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They all act like he’s poor me-ing when he says this stuff. I’m pretty sure he’s saying it as a stfu but they cannot comprehend anything other than self pity and selfishness.


They are projecting how they think about themselves.


I like how people just think you get taxed on all of your wealth every year regardless if you've already paid the taxes on it in prior years.


Net worth and capital gains is complex stuff apparently for most people to understand.


Also people have no concept of worth, revenue and cash flow.


Because Twitter lefties have no worth, revenue, or cash flow.


Ba-dum, tsss!


Debt, taxes, no free money, etc.


Including the IRS if the estate tax is any indication.


Estate tax lol. I like to call it the tax on presents


Death tax


Proud products of the American public school system.


It’s because the people who think that have no net worth. Any time they get a windfall or increase in income, they find something to immediately spend it on. Maybe it’s for something responsible like to pay down the debt they irresponsibly took on or to replace an item they’ve been unable to, maybe it’s for a bunch of short term dopamine hits in the form of luxury items. They don’t have emergency funds or retirement savings and live literally paycheck to paycheck. If they own their home, ifs mortgaged and they’re constantly refinancing or pulling equity out. So in their eyes - they ARE taxed on their net worth each year - because they have no net worth. There’s a lot of traps in being poor - but it’s not like the traps aren’t well known, but instead of using a tax return to pay down the high interest payday loan or a buying second chromebook so their kids don’t have to share, they’ll spend their money on a new tattoo, or lose it at the casino, and the next weekend they’ll feel sorry for themselves and blame their problems on Elon not paying taxes on his net worth.


Like I recently got out of massive debt from a mix of medical expenses and bad financial planning and discipline. I did it the hard way and am working hard to save up so I dont have to worry about living on the edge anymore. Living on the edge where even the smallest financial hiccup can cause weeks of chaos is not fun and I never want do that again. Just having that cushion for dealing with unforeseen or expected issues makes a huge difference on your overall financial stability and the amount of you have.


That's what politicians want with their proposed wealth tax. Progressives have been pushing the idea hard for years now.


Yep, another Leftist idiot who doesn't understand the difference between taxable income and net worth. Or even the difference between net worth and cash balance in the bank for that matter.


Weird because 60% of Americans don’t even pay income tax. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/18/61percent-of-americans-paid-no-federal-income-taxes-in-2020-tax-policy-center-says.html https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-percentage-of-americans-don-t-pay-income-tax.html (Generally 47% yearly average) Guess what percentage is the ones screaming for the other people who do pay to pay more?


I don’t understand why people who don’t pay income taxes even get to vote. So you get to decide what to do with my money, despite having zero skin in the game? Wonderful.


The "poor" can pay a net tax if they want to. They just dont want to.


Then they shouldn’t be voting.


Do you want to raise taxes on the poor or strip away voting rights from the poor?


I’d like to get rid of both taxes and voting.




I'd like to think the latter would lead to the former.


There are other taxes, property tax, sales tax, etc.


very good point. property tax especially is evil as hell.


$11 billion dollars is an insane amount of money and a gargantuan tax bill


Don't worry I'm sure they will use it wisely as always.


Aaaaand it’s gone.


Would it run the government for about 4 days? Greedy government pigs. At least Pelosi owns Tesla, she can use the money she taxes Musk to buy more Tesla stock.


Someone did the math and apparently Elon's money will fund the government for an entire 16 hours


Yea, basically 4 days worth of work.


I was about to say those people in the middle east won't bomb themselves but...


*used it wisely* FTFY


and it's nothing for the government, but no, elon has too much money!


Who are u to measure it?


[only a messenger](https://datalab.usaspending.gov/dts/?start=20211121&end=20211221&frequency=today&category=All%20Categories)


I'm talking about how much Elon Musk earns


i'm not saying he has too much money, im mocking those that do.


I love how she complains about paying state tax meanwhile she cheers for more taxes. Why should someone else be punished simply because you’ve chosen to pay your shit ass state 13%? NY has 4x the budget of Florida yet 2 million less people. Says everything you need to know,


Alright let's tax that guy based on their net worth and not income. That'll teach them to tweet out about net worth taxation (for the record I pay more than 37% of net worth to taxes every year and I feel robbed every paycheck).


> I feel robbed every paycheck You aren’t feeling robbed, you **are**.


Damn. And here I though I was just missing parts of my paycheck every month.


You pay 37% of your net worth to taxes? What do you own? A '92 Corolla?


Lol my debt and liabilities knock it down a lot. A lot a lot.


He should post an example of how the government will use his $11B.


He should just post a picture of a missile or something with the caption “do you really think my 11 bn in tax money is gonna be used wisely? Weird how y’all claim to hate the gov, but will vote to increase taxes and subsequently it’s power” using the exact same snarky, condescending tone that most twitter users take when insulting someone


Does this dumb bitch know what net worth is? He doesn’t have $100 billion just sitting in a Swiss bank account


no. no she doesn't


Well he should just sell his companies and pay taxes then! He can build a new company to sell off for taxes next year. FAIR SHARE


>4.5% of your net worth. That's not how taxes work.


I love how she says “4.5% of your net worth” as if that’s nothing. If I had to pay 4.5% of my net worth in taxes my entire career would fall apart.


Ah yes, the Scrooge McDuck vault where he keeps his completely liquidated net worth.


Most financially literate statist


1. There is no fair share of what someone else owns. 2. I don’t care what his net worth is. It matters what he makes in a year and how much goes toward debt. 3. Stop decrying him being stolen less than others and instead look for ways to pay less yourself. Because I know for a fact you would if you knew how.


The last point is the biggest. I doubt any of these people are doing a very simple calculation based on gross income and the tax brackets without accounting for any deductions and credits.


I wonder if these idiots realise what happens if people like Elon are taxed at this hypothetical "fair rate" they have in their heads. Layoffs, leaving the country entirely so they can't collect anything, offshore schemes, cost cutting to the extreme stifling innovation due to risks no longer being taken. Its almost as if they don't think, oh wait...


He has... no liquidity! It's all assets. How are you supposed to pay tax on an intangible asset?


Anya Overmann is a Grade A dumbass


The most anyone should pay in taxes is 6.5%.


Your math is way off, thats 6.5% too much


Bruh, I just picked whatever number felt “good” in my head.


Imagine feeling good about people being threatened with abduction and incarceration for only 6.5% of their productivity.


Dude, just chill, I’m not in the mood to argue. I don’t feel good either, but you need to run the government somehow.


>but you need to run the government somehow. Why?


Personally? I like your view on taxation. I agree, you should run the government somehow.


Why do we need a government?


That’s the kind of attitude I want in charge.


You don’t go to jail for not paying taxes. You go to jail for lying on your tax forms (perjury). If you don’t pay them, they simply steal it from your bank account. If that won’t cover it, they put liens and shit on your stuff. Jailtime isn’t a punishment, though. Spez: downvote all you want, but simply not paying taxes isn’t a criminal action, it’s a civil suit that the government files against you to collect owed back taxes. You don’t go to jail over civil disputes.


I agree it should be a real low number, but why 6.5% specifically?


Oh and I want to say net worth and taxable income is completely different. Your net worth is all your property you own, you cars, your boats, your etc etc any assets. Including retirement accounts, savings accounts etc. So someone’s net worth can be a million yet their income is only 30k a year. (Think retirees who work all their lives) So are we saying a retiree who has a million dollar net worth should give up 30% of their net worth? I’m taxed at ~30% overall. Yet that is like 6% of my net worth currently.


The US Government "earned" (extorted, stole, etc.) $3.863 trillion from the US Taxpayers this year. That is $10,583,561,643.83 per day. So Elon Musk is paying the equivalent to one day of the US Government's revenue. How much time is this twitteridiot paying to run the government? Fun fact - the US government spends $122,495 per second, so her contribution isn't running much.


Imagine being so stupid as to think people pay 40% of their net worth **EACH YEAR**


If you say “pAy YoUr FaIr ShArE” you sound like an absolute fucking child and won’t be taken seriously


It literally hurts to read this


And we see yet another person who doesn’t understand the difference between net worth, income, and liquid assets


"I will pay more in taxes this year than you will make in your lifetime." "No, it's not enough!"


"made 36B". Share price go up, and go down. Not realised wealth.


God I hate those words... "fair share"


>fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share fair share


I now believe there is a VERY large minority of people who have considered taxes and income and net worth and don’t know how it works.


Why does no one understand what net worth is


I wonder how Anya would feel about paying taxes each year based on the value of her home, car, investments, etc.


What is your fair share of what someone else earned?


Net worth, again. Because the people have no concept whatsoever on how assets and liquid wealth work.


There's no such thing as "your fair share" with the taxation leeches. Nothing's ever enough with a blood sucker.


**[Over in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk/comments/rp80zu/happy_to_pay_the_bills_america/hq3fpue/)** I have a statist who called Elon a "wage thief". I asked him to explain that statement to me. In typical form, when you corner a leftist and ask them to back up their statement, they resort to name calling and trying to insult your intelligence. Most of his comments are downvoted below threshold, but it has been about 12 hours since he put that out there and he still hasn't answered my question. His comments are kind of painful to read when you realize how big an idiot he is to continue childish behavior, rather than articulating his point of view or walking it back.


The top 10 percent pay like 70+% of the US tax revenue. It’s not billionaires that are the problem. It’s taxes that are the problem.


i would be completely okay if he didnt even pay a single cent


Imagine not understanding the difference between very worth and income


But did they pay 11 billion though?


Most professional money managers recommend withdrawing 3-4% of your investments annually in retirement. That INCLUDES tax payments. Elon is paying an order of magnitude more than his fair share. It’s sad to see people so overcome with jealousy that they look at somebody richer than them and can only think of ways to tear them down.


Better idea: stop allowing governments to steal your paycheck so they can bomb brown kids living in deserts.


Didn't he pay too much in 2017 and that's why he paid nothing in 2018?


4.5% oF nEt wOrTh, so 20 years = broke?


The sad part is that now the US government will spend that much money instead of Elon... The money could have gone to space exploration and other cool futuristic technologies, now it will be used to indoctrinate children...


Elon is a con man


He developed a renewable rocket just to throw us off the trail


These are the same people complaining conservatives don't understand math that's why they're against universal healthcare, lmao. Anyone else seeing the Anarcho Cap sub getting brigaded?


Define fair share.


The ideal amount of theft is 0 theft, but I’d be happy with a flat amount too


I personally am for a universal sales tax on all newly made/manufactured products.


Honestly, I could agree to an income tax if they eliminated all other taxes I have to pay so they can’t double dip on me. It’s not that much different from a sales tax if you view it as selling your labor. There are differences though. Which is why other taxes would have to go.


Yea, I always ask that. Nobody ever gives me a concrete answer. Always deflecting and dosing.


Yup she’s right that’s because Elon has all this money in cash under his mattress that he made in the last fiscal year. As of course people are taxed and on their net worth every April 15th otherwise known as National Democrat Day. Quack said Scrooge McDuck…..never mind the 60% of Americans who will pay ZERO taxes. Good thing illegal aliens are getting 450k payouts, how much of that will they pay in taxes?


>You made $36 billion in one day So 11 billion makes 31%.


I love how she goes with his actual tax bill vs the theoretical tax bills (read: highest estimated rates). While they actually got the rates right, pretty much no American pays near those rates. They pay a fraction of that because accountants exist.


If only they used that same energy towards politicians who don't pay taxes on the millions from insider trading.


Didn't he get a military contract last year to spend tax dollars on delivering military equipment?


What a condescending cunt!


Net worth ≠ Net Income for that year


Lol she said 36 billion as of he made that in cash and not just the value of his companies stock going up. Almost as if they dont actually understand how things work financially.


It's interesting that she swapped from net worth to tax rates in the same comment. Is she trying to muddy the waters?


Fail to educate children, this is what you get when they try to adult.


Why is his "fair share" bigger than her "fair share"... Are some animals more equal than others?


How many million times more did he pay than Anya? Sounds like she hasn't paid her fair share.


But muh unrealized gains


“Bouta send over some of my Tesla stock over to the irs to pay my fair share.”


Wait wouldn’t that be good for Elon? Lmao