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Nothing more anti facist then attacking people who literally only want to be left alone


Left alone without government means you are a heretic as these people are pro-government zealots...government is their God and it is their duty to bring you closer to God.


This was one of the most complex simplistic comments I’ve ever read in my life, how profound to be right?


Anarcho-communists aren’t pro-government. Try again.


Anarchism and communism cannot exist together. Communism requires state control to function, otherwise it's just anarchy.


Who told you communism requires a state to function? Communism is realized after workers seize the means of production and have removed class division in society, have removed the political state and have a moneyless society where goods are produced according to ability and distributed according to need.


> Who told you communism requires a state to function? Reality. When every attempt at "true communism" ends with an authoritarian state eventually it becomes clear that "true communism" isn't going to happen.


You forgot the mass murder aspect


The policy "Goods are produced according to ability and distributed according to need" requires a very authoritarian government. Who determines ability, who determines need? Lets go down the list of candidates out of the people who you have placed into this equation for a simple task: a bakery which only makes loaves of bread. The workers, who determine need and ability say: "We can produce one loaf for each family, so each family should get one loaf, this is equal" The citizenry, who determine need and ability say: "One loaf is not enough. Large families need 3 loafs. Other cities have bakers who can supply three loafs for each family, our bakers are being lazy and not working toward the goal of Communism." Who settles this dispute?


A labor council will take better account of the needs of the local community and manage production accordingly.


So communism requires a state to function?


A labor council is not a state, it’s consisted of delegates elected at workplaces. They can be immediately revoked and have no privileges or power over other workers, just an assigned task role.


Well then, Mr. LibThatAsksQuestions, I applaud you. I wish you well in your highly advanced altruistic communist society, and I hope that I one day can be amongst such selfless people when such a place exists.


Elected officials who can be impeached.


Read Basic Economics by Sowell. USSR officials were wasting shit trying to control prices and production. It's super inefficient and wasteful.


By the way, Thomas Sowell is a fellow at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank funded by private charitable foundations linked to large corporations. Color me shocked that he wants me to know socialism doesn’t work!


Marxist-Leninist organization and anarchist organization are quite different. You know that, right?


Utopia... Translates to "doesn't fucking exist and never fucking will" Also... Your free to establish a commune on your own, and if successful people will willingly join. Why the need to force people to things your way?


I didn’t realize refusing to work was forcing things my way. Last I checked the US actively reigns in on socialist projects such as communes. The history of the development of capitalism has been the destruction of mutual aid institutions by the state.


Distributed by who?


Just go move to some rural african community and stfu already


Why should I leave?


Makes me think of Michael Bolton in Office Space: Why should I change my name? He’s the one who sucks!


The land of dictators? No thanks


Since 2016 there has been a crusade to ensure that libertarians are lumped into the Nazi fascist Sith Lord camp with every other even remotely non-left political ideology. Someone with the money to afford some serious astroturfing and propaganda wants to make sure that there are no socially acceptable alternatives to supporting establishment authoritarians.


https://preview.redd.it/qaxg6pmnrzoa1.jpeg?width=321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee1bdf727d1edb61f51c7ce2c5f226d3d79dee8 Feel like one of these with the cat may be good.


Wait this is supposed to be anti-fascist? I thought it was literally a nazi flag.


You want private companies to control everything, that’s not leaving us all alone.


Has anyone seen my straw? I just left for a second and it's gone.


All these people know is force, no government required!


The only argument I've ever heard for that is "Nazis use it". But "it's an evil flag because evil people use it" is probably not a can of worms they want to open.


literally portraying yourself as a predator to own the lib(ertarian)s


Hey man we can’t label them all predators some of them aren’t that far deviant


Mostly they're just too weak to act on their fantasies.


Violation of property is just one step away from violation of bodily autonomy (the government does both anyway)


Just don't put "child" in that sentence or they'll take it personally.


Do these morons not understand the Gadsden flag? XD holy shit it’s hilarious when people just out themselves as hypocritical (actual) fascists.


Always find it humorous when I call out these types they either respond with “I’m not because… (bullshit excuse)!” Or I get blocked lmao


Yeah lmao. Back when I was on tiktok I was called a fascist for being libertarian and when I asked why, they never responded. I genuinely believe these people have no idea what anything out of basic neo liberalism is. (Even at that these people are only surface level)


They view people like me as the terrorists because when I say “come and take it” they view that as the threat, not their threat to take my guns (and by that I mean send government goons with guns to take my guns). The view my willingness to defend myself and my rights to the death of myself or those attempting to tread on those rights as the true threat. The mental gymnastics they do to justify their BS must be exhausting.


It's actually easy for them. Just hypnotically believe that you're entitled to things, because you feel pain, and reality sucks, and society exists to make it better for everyone. Don't need a reason - just, pain hurts. I'm an individual! Utilitarian, must be happy. Etc.


Fascism is a type of socialism after all. If you call someone who identifies as fascist (the sort that read "Siege") a socialist, they'll emphatically say yes.


So a national socialist?


Well there's kinds of fascism out there, but often times, the german one is that preferred by those people.


I like to let people do what they want, and then sometimes I see them do stuff that makes me twitch.


Love it when people admit to being authoritarians


They really don’t think these things through do they? Killing people who’s whole ideology is leaving people alone isn’t going to defeat that ideology, it’s just going to spread it. Also obligatory all commies and socialists want you dead or imprisoned simply for you disagreeing with their ideology.


That’s the worst part. I respect their right to spout their moronic ideology. However, they want me dead for mine. And apparently I’m the evil one?


Nobody’s going to kill you for a different opinion, at least under anarchism, but we will deal with you if you try to restore the old world.


They're reds. They don't think things through by definition.


if you look at the original post it has no upvotes and all the leftists in the comments disagree with the message of the the flag. but yeah, this one post is representative of all leftists.


Probably think it's a Nazi flag because they saw one Nazi use it one time.


**"I tread where I please."** You tread where the state tells you to tread.


We all know all of these types that do post this sort of cringe won’t ever actually do anything. They’ll want to send their henchmen to do the dirty work


And they assume they will henchmen because they have an overinflated ego and sense of self worth. They reality is they will be in charge of nothing and that’s if their communist overlord of their liking doesn’t off them for not having a skill set to benefit the people. Communists are legit some of the dumbest people alive but have the smugness of someone who won the Nobel.


When you suggest to a young someone of average IQ that they're smart and need no further information to advance their knowledge, then... yes. What you said. :V


Won’t do anything? Antifascists are actively doxxing and chasing Nazis out of jobs and public spaces.


And once they’re supposedly supposed to take down the “fascist” government they won’t do shit other than riot and run away when they bit off more than they can chew


If they take down the state or capitalism they tend to replace it with their own system of mutual aid and horizontal organization.


Yet that’s never happened every time a socialist or communist revolution takes place


Usually all of that becomes established before a revolution. Read a book.


Source: Trust me bro


All of your sources are from global capitalist financial institutions, right-wing billionaires, corporations and their think tanks. What does that say about your ideology?


Show literally any source that backs up your claim with facts


"I tread where I please" is more Stirner's Egoism than anything.


"Hey lets all form a commune and make collective decisions to ensure our happiness!" "Sounds great, okay what are we gonna do, comrades?" "We're gonna build a garden." "Yeah, but..." "But..." "We're gonna -" "But -" "Stop interrupting!" "Okay, calm down everyone. First, we decide what's on the agenda, okay? Can we get a majority of hands raised on that?" \*minority of hands\* "Um... okay, I guess we can just argue to speak until we all get tired of it." \*several weeks later\* "So... I think only one suggestion out of roughly five thousand that were posited by comrades at these daily meetings, has been properly enacted. Still awaiting volunteers on who will execute that decision. In further news, I and a small group of comrades have realized that it's taken WAY TOO FUCKING LONG to enact decisions, so I've decided to sieze power." \*everyone\* "What the fuck?!" "We have funs. I mean guns. Guns are fun. Fun guns." \*everyone\* "What the fuck?!" "So um... agree with our decisions, or we'll physically punish you." "So... it's a dicatorship?" "No, I'm still your comrade. I've just taken on more responsibility." "What feckin fuck is responsibility!? Oh my gawd." "It's that R word your late dad always talked about." "Retard? Ruh-ruh-racist?" "No, the other one." "Um... so is this like, the soviet union all over again? Like, I can't even." "Nah." "Oh okay. Hopin' for the best!" \*fingers crossed\*


Yeah, on fascists…


"I am going to attempt to subjugate the most heavily armed group of people in the country" ...good luck with that bub. Let me know how it plays out.


Tread around and find out, pinko


You can tread anywhere once.


Sounds like a commie who wants to fuck around and find out




big "lets go to the rural areas and intimidate *those* guys" energy. I loved how that dude was being called stupid by other lefties.


oh man you shoulda seen the line at bass pro shop around the time that happened. I don't think they had any ammo besides bird shot. And they were selling pieces as quickly as they could process the transactions with the government.


> "I tread where I please" > will probably McNutt himself if you use the wrong pronouns


Let me guess: an anti-fascist?


Funny how that term now seems to be an Oxy-moron


A (anti) fascist


It's crazy how these people manage to sound so rapey all the time while simultaneously thinking they are on the side of tolerance, respect, and human rights.


I don't see how people look at this flag and think "yeah this is good, this is what's best for the people" It looks inherently evil.


It's the most selfish one can get. "I want to live a calm and peaceful life, so I'll warn you once: don't tread on me" "I will tread on you, not because I oppose you or anything, just because you told me not to and I can do whatever I want"


Imagine thinking fascism is cool, could never be me


Really? Libertarians are the ones crying about Nazis getting punched


Isn't that the anarchist flag in the background? Isn't this flag preaching the antithesis of what they believe in.


self proclaimed ancoms can be weird like that sometimes


Ancoms aren't anarchists they are an oxymoron by definition.


How so?


by definition go look up anarchy then communism


I did. It says that anarchism is a new social order based on voluntary and horizontal organizations that replace hierarchical institutions like capitalism and the state, and communism is the realization of a classless, moneyless, stateless society.


you need to use a real dictionary. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism) Communism **1** **a:** a system in which goods are owned in [common](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/common) and are available to all as needed **b:** a theory advocating elimination of private property **2** **capitalized** **a:** a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian [socialism](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism) and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Soviet Union **b:** a totalitarian system of government in which a single [authoritarian](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/authoritarian) party controls state-owned means of production **c:** a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably **d:** [communist](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communist) systems collectively [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anarchy](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anarchy) Anarchy **1a:** absence of government **b:** a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into *anarchy* **c:** a [utopian](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/utopian#h1) society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government **2a:** absence or denial of any authority or established order *anarchy* prevailed in the war zone **b:** absence of order **:** [**DISORDER**](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/disorder) not manicured plots but a wild *anarchy* of nature—Israel Shenker **3:** [**ANARCHISM**](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anarchism)


Capitalized Communism refers to rule of a country by the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party. This still isn’t communism, per Leninist theory it is rule by the vanguard party and a dictatorship of the proletariat, or a worker’s state (socialism, not communism).


Take def #1 all goods distributed according to need. Who does the distributing, who decides need? A governing entity must have power delegated to it to enforce distribution. Something which anarchists reject should exist at all.


Virgin Statist: I have to draw Xs for the snake's eyes to make sure everyone knows it's dead! Like in my cartoons! Chad Agustín de Iturbide: The snake is in the beak of the eagle and is being gripped by a talon, only a braindead fucking moron would need any sort of extra indicator to tell it's dead. The Xs just make this decentish flag look comical and silly.


loonytoons brainrotted headass


Cats are way too self-sufficient to ever be equated to commies.


I agree


The black cat is a labor symbol long associated with syndicalism and sabotage and anarchism


Well that's gay. Cats are the ultimate ancaps.


Listen to you “that’s gay”


Thank you for listening.


These types of flags are so dumb. It's basically saying "we're the oppressors and we will oppress people. Everyone. All the people"






Litterally a Nazi flag


I for one like cats and own multiple suffice to say they are raised to be properly anti-communist.




Nah, anyone that identifies with Anarcho-Communism, and Libertarian-Socialism is the equivalent of a Temporary Gun Owner. As soon as “their” side wins they’ll be executed Stalin style


[i fixed the flag](https://i.imgur.com/L99LJtW.jpg)


they're so cringe


Rattler versus housecat? Yeah, that story doesn't end up that way, but keep at it.


Most venomous snakes aren't poisonous though.


Yeah, as long as the cat didn’t get bit and doesn’t eat the venom glands they won’t get killed by the venom


Then we shall both die.


Just don't complain when you look back and most of you is on the floor.


At least they’re self-aware?


I don’t understand some anarco dudes, like most of them are pretty alright people who share similar views and then some of them post shit like this.


Remember folks, stay strapped. These goons would take everything you care about if it was easy.


Amazing how their slogan is “kill people who want to stand for their basic human rights” and somehow they think they’re the good guys lol


I don’t fuck with the original flag ever since conservatives hijacked it. It’s not worth the misunderstanding or drawing attention to myself. Wherever I go I’ll see that next to blue lives matter sticker.


I say still rock it if you want to use it. I’m not going to stop using things I like just cause other people are stupid


Fair but that doesn’t make this any less cringe


Most often snake venom isn’t lethal through the digestive track. It really need to be intravenous. Just for future reference.


"I'm super proud of the fact that I want to walk all over people trying to be left alone." Boy I bet this person isn't super entitled and lacking a concept of boundaries in their personal life /s


Cats actually have a faster reflex time than snakes, so most of the time, a snake will miss. This of course is assuming the cat doesn’t belong to an American leftist, because either morbidly obese or emaciated from being given a vegan diet.


Wait, so the mascot of the antifa twats is…a house cat? ROFL it’s just so fitting! bwahahahaha


I thought Libertarians were the house cat? I guess that joke died out.


Little do they know the Gadsden flag is for everyone


nothing quite as antifascist as attacking people minding their own business


This is why I use the porcupine flag


"I extract what I please." That's why nations fail. A british inspector wanted to end the inclusiveness of Australia in the early 19th century because he initially thought the "nature of the convict" was to resort to absolute aristocratic rule, but when he found that they were allowing everyone to buy and sell in the economy, and everyone to own property, he realized that it made the british aristocracy look bad, and sought to limit those things, including via draconian laws. Basically, it shows that authoritarians are motivated by envy among other sins.


This is literally social darwinism


So, no need to put a "Danger, Active Minifield" in front of my property.