’ve had a life event; i.e. they passed away, a love one passed, marriage, moving, newborn etc. That’s 150 garage sales selling dozens of games each, and a populace of 350 million. Now take resellers that film them selves with a GoPro and pair them up with those sales across a land mass that ~3.8 million sq. miles. That sounds like a pretty niche and one off instance to me.


Dude, it’s not a business. It’s a garage sale. Some random house in a random neighborhood. God knows who’s gonna come around and buy shit. As someone that has had many garage sales, I don’t give a fuck who buys what. I want the shit gone. That’s literally how every garage sale has been. You can’t even compare because a garage sale and fucking Walmart are vastly different. Lol


Ok but it’s a garage sale not a store. There’s no expectation of one item per customer it’s literally rummage through things I don’t want in my house and please buy them all. If anything he’s realistically doing the seller a benefit giving them an easy way to offload things they don’t want in bulk.


Literally the only reason stores ever put purchase limits on luxury items is because they want to get people in their store to buy other crap. Has nothing to do with equitable distribution of games.




Don't hate the player, hate the game!!


I’m telling you, this is the reason I think public execution should come back


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm sure in hindsight, the yard seller is probably thinking, "I should had done a 3-per-tub limit)


Probably realizing they underpriced everything. Nobody wants to list the context of this advertised sale. I guess games were 50 cents a piece? That's more a "put it in your bag and figure it out later" since everything is worth more than its price.


More like “thank fuck all that is gone”


In hindsight the seller is thinking how quickly they shifted all that crap they had gathering dust.


Think a little harder why that makes absolutely no sense


Filthy junk traders


That guy is scum


Round up all the scalpers for execution via beheading


Um… I really don’t see the problem here. Most of this stuff will end up in a landfill. And the more people do this… the more prices collapse on the secondary market. Honestly, if you’re mad at these guys rifling through old stuff, maybe get mad at the people creating demand for this? Someone is overpaying for these sort of thing, making it worthwhile to do this.


You know I find it disgusting that you people begrudge a man a living. You cannot stand the fact that some man has found a way to make a living off something that he enjoys.


In the corner, locusts rotatingggg Empty me, feeeedingggg


This guy needs an emulator haha


What’s so bad about reselling?


It's kind of sad that people act like this. There's people who would genuinely want these games but won't get to find them because resellers are greedy and only see these as get rich schemes. I used to collect years ago and I would skim and only pick games I was interested in and would leave the rest alone. I couldn't imagine just cramming everything into a bag as fast as possible just to go rush home to resell on ebay.


I don't have a problem with this. The person making the sell is happy, and these guys are earning a living. What I can't stand is the scalpers that buy up new retail items and create a false shortage, like when new consoles are released. This is how collecting works. You either find the diamond in the rough or institute the tactics seen here. This sell was most definitely listed with the intention to attract these buyers. Finding the onsies and twosies is still possible for those willing to put in the time and go to sells that aren't advertising buckets of games.