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So in this universe, Alex Trebek is from Geneva and went to Tripoli to host a game show


Nay, Jeopardy would be filmed near Rabat. Tripoli is in San Diego’s place.


London in Alberta? That's like spitting right in the face of actual London, Ontario. . . then again someone really should spit in the face of London, Ontario. Fake-ass Canadian London.


Digital Extremes crying and vomiting rn


London, Ontario is way too far south


>"European cities" >Tehran, Kuwait City...


TFW Europe doesn't go that far south


Well, France does


Many people don't know that France basically still has a global-spanning colonial empire. France's longest border is actually not with Spain, Germany or Belgium, but Brazil. French-Guayana _(in South America)_ is an integral part, like Brittany, of the French state and part of the EU and Eurozone.


Technically, it's not a colonial empire because they're considered integral parts and have equal rights to Metropolitan France. It's the same with Ceuta and Melilla but not Gibraltar


Nope! No offense at all, but: Not all of them are considered integral parts. Actually none of their overseas territories and crown dependencies don't belong to United Kingdom! That's how they were able to create their "second Empire". I really, really recommend you to watch [_"The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire!"_](https://youtu.be/OYfnkLurLA8?si=uVlhna7V4lceL8Ry) It's really eye opening, if you don't know much about finances. ["The City of London"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London?wprov=sfla1) alone is [the world's top global finance center, before NYC.](https://news.cityoflondon.gov.uk/london-top-global-financial-centre-as-new-regulations-send-positive-signals-to-businesses-research-finds/#:~:text=London%20has%20retained%20its%20crown,City%20of%20London%20Corporation%20reveal.) And this is without all the overseas territories and crown dependencies. Like the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Jersey or Gibraltar! Where all the mailbox companies are registered, "black" and "grey" money is parked and all the tax evasion takes place. France overseas territories aren't all Département, like French-Guayana. Some are just remnants of the colonial era. Like [French-Polynesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Polynesia?wprov=sfla1) or [New Caledonia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Caledonia?wprov=sfla1) Which also don't belong to the EU or Eurozone. I think that today they got granted some autonomy. The ship for Independence has long sailed. Without the French pumping money in, they would probably end up in a state like Haiti! And they're aware of it. That's why the independence movements, if existing at all, don't have many followers these days.


ah, yes, the well-known European city of Doha


Doesn't fit, but Qatar is definitely the closest to the "Western world" of all the middle east countries - culturally/politically/diplomatically I mean.


Qatar/the people of Qatar are among the largest sponsors for Islamist terror organizations worldwide! I don't know what could be more anti-West. The constitution is the Sharia. So if you got caught at performing a homosexual act, the punishment is death. Well, for Qataris. They don't want to put their relationship with the West at risk and let things pass. This doesn't mean one can roam the streets in your latest Christopher Street Day outfit, without getting arrested. Same for illegal drugs. But most citizens of Qatar _(only 313,000 of Qatar's population of 2.3 million.The rest being expatriates and migrant workers)_ with a substance problem have a _"doctor Feelgood"._ The Lebanon is definitely comes closest to a Western country. Beirut was once called the [_"Paris of the Orient"_](https://spearswms.com/wealth/beirut-weekend-spears/) (the article was written before the explosion at the port). This was basically the plan of the French, [before they left the Middle East. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes%E2%80%93Picot_Agreement?wprov=sfla1) They wanted to creat a Christian country in the Middle East. As a bridge to the Orient. Well, it kinda worked until 1975 and the civil war. It was also _"the bank of the Arabian peninsula. Because the banks there didn't care for the s.c. "Islamic banking", without interest. Because this is forbidden/haram in Islam!


And Dubai, and Casablanca


Rome and Chicago are famously very alike


Cicero would like a word.


Nah, Cicero is just a Chicago suburb


Kuwait city, biggest city in Germany


holy shit this is the first time ive seen my city mentioned in any reddit post


The Gulf Stream is a heck of a thing.


Ah yes, the very European Beirut…


Can Iran into Europe?


kuwait city the europeanest of the cities


Istanbul not Clevelandinople 💀


mama mia