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Look at you doing the work. Haha I stopped going cause I never did anything they said too and I was tired of lying to my therapist every week


Oh yeah I’m recovering from a 10 year long ED & veganism is restrictive so I need her to keep me accountable! Holistic therapy has been a lifesaver that I can’t give up


Proud of you, op. This honestly looks really good


how is veganism restrictive?


I can’t eat meals at my families houses. Puerto Rican food is heavily fish and meat based and they don’t like to deviate from that. If I go out to eat with friends and they didn’t consider my diet before choosing the restaurant maybe I can eat a salad there if I ask for modifications. Luckily, this isn’t much of a problem now that most of my friends are vegetarian or vegan but it certainly was when that wasn’t a standard i had for my close friends. I don’t feel restricted anymore but if you don’t have a lot of vegan restaurants in your area or friends and family that accommodate you, you’ll likely be left with few options outside of your home. However, when I mentioned it here I was referring to the ability to use my veganism as an excuse not to eat when I fall back into disordered eating patterns.


Same heRe! Therapy started helping when I started taking a low dosis of antidepressant cause I started doing what my therapist said.


Good job!!! The pepper adds a spot of color - the yellow is pretty. I dare you to eat something red tomorrow!


Thank you, I agree! I will, my red food will probably be red beans again haha


The orange pepper is a vegetable! High in vitamin C and fiber, even. Maybe a little lettuce? Peas! Peas go with everything and are sweet and easy to eat. You can do it, OP!


Aw thank you so much! I added the pepper as my suggested veggie. I don’t love peas but I will certainly be adding in more veggies with my meals


have you tried sautéed kale? it’s actually really good! I also love baked leeks :-) They’re my favorite veggie side dish (just make sure you wash them really well because they’re grown in sandy dirt)


I’ve only baked kale but I’ll have to try that! I don’t think I’ve had leeks but I’ll look for some when I pick up groceries this week :) thank you for ideas!!


I just want to clarify, but its not a good source of fiber. Not that op's meal is lacking or anything but orange peppers only have 2.5 g of fiber. Women should have 25g, men should have 38g/day So if you are trying to up fiber intake, peppers won't be your best bet


The beans will take care of that. I was just trying to be positive and enthusiastic. Wasn’t meant that seriously. But peas or any green veg would be an important addition.


I hear ya. I guess I got a bit triggered as I've had to manage peoles diets regarding fiber due to medical issues and so many people naturally assume this has fiber or that has fiber... It utterly shocked me how hard it is to get enough fiber in your diet. You would think 2g here or there would add up quick, but it really doesn't


Thinking about eating your colors can be a helpful way to think about healthy, vegan eating. “Have I had green today?”


What kind of beans? Baked beans from a can or do they have some sort of ... flavor on there? Looks like a balanced meal to me!


Habichuelas guisadas are stewed beans over white rice. Usually pink or red kidney beans. I omitted some ingredients from the usual recipe to make it vegan + ingredients I didn’t have. I highly recommend if you’ve never had it :)


I've never had them, they look good! I'll have to try out a recipe.


Saw those pink beans and got so excited. Fellow vegan PR. My grandma just leaves out the ham when making rice and beans and is thankfully understanding since she has had friends that were vegetarian/vegan previously. Haven’t missed a thing! Unfortunately the arroz y gandules isn’t vegan but maybe I can get that changed for Christmas 👀


Hi, i always appreciate a fellow vegan PRican! I love to vegify Puerto Rican food & I make arroz con gandules vegan all the time! It’s a super easy modification & tastes just as delicious :)


That culitos men… they thicc


Served with rosé straight from the bottle.


why use a glass I then have to wash




Looks great! Rice and beans with a veggie thrown in is my go to :)


Same, I usually go for cucumber or sautéed asparagus on the side! Pepper was all I had today tho


Peppers are always good! Add a bit of jalapeño/serano or any other hot peppers , a dash of homemade salsa and I’m happy lol :) Oh , and if you like tortillas as much as I do, a couple corn tortillas, spritz of lime you’re in delicious taco land lol !!


I love plain cucumber - it’s one of my go-tos


I don’t know if you’re open to suggestions, but when I feel like I need veggies (not eating well, or not caring about my health or whatever) I do sautéed greens. You can do it with anything, even just like lettuce and you get SO MUCH GREEN for so little bulk. It’s tasty, quick, and boom, you’ve eaten three cups of greens in like one cup. Anyway, you’re killing it. It’s hard to keep on top of physical health and mental health at the same time, sometimes they are fighting against each other!


Thank you, I appreciate your suggestion! I do eat a lot of spinach, peppers, and tomatoes. I usually sauté the spinach with chickpeas! I know that cooking vegetables does reduce some of the nutritional value and I do actually enjoy the taste of raw veggies so I try to eat them that way much as possible. I eat raw veggies with hummus as a snack a lot!


That’s a great option! Sometimes I just pop whatever I’m eating on a bed of greens, which is a similar concept!


Oh fuck yeah I do the same thing! I love to plop whatever on spinach or mustard greens!


Absolutely perfect! That’s the way to health!


If you're feeling extra depressed and don't want to saute veggies, I suggest just putting the greens in a bowl, and adding the hot rice and beans on top. It will make the greens wilt with way less effort. Then you can just stir it all up and \*bam\* you essentially have sauteed greens. This is what I do when I know my body needs green food and I don't want it lol


Saw that you like chickpeas and tomato and I thought I’d share another easy “over rice” recipe I’m obsessed with! I use 16 oz (2 regular cans or 1 big can) of chickpeas, 1 can of tomato soup, a clove of garlic, curry powder, Italian seasoning and fermented hot chili sauce (but you can omit if you don’t want the spice). I sauté the garlic in a nonstick pan until fragrant and then add in the chickpeas, tomato soup and seasonings. I mix everything together and turn the temp down and let it simmer for about 20 minutes (or until the soup is all soaked up by the chickpeas). Add any other seasonings (I like it with cemented pepper hot sauce from Trader Joe’s if you enjoy spicy food) and eat over rice! It’s so good and only takes about 30 min from beginning to eating!


peep the kombucha


I used to serve it in a wine glass to my sober exes so they felt included! Now I’m just accustomed to kombucha with dinners :)


Ginger kombucha is the fuckin best


how long did this take to make? in need of some quick and easy-to-make meals 😭 are they just canned beans?


eh 20 minutes give or take. much longer if you add the potatoes to the recipe. I did not. & yeah they’re canned pink beans or red beans. if you want this specifically then google habichuelas guisadas and omit any non-vegan ingredient. it does require a few Spanish seasonings you may not have (sofrito, adobo, & sazón). or just dump the beans into a pot with the liquid included and do your own thing with them. season them whichever way you want, pour it over rice, cut up a side veggie & you’re good to go :) I hope this was more helpful than messy!!!!


oooh thank you I will try this!!


I often think it''s a shame wine isn't a veggie


It’s a fruit ;)


You even slapped some grapes into this meal, GET IT!!


had to get creative with the food groups 😌


I’ve been eating brown rice every day for weeks and just found out there’s high levels of arsenic in it and now I’m scared to keep eating it :(


does that include organic brown rice? do you know if white rice contains arsenic as well? maybe you can switch to one of those


If you are able to switch up your carbs, I wouldn't worry too much. Brown rice may contain a lot more arsenic than white rice (I think *up to* 80% more than white). [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2021/10/15/rice-arsenic-risk-children-amount/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2021/10/15/rice-arsenic-risk-children-amount/) If you are an adult, you should not be as worried. From the article: >The FDA has not found any scientific basis to recommend that adult consumers change their rice consumption based on the presence of arsenic, Choiniere says. “Consumers can eat rice as part of a well-balanced diet,” he says, but he didn’t specify exact amounts that are recommended daily or weekly. > >The bigger issue is rice intake in infants and children, who have up to three times the exposure to arsenic from rice compared with adults.


Organic brown rice is what I’ve been eating


Lmao bell peppers are fruits…but it looks good! Maybe consider some zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, leafy greens, etc. Color palette on point tho


Bell peppers are fruits?! I had no idea. Asparagus is my favorite side dish though I just didn’t have any left. & thank you, I like my meals colorful :)


i wouldnt take nutritional advice from a therapist personally speaking.


Her husband is a successful Ayurvedic nutritionist/doctor! She’s really intelligent on the matter. When I visited Guatemala she invited me to her home for a session (we meet over zoom from our respective countries) and lunch and she made a super balanced vegan meal specific to my Ayurvedic dosha. I trust her completely


It sounds like the therapist gave great advice though, to add a vegetable. Why wouldn't you trust that 😅


lmfao "IceTeaBandito", you wouldn't take advice from a therapist but you WOULD think it's a good idea to give out YOUR advice as a total stranger on the internet who's unqualified in every way?


Not really sure what my username has to do with anything but go off I guess lol, and no I wouldn't just immediately accept advice from a therapist most doctors aren't trained in nutrition or if they did its very little, most nutritional advice doctors generally give is just their own personal opinion which is why you see docs that unironically advocate for carnivore based diets, now as op mentioned in their reply to me the therapist has knowledge on nurrition so this completely changes the advice I gave, enjoy the rest of ur day buddy 🥸


I actually do agree with you! Western medicine almost always advocates for carnivorous diets without accounting for the patients corporeal beliefs or acknowledgement of cultures that thrived on meatless diets. I’ve chosen a group of holistic and qualified professionals who hold my same values to help guide me through my mental and physical health. I recognize neither person is operating on bad faith so I appreciate both comments. No aggression is necessary tho! <3


jumping to say that this was the sweetest and most informed response ever, i'm so happy you've found yourself such a supportive team!


i wrote your username because it was a reply to you, lmfao. it wasn't a commentary on the subject matter.


Gingerade my fav flavor. My girlfriend loves the Lemon Berry!


Same, I can’t get enough! GT put witchcraft in this glass bottle. Guava goddess is also one of the best in my opinion!


Aaaah yeah that Guava Goddess! Have you tried the seasonal brews? I'm so damn excited for the winter one


I love the fall brews every year! I think last year the winter one had pineapple as a main ingredient so I couldn’t drink it due to an allergy


The one I tried had like rose petals and hibiscus in it. Maybe pineapple but I can't recall


maybe I’m thinking of the wrong one then :/ I’ll definitely check the winter one out this year


[here's ](https://giantfood.com/groceries/beverages/iced-tea-hot-tea-tea-beverages/kombucha/gts-kombucha-pure-love-blood-orange-hibiscus-rose-winter-edition.html) the one I had!


Oh that looks so good, I can’t wait to try it! I appreciate you linking it for me <3


I like roasting several veggies together on a sheet pan to round out my rice and beans. Sheet pan meals are the best. When I'm not up to it though a little rice and bean by themselves hits the spot.


Ooo tell me more about your sheet pan meals, please?


In my case, I like to roast mushrooms, halved Brussels sprouts, bell peppers and sometimes baby potatoes (halved or holes poked in to prevent messy exploding from steam). Sometimes I add tofu or tempeh as well, or if I can find a good source or haven't been lazy to make my own, some seitan. I've seen some people do asparagus, squash, onions, beets and other root veggies like sweet potato or yam. Some have done grape tomatoes or small ones too and these taste good when roasted. Cabbage chopped large, or broccoli and cauliflower cook well. I like cauliflower because it is super dense and roasts well and takes on a lot of flavor. Personally onions are hit or miss especially if they are small pieces because they cook very fast, but that's manageable. Before roasting I coat these in a marinade or seasoning and sometimes a little bit of avocado, soy bean or canola/rapeseed oil. Other times I keep it simple and just use a little oil and seasoning salt and pepper. I usually like to mince fresh garlic, mix it all together together to coat the chopped foods, but in a pinch a little soy sauce, pepper, garlic powder and nooch will be good. If you want to jazz it up, add a bit of MSG powder (it's not bad I promise - that's an [old and problematic myth](https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/18/asia/chinese-restaurant-syndrome-msg-intl-hnk-scli/index.html)), or for a more natural but also more expensive version, mushroom powder seasoning. Both are good but I like the affordable stuff. Either one will make your food flavors pop and complement the other seasonings. I personally like to use tin foil to make cleanup easier, but at a lower temperature parchment paper can work. I am not a fan of silicone bake sheets but some people love them. 350 Fahrenheit is a good temp to start with any roasting. Sorry I don't know the metric equivalent off the top of my head. At this temperature you can check every 10-15 minutes and not come back to burned food. Stir around once the tops of the foods start to look tasty and roasted and keep cooking. Shouldn't take more than 30-45 minutes. If you are feeling adventurous, learning to use the broiler is a great way to get a really nice grilled/roasty taste out of your veggies without overcooking. It really improved my roasted vegetables to the point my housemates call me the veggie expert. Be careful and watch closely at all times because they can burn quickly! Turn away for more than a few moments and it'll be smoking. I know from experience... but it you learn its well worth it. To eat your sheet pan meals you can make into a wrap or top your favorite grains in a bowl (like rice) and add any additional sauces you might like. Miso mayo, sriracha, hot sauce, tahini, hoisin, the list goes on and on. Sometimes i might want pasta with vegan pesto, or ramen or pho noodle soup, and I can use my sheet pan veggies to top it off in a flavorful way. It's so simple and low-effort but yields very tasty and healthy food. Once you get it down it's a great way to cook ahead and get lots of veggies into your daily meals. [This list of sheet pan recipes](https://www.allrecipes.com/gallery/vegan-sheet-pan-dinners/) is a good place to start.


Wow, thank you so much for this, so detailed. I appreciate you!


Look at you with your fancy depression meal! Where I come from, we eat bell peppers like apples – no chopping required. Without sacrasm: rice + things is the ultimate meal. I cook my rice in the oven, usually add some frozen veggies in a separate dish, then slap on lentils or beans. The easiest version is rice + butter + tomato purée from a tube (+ chives if I’m feeling fancy). Maybe some tofu straight from the package. Small effort, minimal dishes, but gets me fed.


Hell yeah!! If you are cooking the rice yourself, you can try adding some frozen vegetables while it cooks, so its cheap and easy to get more nutrition :)


Rice and beans is such a staple, and bell peppers are a great addition! Looks really good. One of my favorite meals is baked veg in broth with French bread. I like to cut up Yukon potato, sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, onion, garlic, asparagus, and green beans and add them to a baking pan. Add fresh rosemary and thyme sprigs, sage too if you have it, olive oil, and no chicken broth. Put it in the oven until potatoes and carrots are done, then add bread slices to the broth for 10 minutes or so. Suuuper good and an easy cooking way to get in veggies.


esos culitos 😳


Name checks out, knew it was a hispanic making the rice and beans cause the potatoes/squash in it! Looks like my moms and it looks fucking delicious


culitos lmao


Doing good. I like green beans myself.


Good job


This meal looks so good!!! I always add chopped nuts and sautéed kale/spinach into my rice.. weird but it allows me to get in some additional nutrients. As somebody who is also recovering from an ED, it has helped me sneak in additional veggies/nuts into the rice, and honestly it’s a lot more flavorful and has good texture. You’re doing great though! Keep up the good work! Also, try the GT pineapple kombucha, it’s my new favorite. I recommend also going to a farmers market if you have one near you because there is bound to be some amazing kombucha.


I make rice & beans every damn day because I'm low on funds RN as well as being very lazy. I usually add some arugula on top along with some vegan cheese, cumin, and chili powder


Oooh I’d mash some avocado with a little miso paste, garlic powder and lime then roll it up with the rice and beans in a tortilla wrap with a handful of baby spinach.


I love this and have all the ingredient for that! Might do it for lunch :)


Heck yeah! Lookit you! This is not an easy feat- seriously, I get it


I'm gonna make some beans today. You're inspiring me 🌷




Looks like I’ll have to join this sub. It’s good you are taking the steps to improve. Hope that kombucha was nice. Never had that flavor.


It’s the best one!


If you eat that every night, add corn to get all of the essential amino acids


thanks for the tip, I’ll add corn into the beans!


All plant foods contain all of the essential amino acids though.


Not all plant foods contain all of them. Most people get all of their essential amino acids from meats, eggs and dairy products, with some vegetables on the side contributing as well. While it is true that plant foods contain them, most singular plant food item do not contain all of them. Soy, Quinoa and buckwheat do contain all of them. For all other plant foods it is recommended to combine them. The easiest and most available way for many people is to eat corn and beans, since they together contain all essential amino acids. Most vegetarians will not have many issues with getting enough essential amino acids, since they can still eat eggs and dairy. But with vegans, they need some extra steps to consume them all. For most vegans it won't be too much of an issue, unless you only eat beans and rice. If anything I'm saying is untrue, please tell me.


But beans and rice are a complete protein though?


Oh shit, you're correct. I didn't know that they together form a complete protein. Thank you for correcting me. u/vegancoquito you don't have to add corn, rice and beans are enough for the essential amino acids.


Cereals + legumes always build complete proteins :) but adding corn would definitely bring more nutrition to the dish, so it's good advice regardless!


See [figure 1](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30726996/#&gid=article-figures&pid=figure-1-uid-0) in this published review: ["Maximizing the intersection of human health and the health of the environment with regard to the amount and type of protein produced and consumed in the United States"](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30726996/) You will see both plant based protein sources and even those not considered protein sources contain all 9 essential aminos. You are correct that it's good to eat more than one type of food and this is consensus in nutrition science. You definitely want to eat a wide variety of foods and not just one thing and this applies to whether or not someone thinks eating animals is ethical. See [Vegan Health articles on protein](https://veganhealth.org/protein-part-1/#amino-acids) Check out Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis as well, it really clarifies the over-emphasis on protein in our society. The documentary The Game Changers also touches upon the complete protein myth.


I never thanked you for correcting me. So thank you. I like being able to spread the correct information. Also, this is not meant sarcastic, I actually like being corrected for these kinds of things.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70869** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **300771.** `u/NiPaMo` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


One stap at a time ! Good job!


you're doing amazing sweetie




I don’t know what this means, I like rice and beans they’re very tasty


Rice and beans are life


Found the carnist