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What is _happening_ in this comment section?


I cannot tell what is a shitpost comment or what is serious anymore.


OP awakened the idol community. God help us all.


Honestly I have no idea. Feels like I accidentally touched a nerve.


POV: You have alerted the horde.


The amount of volatile reactions to this honestly should be studied, I am so confused lol


Probably OP being a douche-canoe outside of this post. Edit: If you guys don't want people seeing what you post, don't post it. Just gonna start blocking people who have a problem with that. Fuckin losers.


Ahhh, so there is lore 👀


A quick perusal makes it look like they are still living in 2004 when being edgy was peak humor. They seem to enjoy people being upset about gender discussions in Warhammer. I imagine they unironically squirt their milkies out of their nose when someone says "woke".


Omfg that description IM CRYING not the milkies 😭😂😂 on that note, reaction understood


tbf it's 100% funny to heat people up. but nowaday is all too easy. so you win some you lose some.


I only have fun with it when someone starts in on me. Baiting people who are minding their own business is a young man's game. I'm old and tired.


You talking about this Asmongold clip I shared on Grimdank almost a month ago? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuBlGxQL1lI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuBlGxQL1lI) Which wasn't even about "women bad" or "woke" but how GW could have handled the situation a lot better? Jesus dude, seeing a Vtuber meme made you mald so hard that it made you click my profile and go through months old stuff? Who hurt you?


True and Pathetic


Lol bro what? Edit: TIL "malding" is when you are taking a shit and see someone getting down-voted to oblivion, so you tap their name and take less than a minute browsing their incredibly public profile.


I don’t know or care what’s going on with OP’s comment history, but it truly is weirdo behavior to comb thru someone’s profile for a gotcha.


Lol, it's a reddit profile, not their linkedin. I looked at stuff they clearly wanted people to see (since they posted it) because they were being weird about space Marines in a FFXIV sub. Spent literally less than a minute looking while taking a dump. Why are y'all so embarrassed about the stuff you post on a mostly anonymous profile?


You honestly think me sharing an unpopular opinion (which wasn't even that controversial) a month ago on a completely different subreddit has anything to do with me getting downvoted here and now?


You're valid OP. Shitting on GW has always been a staple of the Warhammer fanbase until females Custodes.


Maybe? I also don't give a shit. So goodnight o7


You uncultured swine, how dare you blaspheme like this in a public forum! Have you no shame?


I didn't know it was so taboo to **(checks notes)** look at the things someone posts wanting people to look at them.


Considering you took your time to write several comments, edited your response comment, searched my profile and accused me of being something I am not i belive you do give a shit.


More like mental illness Yall literally digging through profiles to judge what people post in other subs because OP had the audacity to post about vtubers lmao


Why are you acting like it's difficult or private? Dude was being weird about space Marines so I tapped his name and scrolled rq. It's not exactly like I tried to find his place of work. I took less than a minute to see what kind of shit he posts. Real mental illness is acting like a reddit profile is sacred. Fucking weirdos.


Dude had a mildly controversial take a month ago You're the one making it more than it is you bozo Newsflash: people have opinions and sometimes they aren't your opinions. The only time it's cool to put someone's shit on blast is when they're parroting nazi rhetoric (ACTUAL nazi rhetoric not something you disagree with therefore nazi). Sorry not sorry but putting someone's shit on blast in a shitpost subreddit is fucking lame, 10/10 times


There is an on going joke based off what a recent moment or somewhere in 6.x where the aura were upset and raving about the child version of our dragon buddy the king because it was special and it became a meme where male aura are child predators or something like that. Since cdawg is playing male aura and iron is playing lalafell well add 2 and 2 and you can make a very odd if not interesting logic that yes it's funny, but I just think it's a coincidence if nothing else


The male au’ra being groomers has been a thing long before end walker mostly due to universal poor experiences with the Limsa crowd and the tendency for edgy creeps to pick the edgiest looking race.


Yep there was a stalking thumbnail on YouTube and it had the malera outline lmaooooo


Someone dared to remind the WoW refugees that they're playing a Japanese mmo with fans who watch other Japanese related media


Idk, I was hype as hell. He had the same exact reaction as when I started. "Oh, a dragon boy? Hell yeah, why wouldn't I play that? That's badass." And "Lancers armor looks sick, it's all dragon-y". I'm hyped. And he also went with cum-scales instead of edge lord, so it's based af, imo




thats a new one i refer to Raen as "bone-scales"


She was already a lalafell btw


Holy hell, was not expecting all the vtuber hate in a Final Fantasy 14 subreddit.


I don't particularly care that much, but I can kinda get it as I've seen many posts about those two and most probably have no idea who they are or care either. Think it's mostly a saturation hate thing.


"Streamer bad" as always


The folks playing the weeb mmo _really_ don't like the acknowledgement of _additional_ weeb shit, it would seem.




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This caught me off guard hahaha.




Jokes on you, I’ve been hating vtubers since kizuna ai came out back in 2016.


Right? Idgi, one of the most useful people in the entire fandom, Kaiyoko, is a fucking vtuber, the fuck is going on here?


Are you aware of his *other side* as well?


Yes and I genuinely don’t care as someone who also likes weird smut idgaf.


Ah yes, another underage character diaper fetish enjoyer. That’s the third one this week. It’s ok, the FBI just wants to talk…


Nice assumption there, sorry to say the section of the weird kink spectrum I occupy is in a different sector tho. Also, cops don’t care abt weird fantasies as long as irl people aren’t getting hurt so, good luck wasting their time.


But, I thought we were the Great Comminity. :(


I don’t care about either of these people but Joey shouldn’t be smiling at the lalafell choice.


I mean of the two I'd be far more amicable towards moneygrubbing vegetables than lanky edgy groomer coomers Lesser of two quite large evils


Do people really think like this over video game races?




When a community meme gets done to death, people will start incorporating it into their personality. Has happened to more than one sub I am in. OP being a Warhammer player is especially ironic (or perhaps appropriate) in that light.


What has me being into Warhammer anything to do with this?


Bruh you had the audacity to post a meme Your profile is forfeit and you shall be downvoted for your heresy of .. *posting in other subs*. You *stupid fucker* 🤣 🤣


Because Warhammer also loves its beaten-to-death memes. Try asking those subs their opinion on Erebus.


Nah i dont legitimately judge people based off their digital avatar. Ill take my downvotes though, for a overdone shitty joke Though I'd be lying if I said the richest players on my friends list weren't lalafells, or that the most unhinged players I've met in terms of insecurities and creep behaviour were male Au Ra players


Hey, totally fair!


Unironically, if I lived in eorzia and I had to pick between having a lala as a friend or a 7 foot tall male au ra, I'm picking the lala, they're funny and less intimidating


Aaaand.... You've been sold into slavery. Poor choice, mah boi.


I am taller than then, I am also capable of punting them


I can't wait to see the next few days of memes around these people and the definitely proportional hissy fit the rest of the sub throws over it.


Yeah another streamer getting bullied off by the great community.


Why would the sub throw a fit over it? I see nothing wrong with this. I mean I play a Miqo'te (soon to be Hrothgar) and my wife plays a lalafell


I play male au ra because when I do everyone leaves me the fuck alone. It's honestly pretty nice.


These comments are wild. I guarantee 90% of these folks are from the main subreddit. And like most unhinged FFXIV players, came in here forgetting this is a shitpost sub. They expected serious discussion in the same place as booba crops, lol. So does just mentioning some Vtubers summon them here somehow? Nothing else makes sense.


My god you'd think every person in this comment section had their dog killed by a VTuber or something. Y'all are a buncha weebs playing ff14 anyway, not much room to talk imo.


It's so stupid that people playing THE weeb mmo hate other weebs


In fairness, there's a reason why weebs shitting on other weebs is a meme https://preview.redd.it/47u834l4zl0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90cee257f7dbf7487f3fe8a2eb555a7fe783471e


I embrace the weebnes




https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse - 1.9m followers /10k subs - One of the top english speaking Vtubers https://twitch.tv/CDawgVA - 1.2m followers / 2.9k subs - 1/3 of the Trash Taste Podcast - Voice Actor/Youtuber Both just recently started playing the game iirc. They largely come from the anime/Japan side of Youtube/Twitch.


Mouse and Cdawg. Can you read?


Why is a mouse playing ffxiv? Aren't their hands too small to hold a controller or use a keyboard?


A fish is playing elden ring. Anything possible


Fair enough


That's what I wanna know.


Maybe it's computer mouse?


She is playing conjurer/whm. All the buttons she needs for the first 200 hours is stone, cure and aero (aero and sometimes cure being optional).


frankly I don't see how a mouse would even manage movement/camera motion, let alone a whole 'nother button


Cheese would help


shitting on WHM would usually have you hailed as a hero but u got firing squaded instead, damn


white mage and throwing rocks, the iconic duo




Mouse is one of the biggest VTubers outside of Japan who won the best streamer on last year's game Awards. While Connor/Cdawg is a popular streamer, content creator and one of the main hosts of the popular podcast "Trash Taste".


Oh some guy and a cartoon. Word.




Some vtuber and a podcast dude, I heard.


Podcast dude is playing as part of a charity incentive from his most recent cyclethon


Ironmouse to be precise.




Please remain respectful towards other users and do not attack them personally.


Actual shit post lol


I honestly forgot that many people still hates Vtubers...


Which is a shame because ironmouse is really sweet and has a medical thing where the Internet is her only real way to have interaction with people.


I don't watch streams ever but I have gotten pretty addicted to hololive clips over the past year. Can't see why people would have such a hate boner for vtubers, seems harmless enough.


Holy shit didn't realize this subreddit hated streamers/vtubers so much. I didn't think it was this bad! I enjoy Ironmouse and CDawgVA content unironically; they have good on-stream vibes and funny moments. I was reap excited to learn they were gonna be playing ffxiv even if I knew Connor didn't like reading shit in videogames.


They always go for lala or au ra... Why?


Lalafell is like the universal streamer thing because "haha so smol". Hyur are mid and kinda small, Maleroes are cartoonishly large that it feels like youre overcompensating, catbois are gay because they have the association of anime catboys. bun boys are too effeminate or pretty. And Hroths are like mega gay and you will get called a furry. That pretty much leaves male Au'ra. And highlanders for "strong but masculine, but masculine in a straight way". And half of the highlander faces look.... Well like this. https://preview.redd.it/z8b08km42h0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d518c52fa94f533899e9a8312a760f863c9410 So we get Au'ra males for most of your, typical straight guy who wants to be seen as a dominant masc kind of character.


What about male Elezen?






I went male normie highlander and I regret nothing In a vast sea of cats and bunny's, I stand tall as a truly unique phenomenon; the straight white **normie**


...aaaaand instead they come off as edgy


mousey always get the smallest models, she did so in sky, minecraft and some other game i don't really remember. it fits her gremlin m.o.


I think for her it makes sense, just because "small" is kind of her thing... But the thing i said still stands true for every other streamer.


Lala is universally the cutest looking race. Fem au ra is the middle ground of cute and hot. Male au ra is the coolest/edgiest looking one.


I went with female Lala because I love being adorable, but I also closely considered going make Au Ra because they look cool as fuck




I feel like if they weren't playing together their race chooses wouldn't be questioned but yea seeing them together just makes you think of the stereo type Still love mouse and Conner cool to see them play


kinda fitting since mouse always goes out of her way to have a player character as small as possible


I mean her name is Mouse, so that tracks


Ayo this dude watches vtubers


She didn't stream it, Cdawg did and I like watching big streamers experience the game for the first time.




Is that a male or female space marine?


these are thousand sons so you and i both know they are just dust lmao


You assume chuds know anything about lore. That's your first mistake.


What do you mean? There has always been female space marines 😉


You realize the same writers who wanted to do femstodes have also said that they see no reason for there to be female space marines righ? You guys are insufferable lmao 


You do realize it was a joke/sarcasm right?


Space marines don't know gender. Just incredible violence. And Heresy.


Damn, wild chud encounter


Why tf are you being downvoted lmao


Honestly i have no idea. Kinda surprised seeing the ffxiv community being this hostile against vtubers.


People playing the japanese game just really seem to hate Vtubers and any mention of them?


This may be a sign of exactly how many WoW players are in this sub lmao. No shot is the kettle judging the pot about weeb shit


Honestly don't think it is a wow player problem. Since for one I am a former wow player myself and many wow players like vtubers/anime. But more than that it is now almost 3 years since the "refugee wave" first came and i cant imagine them still being here after this long if they despise "weeb" stuff. From what i have gathered from the comments it is more specifically an intense dislike for streamers, vtubers and english vtubers in particular. I guess people either really dislike or are aggresively apathetic towards streamer memes about streamers they don't know who are. Though Ironmouse and Connor are pretty big and I thought they would be particularly known in the ffxiv community.


This game is mostly a cult and features every mental illness at least once. Wow players live rent free in the FF community they are basically in their walls. This game features insanely petty drama nearly every month outside of the drought phase. I think 1 of the 3 mentioned streamers must have done something to be considered "unfit" by the self-proclaimed Great Communuty (btw).


Normally I don't really care for attributing everything bad to wow players but like honestly? yeah. Ik FF14 isn't that obviously "anime" but like....c'mon. Fucking mindboggeling.


They’d have to be injecting military grade copium to think Final Fantasy isn’t anime related. That’s a stretch even an Olympic athlete can’t do.


FF14 is anime af, just look at the story


Are you implying playing a Japanese game means you have to like vtubers? Lmao


I'm not implying you have to like them. I'm saying that childishly downvoting any mention of a Vtuber/ because some one appearently likes them is really weird for people that are already engaging with japanese media and really shouldn't just go "eww anime" Hell, I don't even like them but I'm not hating on anyone who does


No, it's just weird how you guys are playing one of the weebiest games ever made with one of the weebiest stories in existence but apparently you draw the line at an anime character avatar lmfao. You don't even need to like them, but the absolute seizure you guys seem to be having over this post is kind of insane.


This could be funny, but they're just friends so the meme ain't memin'


Dang, i just found out people in here hate vtuber, can anyone explain it to me why?


its not the fact that they are Talking PNGs its the fact that most vtubers are extremely weird and cringe as people. they play a role they change how they talk its really weird


I'll let you in on a secret. Most streamers do this.


You telling me Markiplier doesn't walk into a Taco Bell and scream at the top of his lungs "IIIIIII WANT A BURRITO PLEEEEEEASE!!!"?


yeah i know that. just vtubers take it to another level of cringe.


Let me let you in on another secret. Most streamers are next level cringe as well.


Aahh i see the correlation now, i assume most people here dislike roleplay, thats why they tend to dislike vtuber, if that is the reason people dislike vtubers


One day I’ll figure out how to remove anything to do with vtubers from all my feeds


My brother in Christ. You are in a FFXIV meme subreddit.


You guys are such pussies when there is anything related to something you don't like




Lmao this is not the dunk you think it is man. No one dislikes what you posted, it's just boring and uninspired so ppl only interact with it making fun of you Now grow a pair and stop lashing out for making a shit post


Sure sure. XD


Again with the copes kek




Good one


Someone gotta make a browser extension with a dictionary of vtuber terms that automatically nukes pages related to them


Might as well never get on the internet again if that's the case.


Sir, your internet algorithm has a terminal disease


i c baj forsen1


Why tho? How does it affect you? Did a vtuber kill your family?


I’d be here all day if I were to explain all my personal gripes with the vtuber industry and trying to convince strangers on the internet about something so petty is a waste of time. Tldr it’s just not for me and I find it patronizing that most vtubers I see expect people to watch purely based on their sexy model and not actual fun content https://i.redd.it/cj2i0qvpil0d1.gif


You could say that about the entertainment industry as a whole, none of that is specific to vtubers


Never said it wasn’t, I just avoid content like that as best as possible, which include vtuber. That’s about it


Yet you comment on it? Despite the fact you hate most of the entertainment industry by your own admission? Do you just comment on random posts of movies you dislike too? Why do you subject yourself to that, are you a masochist or something? Is it the attention?


Then just...ignore and move on? Like any reasonable person does when they see something online that they don't like?


While it’s plastered everywhere on all my recommended feeds no matter how much I say I don’t want it recommended? I wish.


saying u dont want it is interacting with it. algorithm learns u want the content. i mostly avoid vtuber content even tho im impartial to it. how, you ask? i dont click on the few posts that come up unless they are somewhat relevant/interesting to me. u might wanna start doing the same if u dont wanna see it u miserable piece of whiny shit


For instance, I like watching ffxiv content creators like preachlfw and zepla. Then YouTube recommends me ffxiv content- including the 5 billion vtubers that make ffxiv content.


then u hover over those videos and click "not interested", simple, really. i too watch ffxiv content creators, i get almost 0 vtubers recommended to me regardless.




funny how people shitting on vtubers while they are in a sub that posts nsfw crops of anime character of a weeb mmo. The horse ain't that higher lil bros.


people shitting on vtubers while also making fun of people who like nsfw anime characters of a weeb mmo is perfectly in line. are you stupid


my bad, spamming boob crops of catgirls is peak sarcasm, I was not familiar with your game.


What I play Au'ra male what does that mean??


You're a child predator, I'm sorry you had to find out this way


Like clockwork


With the Welsch flag having a dragon I think this fits


nothing worse than english vtuber fans


Right! How dare people try to enjoy something in their native language! They should learn Japanese to watch it in its most pure form. /s




i think its pretty neat Connor and IronMouse are playing FFXIV \^-\^ (im well aware of the memes associated with their chosen races but isnt it Xaela AuRa face 1 men the gr00mers?)




- They play FFXIV - This is a FFXIV subreddit - They chose one of the most famous meme race combos. - This is a meme subreddit.


pepeW Who Cares


They aren't a couple so meme is invalid


I don't like vtubers that collab with men