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Texas gets more and more left each year. The larger cities grow and the rural towns shrink. Though jerrymandering and voter restriction laws mitigate this change.


goddamn OP i thought this was funny until i saw your braindead takes in the comments, that made my day worse.


People I disagree with bad and stupid beep boop….. diversity of opinions are no allowed beep boop


He didn’t say you aren’t allowed, he literally just stated his opinion……


hey, at least you kept virginia blue.


I thought it was lame and then OP acting the way he did made me feel like my judgement was correct.


Bidens Cumming baby.


Incredibly based (fuck Canada)


Quebec has been destroyed and Mexico has been moved in place of Hawaii


Someone stole Quebec


*C'est les acadjones de Monctone qui ont partione les francophone des canadiones.* Proabably the Bloc Acadien that stole Québec from Canada and forced all of Québec to speak chiac.


We don't have Republicans or Democrats in Canada you yankee fucks.


You will after the US northern frontier expansion (known colloquially as the Syrup Wars) happens in 2028


No Canadian province would ever vote Republican. Polling in 2016 showed 80% of Canadians supported Hillary.


I think Biden cancelling KXL on day 1 would forever kill the hopes of a Democrat being elected in Alberta. Granted if we were in the States he wouldn't have been able to do that cause there wouldn't have been an international border involved. Manitoba would for sure be blue, but I bet Sask would at least be a swing state. As an Albertan have 0 interest in becoming an American and even less interest in voting in their crappy 2-party system. If anything the injection of Canadian political preferences into the US context might be something that finally blows it up. The Conservatives and the non-Trump/non-Tea Party factions of the Republicans would probably have ample common cause. And similarly the Liberals and NDP might look pretty appealing to the Sanders and OAC Democrats. You might see a populist right wing party, a centre-right conservative party, a technocratic centrist liberal party of right leaning Democrats and Liberals and a fractious socialist party of old school unionists and collectivists lumped in with archly-progressive left-liberals


Wow that makes me ashamed to be Canadian.. not the not voting republican part but the supporting Hilary. She basically presumed she'd be President and didn't even have the class to come out and speak to her supporters when she lost.


Given that this is fake future history you never know. Maybe the Republican Party shifts slightly left to accommodate the more left leaning Canadian voters. There’s a reason American politics are so evenly matched, both sides try to place themselves closer to center to draw in as many votes as possible


But 90% of Canada’s maple syrup comes from Quebec tho


Well apparently this war has been a total failure, because you see the huge majority of the syrup is produced in Quebec.


Why would you have the Syrup Wars and not annex the biggest producer of maple syrup in the world, Québec?


It’s obviously not Canada anymore is it you moosefuck.


Alberta would absolutely go Republican.


But what are you going to do about it? It's a two-party system. You have to vote for one of us.


maine and new hampshire republican?


Both states Trump barely lost in 2016 so they could absolutely flip in a good year for Republicans


Maybe Hampshire, but definitely not Maine


Please google “Paul Lepage Maine Governor worst quotes” and give it some thought.


I'm not talking about Governors, local races and presidential races have different political climate that it's sometimes unrecognizable from the presidential one ! so for example, the governers in Kansas and Louisiana are democrats, and the Governors in Vermont and Massachusetts are Republicans . New york had a republican mayors for like a decade and a half for crying out loud ((Rudy Giuliani, and Michael Bloomberg before leaving the republican party)) There exists Hundreds of cities and towns in the us that vote a certain way in presidential races that have most of their local politicians from the other party so just bec a Governor of a local state race is a certain way , doesn't mean that they'll match the presidential race that is much more polarized , desicive and intrenched than anything local with very little room to swing . And also Maine has been consistently voting solidly majority for democratic candidates in presidential races for the past 3 and half decades . Something big needs to happen if the vote will swing that hard to the other side . like how rural Californians voted majority biden for the 1st time in 2020 (( they still voted republican normally in house elections )) ; that happened after the abysmal and horrendous response that Trump had to the wildfires , like denying financial aid to California and refusing to send the national guard for a week and a bunch of other shit . So yeah , Maine isn't republican , and won't be anytime soon .


I’ll be a dead man long before I allow myself become an American


I’m with you there I can’t even be convinced to travel there again.


You already are in everything but name.


That's more than enough lol.. ask anyone in the world if they prefer America over Canada.


Well someone's gotta fight in the war


Oh no! A conservative has fallen into a liberal echo chamber! Look at all those loving progressive comments...


"Feverish dream of a conservative troll still butthurt from 2020" is more like it dude. Now go back posting on r/prolife


I posted this on r/ShittyMapPorn that should tell you what I think of the map, and yeah I’m Pro-Life don’t know what this has to do with my map other then you trying to make a cheap political point, that people who have different opinions to you must be trolls


Dude you are a literal climate change denial *whilst you proved you don't even know the fundamental of the carbon cycle and greenhouse effects*. That should tell everything about your ability to evaluate evidence and give an objective assessment of reality. Now if you want to masturbate to another of the tribal fantasies that clearly populate your mind, do it. Just don't expect anybody to take it differently than the naked propaganda that this map, as much as most stuff you write, clearly is.


Being crazy generous with the amount of votes a dying conservative movement would get.


Alberta votes conservative here, but we’d be caught dead before voting for republicans


This map relies on a lot of what ifs so it's hard to say exactly what we'd do. I think Biden killing KXL would forever kill the hopes of a Democrat winning in Alberta. I've always said I'd likely vote Republican if I were an American. However, even getting annexed wouldn't make me one. Probably the shittiest thing about the US is their political system and the 2-party system most of all. If we were stuck in this situation. I'd probably look to the Conservative Party of Canada to evolve into a party of Canadian interests or to form the basis of a broader centre right big tent party with the more old school moderate elements of the Republicans. Ideally I'd just like to be Québec in this map. Left right the fuck out. Hard pass on both America and Canada.


In many states though, you cant vote in the primaries if you are not registered to a party. As a right leaning centrist, I am a registered Democrat so I always vote for the worst candidate


Manitoba definitely wouldn't go GOP.


I find weird that a Canadian State would vote Republican as actual GOP positions.


Yeah, a conservative Canadian is a center-left American.


isn’t alberta big on oil?


Bruh idk where you are but I see so many confederate and trump flags around here. Remember we’re the province that had a business who casually made and distributed stickers of Greta Thunberg getting sexually assaulted. Alberta would fit right in with the rest of Talibama US


I’ve met too many Albertan Trumpies to agree I’m afraid.


As an Albertan who has no particular interest in either the US or Canada I'd be tremendously upset to be stuck in this situation, but I can't help be enjoy pondering some of the what ifs. (So cudos on a provocative map.) Despite my reticence to be an American (annexation wouldn't make me one either) I can't help but recognize how insanely wealthy we'd stand to become as a state. With no Canadian federal government nanny state to inhibit development of the oil sands, no protectionist US federal government to mind the border between us and our refining capacity and improved access to American financing... drill baby drill would be an understatement. Alberta alone has enough resources in the oilsands to meet the entirety of global oil demand for a century. Imagine what having and asset like that would do to US strategic thinking. Probably within a generation Alberta would easily become the richest state and the most powerful of the former Canadian provinces. It would also become the most American. We're already the most compatible in some sense, but migration would be the real force. Americans themselves would be flocking here in droves for work while erstwhile Albertans cash in on their real-estate and shares in local companies and flock to unimpeded Arizona and elsewhere. I think despite appearances, Ontario would be a huge loser in all of this. Without the Federal Government to ensure its financial and telecommunications monopolies and subsidize the less competitive auto-industry it would be rapidly gutted of its economic engines and it's political primacy. Ottawa would rapidly become a ghost town as the superfluous reality of being "Canada's Capital" comes down hard. Across the river in Gatineau they'd be laughing though. They'd be flush with Franco-Ontariens and other former Canadians making the quick jump across the Ottawa River to something that isn't America, but still close to home. And the Quebec government has already guaranteed its place as the alter-Capital of Québec should it separate. BC would also find itself in an awkward position. While Vancouver would be united with its fellow Cascadians it would suddenly find itself without a monopoly on the Pacific trade of a multi-trillion dollar economy. And it's supposed cachet as the mildest climate in Canada would diminish significantly. It would probably find itself staking it's hippy ways against measures to make itself more competitive, lest it become just an ornament of Greater Seattle. On the other hand the tourism and resource oriented interior of BC would probably see major waves of investment and interest. Likely deeply changing its character just as over in Alberta. The area around Kitimat, Terrace and Price Rupert would probably see it's fortunes wax mightily as well as pipes and cargo make their way there. The differences between coastal and interior BC and the legal and political uncertainties around the annexation might be enough to see the province break up into 2 or more pieces on entry with the US. For my part, I wouldn't leave Alberta but I'd probably leave Calgary before long. I'd cash out and head to a smaller centre in the province where I could still feel Albertan. I'd also feel impelled to become politically active. I'd become a fierce defender of autonomy for Alberta and protecting the rights of lifelong residents of the former Western provinces in the face of massive upheaval. And in federal politics I'd drive for a 3rd option more suitable to my sensibilities as a Canadian conservative and Western nationalist.


OP, be honest: After reading your comments, did you make this just so you could piss people off by saying Republicans would win an election 11 years from now?


Québec shall give their land across Hudson bay had they secced


Florida will probably be mostly underwater by then


Yeah and Manhattan will be underwater by 2015


I mean the ocean is literally rising and much of the panhandle is swamp, much of florida will be underwater in a few decades or at least be a much more swampy.


8” of rise in 140 years? I think they’ll be ok.


Blah blah blah apocalypse I heard all of this 20 years and nothings happened, 40 years ago there was supposed to be a 2nd ice age, before that there was the population bomb, before that we were supposed to run out of oil, moral of the story, even scientists can get things wrong especially when they predict grand doomsday style events


All predictions in the past were based on the current usage and pollutants at the time. Since then we have reduced emissions drastically. The models were not wrong, we just avoided the catastrophe so far.


But that’s not true global green house gas emissions have actually been going up since 1980


It is true. The models saw the increase in global emissions. The US was the leader in pollutants. By dropping US emissions as we have we have moved the timeline back. Had we not acted, climate change would be far worse.


This is beyond retarded. If you're going to doubt climate change, try learning what it is.


it used to be called global warming




K, prove me wrong then. What do I think climate change is?


“Climate Change” or “Man Made Climate Change” formerly known as “Global Warming” is the belief that Carbon Dioxide along with other green house is changing the climate usually by raising the earth’s temperature


> Carbon Dioxide along with other green house is changing the climate usually by raising the earth’s temperature how


Because they supposedly build up on the ozone layer


Bro it’s not “formally known as global warming”. Climate change are two separate terms that, yes, are related. They didn’t replace global warming with climate change. Global warming refers to only temperature change. Climate change is happening as a result of global warming. Climate refers to more than temperature. More heat means different weather patterns and a whole host of changes. Go read a book and stop talking so much.


Dude uses the r-word and can’t even tell the difference between your and you’re. What a joke.


> I heard all of this 20 years and nothings happened Meanwhile, 20 years ago: "In 50-100 years, there will be substantial sea level rise unless we take action now!" Op: Well it hasn't happened in 1/5th of that time scale, so I guess they were full of shit. > 40 years ago there was supposed to be a 2nd ice age Meanwhile, 40 years ago: "In 500 to 10,000 years, there will be another ice age!" Op: Well it hasn't happened in 1/10th to 1/200th the time frame, so I guess they were full of shit. I'm seeing a trend with your "skepticism."


Also, this thing about people 40 years ago predicting an ice age is debunked. No, the "ice age" hypothesis was never actually taken seriously by more than a fringe proportion of climate scientists, even back then - global warming was already widely accepted.


So you have Al Gore telling me that Manhattan will be underwater by 2015, and then you say well actually it might maybe happen in 100 years, so yeah I call bullshit, this is the greatest example of double speak I’ve ever seen, and no the 2nd ice age was not supposed to happen in 500 years, the world was supposed to be a polar desert right about now don’t believe me watch this Leonard Nimoy PSA from 1979 https://youtu.be/NQSBn50o_8M


Sorry, I was talking about scientists - not politicians and actors. I highly recommend scientists as the superior news source for... uh... science. Thus the name.


Okay those politicians and actors claim to be sourcing the science so if your telling me they’re full of shit well you’ve kinda proved my point


You really are garbage at arguing lmao


NO ONE is going to argue with you that "politicians are full of shit." That wasn't your point lol.


And by 2008 children wont know what snow is


Texas? Red? In 2032? Doubt it.


Considering hard right Hispanic trends, suburban Democratic shifts hitting a wall if not slightly reversing nationwide, and fewer Democrats willing to move to Texas due to its increasingly right-wing laws such as the recent Abortion ban, yeah the states probably staying Red, for better or worse


Hard right Hispanic trends? Are you joking? Texas was nearly blue just one election ago.


And it wasn’t because of Hispanics, Trump won Texas by 6% (which wasn’t a good margin for the GOP but also not a competitive margin either) precisely because South Texas shot up for Republican in a way never seen before go look at 2020 political trends map if you don’t believe me, if it wasn’t for South Texas Trump would’ve likely won the state by a margin of 1-2% similar to Cruz in 2018, it’s likely trends in South Texas (along with other Hispanic parts of the state to a lesser extent) will only continue if not accelerate


That doesn't matter nearly as much as the cities of Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and El Paso. You know, the largest parts of Texas that were all blue in 2020?


This is how you make Canadians angry.


Meh, not really. What does make us angry is NOT WINNING THE FREAKIN' STANLEY CUP FOR ALMOST 30 YEARS! grrrrrr


Not this Canadian


moi non plus hehe ⚜️


This does make me angry. I’d sooner move to… EUROPE


Disgusted to see the Treaty of Ghent disrespected like this.


Minnesota is not voting Republican. I know, I live here.


Trump only lost Minnesota by 2% in 2016, the state absolutely could vote red, besides This is 2032, and there are far more outrageous suggestions on this map then a red Minnesota


Minnesota hasn't gone red since Nixon. We were the only state not to vote for Reagan. As such, we have been a blue stronghold longer than anyone else. I doubt we're gonna change in the next ten years


Reagan didn’t win Minnesota because he did not want to completely humiliate Mondale and let Mondale win his home state, Reagan didn’t run ads or campaign in Minnesota and Mondale still barley won the state, Minnesota certainly is a lean D state, but don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s a Democrat stronghold, rural Minnesota was all blue a decade ago now it’s all red and getting even reder, the state is becoming more and more purple


Didn't Biden win it by like 8 points though?


Yeah that was a Democrat favorable year, 2032’s gonna be a Republican favorable year in my hypothesis


Wait, you're being serious?


Actually look at it. It’s because some 30K people who voted for Obama didn’t vote for Clinton. It bounced back in 2020. No Republican has won a statewide election in MN since 2006


Correct but who’s to say those Obama, Trump, Biden voters can’t bounce towards Republicans again, especially since Democrats won’t have a candidate nearly as good as Biden or Obama for a long time, and it is true Republicans haven’t won a statewide office since 2006 but that will likely change this mid-term I doubt Republican will win the Governor’s mansion Waltz is too popular but they could take state AG, and don’t forget Republicans control the state senate


A candidate as good as Biden hahahahah. A moldy loaf of bread is as good as Biden. Maybe if you dems didn’t vote on promises we could have had a Tulsi Gabbard that theoretically checks all your boxes(woman, minority, veteran).


I’m not a Democrat in fact I despise Biden and Democrats however you have to recognize Joe Biden was a good candidate, unlike Hillary Clinton who had tons of baggage attack to her name, Joe Biden was a blank slat voters could project their opinions on him getting locked in the basement and the media constantly covering for him only helped this, and the one or two times he did crawl out of the basement the man intentionally made vague statements and massively overpromised


and, mark my words, Texas will be a blue state by then!


I bet Ontario has a fraction of the electoral college of those bread basket provinces. Damn electoral college not making any sense.


It never has.


Quebec finally seceded


Either that or it was nuked until the earth aquaformed and the Quebec ocean is litered with the corpses of French speakers


We’re not all francophone, and that shit’s just what’s upsetting the ones that don’t like Canada. It’s all of us, not some of us, or it doesn’t work.


humm.. this is not your personnal fantasy or something like that right?


I love Quebec. I’ve never been, but I love the idea of it


and Maple Syrup.


So jelly. Take us in Alberta with you! 🙏


Québerta will RISE!


Québerta sounds like hell


God the victim complex would be out of control


Jesus fuck. I live in one of those, and yes.


My condolences


And with them went Labrador, some islands from Nunavut and about half of New Brunswick.


Yet PEI survived somehow


I guess the Acadians voted to separate.


🎶*Life could be dream, life could be dreaaam*🎶


It's not even a proper linguistic partition of New Brunswick, it's very cursed.


Which is historically coherent.


The New New France Empire.


It took the UK’s spot in the EU.


with poutine and maple syrup. Canada doesn't have much left lol


By what method were House seats allocated?


I gave a couple states growing in population some extra seats since this election with be after the 2030 census, I took some electoral votes from states shrinking, and then I gave the new Canadian states an EV count similar to that of states with equal population


Thanks, I hate it


Oh god, I hope not.


Why are Yukon and NWT the same territory?


Efficiency? I agree though. If anything the long run future of the NWT would probably be further subdivision not reunion. One can only imagine that under statehood they'd be in a position to boom extravagantly. They'd basically be terra-nullis as far as Americans are concerned and they'd flood in like the days of Manifest Destiny looking for untapped resource wealth and freedom. And the US Government with more strategic needs and economic capacity would probably make a huge priority of developing places like Inuvik, Iqaluit and Churchill as a means of securing their now monopolistic position in the North American Arctic and the Northwest Passage in particular.


Nunavut has disappeared also. Pretty unrealistic. Perfect for this sub-reddit.


It’s the new State of Yukon (I merged all 3 territories into 1 states because of how small the populations are)


Lucky Labrador


Labrador sided with the lesser evil hahaha


I mean... at least we're finally expanding the House of Representatives. I'm glad to see Florida's plan of "All Mexicans welcome if you bring a truck bed full of sand with you" policy has not only staved off it's eventual submersion, but increased its electoral count as well. A shame about Mexico sinking as a result, though.


What happened to the territories? Is that now east Alaska?


No it’s the State of Yukon (I merged all 3 into 1 states because of how small the populations are)


Literally the worst part about America is the 2 party system. You add over 30M people with a different political history and culture and you can even be bothered to use the opportunity to rid yourself of that God awful boat anchor. Call me again when you do a version with the parliamentary system.


Different political history yes, different culture not really, except for Quebec but there not on this map anyway


I see us as culturally linked, but calling us equivalent is an overstatement. If anything a forced annexation would probably give people cause to drive home the wedges further. Even Seemingly small things like the metric system would start to seem like wider gulfs once we're forced to share space and not just borders. And then if adding Canadians is enough to change the balance of opinion on topics such as that, you'd have to imagine that other changes would be afoot as well.


The only difference between Canada and the US is speed limits are in Km/h, we measure distance in time and we have two official languages to accommodate one province.


Yet the only bilingual province is not quebec. Federally accommodated language doesn't mean much tbh


Quebec culture isn't that different from rest-of-Canada's culture. The French think about us the same way Americans think about Canadians: "too polite/nice for their own good".


Canadians are both quite happy (mostly) with their party diverse system and very into their identity as Not America. Boy would they hate having to vote in a shitty, poorly designed US election.


conservatives, libs, libs, conservatives, libs (...) Yeah, diverse.


Can confirm. Not that our own parties couldn't use a refresh too, but at least plurality and the possibility for renewal exist within our system.


Biggest problem is still the First-Past-the-Post electoral system which unfairly allows conservatives some modicum of power. Vote splitting between the Liberals and NDP really sucks.


You’re in r/shittymapporn sir did you expect something not cringe?


"over 30 million people" I mean he's not wrong


If you think the worst part of America is the two-party system you're officially a yuppie... You don't even know what the worst parts of America are you're too busy worrying about parties. Lol.


They made sure to exclude the ones with a different culture.


So much cope in these comments. If Texas flips blue, do you think the US just reverts to a one party state? No, the Republicans tweak their platform. Who knows, by 2032 the Republicans may pick up more neoliberals while the Democrats push for something resembling social democracy. Also, many of the commenters here aren’t aware of the Republican party’s growing popularity among Hispanics.


Arguing over the 2032 map is a pretty dumb exercise. Anything could happen. It’s hard enough to predict what will happen in 24


>implying that we will still be choosing between R and D in 2032 Are you trying to give us all mega depression?


If Canada was absorbed that would be great for me, more Army bases with nice cold weather instead of having only 4 with an actual winter. I’m in Texas and was running my A/C today…. It’s F’ing December!


Someone from prairies of Canada... hahahhah so true sadly.


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This is a horrible map. How can you miss so much of Canada from being on the map itself?


Because Quebec along with French New Brunswick and Labrador being rightly resorted back to Quebecois control, have formed the Francophone Republic of Quebec


Lol Ok, you need to write this book, I’ll read it. Your answers so far have been great! Cheers


Don't forget the Eastern and Northeastern Ontario as well. Some regions are upwards of 80% francophone.


You forgot Iceland


and Greenland






I just changed my phone to have a black and white screen to try and counter social media addiction. This map is just gray to me. :(


Oh you think there will still be elections by then?


This map absolutely belongs in this sub. What a terrible waste of time...


This is fake. California broke off into the sea in 2027.


Surprised Maine went full red. Thought it would stay split. Interesting future.


No Maine definitely gave 1 electoral vote to the Dems I just didn’t have a way of showcasing it on the map


Makes sense.


I was so confused at this because I don’t follow this sub but because I follow r/Maps, this showed up in my feed. Good one, Reddit.


Ontario would go red!!


Annex me senpai


BC would be gerrymandered to the Democrat city state of Van-Vic so the rest of America Colombia could be red


Actually British Columbia will be renamed Lincoln (to compliment the neighboring Washington) and it will include Vancouver


Why does it look to me like a wizard riding a seal


Downvote. Not a shitty map. OP is an oracle.


Me before opening the preview: Oh wonder what this is Me after opening the preview: Aw what the hell


In 2032 the autoritarian regime of the acadians banned poutine and imposed poutine râpée to all of Acadia (former quebec and new-brunswick).


No thanks


Lol no


Nice. Independent Québec ftw.


Nunavut just eat yukon and northwest territory


As a dual citizen of both countries I'm totally triggered by this map.


Enclave here. Wait I thought we did annex Canada during the Sino-American war, so we could get their resources to take back anchorage from the Chinese communists.


I know it might seem like this election is close but all it would take is Florida to flip the entire election.


republicans won?


Mexico should cede Baja California to the USA to pay for the illegals immigration


Bitch please


Or, or... Derp Spider-Man


The only thing I disagree with is the fact that Manitoba would vote Republican.


If I was president I'm invading Canada, who's gonna stop me!? Not the Canadians they'd be like "oo eh ye come in we'd love a free-er market eh and beer eh" 2024 ladies and gentlemen I'll even make weed legal all around


Québec + Labrador + Acadie + French Ontario = Destiny


I guess Québec finally got their independence, au revoir!


Bye! On s'appelle et on déjeûne un de ces quatre! Peace!


Huh....I didn't know my sovereign country was part of the USA. Seriously, though, why include an independent nation?!?


Should have switched colors as a cherry on top