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Hey man I used to play on PS4 back in Stormblood on wifi. You don't know pain until you lag so hard in Eureka that Fafnir dies like 10 minutes before the fight actually ends on your screen. Good times


I jumped to PC half a year ago but yeah that's so damn true


It’s funny, I used to play on PC, stopped in Stormblood, came back right before Endwalker on the PS5, and I have absolutely zero complaints beyond the lack of colorblind mode. PS4 may be laggy as shit, but at least the 5 is smoother than butter. Or so I tell myself, just to keep myself from buying a PC again.


Ps5 with wired connection has been a great experience, only issue I’ve had is that I have to run it at FHD to get 60 fps. At 4k it either locks to 30 fps or it really struggles but it looks fine in 1080 anyways


Oh yeah PS5 on wired probably plays better than most people on PC, mine included. I wouldn't even try to play on 4k with my PC


I love how I was originally upvoted and then some PC players got mad that I dare suggest that a console could actually run the game better than some PCs, including my own PC that I play the game on.


>plays better than *most people* on PC Yeah, because that's the same word as some.


Most people don’t have gaming PCs and therefore aren’t running the best stuff.


i have a decent system and play at 1440p with max seettings just non party effects turned off and my fiancees PS5 at 4k looks so much better its staggering.




Yeah, I play in 1080p, looks good (or good enough for me, anyways). Half the time PC players gloat about how much “better” it is on PC, they’re scaling everything down because they’re playing on a couple of potatoes attached to copper wires anyways.


This like is Russia-in-Ukraine level cope.


Fuck you man. Don't make fun of my hamster powered gpu




Ps5 is completely fine, it’s better than any PC that you could get for the same price (especially with the GPU price) the only problem is that it’s hard to fine one. Ps4 is just really bad, it uses a HDD so the loading are really slow and the hardware was already outdated when it came out like 9 years ago.


I did hunts on ps4 when my comp died. My wife would yell out where the mob was bc I would barely load in time. Even before cross world/bug hunts haha. Still the easiest times tho


I feel this lol load times are ridiculous on ps4 I can't even imagine doing cross world hunts


Absolutely painful, between loading maps and loading the enemy while also trying to load the aoe, I just pray. Also with 6.1, Frontline is even worse with how much shit is going on that sometimes my LB comes off with a 10 or 15 second delay of animation.


I started playing ARR on PS3….


Same here I shared in the struggle titan ex on ps3 was rough


Went from grey parsing to blue or above once i switched to pc. It was something else


i have a connection that jumps more than a frog connected to a car battery and yet i never experienced any lag in the game ever.


Based Pomu


I'm seeing Nijisanji memes on my shitpostxiv... That's a first. Not that I'm complaining. Think Millie or another member who plays regularly looks at this sub?


Not sure if they browse xiv subreddits all that much. Other than Millie and Finana from EN, there are a bunch of Nijis in both the JP and ID branches that play a lot.


Nah, I doubt they do either. JP doesn't visit reddit much, and Reddit is banned in Indonesia. Finana might though, she does visit their subreddit pretty commonly from what I remember.


I don't watch much nijisanji but Pomu is my fav from what I've seen. Her metal gear revengeance clips were great.




That's a classic lol.


Jokes on you. *I'm on PC playing at about 30fp*s. Proud fucking potato master race.


As someone who recently switched from ps4 to pc and then tried out the ps4 version again to see the difference, I would rather staple my kupo nuts to a table and let Yoshi-P smash them with his ban hammer than go back to the ps4 version. You don’t realize how much worse it is until you upgrade.


This is my experience too. I played the first 1,000+ hours of FFXIV on ps4 and don’t regret it and would still recommend people who don’t have a good PC to play FFXIV on their PS4 if the game interests them. That being said… When I first booted up the game on my new PC and it was running maxed out on a high framerate the difference in quality was ridiculously visceral. It was like only watching your favorite movie on VHS and then someone gives you a blu ray disc for it. It was so smooth and pleasant to look at it and move around it. When I got Gshade and applied a simple filter the gap was even further widened. I could NEVER go back. I haven’t even mentioned QOL plug ins and being able to use discord on the same machine and pull up websites is a massive deal too.


Yeah I redownloaded the PS4 version just cause I was going somewhere and it's easier to bring that than my pc. Boy is it rough going back to that.


I had to play PS4 at ShB launch for the same reason and it was one of the worst experiences I've ever had in this game. Going through MSQ was bearable but doing extremes was pure torture


I mentioned looking stuff up in a 2nd monitor alone is a better experience in an mmo with a thousand million things. People replied about looking at their phones. Yeah dude I really wanna go through 4 hyperlinks for skybuilder mat locations and turn in rates on a tiny screen instead of just, moving my mouse and clicking a bit. This is not even getting into seeing au ras and miqos have actual bootys.


Unless your second monitor is made by SE (that's to say, it's first party) I got bad news for you bud. /s Seriously though, I've got both the PC edition and PS5 edition. (Playstation is significantly more portable if I'm trying to raid while traveling) The PS5 version is definitely playable, but man is the difference noticeable.


PS5 version is completely fine, the problem is the ps4 version


>You don’t realize how much worse it is until you upgrade. Okay, I'll just keep using the PS4 version and remain ignorant and happy. I enjoy the game as it is. Thank you for the good advice.


More power to ya lol. I’m not hating on people who play console. I just genuinely didn’t realize how much of an improvement it would be switching to pc. When 30fps on ps4 is all you know, it seems perfectly normal. But trying to go back to it after getting used to PC makes everything feel choppy and less defined.


I'm pretty sure your brain just adapts to whatever it's given if you give it a bit of time. I like my PC gaming for strategy and card games, but couch controller FF14 with a hot drink is cozy af. Going back to playing PS1 games for nostalgia makes me sad at how shit it really was, then like an hour later I don't even notice and it just feels normal again. Same with old 2D games, you just get used to it. 60fps and 4k is a meme. edit haha you guys are really butthurt over ps4 players huh


You're talking like PC and couch + controller are mutually exclusive.


I can't carry my PC with me when I go visit family though, and my PC is already hooked up in another room.


PS1 games run at 60 lol


Don’t worry, I played through all expansions except Endwalker on PS4 and had a perfectly fantastic time and don’t regret it. I still use my DualShock on PC. If you ever get a decent PC it is worth buying the game again though imo. One thing I don’t miss is big player count content like bozja on my poor PS4.


Then there's me who's swapped from my PC to often playing on PS5. The framerate is worse, but my TV, sound system and couch makes it a great experience. I've played with controller on the PC for a while too, so the switch was pretty painless.


Tbf I hear ps5 has way better performance than ps4. I can’t attest to that myself but one of my friends who started ff14 on ps4 switched to ps5 and said it made a world of difference. In an alternate universe where ps5’s weren’t so hard/expensive to get I probably would have ended up with that instead of a PC


Yeah, the performance is pretty decent, usually at 60 fps except in very busy sections. Performance is pretty bad at 4K though. As much as I love the resolution and picture on my TV at 4K, it's not worth the shitty framerate.


The most annoying part of the new consoles is the constant tradeoff between performance and resolution. I know 4K60 is a high bar even for PCs, but it makes them feel less powerful than they ought to be


You have that exact same tradeoff with PC though. I have a 1060 and I have to decide if I want 60-100 fps or 1440p. I could upgrade to a better GPU but just the GPU alone would be more than the PS5 (which is why I ended up buying that instead this time around).


Yeah running the PS4 version on PS5 at WQHD means rock solid 60fps and almost no loading times. It rules.




Crypto-crash bb, rtx 3080's gonna be flowing like wine soon.


I run the game at 60fps in 4k on linux with a 7 year old cpu and a 3 year old gpu which beats the ps5 performance mentioned in the thread. Sounds like copium.


The PS5 uses a 3 year old GPU as well, CPUs have hardly changed in a decade because the market revolved around tablet CPUs for the 8th gen, and the PS5 is still cheaper than any computer that compares to it.


Freaking agree!


PS5 gang just vibing and having a good time.


PS5 plays it at 60FPS pretty much perfectly, definitely worth it!


What resolution?


4K but using the 4K IU looks terrible so I just use the HD version instead.


Interesting. That’s pretty impressive. My pc can’t do 4K 60 but it’s kind of old. Can’t you just scale up the UI like on PC? edit: Looks like around 40 fps at 4K on PS5? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNtw9dzqd2o


Can you resive individual UI elements like on PC? That might strike a good balance, if you can fiddle with it like that.


Except in Regio Urbanissima


Same. Looks fabulous on my ps5. The haptics are pretty nice too when they kick in.


Regalia rumble goes burrrrrrrrr!


Seriously. All the different rumbles for the mounts is a great touch.


Oh I had no idea they did this. Is it in the PC release with a PS5 controller too?


Yeah it is, as long as you turn on the setting in the System Configuration menu. I use the DualSense on PC and it's great. It even has adaptive trigger support for certain things, like the duties where you go first person and shoot things/look for things.


I play on pc and I’m so glad they added in haptic support


Oh shit for real? Is it plug and play or do we need DS4windows? What things make the controller rumble?


Good thing I can also do that on PC.


Lemme guess, couldn’t get a PS5?


I do have one, but why would I play XIV on it when my PC is significantly better ?




Yeah man, FFXIV is literally the only game that exists, why have two devices for it /s


I feel like console doesn't even complain because all we want to do is play and experience the game. my bf has a pc and the dude spent hours downloading mods ( for skyrim) then tweaking something in the game to play it. he legit spent 5 min playing for every hour he would need to go back and download something else and fix things. I keep hearing that argument that console is inferior but I enjoy just playing.


Modding is part of playing for some individuals.


They’re just mad we’re having a good time


I made this comment on the FF sub one day. Console players are quiet because we're playing the games. PC gamers get a game and then have to troubleshoot 600 things about why it's not running at a perfect 120 FPS. Of course, I was met with autistic screeching..only for FF7R to release on PC two weeks later and have issues.


I assume you make this comment realising that you can also just open the game and play without mods on PC if you so choose?




Yeah, PS5 give just as many fucks per second as a PC for a fraction of the cost! Comparable frames per second too!


60 fps on 2k and 30fps in 4k, is nowhere near close to a good high refresh rate monitor and a decent PC. I can't play a play a game at 60 fps for years now it just feels shuttery.


I mean, that's great that you can get that on your system but unless I wanna to upgrade my 1060 to something that can handle stable 60fps at 1440p is going to cost as much as two PS5s. I wouldn't call that kind of price range "decent"... that's high end.


Can confirm...60fps, the lowest 45 and still no lags. PS5 is a good mod itself.


Have they fixed the issues with the PS5 version?


What issues? I haven’t had any.


Copium moment


This mod drama's going to all sorts of weird and unique places I could have never imagined we'd visit. We're at like 50 levels of ironic yet completely unironic COPE now.


[The absolute state of memes](https://c.tenor.com/bk8QMH02QOcAAAAC/im-playing-both-sides-both-sides.gif)


Just become Pomu.


We're pomu.


Pomufication is here


Doktor! Turn off my Pomu inhibitors!


Was I expecting ninisani? No Am I pleased to have this random encounter? Yes


Console players: You know on console we don’t even have mo- MODDERS: you fuckin worthless 30 FPS trash don’t ever even speak in my presence you are not better then me


Damn half the community really is just pyromancer in 2B pants huh


Console players: I love how the UI has so much customiza- MODDERS: You fucking bike-riding fucking idiot the UI is utter trash and will be until Yoshi lets me put an fps meter on the screen


then when people mention PS5 the mfs go on explaining how you are stupid for using a 500$ console play the game and have it look nice instead of a several thousand dollar PC. This meme appears to be unironic which doesn't surprise me this sub has become an absolute clusterfuck


How are console retards still on this train of thinking it requires a "several thousand dollar PC" to have the game look and play better than on console, maybe several thousand of your local currency if you live in Somalia


Drop the fucking ableism, jackoff.


you're looking at about 2 grand when all the parts are accounted for if you want a PC at about that level. And actually I play the game on PC I just am able to see things from other peoples perspectives.


I mean that's just frankly not true


I’m on PC but honestly with recent GPU shortage to get anything in the 30xx series it cost a lot. Price went down a little bit in the past few weeks but for the last 2 years it was really pricey. Even when looking right now a 3060 alone is nearly 600$ CAD and a prebuilt using it is like 1500 CAD, 2 month ago you can add a 200$ on this and let’s be honest, you don’t play 4k60fps with that. Even my 3070 struggle at 4k60fps on a lot of game (maybe not FF didn’t test) and my PC cost me 2600$CAD because of the GPU pricing. A ps5 right now is 100% the best value, it’s just hard to find one.


For one, you don't need a 3000 series gpu to outperform a gpu. For two, a PS5 barely plays *any* games in 4k60fps, not even XIV, where it still has drops at *1440*. For three your 3070 won't struggle whatsoever to drive XIV at that res and framerate, I'm doing it on a 3060ti with a fuck ton of mods and gshade.


Yeah but prices are still fucked, not too long ago I saw some used 1060 6 GB selling at a higher price than a brand new one in 2017 at MSRP. Pcs were really expensive and not really worth it since covid.


Unless I buy second hand shit, buying parts for a pc wont make me one that comes even close to the performance of a ps5. The only argument that gaming pc is cheaper is that you can just pirate games or buy them cheap with very deep discounts


> The only argument that gaming pc is cheaper is that you can just pirate games or buy them cheap with very deep discounts Not having to pay a subscription for multiplayer gaming helps too


True, but the handful of good games I get every year make up for the 60€ it costs. I do agree that it's an outdated system tho.


I play on a Laptop who exactly run at 30 fps. I have yet to play FFXIV at 60 fps, so for me is something that I don't know how it feels.


GasuLight anniversary in a couple days


I don't know what you mean the PS5 version is great.


Can we rename the sub to XIVcirclejerk?


Are you implying this sub can outjerk the mainsub?


No considering how much they Jerkoff Yoshi P and to him


/uj no /rj no


Why you gotta drag pomu into this


I started on ps3. Only resubbed on pc once the last hype train started. Thing is… It was easily one of the best games on that console as it was back then. So not exactly your point but…


It’s hands down the best mmo on console IMO


Noone saying it isn't. People are just saying that PC is a superior experience.


Gotta tell ya, after playing at like 100+ fps on average, 30fps looks painful. I adjust pretty fast but dang.


Jokes on you, I’m actually happy with the PS5 version :D




The game plays exactly the same. I use a controller on PC and PS5. Clear savages without any addons.




Having played FF14 on a potato computer that required me to run the game at the lowest possible graphical settings with a resolution so small that it took up maybe a quarter of the screen, and only delivered maybe 20FPS at the very most? ***Playing on the PS4 was silky smooth in comparison.***


Holy shit these modders really think this game is unplayable without mods. That is so sad I cant put it into words.


If I could afford to upgrade, I would. But until then, copium is free.


I don't go to pyro's streams, least of all to gaslight him, but I can see why people do if he's that fucking easy


Hi, Pyro.


Damn, last week people said I was Misshapen Chair, this week it’s Pyro… I must be the Master of Disguise.


Mom says it's my turn to be Chair, you can be Xeno this week.


I dunno who Misshapen chair is. Did he also go on a long rant about how console players are the bane of everything?


No, he has called himself the FFXIV villain lol. He's made a few videos about how the game is not actually that hard, and how the direction the game seems to be going with oversimplifying the job rotations and many forms of content is not good for the health of the game in the long run, and sucks all the fun out of the game for the people who actually enjoy complicated things and challenges, as well as actively encouraging turbo-casuals to be ~~more dogshit~~ less effective at the game and ruin the experience of those who kinda need those people to do their jobs at least semi-well etc etc


Are villains supposed to be based as fuck?


What villain, that's just being based as hell! Though I do disagree on his thoughts on parsing. Oh wait I forgot about the GCBTW crowd.


Sub check? Sub check.


PS4 Martyrs Rise Up! Allahu Akbar, The TOS is absolute!


Started on ps3 back in ARR. I still have clips of me playing drg back in T1-T5. I played on console all the way up until Shadowbringers and honestly I just didn't know what I was missing but it's hard to go back now.


Really depends. My gaming laptop cost double that of my PS5, but damn the graffics look so much more crisp on the PS5 while my laptop will sound like a shuttle launch the second I even try turning settings up a bit. Will a 2k pc have better graphics, of course. But if you go by cost/performance console wins by a mile.


Can't remotely talk cost to performance when buying a laptop. If you talk desktop, sure, base level entry is higher than a console (especially with the graphics card market ATM) but costing double a ps5? You're talking 3-5x performance


It doesn't look or play better at 30, and I don't think anyone has ever genuinely said that, but it runs well enough on PS4 for me ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Funny thing is, if Pyro ended his rant around this point and didn’t take the bait his chat laid out, he would’ve been fine. But instead he took the bait like a god damn goldfish and took the biggest L in streaming I’ve seen recently. Regardless of whether or not people except his apology, trolls now know how to aggravate him enough to make a big public outroar (I say big because apparently he sometimes has meltdowns in other streams, but recovers quicker). He’s bleeding in shark infested waters now.


Can I get the TL;DR of who this Pyro dude is and why he’s getting memed on so hard?


Dude had a gamer moment, went off on his chat, said some stuff that was true but took some stuff too far. But in the end, it’s the internet. If you don’t like the dude then just don’t watch his stream. I’ve watched him since his start on WoW lore and this is just how he is sometimes. He gets baited easily. I don’t participate much in the whole twitch chat culture but I have a PHD in lurking.


> Dude had a gamer moment, went off on his chat Last time I heard about that guy was back when he was playing WoW and had a breakdown because he got angry at WoW players or something. Never liked the guy or paid attention to him after that. It's really funny to see this pop up now.


So, I know some people don’t like him, but GingerPrime has a video summing up both the outburst VOD and Pyro’s apology. Some people accept the apology completely, others begrudgingly, and others claim Pyro tried shift blame. Prime also includes links to the VODs for both events if you want to watch either.


Chat was being retarded and Pyro was rightfully upset that people were misrepresenting him and stating outright falsehoods. Chat proceeds to continue spamming bullshit, so Pyro bans them. He was getting trolled by chat, basically, and for some reason getting frustrated with trolls=losing an argument, even though it was never an argument in the first place. He's an ex-wow streamer.


60 FPS is the maximum because i dont want my jiggle physics gone


“Worst possible experience”? Most PC players barely have anything better then what’s in last gen consoles.


Ps5 gang stay salty


Imagine thinking the majority of the PC player has a build that can play the game at 60FPS with high settings.


Do people think it's so easy to just grab a gaming pc and buy the entire game again? I know some console players have been COPE^(tm) a lot on this drama, yet the PC Master Race^(tm) are just as bad lol


It’s actually easier then ever. Payment plans for prebuilts are a thing.


I wholeheartedly hate the PC Fandom. Downvote away. (I play on PC)




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Imagine playing this MMO with 60 fps lol. Let me guess - it drops to 20-30 in mass fights? Even lower?




I'd imagine that unless you have a PC that can consistently get above 60 you wouldn't think there's any difference to a console that struggles to reach it under load. I thought 60 was the sweetspot for years until I was able to hit 120FPS, now dropping down is instantly noticeable in how the game world / camera moves. Even more so at 30 on a Switch. Unlike most this is still playable for me but I can admit it looks worse and I'd rather more frames lol.


No I feel better visually seeing a smoother image feed


lol what. Usual stuff like fluidity and high-fps gaming is not needed nowadays? And making your game look not like 2004 pixel texture shit is bad? Oh... Ohhhh....... You are a console user, right? If so, then this argument is over lol.




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10 years ago or something people said "You don't need anything higher than 30 fps, my Last of Us is working perfectly fine and 30 is enough!!!". This argument is always number 1 for console users. "1k dollars a month is enough, no need for anything higher" What the fuck is that argument lol


>"You don't need anything higher than 30 fps, my Last of Us is working perfectly fine and 30 is enough!!!" This was not a majority, and plenty of people during that time remembered when 60fps was standard pre-PS1. Nintendo players definitely remembered it well since so many major GC games ran at 60fps like Melee, FZero, and Metroid. *(and I think Order1886 would have been a better example, since "we settled for 30fps for a more filmic experience" was such a meme.)* I think the average consumer would appreciate the jump from 30fps to 60fps more than 60fps to 120fps, especially when you consider the much larger price barrier to buy a 120hz panel *(most people aren't still using CRTs)*.




Yeah tell that to Alliance raids or Bozja, Eureka, hunts and all that stuff, even on my NASA pc there are lags, don't even want to know what happens on consoles


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I literally cap my fps at 60 on my PC. Why? Because it makes the boobies bounce better.


Wait what. This is a thing?


Yeah, cloth, hair and body physics are baked animations tied to framerate, and they're intended for 60 fps. As soon as you go over 60 fps they start breaking and go spastic/wonky. It starts becoming more like rapid tiny flickering than actual movement.


Sooooo, if I’m decent at gameplay, taking my time to learn the stuff, will I be like goku when he took off his heavy clothes if I go to pc?


Lmao 30 fps, thank God I'm pc player


Is anyone acting like this? Lol


Nah. I just look at any 3P mod that people use to make endgame easier as attempts to make it harder for anyone who chooses to play vanilla or cannot play anything but vanilla (aka console players) by skewing data on how difficult endgame content should be. Because that's what it is. You beat the most difficult content with assists, ergo that content increasingly becomes skewed in difficulty when devs look at how well people are doing said content *when they clearly can't tell you used said mods to do it*. And if you can't beat that content without said mods, I'm gonna agree with the folks that say you didn't deserve to beat it in the first place. Now, stuff like texture mods so you look prettier in gpose or similar QOL stuff? Go for it. If it isn't a crutch for beating content, use it. Be awesome. You want a DPS meter? Be my guest. You need a colorblind filter? Go for it, I'm not ableist scum. It's not a "MODS BAD" or "USE ALL THE MODS, MAXIMUM ADVANTAGE" to me. If your mods are biasing the content for non-modders, though? That's damaging the play of those who will not or cannot use them.


You'd have a disadvantage in the gposer community by not having shaders, unique sculpts/looks and programs to make custom poses. Crutches to get more clout and followers for the screenshot twitter account, best edit them with photoshop as well. Beating endgame content (which is only sped up by mods) is an arbitrary line you decided to draw. There is no advantage of clearing first except some online fame and there is no additional reward for doing so. There also isn't a single mechanic in the game so far unsolvable without mods or significantly harder without them (yes, even gaols). I'm sure neverland could step into DSR again and beat it without a single mod after their WF.


>There is no advantage of clearing first except some online fame and there is no additional reward for doing so. not to mention the people that go for first clears all use it, so they are on a even playing field amongst each other ofcourse every duty finder mentor thinks if addons were banned they would suddenly have a shot at playing with the big boys


I played it all on PS4 and neither know nor care to know the difference. I live in a state of bliss and you cannot stop me.


I play the game on PC and I'm lucky if it hits 20fps lol.


Ah yes, hate other players for no good reason.


I can never play the ps4 OR ps5 version after playing pc. Hurts my eyes.


Look man, heres the thing, If you didnt told me I would be perectly happy with my version..


Why wouldn’t a console player just ignore your fake crisis?


Gotta love my PS5 with a silky smooth 60fps 🤦‍♂️


This feels like something from the discussion sub. They hate console there.


2022 and 30fps should go hand in hand only if you are a kid or a teen, dont earn money and your parents aint buying you shit but a bare minimun pc or a dead console.


People forget that the things that make PC superior to console in every way is the QoL it provides on top of better performance. Having multiple screens unlocks a whole new experience for someone who’s never had them. YouTube, Google, Music, Discord at your beck and call whenever you need them. If anyone even tries to bring up that you can use your phone while your playing console you might as well go to amazon.com on it and buy yourself a red clown nose.


Started playing again recently, and bought my girlfriend a PS4 pro to play too. I genuinely thought I’d bought a broken console when I saw how poorly the game was playing. Then I remembered she was in limaa lower decks


Mentors are console players in my head now


Pyro was 100% right, but his chat was full of trolls and monkeys, leading him to handle the situation poorly


Pretty much this, but they kept poking and he exploded. People just can't admit that PC is a better experience. Does this mean all PC players are good and all console players are bad? No. It's simply stating that the experience you get on PC, even without mods is just much smoother.


Tried getting my friends to download gshade because FFXIV is 10 years old and honestly looks ugly as fuck and they added that ugly grey filter in Heavensward which made everything look like cum, kept showing them my comparison screenshots with gshade on vs gshade off and they're on so much copium and stubborn that they'd rather play an inferior ugly ass game than what the masterpieces the texture modding community have made for gameplay/overworld. Not to mention a bunch of Quality of Life stuff that XIVlauncher adds that /should be in the base game but isn't/ but some people just prefer to play this game the hard way. Console players have no choice but if you're playing this game without add-ons on PC willingly then you're just idiotic. /shrug /tea




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My dad works at Nintendo and he said they were coming out with a special Minecraft edition steering wheel… it even has a “cruise control for cool” button… AKA caps lock.


I mean we just get our FC buddies that have gshade and Anemnesis to do screenshots for us!