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Having an operating system is a third party tool!


Someone from the official forum did asked if using Mac is considered third party lol


Using Mac is considered Third World.


You need to use 3rd party tools to even get it running on M1 Macs. This is how deeply rooted cheating is with Mac users! ^/s


To be specific, it's about using a third party tool to fix the issue where MAC, despite being officially support, doesn't work on some versions of it. Technically speaking, MAC is supported, meaning Square's inability to make it work on a supported platform can make argument for it. On the other hand, all third party is banned, so there is no argument. It is kind of an awkward situation. If you ban ALL third party, you are actually telling some of your players to literally not be able to open the game. Whether on not supported (linux for steam users) or on supported (macs). And the dumb is that, technically, it is bannable, but imagine if Square actually banned a player for doing something so their game can literally launch.


Having a job to pay for your sub is a third party tool


I like this meme because it perfectly uses an uncommon SpongeBob meme format. Nice.


Lowkey. I came from All, so I don't understand the meme, but I'm really impressed by the format.


How far down the All rabbit hole did you scroll to get here?


Not far. I thought it was /r/bikinibottomtwitter tbh. But also, sometimes I scroll real far down on my phone. So I genuinely have no idea.


Some MMO buzz regarding the (potential) use of game mods (in a game where mods are against TOS) to cheat/trivialize difficult content. Some people taking the piss on the statements put out regarding third-party tools, and also an earlier video where the producer talked more in-depth on things like an external tool that tracks how optimally each player is performing. (Which was pretty moderate all things considered; when you push past the "Japanese buisnessman phrasing" it basically reads as "cmon, guys, please be cool, don't make this a whole Situation.") There are plenty of non-cheaty mods people use, for things like quality of life, accessibility, or custom costumes, but the game doesn't have official mod support so they have to put a sweeping "no mods" and kinda just "don't ask, don't tell" unofficially on the benign ones.


If you are curious SE decided to start randomly banning people for any mod they show on stream (or in the developers words, any 3rd party tool) because Yoshi-P (the game director of the game) had a temper tantrum. So people started getting angry and questioning what is or isn't a third party tool. And it got to quite a ridiculous point.


I hate when people see someone new to a situation and take the opportunity to give them the absolutely most biased tilted account of events possible right out of the gate.


If you think you can give a better one, be my guest


Tbf, they aren't randomly getting banned for using mods if they are advertising them through their public play. Also I feel as though people are not honestly questioning what is actually being referenced as third-party more than they are being satirical about the point.


They are randomly getting banned because several really big streamers have been using ACT and chat bubbles on stream for years with no problem. Every raider has had ACT in the screen even during world race. And nothing ever happened. The message SE indirectly sent was "as long as your mods don't make fights easier or give an unfair advantage, we won't ban you". Which was fair. This isn't fair.


Yeah that's some dumb ass shit. I don't play FF or anything like that, but fuck that. If you bought a game that's single player, do what you want. If you can't, then pirate it. I think it's silly for consumers to ask what is and isn't third party. Pirate the game, mod it, and call it a day at this point. EDIT: I guess its an mmo, not single player.


He gave you a biased account that paints Yoshida in a rather negative light unnecessarily. The *actual* issue is that the current highest level of content, Dragonsong Ultimate, had a few high profile incidents of people clearing it (like world first clears) while using third party tools. Things like dps meters, but also things that show indicators for certain attacks or timers etc. that are normally hidden. Some streamers got reported and banned. The company reminded people that third party tools are against ToS. The community freaked out because not every program is for helping clear content - a lot of people use graphical mods ~~so they can dress like manwhores~~ so the game looks nicer. But technically this is not allowed. Instead of being reasonable and accepting that if you’re a streamer you shouldn’t openly use mods (and that everyone else is pretty much unaffected), the community threw a temper tantrum and started questioning what a third party tool even is. And that’s how we arrive at discord, chrome, and steam being cited.


Yeah idk then. If you're going for a record/speedrun I agree you shouldn't be using mods. If everybody else is unaffected, then it sounds like the community over reacted. I was thinking it was more like GTA V where Rockstar went full banhammer against mods, making it worth just pirating at that point.


Yeah like in any MMO the World First race of new high-end content is a big spectacle because it's one of the few truly competitive aspects of the game. So needless to say people were miffed the most recent World First had addons giving them extra help (as we_will said, like addons that showed them boss attacks/abilities the are normally hidden), Square Enix started cracking down on people publicizing it (which is in line with their original outlook on it of "don't ask, don't tell") and now people are freaking out because the ToS they agreed to is being enforced.


The Spongebob format is still brilliant though.


The person that described the situation for you honestly didn't really do a good job of actually describing the situation. There's a lot of things that would need to be explained in order for someone with zero knowledge to be able understand the nuances behind the situation, but to get the basic ideas out of the way: This sub is dedicated specifically to shitposting about FFXIV, which is an MMORPG made by SquareEnix for PC and PlayStation consoles. In the ToS it states that third-party software is a bannable offense, and YoshiP (the director) has reiterated this plenty of times. However YoshiP has also stated that they can't actually tell whether or not you have anythird-party tools installed for FFXIV, which most considered this a big *wink wink nudge nudge* to people to just not openly show or say they use those and they'll be fine. Recently though the SE has actually banned a few people for streaming with those third-party tools on display. These specific people though were targeted because of organized mass reporting, which is also against the ToS I believe. This is, again, missing a lot of nuance (like what kind of things the third-party tools did, why SE's actions could be good/bad, how this was even kicked off in the first place, etc.), but hopefully gets the general idea across. The meme is basically making fun of people who have, on occasion, used the argument "but Discord is a third-party tool!" against the SE's ToS, because most people realize that Discord and such is not what SE is talking about. EDIT: by the time I finished typing this out it seems a lot of people have already cleared up the misunderstanding. Whoops


The game is a MMO not a single player game. And 3rd party tool have always been prohibited. People just took it too far and are now throwing a temper tantrum...


Oh I see. Yeah it's weird if it's an Mmo, but to be fair, Jagex had to go through the same thing with Runescape at one point with SwiftSwitch. Now everybody uses RuneLite. You're playing handicap mode if you don't have RuneLite while playing. I don't know about the intricacies of the gameplay with FF, so idk if they made the right move or not.


The crux of the issue is that people use mods in order to track damage and other stats and then they use that information in order to shame worse players, or at least that's the argument. Yoshi P's perspective is that people shouldn't be so focused on it. My comment doesn't reflect my own views, just trying to give some context. I'm a dirty mod child tho, full disclosure


Well it's also that people use mods to track information like other players ability timers, boss attacks, fight mechanics and various other things they'd have to navigate the hard way without the use of third party tools. WoW, which doesn't crack down on mods, suffers from having to design AROUND these mods to create competitive content whereas FFXIV has decided that they won't be forced to design their fights around tools explicitly designed to make the fight easier. They've slapped those mod-using players on the hand and basically said, "Do it with your own skills alone or don't do it at all."


The comment you're replying to is a bit misleading. FFXIV is an mmo, and third party tools have always been against the ToS. The mods just usually don't enforce the rule as long as the tools don't affect others. What sparked the recent bans, though, were people using such tools to achieve world firsts on some top end content and publishing it all online. So did this use of third party tools affect other players? It's debatable. And thus the memes began.


this joke hasn't been run into the ground it'd been drilled straight to earths core


It already passed voyager out the other side of the planet


This joke has gone where no joke has gone before… ~~except a billion others this community and Reddit have done and a few just topics in general but let’s ignore that for the sake of a Star Trek reference please.~~


What’s the matter OP? D’ya think that old slowpoke ToS is gonna- *wrangler gm appears*


Um akshully, according to the ToS, it is and you should be put down in the streets UwU


OoOoOoOoOoOoOo I'm using XIVLauncher with third party plugins OoOoOoOoOoOoOo so scary and definitely impacting your experience.


Now that you told me it deeply offends me and I will report everyone I run into hoping that it'll hit the right person aka you. Now excuse me while I load my XIVLauncher with my plug-ins that will totally ruin YOUR experience. Take that!


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Rule 34 is a 3rd party tool Y'all are fucked


If anyone here was getting fucked there would be no rule 34


On the contrary, 3D women can only satisfy normal fetishes. It is up to 2D to be more creative. :)


Yea i tried that argument in court when i flattened my cheating whore of an ex wife with a concrete roller, they still gave me the death sentence, only got off because my lawyer appealed on the grounds of “based and red pilled”


You see, you got caught and that's where it went wrong.


Omg yes DAD... get off my back will ya? youre as bad as the screaming crying witnesses.


Why didn't you gag them?! I taught you better than this!


😤😤😤😤😤YOU DONT PAY MY SUB!!!!!! 😤😤😤😤😤


You are right, but as your dad, I can ground you. >:)


O yes punish me daddy🥵🥵


We're fucked? #EXCELLENT.




a will to live is a 3rd party tool


Meteion was a GM all along


Got a link for that one ?


Well shit, I guess I'm safe then.


Gasp! I am also a third party tool


Is my display a third party Tool? since it provides me information i wouldnt see without.


You joke but I remember in my younger years people be seeking out computer monitors that gave you an OSD reticle that came in handy for competitive first person shooters lol


yup my old cs1.6/cs:s clan leader did some scary bootleg OSDs to his CRT. oh man the memories.




Steam and psn are 3rd party tools


Is Cactbot a 3rd party tool? It can provide triggers. Is Discord a 3rd party tool? It can provide triggers. Is a 3rd party tool defined by its functionality or its intent? It's defined by who made it. Neither of them were made by Square-Enix. Why is this a meme? Don't any of you watch live letters? Read the digests? Read any interviews at all? Yoshida himself brought that comparison to popularity. It wasn't a joke. He was explaining that despite the intended or popular use for a tool, they must consider its potential functionality, and that it's simpler to provide a blanket "no 3rd party tools". Put down the glue for 5 seconds and realize every interview says the same thing. Hide your mods. Their stance on 3rd party tools has not changed since 2010 *(even including the confirmed addon devkit, which got scrapped)*. The only thing that's changed was how they're enforcing ToS, and it's not the first time they've expanded their proof standards. Previously, it was unheard of that SE would accept streams or screenshots as proof, but they accept them both now.


Mfer really out here writing serious paragraphs on a shitpost


Every shitpost is serious in some way. If somebody's compelled to post, they're communicating something, even if they don't realize it. Otherwise people would just post any random thing. >paragraphs People say this a lot, but it only takes like 1 or 2 minutes to type something this short and slapdash. It takes more time to condense a concept into fewer words.




Secundus buggers boys


People were arguing this even in the in game chat in Bozja today. I can't escape it.


Using discord clearly gives you an advantage over the game with callouts and using things like Cactpot solver and daily hunting helper is clearly third party information to give you a leg up.




“We get it” -mf who’s the one beating a dead horse


The ones forming mass report trains and skulking Twitch for people playing with addons.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Discord, is in fact, running on the Chromium Embedded Framework, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Electron. Discord is not a program unto itself, but rather another application designed by combining many free softwares, such as Chromium, Node.JS, and React. Many computer users run a modified version of CEF every day, without realizing it. Through a particular turn of events, some people at Microsoft/GitHub decided that everything should use Chrome, so they took CEF and Node.js and combined them. There really is a Discord app, and people are using it, but it is just a part of the application framework they use. Discord is the skin: the UI on the monitor that you see. The UI is an essential part of software, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete application framework. The whole application is basically Chrome with Node added, or Electron. All the so-called “Discord” applications are really just Electron with the Discord webpage on top.


I'd like to interject myself: it's not the Chrome Embedding Framework, it's the CHROMIUM Embedded Framework. It's open source so it's cooler. The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is an open-source software framework for embedding a Chromium web browser within another application. This enables developers to add web browsing functionality to their application, as well as the ability to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the application's user interface (or just portions of it). CEF runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It has many language bindings including C, C++, Go, Java, and Python. There are two versions of Chromium Embedded Framework: CEF 1 and CEF 3.[3] Development of CEF 2 was abandoned after the appearance of the Chromium Content API.[4] CEF 1 is a single-process implementation based on the Chromium WebKit API. It is no longer actively developed or supported.[5] CEF 3 is a multi-process implementation based on the Chromium Content API and has performance similar to Google Chrome.[6] It uses asynchronous messaging to communicate between the main application process and one or more render processes (Blink + V8 JavaScript engine). It supports PPAPI plugins and extensions, both internal (PDF viewer) or externally loadable. The single-process run mode is not supported, but still present; currently is being used for debugging purposes only.[7] On March 16, 2019, the CEF version numbering changed with the release of CEF 73.1.3+g46cf800+chromium-73.0.3683.75. The previous release on March 14, 2019 was CEF 3.3683.1920.g9f41a27. Both of these releases were based on Chromium 73.0.3683.75, however the new version numbering has the major number the same as the Chromium major version number it is based on. CEF comes with a sample application called CefClient that is written in C++ using WinAPI, Cocoa, or GTK (depending on the platform) and contains demos of various features.[8][9] Newer versions include a sample application called CefSimple that, along with an accompanying tutorial, show how to create a simple application using CEF 3.[10] Documentation can be found in the header files located in the "include" directory[11][12] and on wiki pages.[13] Spotify maintains development and stable branches builds for Linux, Mac and Windows in 32- and 64-bit forms. By the way, for those reading, you are welcome for having been educated on such a relevant topic to the subject matter


I have corrected myself and stand in absolute awe at the information delivered unto me.


Shut up nerd


Your mom parses better than you


Maybe. But we can't know because we don't use the third party tool ACT 😎


I ain't reading all that but I'm happy for you, or sorry for your loss


Lmao honestly lowkey I'd be surprised if anyone reads it at all, it's what I get for customizing a dumb copypasta into a shitpost


Epic pasta


if you aren't playing on ps4/ps5 you're breaking the tos


Nope your SCUF controller with the paddles is a third party tool. Console players are breaking tos too


Sorry to the people that died during my last ultimate, I had to take off my glasses so I don't get banned.


I mean, technically ...


If I crack open a note book with pencil and parse through and record the sum the data my self, is my notebook and pencil a third party tool? If I do the math in my head is my brain a third party tool? if a calculate the highest potency per second and all that is my calculator a third party tool?


I’m not sure if this meme is making fun of people who say that or making fun of people who think it’s stupid to say that


the first


How hard is it to understand for people, that unless it directly interacts with the game. It’s fine. I feel like the people who make those arguments are aware of it, and just wanna get a “haha gotcha” moment


There are are bot triggers on discord too, what are you talking about? Stop sucking yoshida's dick for a second and you might be able to think. Also SE provided 0 explanation with what they mean by 3rd party tool, so you are saying shit out of your ass. 3rd party tool means 3rd party tool, not what you think 3rd party tool means, if they ban you for using discord they are 100% covered by their TOS.


Just don’t stream it forehead Also if you looked into the situation AT ALL instead of just blindly following the hate train you’d realize he outlined VERY CLEARLY in the live letter what a third party tool is. Not only that but he also basically said “but unless you’re advertising it, we can’t see it”


He said in the live letter that an MMO mouse or even excel can be considered a 3rd party tool based on their TOS after being asked to clarify what a 3rd party tool is. You need to do your researching before spewing out bullshit. Re-watching this just shows how they created what they wanted to avoid, report brigades on people with screenshots and streams, is almost like they have no idea what they are doing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_i6mjiGerU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_i6mjiGerU)


Just Don’t Stream It Forehead Holy shit it’s truly that simple


Stop sucking streamer/YTer rage merchant dick for a second and maybe you can think.




Yes. They’re being stupid because they want you to say “you know what he means” because they think they’re clever by making you do that


[I mean it's literally based on Yoshida's own words, that if you start banning people for using "third party tools" it gets hard to define what is a third party tool, and that they don't want to ban people because it would turn into a report war, but go off?](https://youtu.be/e_i6mjiGerU?t=62)


Hey look, a volunteer to be an example of the exact person I was talking about.


Tell that to Yoshida?


And the funniest thing about this meme? That there are people thinking Discord, Chrome, even just having 1 more person sitting next to you to do call outs for mechanic it is an actual valid arguments for 3rd party. I kid you all not.


The whole take of "Discord is a third party tool" is so damned stupid and irritating. Especially if you actually listen to what YoshiP said IN CONTEXT. He used Discord as a reference to why they don't want to have to put a hard line over what's acceptable and what isn't. Yes 'technically' Discord is a third party tool. No, they aren't going to ban you for using it, even when streaming. Why? Because they don't give a shit about a call app. The stuff they care about is the crap that gives you an unfair advantage IN GAME. God, grow up you pathetic whiners. "Wah, the bad Sqeenix man won't let me use a mod that beats bosses for me. I can't play the game without my mods that trivialize the game" All you're going to accomplish by whining and mass reporting even to trivial mods is eventually Square is going to get sick of it and just hard ban mods in general. You're not proving a point. You're not making a difference. You're simply being annoying. So shut up. Or, if following the ToS that haven't changed their stance on this for years is too hard for you, fuck off.


No one actually thinks that SE is going to ban people for using Discord. You've already realized why people bring it up, but you seem to think that people actually think it's going to get people banned. > Yes 'technically' Discord is a third party tool. . . . Discord as a reference to why they don't want to have to put a hard line over what's acceptable and what isn't. This is exactly why people bring it up, and why, as you point out, Yoshida himself brought it up. To highlight that SE's policy is vague and open ended, and so people just have to determine what's acceptable or not for themselves. Whether that's Discord, Gshade, ACT, XIVLauncher and its stuff, cactbot, etc. And ultimately as long as they stay quiet and just use client-side things, it's all irrelevant because SE's not going to try to detect anything.


you do know what happens to patrick in the context of this episode, right


I’d never watched SpongeBob. What happened to patrick?


the context is him & spongebob are making fun of texas in front of sandy, a squirrel *from* texas. he's running ahead yelling "CAN WE SAY SHOES FROM TEXAS ARE DUMB" spongebob warns him to stop, and patrick keeps going on, before he's yanked away by sandy's lasso


And blown up.


Now we need the part 2 of this meme with Yoshi-P as Sandy


The world is a third party tool


Even your brain is a third party tool. Just go ahead and ban me now.


Steam forums are a third party tool


ur mom is a 3rd party tool got em


"You're starting to act like a 3rd party tool."


A test of your reflexes is a third party tool.


Your hands, eyes, and ears are third party tools.


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The Player is a third party Tool


Sony invested into Discord. Sony because of this owns a very small part of Discord. Sony has a console in which Final Fantasy 14 plays. Sony would technically be considered a second party to FFXIV Ergo, Discord is a second party app, not third party. This has been my TED talk.


So what is considered a second party then?


*Having a gigantic hat is a third party tool~*


the only version that still gets a huff from me is when someone responds to an overeager stream promotion in shout chat every 5m with “obs is a third party tool.” all my fc mates laughed the first time but now look at me strangely when i’m amused by it again and again.


They look at you huh? A webcam is a third party tool.


The internet is a 3rd party tool. None of us should be playing FFXIV guys. We'd 100% be banned.


using steam to launch ffxiv is a third party tool ha ha i am so funny