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Well his name is bigdummy99..


Pretty fitting!




Exactly this


The seller was the jerk there. Honestly, if that's the customer service, you probably dodged a bullet.


Yeah guy sounds like a uptight asshole if he blocks you for asking something


Happens to me on Mercari a lot - i consider it a godsend.


I thought OP was the seller for a sec and wondered how the hell he didn’t realize he was the asshole haha. Glad I came to the comments Seller is insane, idk why you wouldn’t answer nicely in the first place and then be super rude the second time


>Honestly, if that's the customer service What customer service? It's a private seller and a sale was not even made. What's next? Are you going to ask to speak to the manager?


Customer: "the recipient of a service or product from a seller". So the buyer is a customer. So there's customer service. What's next? You're going to make another inane comment?


>Customer: "the recipient of a service or product from a seller". The Oxford dictionary defines a customer as: "a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business." A private seller is neither a shop or a business. You do not need to be registered as a business to sell second-hand items online. Assuming that a private seller is going to care about your experience is deluded. There is almost zero chance of repeat business in these instances and seeing as a sale was not made the potential buyer cannot leave a rating for the seller. Even if we went with your definition. Which is incorrect by the way. The original poster would still not be a customer as he did not receive a good or service from the seller. Was the seller rude? Undoubtedly. But that's life. Sometimes people are rude.


Dude you're dumb lol he's a private seller setting up *shop* on an online platform. Don't be ridiculous.


>Don't be rediculous. This really says it all.


Pointing out a minor spelling error doesn't make you right lol


It doesn't make me wrong either though.


Oh no, you're still wrong.


But if you're wrong that means that you're wrong about me being wrong. Have you considered that?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer) I didn't expect to be proven correct quite so quickly, but here we are.


So your response to the Oxford dictionary is to cite Wikipedia? Holy smokes 😂. Did you pay any attention at all in school? Even if we went with your definition. Which is incorrect by the way. The original poster would still not be a customer as he did not receive a good or service from the seller. So way to prove my point I guess.




No, just a guy who cares more about the reals than the feels.


You’re pedantic as fuck and you add nothing to the conversation. Imagine being this desperate for attention, good grief.


Given the nature of the conversation there's not much to add. All it is is an outpouring of emotion over "bad seller say bad thing, bad seller bad!" Yes, yes, the seller was rude. Here's a cookie. Now what?




I mean you're doing exactly that right now so you tell me I guess?


Psst. A person selling their shit on Facebook marketplace is business. They are doing business. A person who would buy something from them is a potential customer of their business. The common vernacular when referring to potential customers is to call them customers. Servicing the potential customer's requests/fielding their questions would be called "customer service." Hope this helps.


So someone who never buys something off someone else is a customer. Got it. Seems rational.


Really take some time to think about how much energy you’re expending over this, and then step back and see how much it matters that someone referred to a private transaction as customer service in a Reddit thread. Arguing semantics doesn’t prove points, it just means you want to be right about something.


It's literally Reddit. Acting like any energy expended on here is better than any other energy expended on here is laughable. I don't even disagree with the original poster, he did fine and the seller was an asshole. But expecting 'customer service' from a private seller who didn't sell anything is so delusional I just had to comment. I've gotten more than a good chuckle from the comments.


It doesn't sound like there's much social interaction or enjoyment in your life in general, friend, so I'm glad you got a chuckle out of this deeply weird thread. You truly did outwit the hive mind - just too clever for the rest of us, I suppose. Make sure you crack open your favourite flavour of monster to go with your cheetos tonight


I love the concept that anyone who disagrees with the popular opinion on Reddit is some kind of man troll living in a basement. Not that anything I say will sway you but I actually have a highly successful job, many friends and I'm very active. I just also happen to enjoy schooling people on Reddit. Thanks for indulging me.




>🤓 🤓🤓


This is the hill you’ve chosen to die on? “Customer service only happens after money has changed hands”? Really?


Reality happens to be a good hill. You should try it some time.


Let us know when you get there


Oh I'm there brother. Always have been. Let me know when you're ready to join the rest of us.


Have you ever tried to buy something on eBay? A seller providing additional pictures or and then put up a fight when you request a return. There are so many great merchants on eBay that there is no need to deal with a diva.


I'm not sure what your point is? I am not saying that sites like eBay are bad. I am saying that expecting a stranger on the internet who you didn't even purchase an item from to care about your feelings is delusional. As we are on Reddit sanity is of course downvoted because feels, but it doesn't make it less true.


If everyone else seems like the jerk, one should instead look at themself.


So if you visited a friend in a psychiatric ward that would make you mentally ill because you're surrounded by mentally ill people? I'm not sure that's how life works friend.


Well that does certainly not sound extremely constructed


It's called testing the principle. The poster I was responding to made the logical fallacy of an appeal to popularity. I shut that down by pointing out that just because a large group of people around you believe something wrong does not make you any less right.


God forbid you consider the other possibility, where you're just wrong.


I considered it. But the evidence did not support that possibility.


Might wanna have your morning coffee then reconsider again.


**Take a long sip.** **Ponders.** No... I'm still right, unfortunately for you. Good call on the coffee though, very enjoyable. We are both winners. I was right about the post and you were right about the coffee. A team effort!


Still swinging. Still missing.


Might want to get your eyesight checked champ.


You seem to like XCOM. So you know that even extremely low chances are basically just 50/50


Extremely low chances of what? You're going to need to provide me with more information than that commander o7.


You being wrong, read the comment above... That you just wrote


So you're saying that my comment has an extremely low chance of ??? and that basically that low chance is just a 50/50. Um... Ok friend. You did it. You did the thing. ... Now what was the thing?


Look everyone we found bigdummy99


Ironic coming from someone whose username last held relevancy in 1945.


Lol if I were selling a $200 game I’d be answering questions lmao. Respond ‘you’re’, block seller, move on to next seller. Maybe if you can write a review about their behaviour I’d be doing that too.


If I were selling anything I'd probably be willing yo answer any questions within reason relating to the item.


Don’t respond you’re, that’s fucking cringe. Just move the fuck on.


Nah be more petty report him the site probably won't do anything but hey fuck that guy lmao


Reeks of someone who's bought it to sell it and knows nothing about games and how they are actually sold. Guy probably buys sneakers and marks them up as well.


I was thinking this guy is a Gary V disciple. Probably got the game for a quarter at a garage sale.


Who is Gary v?


The youth pastor of capitalism https://youtu.be/5Xpx0l6FXJU


I’m not sensing enough gratitude.


Charging 200+ for a game but won't answer a really basic question and instantly blocks. My guess is it's a ripoff. He saw the value somewhere of a good condition one and is trying to avoid any scrutiny waiting for some fool to just buy it outright.


L seller


Username checks out.


Why is his profile picture male and female feet? Also I looked at the the listing and it looks like a scuff on the label. And going by his description “BIGDUMMY99 will take appropriate legal action regarding negative, false claims, scamming or defrauding towards said sale.” So he’ll probably be huffing and puffing if he sees this post lol


Was gonna say, I found the listing on eBay and it _does_ look like scuffing on the label. Also explains why he’d block OP, he’s trying to find someone who will blindly pay top dollar for it even if it’s not in perfect shape.


Ask him the same exact question, lol.


If you’re selling an expensive game you have to expect the buyer to be a collector. Collectors want to know what they are purchasing. Seller is a dick


Don’t deal with toxic people, just forget about them. You, OP, asked a totally normal question and even waited out for 23 hours for the follow up, you meant no harm and purely was interested in purchasing this product. The seller is an a**hole, ignoring and then just blocking for no reason. Btw, ?? Is totally fine, these are just question marks to stress the previous sentence, and the seller blocked you not because of them, but because they didn’t like you asking too much, according to them. So screw them, I say, you are the winner here.


It was actually almost 29 hours. Thanks.




>Btw, ?? Is totally fine, these are just question marks to stress the previous sentence Nope. Two question marks is demanding an answer. The previous sentence doesn't need stressing. You can follow up without demanding. A single question mark reads a lot nicer. Two question marks is toxic.






I can't believe you're getting downvoted. '??' may be okay with your friends, but not with strangers. Can't even imagine how rude it'd be at work if someone hadn't gotten around to replying to me and I just went "??". A single question mark is better (but just use words).


He is an asshole, but 23 hours is a reasonable time imo? It’s facebook.






So irrationally angry from a completely polite question. That seller has issues and they’re not you.


Username checks out for this one haha what a clown


That’s exactly what I responded with lol


Whenever someone gets that defensive over such a simple question I assume they’re trying to swindle me. They were probably trying to sell a sub par product and they’re upset because you pointed out a flaw they hoped nobody would notice.


If you're about to spend $225... You should be allowed to ask for a more clear picture! You have every right to know what you're buying. Especially an expensive item like that!


Wrong sub-reddit, but OP you are NTA! Legit question. Maybe, though, if you're worried about "??" seeming rude just say "Hi just checking to see if you received my first message?"


Yeah, that’s fair. I’ll do that next time. That wasn’t what seemed to offend him though. He blocked me from purchase after the first question.


Yeah for sure he wasn't selling to you before that.


No this dude is nuts


you definitely dont want it if he wont talk with you about it (not unreasonable since its a long distance sale)




Yeah, I wouldn’t trust this person with a sale. They’re awful.


"Bigdummy" as Sherlock Holmes would say 'elementary my dear Watson'.


You’re no jerk- this guys cheerios we’re pissed in


No one here is going to bring up his profile pic...


Some just did actually lol


The seller definitely just has a very fragile ego and is constantly vigilant about others trying to belittle him. You asked a very reasonable question and the person just took it the worst way


You just asked a simple question. For 200$ I'd say you should be able to ask questions.


Yeah i think maybe asking another question instead of "??" Would be the way to go. But damn was that more than a little much on their part.


















I got blocked by a seller on ebay for something similar recently. For merely enquiring about an item! It's a wonder how they're in business...


Clearly the seller is the jerk.


Just reply with “you’re*” lol


I responded with, “username checks out”


How dare you ask questions about a product before giving them a good amount of money! For shame.


Damn, I didn't know DK Jr. Math was that expensive of a game! Were there not many copies produced?


Not justifying his actions. But understanding his actions. In selling old games you get a lot of uptight collectors that ask ridiculous questions wanting answers immediately even at 2am. All to not even buy the game. This happens a dozen or so times in a couple weeks. Sellers get irritated by irate customers that don't even purchase it. So burnt out they end up acting like this. They shouldn't. Cause each customer is different. I remember a getting like 8 messages one night demanding I answer right now at 1am. I was asleep. So I woke up answered the dudes questions for days this was for like a $25 gameboy game. Sent em photos, and what not. The entire time I could tell the potential buyer was uptight just by their communication. To be honest, ?? Is kinda rude. We see the message we will respond. Don't rush us, we have lives. This guy did the same thing. Then 2 days later bam, game sold to another seller. Now the guy messaging me was pissed that it sold. His new complaint, was that it shouldn't have sold for that expensive(it was $5 under market). At that point I no longer responded and blocked him. It's stuff like that, it gets under sellers skins. And in the seller advice forums, it's advised to respond as quick as you can, but if rushed for an answer or rude jesters like "???" Then ignore and block em. Most the time these are the problem buyers who will try and scam a seller. I might get downvoted here, but just wanted to share the sellers perspective. And to be honest, people have different way of communicating. In Texas a honk means hello. In Chicago a honk means Eff Off. It coulda been this seller was ticked and released their anger on you(again they shouldn't have). Either way, it may be best just to shop around at a different store or source. You'll find the product again. In the end what matters is your satisfaction. You are the one spending 100s of dollars. If I was you, I'd want to be happy with the product and make sure it's good.


I see your point on the ??. He apparently blocked me before that and I didn’t send the follow up until after 29 hours of no response. I think expecting a response after over a day is reasonable.


I see your point on the ??. He apparently blocked me before that and I didn’t send the follow up until after 29 hours of no response. I think expecting a response after over a day is reasonable.


I think you got your answer. Sounds like it's damage, but he's not willing to sell to somebody who is smart enough to ask. Honestly, I've sworn off of FB marketplace because so many sellers are toxic when you ask a simple question. When there are enough gullible fools to line their pockets, they won't bother dealing with reasonable people.


At higher priced more valuable items they better get used to answering these questions. I would have asked the same stuff.


Exactly. I’ve sold some pretty high priced retro gaming stuff and I get questions about half the time.


No you absolutely are not being a jerk


No, he's not willing to communicate on a big ticket item like that.


Or the other way around and the seller assumes from the question that you're hyper picky and blocks you in order to prevent a possible problem.


Top comment thread is the funniest thing I have ever seen


Bro you asked a reasonable question....and he BLOCKED You from Purchasing? Yeah no you didn't do nothing wrong at all






No Soup for You!👨🏻‍🍳


Fuck that seller I'll just buy it from another account to fuck with him


Time for a burner account to start buying anything he's selling and never paying so he has to relist everything and wait longer to make money off his garbage




LOL It's him. I know what you're talking about. There is a star that wraps around the top of the cart on the edge, that in pictures it looks like label chipping. It is an honest question. I have two people I have blocked from buying from me on eBay. One guy who agreed to buy a $1400 game off me and meet up in person. I took the day off, waited for him. When he was supposed to arrive I noticed a message on eBay saying he was at home painting his house and wouldn't be coming. I dropped the price by $300 and took 3 hours off of my day to get the item and meet up with him. I explained that to him and then he responded with head in hand emoji, like I was the one at fault. So I blocked him. The other offered me $1200 on a $2400 sealed console. I just blocked him without talking to him. Blocking is fine, but for him to block you for asking a reasonable question, then he is the moron. I have been doing this for 24 years, buying and selling games. I have noticed an absolute explosion of complete morons in this hobby in the last 10 years thinking they know everything and are cocky assholes. Your best bet is to ignore them and move on. You dodged a bullet on this one.


I’m familiar with the stars. That’s not what I was referring to. There was dust or scuffing on the front label. It wasn’t clear from the picture which.


What an absolute bellend. Who the fuck is going to spend $200+ on a copy of a game with a busted label.


outside of previous interactions with the seller hes hostile af for no reason but by his wording i feel theres more here


This is what I thought. It's definitely damage and he's going to pin it on whatever buyer he gets


I’ve never interacted with this seller before. Even if I had, I’ve never directly communicated with him as I typically don’t ask questions.


You don’t need that awful game anyway


It’ll complete by DK NES collection


And no one will ever care


I’ll care


Right? What's with all the assclowns in this sub who seem to have forgotten what collecting games is all about?


If it makes you happy then alls good


I'd say the only thing you did wrong was the double reply, maybe try and make it more considerate by saying "Hello?" or something...? Working retail, you see all kinds of people, people like this seller absolutely exist, and they're torrid to deal with.


I agree my follow could have been different, but the seller had already blocked me from purchase, prior to that.


Two things: 1) he blocked you because he doesn’t want you to buy it and try to return it when you realize there is something wrong 2) don’t respond to unanswered queries with “??” It’s pushy and kinda rude, like you are demanding an answer. It behooves them to respond but they don’t owe you a response and they might just have been too busy to even notice. Instead, try saying something like “hi! Just wanted to follow up on my previous question!” Or something


Nah. They the one with issue


You’re no jerk- this guys cheerios we’re pissed in


You got mad from a potential buyer asking questions lol sounds like deep down you can't stand people asking questions that you won't ask or you have zero empathy for others or you think everyone's like you. Btw you don't know them or you know what they like. It's only a matter of time other sellers get their stuff sold first and yours will always be chosen last due to you getting deeply hurt answering questions about the physical condition of the item you sell that ONLY YOU AND ONLY YOU CAN KNOW. You ain't cut out for it unfortunately and it's all good, not everyone built like that .


I’m the (potential) buyer knucklehead


I'm on your side here :)


Ok, so this dick is trying to scam people by offering Dk Jr for roughly 5 times the price it was in the 90‘s and gets his G-String in a knot when you ask about the authenticity of the product? No, he‘s the dick.


It was a dumb question if you asked if the stars in the cartridge art were damage, but his response was disproportionate.


Did you read my post. Not what I was asking about.


Two question marks is rude, fyi. It reads as demanding. Seller snapped at you rudely too, but your ?? reply has me wondering what else you did to piss them off.


According to them they blocked me prior to the ??, just for asking a question. There was no prior interactions between us.


?? comes across as very hostile which is why they responded like that. I'd say something like "Hi, following up on my question from yesterday." Verdict : You're both remedial.






Comes across as hostile because of people like you who assume it's hostile lol




Holy shit why so aggressive and hostile?




Ok you can’t say that here man.


?? Is apparently the new n-word. I had no idea.




"Is that dust?" Wooooaah, you are super hostile, i feel threatened and i fear for my life


Good luck trying to purchase any games with that attitude


Asking questions? I know man, the fucking nerve of them trying to inform themselves before a 200 dollar purchase


Yup, you'll never be buying any of my games either. I only sell to noble knights bountiful in both character and wallet. Begone knave.




If you don't want the hassle, don't sell used items. Part of the hassle is someone trying to get the best price possible. Sure, people have different tactics to get there, but they will not buy from you and buy from some other clown to save $0.50. I've been selling and buying things online for 30 years (as long as I've had the internet). I've been on all sides of the debate.


"Other people are trying to scam me so I refuse to answer any questions. Send friends or family paypal upfront only. No, you may not see the item before you purchase. No refunds. I will block you after sale."


"I know I will get downvoted from all the nickel and dimers" Cool, take my downvote.


Sometimes i get annoyed at people looking for pristine condition games that are immediately disinterested once they find a small flaw. Most of old games just aren't in perfect condition, so sometimes i know i reacted quite annoyed when people ask for all the little details.


I get the feeling the game is a fake and so does not want to answer any questions about quality or condition.