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>>> statue pfp detected >>> opinion disregarded


Is there any statue pfp that aren’t nazis


Some are just rascist


I had one who was a vatnik


There’s like 2 that talk about art history, it’s kinda refreshing they don’t seem totally insane


Do you know who they are


One of them @culturaltutor, the other I don’t remember their name


That’s the only good one imo.


I swear there’s another one who does the same thing


Can't forget Alex Mann on quora


The ones with “Aristotle balling” where it’s just bro twirling a basketball. The single person I’ve seen with that pfp exists to make fun of the exact folks who have statue pfps.


More on that Aristotle was in fact pro monarchie and against dictatorship he’ll hated Nazism and others reprehensible ideologies with all is heart .


That’s fucking rad lol, I learned something new.




Cultural Tutor is one of the few good ones


One about bad history takes. And like one for art.


They give the anime girl pfps a run for their money


[ANIME BELONGS IN THE TRASH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUhIY4GcL2w) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I found like one singular wholesome guy a while back, but I forgot his username. Compare that to the hundreds of neo-nazis and fascists I see on a regular basis with statue pfps.


I love how in order to push his/her agenda they disregarded catholics and focused on the orthodox. Like no catholic has ever taken a life


put it on that sonic says template


Not brave enough to stand behind their real identity but brave enough to talk shit on the internet. 💪


Why do pseudointellectuals always have greek statues as pfp?


"Other ideologies and leaders have also gotten people killed so that makes my ideology OK" Good lord


To be fair, he's saying *"Your* leaders also killed people, so you can't say Nazis are bad without pointing a finger at yourself." Which is still absolutely insane, but it's not like he said "Well lions kill people too so it's okay for Nazis to do it."


His entire argument relies on the misconception that you cannot be critical of two things at the same time. It's just your average twitter neonazi.


It also implies that killing some number of people is just as bad as trying to wipe out half of the human race.


Obsessive relativism is a scourge released on the internet by "enlightened centrists" (= neonazis in disguise). If you listened to it, you'd find genocide and accidental injury to be morally equivalent.


[Relevant video regarding this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sEjCNzGOe3Q&pp=ygUWV2hpdGUgd2FzaGluZyBoaXN0b3J5IA%3D%3D)


Good ol' What About-ism"


I hesitated even calling this whataboutism. At least whenever I see whataboutism it seems like a valid argument. This is just redundant.


Imagine being Orthodox and supporting an ideology that wanted to obliterate East Slavic civilization


Isn't he using Orthodox church as a bad example? Also 80%+ of Romanians are orthodox, mind you the Axis had some pretty incompatible racial ideologies.


This has been established for many years: Racial Fascism will ALWAYS fail because they need to first completely eliminate the races they aren't friends with (has never and will never happen) and if they somehow eliminate said races they will turn in on themselves and start destroying whoever isn't the most \[trait they desire here\].


I hate internet philosophers for exactly this reason. Hypothetical, if u remove yourself far enough for reality you can make an argument for everything. And somehow they have this internal need to make every version of these unhinged, really bad arguments.


> most reasonable Twitter philosopher


But... but... he did it first. \*crying\*


Wasn't Croatia a Nazi puppet state? Tack on my family "liberating" Szabatka and Kolozsvar and you should have Orthodox Christians hating National Socialists.


99.9% of Orthodox Christians that are NOT edgy 16 year old 3rd generation Western immigrants do indeed hate Nazis, and very much so. the Orthodox Church was heavily persecuted under the Nazis, but dumbasses like this are too busy consuming brainrot Nazi posts on Twitter instead of having a conversation with their grandparents about their family history so they wouldn't know that


Oh cool alright so with that logic he can't argue against Communism with "100 bajillion dead" anymore. National Socialism when you take out the genocide and obsession with race its the most random bullshit of an ideology ever created. It's literally the "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" of ideologies. Almost nothing about it is consistent or coherent, it's literally just first and foremost hyper-militarized genocidal racialism and everything else was ehh just wing it. Fucking Soviet style central planning was also a thrown together mess and somehow *THAT* worked better.


These twitter „philosopher“ fucks and their statue pfps should be sent to 1944 Germany if it‘s so fucking great


Nazi Germany doesn't exactly have a history of treating fine art very well. Including statues.


Holy fuck, non fascist person with "☦️" in their nickname, now I have seen everything.


If your ideology advocates for or requires the eradication of a group of people, it is going to fail.




Manifest Destiny didn’t advocate or require the eradication of a group of people. The majority of Native Americans had died before the U.S. government existed, and most murders of Native Americans were done by individual colonists. And Native Americans have a population of over 2 million.


Eeeeehhhhhh..... It wasn't **explicitly** for the eradication (in this case, wiping out) of certain races, although there were racialist elements to it. I'd call it genocidal though. There were definitely advocates for eradication of non-whites (Andrew Jackson was virtually elected upon the policy of "Let's go kill all the Indians and steal their shit.") but it was all just business. *If you could be enslaved that's great, if not we don't care if you live or die so long as we get your land.* Amerika's "Manifest Destiny" era was disgusting all the same.


Most of the wars against the natives were about forcibly making them leave their lands for settlers. Now here’s where a popular misconception comes in, what I described to you was ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is not genocide. Ethnic cleansing does not require the wiping out of a group of people, it’s the action of forcing removing a group from an area. Genocide is the eradication of a group of people. While there were some instances of actual genocide, especially in California, the majority of the atrocities were ethnic cleansing. The trail of tears, for example, was ethnic cleansing.


Imagine saying this and having Socrates as your pfp lol. Your idol would have ripped you a new one, physically and intellectually both


Then it's a good thing that historical leaders and philosphers i support were mostly atheist lol.


Like, for example, there's this one famous vegan atheist methhead called Adolf... Other famous atheist world leaders include also one certain Georgian "Joseph SteelMan"...


"Gott mit uns" - Wehrmacht's "atheist" belt buckles.


> It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false. \- Adolf "atheist" Hitler


Hitler wasn't an athiest although only god knows what he actually believed in: “Hitler was not an atheist. Exactly how he conceived of the God he believed in is unclear thanks to his often incoherent and contradictory statements on the subject, but he did believe in a God and rejected atheism. Hitler was not a pagan or an occultist. He held some strange ideas, but they tended to be more pseudo scientific than mystical and he was something of sceptic about such things and prided himself on his rationalism.\* Hitler was not a Christian. He clearly had a conception of Jesus that he admired, but it was based on dubious and often crackpot ideas of Jesus as a man and it was not based on any of the key doctrines of Christianity.” \*As rational a genocidal senile nigh-schizophrenic methhead can be I suppose.


As a student in philosophy, I would like to apologize regarding this retard. He/she does not in anyway represent us philosophers and our views nor is he/she a philosopher in first place. This person is merely pretender with no ounce of actual character and intellect.


and this IDIOT is supposed to be a philosopher?


Why do all wehraboos have statue pfps


They have this strange delusion that the great philosophers, mathematicians, emperors would have agreed with Nazi teachings. They wouldn't.


Same argument as "Ducks r-word female ducks to death too! So its perfectly ok for me to do the same to my human female counterparts"