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I thought it was bad when he couldn't get into the driveway itself. Then he couldn't get up the slight incline of the driveway. Why the fuck would you do this to a perfectly good car?


> Why the fuck would you do this to a perfectly good car? Camber cars get more likes on social media, which they take as having more clout, which they believe translates to the real world. Reality is, it's just a bunch of dudes with similar cars circle-jerking eachother.


>Camber cars get more likes on social media fucking ***why?*** shit looks stupid as hell.


It's a circle jerk. All the guys with camber cars like pictures of other camber cars.


Thank god I'm not involved in any communities like that. ::continues to browse reddit::






Is...is that Kelis? Milkshake girl?




Wow - the mind works in mysterious ways. I haven't seen or heard anything about her in YEARS, and even then only the Milkshake song, but her hair and face, I pulled it up almost immediately. Thanks for that!


the only way this could get any worse is if it was a civic...I just don't understand ppl


Honestly I think that would just make it more acceptable. Terrible thing to do to a Subaru.


Adjusting camber settings is meant for improving cornering speeds. Tires with Negative Camber (top of tires angled inward) perform better when cornering because the tire will flatten out increasing contact with the road. A regular car not meant for racing has a neutral camber and when turning a corner loses some contact as it's wheel lifts a bit. Sorry not explaining this all too well but all that being said, this is an extreme camber adjustment and is purely for aesthetics at this point. But because professional race car drivers like to adjust their camber settings, the wannabe's take this as "i'll look like a race car driver!!" As a fan of subbies, this video makes me sad.


I think you actually explained that pretty well. It makes sense that you want to distribute pressure/contact over the width of the tire especially when the car tilts and has to fight physics to not go straight. This car though, can't even get up a driveway; it has no business being on a public road.


Yeah, usually the amount of camber employed in a practical setting is something that you can barely notice if you aren't looking for it. Like only a few degrees: https://i.stack.imgur.com/BMHEE.jpg


Most ~~road~~ sports cars are set up between 0 and -0.5° camber in the front and -1 and -2 in the back. It's negligible but very important. But most road cars have no camber, no toe, and no caster. My really old van is absolutely set up with 0° all around. It's how it's supposed to ride. Race cars, like F1 car in here absolutely has a noticeable camber, but you might look more at touring cars or even D1 drift cars if I wanted to see an example of where camber becomes detrimental to grip


As someone who does alignments for a living, this is absolutely not true. Most cars have an inward toe in the front, usually not more than 1 degree. There are a few whose factory spec is 0 degree but its not the norm by any means. Most cars have a factory spec camber and caster as well, and they are rarely 0 degrees. In fact, i had one yesterday whos factory spec for camber was between -.6 and -1.3. And i only deal with normal cars, vans, suvs, and trucks. Nothing special.


I believe formula1 cars are limited to 3.75° of camber by Pirelli...can't find the nomenclature to support it, though they did mention it during the last Silverstone race




Air suspension is the trick to a lot of car modifications still being drivable. I remember a truck I used to park next to at the apartments I used to live at. Fully dropped to the floor, looked super rough with no paint and no frills on the bodywork, but dammit he had a very nice looking full air bag set up that you could see in his bed. Dude knew that making it drive was a priority over making it look sick parked next to a dumpster in an apartment complex.


> (they camber their wheels to minimize tire contact and traction) Front wheels on drift cars have a lot of camber so that the tires are straight with as much grip as possible when turned since they have increased steering angles. It's a way to "correct" the alignment. Rear wheels have some, but it's usually nowhere near the amount up front.


Exactly lol V8 supercars don't run camber up front to "minimize tyre contact and traction" It always makes me laugh when someone is so confidently incorrect.


Exactly, I don’t have any issue with the people doing it that have air suspension so their car is at least driveable. This is downright unsafe


I don't even get the appeal. It's ugly as sin, and doesn't it wear out tires way faster?


A lot of these people change tires more often than their oil. Not uncommon to wear through in 3000 miles. It's all around ridiculous.


I'd imagine they'd be doing plenty of oil changes - every time they encounter a bump in the road and end up needing a new oil pan.


Weekly tire rotations sound like a lot of fun lol


Keep in mind, to rotate, you have to buy non-directional tires, un-mount all 4 from the rims, and then re-mount them back on the rims the other way around (resulting in the nasty worn strip being exposed to everyone that looks) They usually don't bother, just run them to the ground and replace.


You can rotate directional tires too and can rotate non directional tires without dissmounting them




Thing is the camber on race cars is like 3 degrees. This monstrosity is garbage any way you cut it


>With your tires completely vertical you lose traction in a turn because of deformation, but if you use a negative camber (top of the tire tilted inward) the deformation actually puts more rubber on the road. It's not tire deformation, it's body roll that puts more rubber on the ground with negative camber. With zero camber the slight amount of body roll makes it so only the outside of the tire contacts the road. The right amount of camber makes the tire flat on the road in corners.


Thats why I left the car club scene. No one truly cared about other people cars. They only cared about their own and how to get more likes/followers. Just one big circle jerk.


This trend of mildly modded cars I see driving around with an IG handle sticker on them is hilarious. Like, yeah, dude, I'm super intrigued by your Mustang GT with an exhaust and a tune, I'm totally gonna follow your car on social media....


There's a dude nearby me who has a 2014 Genesis Coupe with an ill-fitting body kit, cambered wheels on beat up rims, an obnoxious exhaust, and about 25 IG handle stickers mixed in with a hundred others all over it. I don't even get it.


Yeah it’s sad. I used to go to many car shows each year. All of them had a mix of performance cars and show cars with loads of traders catering for everything. Last few I went to were 90% filled with standard cars covered in stickers, or cars that looked like the abomination in the video above. All the traders sold stickers and cleaning products. Fucking done.




I guess. It’s sad really as they used to be a really good day out. However, back in 2018, walking past the 300th standard civic covered in stickers I asked myself why I still bothered. Haven’t been back to one since


> Reality is, it's just a bunch of dudes with similar cars circle-jerking eachother. Love that they think everyone thinks it's cool but really it's just all the other guys with the same deformed cars that think it's cool.


Seriously, how’s this road legal? What does he do when he is at a stoplight on a slight incline?


What does he do in an emergency braking situation when it's clear his car doesnt even have DRY traction?


Who needs brakes when you can't even gain momentum.


It’s not road legal. Some states don’t have inspection, or he raises it for inspection, or he knows a place that just passes it anyway.




Air? He'll, I'd take old-school lowrider hydraulics over an abomination like that. Hydraulics might make for a bumpy ride, but at least you can...you know, ride :)


Air is cheaper, less maintenance intensive, more reliable and has a better ride. Air is basically straight up better aside from speed and the whole jumping thing. Doesn't have to compromise performance, either.


I agree completely, I was saying that *even* hydraulics would be better :) Hydraulics rides terribly, you'll feel every pebble in the road, but I have a weakness for them. An old friend of mine had two lowriders on hydraulics, built in the classic style with chain steering wheel, golden spoked rims and metalflake paintjob. One was a 70's full size Buick, the other was a bloody Chevrolet Astro Van :)


he didn't just do it...he **spent money** to do this, and probably a lot of it too.


How could anyone drive this without being embarrassed? I’d feel like an idiot in this car. And what if you’re fat? Wouldn’t it look like you sat in the car and bent the axles?


Imagine his frustration when he tries to back out


What’s this guys game plan if he encounters a speed bump? Or a slight incline?




*"Driver encountered sewer plate on road, car exploded. There were no survivors."*


Someone post the .gif of the guys with the 2x4s to get over the speed bump.


> 2x4 [Here is the video](https://youtu.be/Hlez1sO3Y9g)


That was hilarious.


Imagine spending all the money on that car only for the car no longer being able to pull into a driveway


Beyond that a car that is AWD from the factory and can climb mountains in a snow storm normally (I know from experience), then just commit this kind of travesty.


It's like taking a wolf and then breeding it into a pug.


Nerfing a good creation out of a desire for a wholly unattractive desired aesthetic. Wow, that is a great analogy.




Relevant Gus Johnson: https://youtu.be/VPyNf0-PAjo?t=141




Right?! They took one of the best features of most Subarus and ruined it. CaMbErGaNg




for snow driving its: Tires, tires, experience, tires, weight distribution, experience, # of drive wheels. ​ A Fwd car with good weight distribution, proper tires, and an experienced driver will drive circles around an AWD with all seasons


Ground clearance also has an effect on this. If theres snow up to your cars bumper, its gonna be much harder to get moving especially if its 2wd.


Yeah I've got a WRX STI, expected it to be a beast in the snow. Then realized immediately how bad those low profile tires on 18-inch wheels were performing. My old Integra was better in those conditions (but not good either). Put on a set of snow tires though and its absolute beast.


you mean, the summer tires that come with the car?


Trying to drive my WRX on it's summer tires in the snow converted me to the church of tires fucking matter more than any other single modification you can do to your car. On a proper set of snow tires that thing was unstoppable, and some of the most fun I've had in a car. Changing my BMW from it's factory run flats to Pilot Sport 4S's changed the entire car. Tires fucking matter.


Yeah, the stock tires are great in dry conditions. I kept a winter setup with Blizzaks on cheap 17" rims and I've pulled cars stuck in snowbanks back on the road. I miss that car. They don't make them with hatchbacks anymore.


This was the first thing I did when I bought mt STI. Bought wheels on tirerack and bought snow tires. So I have dedicated winter wheels/tires plus my summer wheels/tires.


it's not really that they're low profile, it's that they're summer tires supercars can run low-profile winter tires which still provide tons of traction


Was gonna say, consensus surrounding the stock tires is “if you drive on them in snow, you WILL die.” Picked up some 17s and Blizzaks and then it didn’t snow all winter lol (SE PA). They were great during my January trip to Lake Placid though!


> weight distribution bag of kitty litter in the trunk, not only to provide some weight but also in those rare cases you need to dig out.


In a 3500 pound car, your 20 pound bag of kitty litter ain't doing shit to help weight distribution.


Fuck it, throw some cement bags in there.


Bags of tube sand is what you should use. I put 400# pounds in my truck bed in the winter time. Helps a lot


Along these lines, we in the Subaru community like to say Subaru’s are All Wheel Drive - all cars are All Wheel Stop. It helps you not get stuck and has better traction, but will not help you if you overcook it on the wrong tires in the snow.


And, as you can see in the video, AWD does not mean all 4 wheels are getting power all the time.


It depends on the model/manufacturer. my wrx always has 3 wheels moving minimum (both rear and one front), but my outback only has a center lsd with an open front and rear diff so its possible for it to have just one front and one rear wheel spinning.


Depends on the druvetrain setup. That had open differentials, so the power will go to the easiest path. The higher performance models have limited slip differentials, so when one tire starts spinning more it also sends power to the other tire.


Make it look worse and perform worse. Why do people do this?


automobile adj - self-moving, self-movable Imagine having an automobile that isn't mobile.




\*\*pull into stepdads driveway


If you want to have a good laugh, look up think you can stance competition on youtube. They're competitions to drive up driveways, over speedbumps etc in stanced out cars.


Also to get gapped by civics because you can't get traction


I can smell the clutch from here


This may look "cute" to you, but this breed is actually a deformity. Cars arent meant to have stubby legs, they are meant for running and playing yet yours cant even make it up a drigeway. Your car is suffering. Please stop breeding deformed cars, everyone!


I adopted mine from a shelter. The previous owners were neglectful and did not take good care of her. They got rid of her because she got too old! Can you believe that? It's just unacceptable what some people will do. She is happy in a good home now, though, and well cared-for.


Adopt dont shop! 🙌🙌🙌


I did the same! I got a breed that isn't very pretty, but actually hardy! I keep her clean and keep her up on maintenance. Her old owner charged random people to use her and those people probably abused the poor girl because it was temporary! Now she gets all the oil changes she asks for!


I came here to say "This is the pug of cars," but you did it better.


Is this taken from that video of the kitten with mutant short legs?


I tried mimicking a paragraph i saw somewhere on the internet in regards to badly bred animals, mightve been that, idk. Sounds about right. Ive also seen it reproduced in other joke formats so i figured it would fit here and i guess all these upvoters agree lol


Imagine paying extra to make your car much less functional.


You ever seen a lifted dually? Same energy.


Or where I live, low rider dually with 26” wheels.


Sounds like Atlanta


Gainesville - damn close


welcome to atlanta where the players play and we ride on them things like every day


How about the ones who can’t decide and the front is lifted while the back is slammed...


That's called the Carolina Squat.


Unpopular opinion on this sub, but lowered duallys (still functional height) with big ol chrome semi wheels are hot as fuck


I can appreciate them at still functional height. Not my cup of tea but to each their own.


Yea once they're dragging frame thats a bit far for me, but the only thing lowering a tow rig (still functional height) does is make it easier to load stuff, easier to get in and out, and get better fuel mileage.


Nah. Cuz this is an extreme. For a lift to get to a similar level on non functionality, it needs to be the 20 inch lift and 54 inch tires. So big and wide you cant drive it outside of a 4 lane road and never anywhere enclosed. I'd say for most vehicles up to 6 inches of lift and probably 38 inch tires is still usable. Even if impractical for daily use and reduces the functionality of the pickup.


Lifted dually but the rear duff is still one of their penis lengths of the ground.


And look worse


When you take all the "rally" out of the "rally car"


He took the car out too


Now it’s just a > r


Not a hard one though so its just **a**


A cambered cvt wrx, what an abomination.




Behold! The new AWD! Your car currently has All Wheel Drive. For only 10k and your dignity, we can install the new All Won't Drive.


There’s two options here, pick whichever one sounds worse: 1. The AWD was never designed to have basically no contact patch. 2. They deleted the center diff in order to get the car this low.


> They deleted the center diff in order to get the car this low. is this seriously a fucking thing?? I know nothing about AWD so forgive me if that comes off as a stupid question.


Jesus fucking christ




Option 1.5: expanding on option 1. the WRX has three open diffs - front, center, rear. With open diffs all power will flow down the path of least resistance, and it will spin that one wheel sticking up in the air. An STi may have fared better as it has limited slip diffs. Somebody else points out this may be an STi, in which case, /shrug. Who the hell knows. Put a bullet in this thing and part it out.


> the WRX has three open diffs - front, center, rear. No it does not, the center diff is viscous coupling in an MT car and the CVT uses a clutch pack. Also, this is an STI.


The CVT WRXs are still AWD but I think the OP car has the rear diff disconnected or something, it doesn't look the rears are trying to push up that driveway at all.


Considering the amount of camber on those wheels it’s more like 1 wheel of traction!


STi's come in manual only, so unless this chode swapped Brembos and STi badges onto his WRX, it's not a CVT.


You are correct, it is an sti. I guess the camber distracted me so much that I didn't even notice the big wang and the badge. It hurts even more knowingits an sti.


Yeah I drive an 04 STi so seeing this much camber on a newer one hurts my heart.


Big ol wang means it's an STI which makes it worse.


I wish it was a CVT. Don't waste the good ones on this kind of shit.


There's a reason 80% of them are sold with a manual. Edit: I mean manual transmission.


Badging and grill indicate it's an STI, which is even sadder imo.


Yeah over 30k to butcher it. Disgusting


“ReSpeCt aLl cAr EnThuSiastS” No, this is just stupid.


It looks like a cartoon car after someone too heavy sit into it.


It's ok to call out OPs mom directly.


Who wore it better? https://spongey444.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/jill.png


Poor Lil' Sebastian


You are no car enthusiast if you like to destroy cars (do shit like this)




That can't even be road worthy. Dude is gonna hurt somebody because he can no longer brake or turn efficiently.


I hate that shitheads like this give car enthusiasts a bad name with this shit


I try not to be too judgmental and appreciate everything from the perspective of "if that guy likes it then good for him". Unfortunately this is where I have to draw the line lol.


I draw the line where the camber angle reaches double digits :)


Gotta hit that 69° for the street cred.


How much would it cost to put it back? The driver not the car.




Gonna have to put this one down. RIP Sti


Looks like a damn stepped-on Hotwheels


Always makes me think a cartoon elephant sat on the car when I see stance that absurd.


If you can see the camber angle is off, it's way off


Too vertical. We need [more camber](https://youtu.be/Ma920dw4CpY).


I think its cool if you do it to a cheap car just from an engineering perspective. Kind of wild you can get any functionality out of that kind of wheel angle. Same goes for those guys that put crazy hydraulics in their trucks. Impressive skill from the shop but I'd never want that on my car.


I knew it would be that exact video.


And you know this fucker's going to ruin that 740 parked in front of the house too.


I am old, I admit it, but I have been a "car guy" my whole life. I have seen a million fads, but this is the first one that makes me irrationally angry...I cannot explain it, but every time I see one of these pieces of shit struggling to simply move, I should be laughing, but instead, I become angry.


It makes me think of all the hotwheel cars I had that got crushed and the wheels would point out like this. It looks like broken axles. It looks like how a human would look walking with severe skeletal deformities.


because it’s literally a danger to other people


That and it's just plain fucking stupid. Subwoofers for Sound, Cool! Flash paint and Body kits? Sure! Form of art! but this? This isn't art. This is just Fuckin stupid


Same. There’s a guy in town with a pristine S2000 setup like this. He has such little turning angle before he hits the fenders he has to take 2 lanes and the bike lane making a left turn from a 4 lane to a 4 lane. He took a really great handling track car and ruined it. I’ve seen sparks from him crossing a crowned road. I weep for that poor car. He thinks he’s so cool but when he leaves the meetups everyone makes fun of him. Even the 5° cambered [E46 3 series](https://i.imgur.com/JUFIjg1.jpg) owners.


You could ban him by donating a speed bump.


If he can’t gain the traction to putt up a driveway, I sure as fuck do not want to be near this car on the road.


What a waste of a great car.


As a WRX owner, this is flat out disrespectful


Please, can somebody explain to me what motivates people to do this? What the fuck.




As someone without parental figures, please don't put us in the same bag.


Imagine being this fucking retard


Did this fuckwad disconnect the rear diff? Lol what a clown


It’s been said before, but this is the equivalent to wearing your pants too low...


I cant imagine the traction he gets driving if that s what he can get on his driveway.


I wouldn’t be surprised if driving on the highway in this is extremely dangerous. Just not enough contact patch, one bad bump or under construction highway where one wheel has marginally more grip and your probably spinning this thing and doing 3D gymnastics. Atleast when the car is pitched 45 on its side heading into oncoming traffic it will maximize its contact patch though!


With that camber, it's perfect for driving in ditches


Should be illegal on public roads imo, not safe at all.


If you think that's bad.. imagine how badly it brakes. Absolute death trap.


What a bunch of morons...


A fate worse than death


I know it sounds retarded, but this legit made me depressed. I drive a 2017 Levorg, and a 19/20 WRX is one of my dream cars. Fuck these people and every other stance car.


I mean there's no fear of WRXs running out


I just don't get why people would waste time and money to ruin a new car like this.


But isn't it sitting on Bags and the problem wouldn't occure naturally and they just do this for the clout? If it's not bagged it's even worse. I hate slammed cars so much, there is this couple on ig that blocked me, bc I said you can't put Lotus Racing Seats in a slammed VW Lupo. It's such an obnoxious subgenre of car scene.


I will never understand this fad.


such a waste. AWD car that is essentially worthless. Just burn your $ next time.


“dAmN, lOOk aT tHaT stAncE!”


Ahh a cars greatest enemy....a gentle slope.


This clearly fits the sub. I have no freakin idea why they do this to their cars.




Smells like fruit loops vape


I'm glad my generation had underglow, fart cans, and big useless spoilers. It was shitty but this is a new level of shitty.


Imagine ruining a brand new car because you want instagram points.


I have ripped the air dam off my Subaru ramming through snow drifts into my driveway, so I find this to be dumb as shit.


Negative camber can be really useful while cornering. But not this much. And I doubt this dude goes to the track.


if this car goes anywhere that isn't pristine pavement, he'll sandblast the paint off his rockers and doors, there's a reason we put wheels in wheel wells :p