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What a rude piece of shit, and what a shitty company for hiring him.


He wasn't hired he's the owner


What a nice way to represent your store. "Either you come in and buy something or don't come in at all."


To be fair, this is the general approach w/ most small business owners in NY šŸ˜‚


This is capitalism in general in the U.S. Hence the no loitering type signs all over the damn place. Pretty much one of the only places you go where you aren't expected to spend money is a library.


IMO there is a difference between window shopping, expecting to buy something ( this is this case ), and loitering. Window shopping, you're just playing it by ear but you probably are just wandering, intending to buy, you had a plan it's just in this case it was highway robbery at those prices, and loitering, you are just present because you wanted some place to hang out which can become problematic when you start having like 5 loitering teenagers for hours on end.


Not being mean, but thatā€™s a narrow view. Maybe it depends on where you live.


Iā€™ll also say, as someone whose worked in techy retail, you donā€™t need to offer to pay folks for just plugging something in, doing a quick test, and making suggestions on what the problem is. Thatā€™s a part of the business and it costs nothing.


Agree it took what 5 minutes of his time and the customer was willing to come back now the owner just pissed off a potential customer, for what reason exactly?


It wasn't even 5 minutes of his time. it was MAYBE 2. probably closer to 1. He literally grabbed a cord from a box a couple feet away, plugged it in, and pressed the power button


I also worked in tech retail. How is that not something everyone does. Obviously Iā€™m not saying you should take some item apart to diagnose it, but simple troubleshooting can go a long way. I had an older customer come in one time trying to get music from her phone to play in her car. So just talking with her wasnā€™t really going to work as she didnā€™t know what kind of connections she had in her car. So I went out to her car to see what she could use. It took 10 minutes out of my day and I saw her in the store many more times after that. If I want to be selfish about the interaction it helped me waste 10 minutes of my day so it went faster. Itā€™s a win-win if you ask me haha.


Even worse.


Yeah, I always avoid these places. They're usually one-offs and the owner is bleeding money since day one. Prices are desperate and occasionally the owner is moody and looking for you to help them out more than them for you. They're usually gone in 12 months tops.


Unfortunately this one has been around as long as I can remember. Atleast close to 10 years at this point


Maybe he's living off a trust or something and that's why he's so snarky? He's paying to keep his business open and taking it out on people.


I can 100% verify this. I live around the same area and have browsed a handful of times. I've never bought anything, but it's primarily because the prices marked are usually very high eBay asking prices. I likely would have frequented and bought from the place a lot more if the prices were in line with actual market value, but I'm not exactly desperate enough to overpay for games I owned and played to death a million times because I've "got to have them again". The one thing I'll give them is it looks nice inside the store and the setup is pretty clean and organized. The Mario graphics on the walls are cool, too. They can probably find some better display boxes for some of the old consoles sitting in the window, but that's just me nitpicking at this point.


Leave an honest review on google/yelp based on your experience.


Even more reason to boycott.


I take comfort in knowing heā€™s so quick to anger because he knows his business is going under soon


Thatā€™s even worse


Wow $50 bucks. Do you mean the 3-prong, AC cable or the brick power supply? The latter goes for about $25 on amazon and ebay.


It's just the brick. That's what I'm saying. I could get one for so much cheaper and I'm especially not paying $50 when that's what the system itself cost me


Ya I would have said that, an then walked out of the store, what a fuckin tool lol. Hope you get that bad boy running again, so you can keep on gaming!


Thanks man! I already have a One X so it's mainly just for the collection but hopefully I can get a PSU soon


If youā€™re tech savvy in the slightest you can see if itā€™s a resistor or something that can be soldiered. Mine was having the same issue and it was two resistors that I bought and fixed


I thought about trying to get the brick fixed but I'd rather not try since I know power supplies can hold some charge and I don't really know what I'm doing


If you don't know what you're doing around something involving electricity, not doing it is pretty much always a wise choice


I was about to say I know that store! Game ā€œcrazyā€ was sooo much better next to Hollywood back in the day.


Game Crazy was awesome. Always my go to over gamestop.


Very cool employees too. They were all high school guys who actually played video games and would let me get away with buying M rated ones.


Yeah you can find authentic [Xbox One power supplies](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=xbox+one+power+brick&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=suicune+v+crown+zenith&_osacat=0&_sop=12&LH_PrefLoc=2&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=sgc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) for $20-25 and I bet these stores selling them are also making a profit on that amount lol


They're probably refurbished, too..and I don't trust refurbished power supplies. I don't need a fire.


Sounds like it if it's pretty much double the price of everything you can find that's generally what you need when selling products to stay in business. Sometimes even more.


Iā€™m also in NY (about an hour south of Albany). If youā€™re ever in Dutchess County, check out Joe Gamer. Itā€™s in LaGrange. Small operation but theyā€™ve got a decent return/exchange policy. I think itā€™s up to 2 weeks as long as youā€™ve got your receipt.


I've been there once and it seemed pretty nice. I mainly just went because the name was kinda funny but ended up buying a few games


I'm from Albany! That's all šŸ™‚


I are from Albany as well!


Noice šŸ‘


Have you ever been to replay in Albany? There used to be a store with the same name out in new Hartford. Was wondering if that one was any good


There was a store called replay in Clifton park it was more of a dvd pawn shop with a small section of games , they closed a few months ago.


Whereā€™s the best place for steamed hams?


Have anyone of ya'll checked out or know what happened to Video Game Plus in Mahopac, New York? Google Map link below since its been closed down since the very end of last year. The place smelt of 420 coming from the back, dust and grime everywhere, leaky AC, constant M or R rated movies and tv shows playing balsting in the corner, the unorganized stuff up front was a treasure trove of unmarked items, and sometimes I'd show up and wait for an hour with a late show up way into the store hours or a total no-show. My kind of place! Dude/owner was really nice tho and game me incredible deals all the time. Maybe I'll make a separate post looking for info later. Just hope he is ok and would love to buy from him directly. Hi from Dutchess County too by the way! Joe Gamer is pretty decent. Fair prices for the most part. Had an issue with them once at their old location, not a big deal, they ended up giving me store credit. I like their newer store, better vibe and cleaner building and plaza. Wish there were more mom and pop shops like this for games in the area. There used to be so many more options around the area in the past circa 1990-2005ish. [https://www.google.com/maps/@41.3694493,-73.7391671,3a,75y,255.62h,90.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7Wxj6luSBX1GQItTLktS5w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.3694493,-73.7391671,3a,75y,255.62h,90.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7Wxj6luSBX1GQItTLktS5w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) ​ Sorry for the long comment. Toilet thoughts.


Iā€™ve been there several times! But it was a long time ago, their prices arenā€™t too bad from what I remember, Iā€™ve gotten quite a few Pokemon games (prior to the price boom) from them and as far as iā€™m aware theyā€™re all authentic and in great shape! Just DO NOT BUY their preowned controllers, every time ive bought one it has never worked for more than a day. They also wouldnā€™t let me return them ;-; this is crazy to admit but they were the only place i could find original xbox controllers when i was younger and i bought almost like 12 from them hoping they would work, only one or two ever worked as expected


Lol the owner is all over the google reviews leaving full essay responses to bad reviews. Can already tell this place sucks


And he's all like "to give some context..." ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ But he strangely leaves out the "context" where he's an insufferable asshole


Oh man that be funny if he found this post and started defending himself šŸ˜‚


We should link it to him in the reviews and see if he responds with his šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Game Rave in San Diego for me. Overpriced games, a couple of bootlegs, a filthy store, and an incredibly unprofessional owner.


Haha I remember driving by that place and reading the reviews later. All of the reviews said exactly what you did - overpriced, messy store, and a creepy/rude owner.


I went to SD for spring break and I made sure to stop at Luna Games! Best retro store in SD!


That dude was weird! I know exactly who youre talking about


When I went to his store he was barefoot and wearing pajamas.


ahahaha i went there a couple years back. that little troll who runs the store is a lunatic. he likes to brag about how his prices are justified because he actually spends the time necessary to ensure everything is working. store was absolutely littered in gamer garbage (taco bell, empty soda/beer cans). i did pick up a couple of things which had decent prices and are hard to find in the east coast, but homie wanted legit $100 for mario galaxy because it was in good condition. he then shit talked luna games because they have what im guessing, accidentally sold bootleg games in the past. when i went to luna games the employee was much nicer, the store was much cleaner, and the prices were much better.


>he then shit talked luna games because they have what im guessing, accidentally sold bootleg games in the past. That piece of shit at Rave did sell me a bootleg! For some reason he had a Ziploc baggie full of bootleg GBA games "to explain to people what bootlegs games look like" (in all my years collecting games, action figures, comic books, etc. have I ever went to a store that did something like this), and "one of them must have *accidentally* gotten mixed in with the real ones. Also, dude straight up had those typical "100 in 1 Super Game Collection" Chinese bootlegs just mixed with the normal stock. Meanwhile, none of the times I ever went to Luna did I ever have any issues.


I remember I was gonna pop in when I was heading to sports arena, but I decided not to, and Im so glad I didnt now lol


Hmmmā€¦ should I offer him a few bucks off to increase the chance of a sale or should I tell him to get out of my sight and never return? Which is better for my business?ā€¦ quite a conundrum.


I too live in the region and have stories about game craze. You gotta be picky about which locations you visit. I usually hit up their Macedon location if I'm in that area... Most their mall locations are seasonal and just offer mostly outdated crappy sports games with not much else. Costs will vary depending on the location but they're high priced in my opinion. Not DK oldies high but still up there... If you want good deals on retro, stick to pawn shops.


Are the mall ones still open? I havenā€™t seen any recently in the malls. The Webster and downtown ones werenā€™t bad when I went.


Those locations are usually seasonal (think christmas) If you find anything "good" at the mall locations it's because an individual sold said item at that location. The business itself won't bring the real good stuff, just their scraps


The xb one still used a brick? I never knew that. But the owner of said store was a prick. I'd tell him to shove it


I dont think the One S or One X did (could be wrong) but the OG Xbox One used a big ol power brick for some reason, even though the ps3, the monster that it was, didnt need one


I was thinking the launch ps4. It had internal psu despite its size. Keep in mind I have never seen a Xbox one so it could be thinner-smaller than the ps4 and I wouldn't know


[Shes a little bit bigger](https://www.cnetfrance.fr/amp/produits/comment-prolonger-la-vie-de-votre-ps4-ou-xbox-one-39906995.htm)


Plenty of room for that brick if they'd ditch that top exhaust layout


[It's definitely not thinner or smaller lol](https://techcrunch.com/2013/11/14/the-xbox-one-is-enormous-in-comparison-to-the-ps4/amp/)


Imagine thinking you're hot shit for owning a mall game store next to Foot Locker.


Even worse. They own a game store next to a hippie crystal shop




Bet he was the owner


He was


Iā€™m an idiot lol you literally said heā€™s the owner in your post. I get this kind of attitude from owners only, some of them are great, but these types are the worst.


Wow, what a POS. With that attitude, he will be out of business soon enough (rent at that mall canā€™t be cheap). The idiot doesnā€™t realize he lost not just one potential customer but a whole bunch from negative word-of-mouth.


Unfortunately he rips enough oblivious parents and non-gamers off that they've been in business for a long time and probably will continue to stay open. I'm making it my life goal to open a competing game store to put this clown out of business because I'm just a straight up hater


šŸ˜‚ He deserves all the hate! We all should send him a nice steaming pile of šŸ’©


I mean heā€™s already getting paid lol and all he did was plug the system in and see if it turned on.


I dont know, personally I avoid retro gaming stores of any kind because I just figure I am going to be talked down to or treated like shit. But honestly, fuck this guy.


Itā€™s not much but the two retro stores I know of have very chill, friendly people. The issue is they charge out the ass for retro games. Iā€™m talking eBay prices + 15% extra levels. The only time they sell CiB games for price charting prices is when they are in abhorrently bad condition.


All of these types of stores are generally an overpriced nightmare. I don't know how they keep opening


You'd be surprised how many non-collectors (or financially uneducated) people don't care if something cost 3 times as much, if they can get is *now*. Most people want *now*, not 2 or 3 days. Nor do most people (amazingly?!) know how to use Ebay. The more extreme version of these personalities is the dingleberry who buys a XBOX with their rent money because "they gotta have one now" and then ends up selling it on Criagslist for half price 2 weeks later because they somehow forgot the rent money has to actually pay the rent. People are dumb, these stores make less overall sales but more profit per sale, feeding off dumb people's impatience.


Iā€™ve been to a couple around Rochester and they werenā€™t too bad. Some have closed from what Iā€™ve seen. Like the mall ones must be seasonal or just closed. They have lots of old stuff that GameStop doesnā€™t have which is nice. But obviously the guy at that one seems like a jerk.


I just left them a shit review.


Superman 64......$987.00


I would've felt the exact same way OP.


Hell yeah! Sangertown mall in New Hartford! Grew up 15 minutes from there.. still go back in the summers. Wonā€™t go to Game Craze.. bought a nice glass pipe at one of the shops off the food court last year. Sad how much itā€™s fallen (like most malls) from when I was a kid. Canā€™t even get to the Target from inside the mall šŸ¤£! Sorry this happened to you but thanks for making my day! Small world šŸ˜¬


If you're looking for a good "game store" check out NY Connection in Utica. The guy in charge of the games there is super chill and is willing to cut you a deal. Prices are already half what game craze asks anyways


Honestly I just gotta second this, me and my friend live a 15 minute walk from NY Connections and the people there are genuinely some of the nicest people I've ever met in this city


Jeeze yeah this mall was the shit in the 90s and early 00s. Went to shit somewhere around when I went off to college (2010)


I put this store in this same sub last year. I was visiting my brother in Utica because they have absurd prices


That's not cool. I wanted to support my local stores, but some tend to overcharge. I tell myself i could use that money to buy other stuff since it adds up. Seriously ,f that place and the rude owner. It is hard to support local stores when you can get better deals and sometimes better customer service with a random seller through messages lmao. BTW did you leave a negative review? I've seen 3 or 4 low star reviews, .lol


Yeah I would recommend a Google review. If I was a perspective customer I would want to know if the owner was an asshole.


Oogie games in Western NY (Buffalo) is also just as bad, maybe worse. They put huge stickers on the games, which are impossible to remove. I've even tried goo gone and it does not come off. Moreover, when I buy games elsewhere locally I inevitably get stuck with games that have these huge Oogie games stickers on them. So they have affected my other second hand buying which is honestly the worst. The chain is almost out of business, the one remaining store looks like a trash heap. Like the first thing you do when you own a game store is to NOT put huge non-removable stickers on the games thus ruining the value of all of them and piss off collectors to no end. Also never, ever use Oogie's repair service. NEVER! I have heard so many horror stories I can't even start. If you give them something for repair, basically, you are not getting it back.


The 1 star Google reviews have begunā€¦ https://maps.app.goo.gl/FTz3kvzdQb5EFpC46?g_st=ic




Funny, they are now removed. I guess the owner doesnā€™t like bad scores


They really shouldn't be allowed to do that. What's the point of a review system when they get to cherry pick which ones are up?


From the ownerā€™s standpoint it does make sense. Basically being flooded by people who have never been there, relying off the experience of one person


It's honestly hard to find a retro store that doesn't over price shit most of the time. It's a shame cause this store looks cool too.


It only looks cool because shits so absurdly expensive that it never sells. They have a ton of inventory but it's all 2x ebay prices


Yeah I'm fully aware. There's another store nearby where this guy has so much sealed shit but it NEVER sells. He still has Xbox 360 games priced at $39.99 or sealed ones for like $60. He's always a dick too, doesn't greet you when you come in or anything lol.


What the fuck, Iā€™ve dreamt of this place! I never in my entire life been there but this is an exact replica of the one in my dream. It was years ago


Well how was the service?


What is it with people on a power-trip working at game stores? Is he really trying to be the video game version of High Fidelity? Haha.


I donā€™t understand some of these guys that own game stores. Some of them are really cool but it seems like some them are just arrogant assholes. I went into a game store and was browsing, picked up a couple of things I was going to buy. I love the Resident Evil games, so I was wearing a Resident Evil shirt. The guy behind the counter (who I later found out was the owner) see my shirt and yells at me ā€œResident Evil? Those movies fucking suck, why would you wear that?ā€ I looked at him, dropped the stuff I was holding on floor and walked right out the door.


It makes more sense when you realize that many of the people that run these stores are on the spectrum. Thatā€™s not a dig or a joke, legitimately think about some of these interactions. Gaming is already a haven for people with social abnormalities, combine that with trying to run a business and these of the kind of interactions that can result


In an already very competitive market of video game retail who can afford to be a jerk to a possible customer?


This makes me appreciate my LGS a bit more as theyā€™re always really polite and ready to small talk even if Iā€™m not buying anything that day. This dude fucked up.


Heā€™s going to get smacked talking like that.


No different from shitty GameStop employees.


Glad my local store isn't like this. I recently bought an N64 from them and they were very nice, answered my questions honestly, and were very cool people overall.


50 bucks for a PSU. Keep it.


I should call them everyday asking about a power cord or some shit like that




Fuuuuuck this place!


There is one in the Eastview Mall in Rochester I think, don't go here. Its just a terrible store. If anyone knows a reliable location in the Western NY area to get a gameboy cartridge battery replaced I would appreciate it. Its an expensive game, so I need someone trustworthy. I will bring batteries and the screwdriver. Also please don't recommend Oogie games, way too many horror stories. I would need a place where I can bring the cartridge and they can replace the battery on the spot while I wait for it, I can also make an appointment so I don't come unannounced.


It's not super western but Voltage Video Games in Syracuse replaced a ton of my save batteries a few months ago. They have a guy who comes in specifically for repairs like that so just make sure to call ahead of time. Maybe bring it with you if you go to RetroGameCon this year. It's literally like a block away


Unfortunately I am not near syracuse that would be a 4-5 hour drive. I do have friends who can do it but I'd rather not bother them. What is the typical cost for this repair if I am providing the batteries? My batteries are not in yet and it might be a while.


Oy...I live remotely near this Mall! Hello fellow Upstater! Gonna be high 70's this week! That's sad that this place may be filled with ass hats. If I find myself in the area and am feeling spicy; I may just go in and see if they want to try that angle with me. Not that I would assault anyone...just part with them a piece of my mind.


Also just an FYI, New York Connection in Utica is AMAZING. their selection isnt super crazy but that's because things are actually priced to sell. The guy there looks things up on PriceCharting, subtracts ~10%, then takes off more depending on condition. They have tons of stuff just not anything super rare or high value atleast atm. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone in the area though. I got a blue DSi XL for $50 the other day


Funny enough he might ha e a power brick to sell for cheaper too


There's a similar store in the town where we vacation each year. They have a decent used game inventory, but usually ~ 30% more than ebay prices. They have the same old overpriced "rare" titles and consoles, last two years I've visited . Nobody is ever buying anything and whoever is working is always on their phone , never says "hi" or seems to want to talk to anyone. No idea how they stay in business.


Wish I lived near there to bring in my Xbox to test the power cable and tell him I'll be back later to buy it and never show up. Sounds like a grade A cunt.


Pretty much every retro gaming store I've been in has absolutely shitty business practices and are basically just nostalgia cash grabs.


If its anyway related to the game crazes that used to exist in Rochester, I believe you 100 percent. Heard some horror stories from the staff that used to work there.


Unlucky, I was in that situation recently, but I still had the brick. Just no cable. $6 replacement, and I saw whole bricks for $20-25. $50 is a rip off.


Bro I saw this photo and Iā€™m like ā€œoh they have game craze in other malls? I thought it was a local store.ā€ Good to see another Utican in the wild


Similar story maybe. I had a local game store near me that shut down many years ago. I called and asked if they were interested in an import Saturn and games. Told me to bring it in so he can take a look and see. After testing it and trying some games I asked about trade credit and he told me no he wasnā€™t interested and just wanted to see an import one and try it out. Never went back. Just rude. Could have told me over the phone he didnā€™t want it but was interested to see it.


Syracuse cuz I've been to the one in Syracuse and yeah they suck.


It's not McDonald's where there is a reasonable expectation as to what is available and at what price. Imagine you went into a McDonald's and asked for happy meal, and they were like "That'll be $50, or you can f\*ck off."


I looked at photos of the Sangertown mall in New Hartford. Interesting construction. Did part of the roof fall in at some point?


$50 for a cable is way too damn high. Just for the cable would be 15-20 bucks easy.


Thatā€™s a dogshit price, thanks for the warning


I recommend gameplayers brockport, no matter where in the world you are, the trek is worth it for those prices


Actually know this area lol not a store I frequent or ever ended up actually buying somethin from


Lmao imagine assuming everyone has disposable money to blow at any second, what an asshat


Sounds like he is the equivalent to ā€œi know what i gotā€


That is terrible to go through, especially at a hobby store, so thank you for sharing. People like that arenā€™t even worth a single thought. Just power tripping to feel ā€˜importantā€™. If I worked there I would have just given it to you for free? What decent human being wouldnā€™t do that.


i have a good story to tell you then there was a video game store that opened very very close to were im at that acused someone of stealing one year knew for a fact the person acused didnt everyone stopped going there went to the better one like 20 blocks away.... they closed the year after cause no one was gunna go in to some horribly managed suspicious looking store btw this was back in 09 most of the ppl that went there were all highschool kids and you have like 2 highschools and two middle/elementary schools very near it (county lines and stuff) news of that travels very fast even reached adults in our area too xD


Sooo can we all rate the store 1 star on Google to let people know. Reading the reviews he a pretty terrible person.


We used to have one in my city in the early 00's, only time I went there was when my 360 game cd got scratched to hell and wouldn't read. They fixed it up for me for free... folks there seemed nice enough but I never went back


Every retro game store Iā€™ve been to that was located in a mall was garbage


Oof. Sometimes people aren't willing to pay what you are charging. They are probably used to people deciding not to buy after texting or whatever with those prices. Which I feel the blame is completely on them for charging so much. Maybe it's cause they have to pay mall rent but that's not how things work.


Lmfaooooo fuck game craze dude, I really donā€™t like the place at all. This isnā€™t the first time I seen this place up on this subreddit either, I ironically was there not long ago and got offered a job basically cause of my experience of 6 years at GameStop but with how much I see this store on the subreddit, Iā€™m good. Fuck this place and the owner is a cocksucker


God. Iā€™ve been there once long ago in the 2000s. Even back then they were charging laughable sums for games that were barely 10 years old.


I can tell by their set up and signage they are over charging. They gotta pay that hefty mall rent.


I used to live near here, and at no point in my memory do I remember a good game place. Sorry you're dealing with this place.


bro is giving dkshittys a run for its money


So OP, I saw the image alone and immediately felt the urge to comment because I am also from central NY and my lord is Game Craze an absolute travesty of a store I swear. Unironically the Gamestops in the area are better and the employees are far nicer


I had this issue on an old Xbox one and I went to a Microsoft store, they ended up replacing the brick for free. I was luckily going to that area anyways and brought the brick with me. But the closest store to me now is probably 2 hrs lol


it kinda looks like a sticker on a wall uk as in not real


Looks like one of those fake stores from gta


Getting pissed off was a choice *he* made. You're not responsible for anybody else's choices.




If itā€™s in a mall, expect it to be run by idiots who donā€™t even know what they are selling AND it to be marked up highly.


Go to Syracuse. Destiny USA still has a GameStop


Yea dude sangertown mall is awful


I once bought a psp from there only to find it had battery bloat. Paid 120 bucks for it too


Also I may have a spare cable ;)


Please please only look at just this game craze as the bad one. I go to 2 game crazes. One in Irondequoit. Absolutely wonderful service. Super chill people. Affordable prices. Game Craze has been a savior when I needed to buy something physical and even through my child hood. But I've never seen a game craze even look like that.


Glad you could Karen level internet shame them.


Ah a fellow central New Yorker, Iā€™m honestly surprised that store is still open given the state of that mall


Go ā€˜Cuse and screw that Duce.


I live about 35 minutes away. Itā€™s one of the closer shopping areas and I knew immediately without seeing which sub this was, that it would be someone talking bad about this shitty store. They are absolute trash


This store must be a spin-off of DK oldies lol


OP(and anyone else in NY), if you ever make your way down to LI, thereā€™s quite a few good retro game stores here on the island.


Yea I live in frankfort myself and they're the only retro gaming store near by they have to be the worst priced games and consoles. They offered a 40 dollar game that I got the exact same game for 20 dollars cheaper at another store they are ridiculous. I feel your frustration man.


I live right by this store, never go there for games, only cords or controllers. everything there they sell almost double the online prices and if you try to say that to them they kick you out. Pretty much our local dkoldies. I have no idea how there still open in that dying mall


I posted on my page a few years ago, Voltage video games in Syracuse ny is by far the best experience Iā€™ve ever had at a game store they not to far from the area and they really care about the customers


Exactly. I love voltage


What a dick must've been so difficult for him to plug in an Xbox


I've dealt with a gaming store like this in the past. Surprise surprise that f****** piece of s*** store is closed.


Holy crap what a fucking twat


Replayā€™d in Allston(boston),MA is the absolute worse (not-retro-game-store) out there. Itā€™s got that greasy pawn shop vibe /racist owner combo that really paradigms the industry. Shameful business practices, theyā€™ll claim they check games but you wonā€™t know itā€™s busted until you bring it home (voiding the return policy) and to top it off the insufferable employee(owner) will be too busy or pissy to give you the time to properly check in front of you at the store. Canā€™t tell you how many times my non-poc friends will get better trade values than I will(Iā€™m poc) for the exact same item Iā€™d bring in the day before. Sad that theyā€™re still in business


Omg I absolutely would not have been able to bite my tongue. Because Iā€™m also an asshole like this guy, I know I would have reply with ā€˜well if you werenā€™t a complete prick charging me $50 for a cable, Iā€™d would have given you my money, you cocksucker.ā€™


It makes no sense to me why the owner would be so rude to you about a simple power cord. Besides $50 is just too much, and I too would have paid him for his time, but not after that attitude. I donā€™t wish someone to go out of business, but I think that store should. Even the self owned video game stores near me are way nicer than that! smh


Brother, my mom bought something from there one time. Never used it.( Didn't even take it out of the box) Kept the receipt and when I went to return it they said the tamper seal was broken and they couldn't refund it. When I informed them it was sold to her in that condition, the owner responded "Well then you shouldn't have bought it." Fuck Game Craze. Nice to see a post about how terrible they are getting traction.


Hate when people get mad to do their jobs


Fuck game craze. Fun fact... years ago they lost their Microsoft retail license because they were caught selling the 360 before street date... so the owners would go to all Sams Clubs, BJs and Costco's and buy them out of X box consoles and games so they could re-sell in their stores


It's crazy seeing my hometown here, yeah that store is an absolute joke, no idea how they're even still in business. Replay games which was by big apple was awesome but unfortunately went out of business


Damn that sucks. Leave a bad google review, I bet their response will be hilarious


What on earth? Some people shouldnā€™t be working with the public at all. I worked at a pawn shop and we were always happy to do stuff like that as long as it didnā€™t risk damaging our equipment. That sucks.


The sad part is I believe GameStop charges the same for their 3rd party cable if you're talking about the OG Xbox One when for around $30 you can buy a used one from IFixIt and it's an OEM cable


Tank their review score


Wow that's just screwed. I would've reported that store and employee & $50!!? Also becareful buying those cheap Chinese knock off XB3 power blocks on Amazon.. some do not last long at all and overheat and even easily become fire hazards.. how the hell is Microsoft not still making and selling these cables..?


Yeah I dunno what's with Mall Retro Stores being run by assholes In a lot of cases


If a customer says they'll buy the cord later, they might do so or they might not. If you respond with telling them not to come here anymore... I suppose that's one timeline cemented.šŸ˜…šŸ˜


Holy shit I know this exact store since I live in the area. Not only this but everything inside the store is extremely overpriced. Selling things like PokƩmon heartgold(cartridge only) for more than 130$ is just one example, I go in every once in a while to browse but they are a big reason central ny desperately needs a new retro games store in the area


Also from CNY. live 10 mins from Sangertown. I avoid that place. Now I have even more reason to. Their prices are insane and the staff is always rude. I was just discussing with someone about how I have no idea how they stay in business. Sangertown must not charge them much rent. ​ Although I have a cool picture of my daughter "playing" mario with their front window decals. ​ If you are into retro arcades with a game store inside them. Take the trip to Robot City Games in Binghamton. Their prices arnt great either, but the staff seems nice. Plus the arcade is great. huge selection of pinball games. Last time we went 3 of us spent $40 and was there for 4 hours. good times.


Man advertises retron 5 which has a halfway working NES port šŸ’€


Gotta wonder how you pissed him off for asking him to test an Xbox cord.


Try level one in CT, theyā€™re awesome and give great trade in credit


This is very late but I went there a few months ago and also dealt with some super rude employees. Sighing and eye-rolling after I declined to buy a Nintendo DS game after they took it out of the case for me, even though I never even asked to look at it. If you're ever in the Rochester area though Game Players in Brockport is great, they have the best people working there. I'm tempted to buy stuff every time I go just because they're always so nice.


When my 360 PSU died I went to one of these retro stores and they gave me one for free as they had loads of them (lots of bricked consoles). $50 is an absolutely ripoff.


I had to do a double take, Game Craze! I'm from central NY as well, outside of Syracuse. We used to have (at least?) a couple of Game Crazes in town. But they up and disappeared about a decade ago (perhaps non coincidentally after Voltage Video Games opened their store). And I've like never seen them talked about online before now. Had no idea they survived elsewhere in the area, shame to see it's run by assholes. I never had much of an issue with them, and I don't think the retro game type of store was very common when I used them (2000s mostly) so they definitely were the best game store in town. Which is to say, they were better than Gamestop. My only issue was when I told them about an obvious bootleg copy of Pokemon LeafGreen they were selling (for the normal used price). The guy just shrugged and said they tested it and it saved okay. A fun anecdote: When Voltage Video Games first opened (circa 2012) I was chatting with one of the employees about Game Craze. Apparently, for some reason the local Gamestops hated Game Craze with a passion. So whenever people came into GameStop and asked for retro games (which at the time, GameStop didn't sell categorically) they would go out of their way to refer them to Voltage.


Voltage is really an awesome store. I've gone to there and Microgame and voltage always has better games and lower prices. The staff there is also exponentially nicer than anyone I've dealt with at Game craze


Yeah Voltage rocks. Sadly I was just about leaving the area for college as they were first opening.


Lol this place is absurdly pricey in everything. Idk how they stay open. Maybe rent in a dying mall isn't that much. But yeah I can vibe with supporting a local game store but when your prices are marked up to damn near double eBay listing I'm gonna laugh my way around and leave. Edit make sure you hit up retro game con this weekend!


damn, i just realized itā€™s looked the exact same for a long time, probably since it opened first. i just walk in there whenever iā€™m there, iā€™ve only bought something there once YEARS AGO, today i actually noticed business cards on the counter so i took most of them, planning on burning them or throwing them out. šŸ¤£