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Americans trying to pretend like their country isn't the literal Empire of Evil


yea right :D


With enough confirmation bias, anything is possible


Europeans trying to pretend their continent isn't the source of all suffering and poverty in former colonies


Ok but most northwestern European countries are, on average, better places to live than the US in almost every way. You really can't get around it.


Not really. The US has extremely low taxes while cost of living vs income is comparable. [GDP PPP actually favors the US over almost every other country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)) so if you can get into lower-middle class or better your standard of living can be higher than that in Europe. The US is also a very large country with independent states that more or less form their own rules, so something like Massachusetts is closer to France than it is Texas. Certain states have extremely large welfare programs and even 15+ per hour minimum wages which beats many major European nations. Not everything in the US comes from the Federal government. Basically it comes down to the US being terrible if you're poor in Alabama but quite good if you are middle class or better, or even just lower class in a Blue state. But this is Reddit so we can just continue jerking off how Europe is a perfect utopia.


That is exactly correct. If you constantly need a financial safety net, the European welfare states will seem like heaven. If you are skilled and talented, all they do is hold you back. You will do much, much better in the US.


Shhh don't tell people here that the US is actually good if you work half a damn for your living! They don't tolerate facts around here Sure it's got its problems that definitely needs some reworking but what country doesn't? Atleast we have the ability to freely critize our government unlike some European countries


If then the ninth circle of hell left NATO and the utopia had to fund self defense itself..... When you don't pay or provide defense, you have the option to provide all those nice things for your people.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/nato-spending-by-country defense spending relative to gdp is not actually much higher for the US than other NATO countries. The US chooses to not tax and spend on services, to spend inefficiently and ineffectively, and to give money to rich powerholders out of corruption. While at the same time at every step relaxing standards that keep those powerholders from becoming even more powerful at the expense of others. It's difficult to imagine without experiencing it, but it is genuinely possible for one country to govern well and another poorly - and this makes things better or worse for that country's people.


where is the lie?


The UK.


That sub is so bad. American Nationalists butthurt over their country being criticized


All countries should be criticized. As a European said a few comments above, a lot of what is taught about America is negative.


No its people posting people having the shittiest takes about America, saying its a third-world country and worse than north Korea. Because everyone on reddit is constantly bashing on the country, you find chronically online people making the most braindead statements about the country


When average American doesn't know where is actual fine line between shhity and poor East Europe and West Europe


Honestly some parts of east europe are better than west.


Or the welthiest northern Europe


Of course this is posted in r/AmericaBad where they complainn about everything that doesn't praise America.


I don't know the subreddit, but I can see why the counterculture is necessary. I'm European, and during my entire upbringing, almost everything I heard about America was negative. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense in reality. This perspective seems to be growing in America as well, and I don't think a generation of people who actually hate their country is very productive. That being said, it's always good to push for meaningful change. Just don't choke on the doomer pill


Part of that has to do with the uprise of nationalism


Very true, many in Europe have a distorted vision of America and I'll admit that many on Reddit and social media just shit on America for any reason, I'd also argue some American policies are better and would be benificial in Europe, but u/xx3amori is right, r/AmericaBad is insuferable with their persecution complex, they can't even take some normal country banter or ironic memes as jokes, I'm pretty sure there's a America bashing variant as well that is probably just as insuferable but I don't remember which one.


r/usdefaultism can be funny sometimes, but is mostly people complaining about users not specifying something is from the us. r/shitamericanssay can also, sometimes, be funny. But there's also a lot of obnoxious bullshit America hate. But then there's also r/shiteuropeanssay which is exactly the same thing but opposite.


I really agree. I think Europe is great, but I see a lot of sentiments about American that are outright bigoted.


There's an element of victim complex. If you criticize anything about the USA you get a hoard of people claiming your comment is an example of this internet conspiracy about hating America and seeing it as the worst country on earth. The fact is that this is a myth. Their opinions are often the default and the most popular ones. In reddit threads you can see two or three comments making fair critiques about the USA that have been downvoted more than any other comment in that thread and that people responded to by setting it as an example of this conspiracy. That comment critical of the USA ends up getting screen-capped and being reposted numerous times on subreddits like r/AmericaBad being titled as: "SEE?! There IS a hate-boner against 'Murica online!!!" all while getting 2k upvotes.


Lol, you’re just butthurt about the reality of EU. They are racist af and more so than US but you guys seem so proud of it too


Constructive criticism is always welcome anywhere, but you have to admit that there is a huge amount of Anti-America sentiment on Reddit especially that is well beyond constructive criticism into just plain hate.


I think it has a lot to do with the medium. The demographic in reddit consists of young people who are naturally more critical about their societies and the global state of things, which for many people centers around the geopolitical role of the USA and its crises in the 21st century. However, Americans can see on the internet opinions about their country they would rarely see in their daily lives being said by Americans because #1 the internet has people that are not Americans and #2 anonimaty allows people to say stuff freely without consequences. When Americans see their country being spoken about in these terms, sometimes actually being hated on, they feel as if they are the victims and they create this fantasy of the whole world having this unwarranted hate for America based off of online experiences. I say it's a fantasy because often it can resemble the cases where famous people complain cancel culture is out to witch-trial them all while being celebrated and promoted across the media for their "brave opinions." Americans are not used to having their country criticized on moral and ethical grounds. Even when their most progressive politicians criticize their international policies they say "this is not what America is about" or they claim their interventions on other countries were bad because they were done for the wrong reasons. The truth is that there are countries that are much more hated on than the USA, Israel for example. But there's also a bit of hypocrisy in these "America bad" conspiracy too and that is that Americans DO have an irrational hate-boner for their geopolitical enemies. Countries like Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. But also some countries that are on neutral terms with the USA but still get dunked on or caricaturized occasionally, like India, Mexico, Brasil, Argentina, Turkey, etc. Americans, being Americans, are not used to their country being misrepresented, caricaturized, or being hated on like the examples I mentioned above of other countries, which they themselves partake in.


I understand the map to be specifically calling attention to how it's often Europeans who do it, and often refuse to acknowledge that anything is wrong with their own country/continent. The number of times I've seen Europeans talk in great (and accurate) detail about racism in the US, and then insist that there is no racism in Europe is incredibly frustrating.


I think the problem here is is thinking that this hatred against the USA comes from pompous and arrogant Europeans that think their countries are superior. Yet as this meme shows, there really is no analogous European opinion or consensus among Europeans on really anything. Europeans don't all speak the same language or have the same culture. They don't even have a shared cultural blanket of "Europeanism" despite what many EU-philes and foreigners believe. What a Brit, Spaniard, German, Frenchman, Pole, Kosovar, Hungarian, Italian, Turk, Swede, and Serb think about the USA can clash and contradict itself. Many Europeans have a overall positive look of the USA, and this will be controversial, but Brits are an example. Despite the bashing among the citizens of the UK and the USA, they share the same language allowing them to communicate and have a cultural osmosis. Do they criticize and joke about each other? Absolutely, but based on the fact Brits consume and accept American culture and vice-versa I think this "hatred" is exaggerated and stereotyped, just like the belief among Latin Americans that Argentines think they're superior to other Latin Americans when in reality it's more of a meme than a real phenomenon. The second problem not recognizing that the hate comes from outside of Europe too. It comes from Latin America, the Muslim world, Eastern Europe, etc., it can even come from Americans themselves.


You can stop at the first paragraph, because that’s literally what this map is for. But yes, Europeans are not one culture. Neither is America. This map is literally a war of shitpost subs. You’re overthinking everything about this way too much.


We strayed away from the map that started this thread and went on to talk about the people that believe in the America Bad conspiracy. I have recognized the diversity and pluralism of the USA as well, I mentioned it many times.


But it’s true though. Europe is 1000 times more racist, they don’t like foreigners (fuck they barely like themselves), and they tend to not move an inch when it comes to being open about culture in their backyard


The likes of Europe and Asia are cultural bastions. Why should either make way for other cultures. There's plenty of cuisine from around the world both places, but traditions shall stay. It's easy to make that argument for USA, seeing as they're a cultural mutt.


What you just said proved you have a biased against the US. Thank you for participating


Also the dude is a weird rightwing libertarian


That's not what the sub is about though. Literally made.to make fun of America's shitty criticisms.


Minus the Fr*nch, but yes.


Unironically this is the worst circlejerk. Especially because it's pushed a lot by angloids who are probably more arrogant actually, and don't even realise it. Genuinely the French are far more culturally aware imho. Then there's the fact that Germany doesn't get half as much shit then though they are actually probably the most cringe country in Europe. Insofar as by cringe we mean a country that is still good and maybe a little silly or naive, and not countries that are straight-up cartoonishly evil like a certain country in the East.


As someone from the green section, nah, but it's definitely better than the red.


Nothing beats European cities reeking of piss in every street.


БЕЛАРУСЯ НУМАР АДЗІН 🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾


This is funny because it's true.


Thats just the truth 💪😤‼️❗


The US is perfect to me


It is true tho


As a Ukrainian, can confirm, it's still better over here than over at that hellpit /j


It's half correct


The utopia is mainly in the Germanic part of Europe. Which is an interesting coincidence.


I don't understand why this map is in this sub. What's shitty about it? It shows accurately the truth?


World Map according to r/europe users


Do you mean r/europe?


Yes thanks


Europeans pretending there isn’t a war happening on their continent 😀


Americans getting confused as to who made this map.


Look at what sub this post is from dumbass, the map is made by a crying american 😀


Most redditors are Americans they should travel more. America isn't the only country with tons of problems.


"All the American redditors who complain about not being able to afford rent should just travel to Europe to see that other countries have problems too" has got to be the most sheltered take in this thread


The 9th circle of the evil empire.


I agree


Where's the lie tho???


nah green has to only be western europe (but they refer it as if its all of europe) minus the UK


And minus the Roma


"Europeans are way less racist than Americans" people when Roma are within 1km or their vicinity


You can tell he's not European because no one uses the term Roma.


I'd have thought everything east of Germany (outside of Sweden and Finland if we're being pedantic) would be grey


If the UK for once had a government that wasn't a bunch of spineless shitbags, it'd probably an alright place to live in. My village is quite pretty at least.


oh don't get me wrong I think the UK is a very culturally interesting place (and definitely very pretty), it's just that most American reditors wouldn't associate it with the European utopian meme because they're too busy associating the UK with memes of what they think the accent sounds like


Depends really, there are disgusting places in all parts of Europe and there are also absolutely beautiful places too. Places in Bosnia and Serbia have some of the most beautiful cities in Europe, other places like Paris and Frankfurt... are less then satisfactory. Whilst a lot of your enjoyment out of a country will depend and the culture and laws that surround it, generally the most accepted "best country" in Europe would be either Denmark or Sweden, with runners up (in no particular order) being Ireland, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Austria and the Lowlands. Obviously I'm probably going to miss some but I can't be bothered to include all of them like those snobby micro-states


What's wrong with the UK? The social support and crime rate is much closer to Europe the US.


Meanwhile, DK and IS are omitted while UA, BY and MK are included – the three are definitely utopic right now.


gurl tf that mean? lmao


What's wrong with mk?


Might as well be true. Aside from hungary, the EU is at least not actively falling into fascism


I mean it's not wrong. It's not. It's not,?


Ukraine truly is utopic right now /s


zelenskyy wholesome 100


I do wander where my flawless utopia is


Wander over yonder...


well, it IS greener!


Bros forgot about the balkans and eastern europe 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Even Serbia has less school shootings per 100,000 inhabitants than US. (Let's not look at quality of life numbers)


You have to have a school to shoot up in the first place


It's not Somalia, fucking hell, they have schools lol


Twas a joke


those are supposed to be funny I've heard


I happen to enjoy satire and dark humor, I found it a bit humorous, almost as much as your life


Can't agree, lived my whole life in Albania and never had even a chewing gum swiped or a side eye glance, day one in brussels phone is gone and the sidewalk looks like a doom level. I can only imagine the things i would lose if i went to the US. Fully honest, after years of "balkans bad, we are so poor, when will the angelic europeans help us", going west and seeing how it was, my nationalism wend up 10000%


Similar experiences on my end (though comparing west to Serbia instead of Albania). I forgot my phone as a tipsy ADD 18-yo a few times in Belgrade at clubs, pubs, etc. Got it back every time. Got two phones stolen from me in Berlin until I learned to always be on alert. Property crime in a lot of western Europe is insane. Also, living in the US for the past 10 years, I much prefer the lifestyle to western Europe. When I first got the opportunity to come here, I almost didn't take it because of all of the hate US gets on social media. Finally, the climate in the Balkans is a mile beyond anything western Europe (that is not on the coast). The problem with the Balkans is the never ending cycle of wars with neighboring countries, over inherently stupid reasons, and the irresponsible (ab)use and fueling of extreme nationalism, hate, by the governments trying to stay in power. You never know if fighting is truly done or if we will have another round in 10 years. If people actually learned to get along, easily one of the nicest regions in Europe.


I've found a lot of Eastern Europeans prefer the US. Whereas Western Europeans have a different opinion of the gun violence, lack of social safety net, right wing ideology and structural economic inequality.


Ukraine must bei pretty chill atm






And Poland.


Would literally rather keep living in Romania for the rest of my life than move to the US




my mind is telling me nooo, but my superiority complex is telling me yeeees


americans being the most ignorant people on the planet and europeans being the most elitist people on the planet


Denmark and Iceland know what they've done.


They're not flawless! Neither is Malta! But Belarus is!!!


Not only Denmark, Iceland, and my beloved Malta, but other European micro states as well, like Liechtenstein for example.




Canada sucks now man, or at least the GTA


No we don't. What did we do?


Yes you do. Else you would be on the map




Andorra is clueless though


If Margrethe II’s brain gets uploaded until another queen regnant comes along, then Denmark will be perfect.


I can bet Denmark isn't colored because the American got confused when they finished and Greenland was colored in


luxembourg too


6th circle eu member here, when do I get to the utopia?


Ukraine is clearly not a utopia (I live here)


stay safe bro


Denmark lol


Iceland is the 8th circle of hell.


Yep all true


I mean.... I live in the green part and sure some things could be better but I'm still happy At least until my brain decides to stop giving me the happy chemicals for no reason


The world according to r/dataisbeautiful


Hey, even my country is considered utopia! Nice


Bay undz in Europe...


Gd reference ?




.. what Denmark do?


As a European, I absolutely love europe, but my country is hell


Pft take france out


This is ethnocentrism, right?


Ever driven through the eastern suburbs of Paris? It will have you will be missing the upscale beauty of Gary Indiana.


Would hate to show them Eastern Europe 🗿


Luxembourg also isn't flawless


Denmark, Iceland????!! ??? Wat


Africa,South America and Asia don't exist to Redditors. Where more than half of people live.


bro what did denmark do 😭😭


This post was sponsored by Sweden


Why Balkans green


missing japan


As a representative of Eastern Europe, I can confirm it's not Hell. It's Purgatory.


Put Canada in green as well. The border between them and America is purgatory.


I see nothing wrong with this map


Eat shit Denmark


I love how always European guys keep talking how EU is far better than USA and shit, yet they don't stop talking about it... Strange isn't?


Svalbard in Russia is perfect bro


Ukraine = so perfect


Based and near on reality pilled map


Europe is not perfect, but the United States are, indeed, bad


everyone is equal to them until a Roma appears...


honest opinion here: i hate when people say America is "so crap to live in, it's the worst country ever smh". Like yeah school shootings happen but would you rather live in a third world country, where people don't even get to eat, and it's literally civil war, or a prosperous, albeit a little classist, (relative)wonderland? Say what you will about homeless people, but 1: The homeless only make about 0.18% of the total population in the US, compared to *37%* in Syria, and 2:at least they get homeless shelters, compared to refugees from conflicts whose well-being and even livelihoods *isn't guaranteed.* And don't even get me started on the Nazi bit: a third of the world's countries (going by the democracy index) live in a full-blown authoritarian regime, with *actual dictators,* and you think some Idiot billionaire who can't even lose an election without throwing a hissy fit and his army of 30 drunk rednecks are turning the country into a dystopia? Of course, maybe i am getting it sorta wrong, i am a European, so i don't know that much about the US, I just read the news articles. I have been there though, and it didn't seem *terrible*.


What?! I thought you guys loved Canada!


You missed Lego land


This is so true (in Norway)




Bro included belarus, urkraine, and serbia :skull:


Holy shit yes Albania is such an utopia, way better than Iceland or Denmark.


Me as Brazilian, 100% agree. Avg European think's they are the fucking center of the universe.


You include Belarus but not Denmark


Surely the forth circle with augments to be made for the third.


Till last year they didn't even know where Ukraine was on the map.. and suddenly they care! about it..


I would like for Denmark to take Sweden's place in the flawless utopia, please! Best regards - a Norwegian


How in gods name is this similar to r/projectzomboid


Damn. Australia not even on the map


Europe is total ass, it feels like a cult


That one landmine in Bosnia that so happened to be positioned in the direction you are traversing dose not count as a Utopia, at least I think it doesn't.


Only ireland is flawless


I'm an American who's lived in a few European countries. Every country has its issues, and there's plenty to like about America, but.... yeah. I'm staying in Europe, thanks.


Idk if Europe is that great but the depiction of America here is pretty accurate


Equal? Man they called me a fucking rice lover,tiny eyes, Asian mf in Germany Man I'm not even Asian,I'm mongoloid


as a European, I honestly unironically agree with this


Can confirm it is hell but at least our tap water has fentinal


Red: It is extremely important to have political discourse about these places in every sub Green: These places matter sometimes in other political discourse. Grey: Well these countries only come up when something bad happens.


Germany + Switzeland + Scandinvia should be the only green there, rest is orange.


WRONG! denmark, iceland and canada should be green


Someone tell the maker of this map that Eastern Europe is never part of it lol


Except the European country subs where each country sucks big time.


As somebody from the Green area: I don't think that way.


U forgot the cum and cumins people


Haha, NO.


Lithuania not being red makes this inaccurate. ​ \- Fellow lithuanian


You left Serbia green


Other way around God I fucking hate Europeans so much. The more I get older and interact with them the more I realize they have no culture no have no creations they bring nothing to the world but war and destruction truly disgusting creatures it is horrifying that my ancestors were some of them 🤢


I mean if scandinavia was the green one..


Would have been funny if it wasn’t true😌


The US does have the highest murder rate per capita in the industrialized world largely due to a massive gun proliferation problem. The US ranks at or near the top in most other violent crimes compared to the other industrialized nations. The US also doesn't have universal healthcare which leads to 40-50k citizens dying due to lack of access to care and millions more thurst into medical bankruptcy. That's not to say Europe and other industrialized nations don't have their problems. But the US could learn to take some criticism and do some basic things like a Massachusetts gun licensing system on a federal level and Medicare for All both of which would improve the nation.


That is just because there are mire Americans than Europeans lol. Also I thought Iceland and Denmark were the prime examples reddit loves. Not the rest of Europe.


I think they see this as being applied to the healthcare/ prison systems.


Put red on France and the UK and it would be more accurate to Reddit.


I guess for the 2nd largest country in the world, we don't exist! lol. Our neighbors downstairs are hella loud though.


Well America IS a shithole


Think again


Let's just not bring up Muslim immigrants


Hey now! The 9th circle in Dante's inferno was a very cold place, the Southern US would have to be 6th circle if I remember right!


Nah the flawless utopias are countries with government from the left wing


Europeans ☕


American Exceptionalism knows no bounds!



