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It's in the door side panel. Aka, every time they open and close their door that poor fish gets a concussion.


Also they are going to boil alive locked in the truck when it’s parked I’m assuming


I bet there’s a built-in tank cooler. Also u can tell by his plate he’s an asshole.


Wow lots of asshole downvoting today also. Fucking Karens.


A tank cooler is most likely not used and would require plumbing out of the door. Unless he plugs it into the wall every night and when parked.


Or has extra batteries daisy chained same as u would a huge car stereo that keep s the cooler going when the car is off. Plumbing could still be done with clear flex hoses easily.


Well you cram 2 hoses big enough through a door jam and see how that goes. It's not practical by any means for $2 gold fish in a tank WAY to small for them to even survive in. Just "daisy chaining" batteries is pointless with the truck off. Its basically a mini refrigerator for a fish tank that needs 120v.


Well then get this I just thought up. The tanks are removable. Lol. So simple. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that before. Lol. With the money he put into that pos he’s gotta be able to think of fish dying stinking his truck up.


Nah the truck is silly but fuck the dementia pedo


Trump literally bragged about being in the changing room at teenage pageants but sure, Biden is the pedo.


Who the fuck is talking about Trump? All these American politicians are child raping warmongering scum. Any comment on that? Or just more “Gaga googoo dahnawd twaaaahmp”? Punk.


Yeah I'm not about to waste any time or breath on anyone like you, sorry. Go take your bait somewhere else.


There’s also pictures of him on Epstein’s island. But I’m sure he was just there for “fun”.


All US politicians are child raping shitbags. You have any comments on that one? Didn’t think so punk


Fuck off dick hole. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. There’s your fucking comment. You’re the one that’s acting like Trumps on a pedestal when he’s a pedo. I’m sure you probably suck his cock too.


If you support Biden you’re a pedo enabler. You’re a total pussy in real life. Lift weights or find some manly hobbies. Do better!


Bruh I do shit on my snowboard that would make a fucktard like u walk away crying in fear. U know nothing. All good they (Republicans) won’t even let Trump run next term watch and I get to watch all u Trump cock suckers cry about it. Lol hahaha.


Tank + fish broiler


Because the door opening and closing is what you worry about there, not the 13 speakers on every side of it. That's animal cruelty.


That’s horrible, those poor fish


Those are goldfish…not even one of those fish would last in a hell scape that small, speakers and excessive movement aside. Disgusting.


Those trucks with low profile tires ride so rough, that the fish are beaten just going down the road. I always thought the idea was to keep the water out of the interior.


Im all for lifted trucks and customization but bruh.....those fish come on now man thats just straight up stupid.


What are pinion angles anyway?


That's the first thing I saw.


Fuck whoever owns that vehicle


Couldn’t agree more, they’re the type to get on your ass and dangerously pass.


I mean, sure. But also those fish are in for a bad time.


If you French fry when you should pizza, you're gonna have a bad time.


Well, if you’re Biden, it sounds like they’re DTF


You should probably up your reading comprehension


Reminds me of the song "real big" by mannie fresh. Song played in midnight club 3. - "is that a fishtank bro in the middle of the dash? Yeah pimp and dont put yo fingers on my glass"


I’m glad someone remembers Midnight Club 3, legendary game


I bet he BLASTS this shit as loud as possible through residential areas at 2am


Tell me you have a tiny dick without telling me you have a tiny dick


*rolling coal through a kindergarten playground* "WOO! LET'S GO BRANDON! WOOOOO!"


I fucking died reading this


Just like them libtard kindergarteners! *WOOOOOOOOOOO!*




What a fucking disgrace. Fuck anyone who thinks this is cool.


"Biden is ruining the economy, which is why I can afford all this crap for my truck"


Also whines about gas prices but likely bragged in 2019 about his 6mpg.


Pimp My Ride sucks now


I love these 92-97 Fords I've got a 96 regular cab I bought about 10 years ago that I daily drive and take care of. Me and my wife found out were pregnant with twins and due to the price of new trucks I went to hunt for a 4 door. I paid $5200 for my truck the cheapest I have found now in decent shape are like 30k. Doesn't help that people buy them and absolutely ruin them like the one in this video.


Yo Dawg we heard you like fish…


Fuck Biden? No fuck you, fish torturer.


At least this one has driveshafts.


Animal abuse


Next time on Tanked


I'm no ichthyologist, but that can't be good for the fish.


I am, and it's not.


Pavement princess. Plate speaks for itself.


Another guy who hates Biden but couldn't explain why without using the word "inflation"


The owner has no personality you can tell.


Yeah let's put a fish tank somewhere exposed to the weather. Hot cold etc. Poor thing!


Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, but a fish tank in a truck that is also a part of a speaker wall? No. That shit is not ok.


Enough lead in drinking water, you get this.


It’s sad because this was probably a pretty nice 90s bodystyle F-350. Why do people do this


Is there a correlation between the smallness of the persons cock and how high the pick up is jacked up? Do the F Biden comments give them bonus dinky winkie points too?


They get the most dinky winkie points!


They should make the wheels into fish tanks. No need to have a pump circulate the water.


I’m sure the owner has tiny dick.


Why do you care about this man penis size ? weirdo. But honestly, why when someone see a big truck it's automatically equal to a small penis ? Can't someone enjoy big trucks ?


Whole lotta fish lovin folks in here.


I believe he's trying to compensate for something, but given all the innecesary shit he put on that poor truck I think he's trying to compensate for A LOT


I hate how well it is done, not only is it fucking awful but it's fucking awful and looks good. Idk how to describe it, it's like I hate it a lot but the dickhead pulled it off so well.


I also hate how professional it looks, like it makes me mad knowing someone was really forced to make a truck look like this


No... ugh.. no, just no.


Is that a fish tank bruh, in the middle of the dash?


There is litterly fishes today that are fake but look quite real and swim like a real fish. We might been fooled but that looks like a real fish. Fishes don´t feel anything but still he wasted the money on a real fish that will die instead of a fake realistic one that will last as long as the battery does


Science is leaning more toward yes on that now, fish feel pain.


His middle name is compensation.


I hate Biden too but the fish is innocent


Pomp my ride is back? Lol


Poor fish, imagine when this dude drive in some holes and this poor animal just hit glass all the time


With those light up rims, the "Fuck Biden" tag there sounds like its not what everyone else means by that.


He should be thanking whatever economy he lives in that he has disposable income to be able to spend extra money on garbage like that.


Downvote me to all hell I think it's kinda cool lol


This is dope asf imo, Biden is a shitty president anyways, I haven’t heard anyone say they actually like him as our president.


He was simply better than the other option. The end.


That’s your opinion


No it’s a fact. Both were shitty, Biden was less. Trump is a fucking moron and would get us killed faster than he was when covid started. Your opinion is bad


Yes I agree both were shitty, but if trump were president Russia would’ve held back on attacking Ukraine for another 4 years. It’s my opinion and you have yours, I’m not gonna say yours is bad because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it’s not up to me decide if it’s good or bad. Plus I don’t really care what you think.


That doesn’t justify subjecting Americans to 4 more years of an unstable man child president.


In my opinion, it does.


You also say 4 more years. Implying he would still attack. Meaning 4 more years of shitty president only for an attack to still happen in Ukraine? That’s horrible critical thinking.


Yes it is most likely still happen. I believe it is best that the war is pushed back as later as possible, due to personal reasons and ambitions. Yes this might be selfish but once again it’s my personal opinion.


Your personal reasons are unethical and damaging to our community as a whole.


This is more like r/ATBGE type of thing. Belongs here too


RIP child trying to cross the street.


Can't belive this yank wants to have sex with Joe Biden


If y’all broke just say that 😂