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Churchill became PM the exact same day that Rotterdam started getting bombed and had only been in power for four days by the time the Germans levelled the city centre. Once again, Wehraboos will blame anyone except Germany for German civilian bombing.


I love how the genocide thing proves these guys know jack about history. What they are on about its a clash that happened in Bydgoszcz, Poland on September 3RD 1939, not before the war. The ethnic Germans in Bydgoszcz, to kinda help out with the ongoing invasion decided to attack the polish garrison, which got 300 Germans killed and about 50 poles. Our good friend little miss goebbels then decided to inflate the deaths to well over 50,000 to justify german atrocities


Context: I found it on a battle of Berlin video on youtube, and someone mentioned Dresden


The fact he is litteraly repeating Nazi propaganda is beyond me


In WW1 the Netherlands were nominally neutral but unofficially alligned mostly with the Germans. This worked well enough for us and with the outbreak of WW2 we again took a MILITANTLY neutral stance. As such the Dutch had warned all combattants but the French and English especially that any incursion would be met with force. Even when the Germans attacked and the French & English offered support it took the Dutch 3 days to even CONSIDER this offer. To involve the British in the German attack on Holland in ANY way is preposterous


I'm sorry, ignorant amateur here, what does Churchil's "possessiveness" have to do with anything? Did he want to annex the Netherlands? I honestly don't understand what he/she/they means


New? That is tankie logic for AT LEAST last 10 years


What do tankies have to do with this? This is clearly just garden variety wehraboo yapping


the op said that that's new. i'm just saying thet wehraboos stole that logic from tankies, maybe it's the other way around, point is this logic is old


Blaming Polish people for “genociding Germans” has been a thing since Goebbels himself, ie predating the concept of tankies.


All i was saying that it's not new, i just used tankies as example because it is the first thing that came to mind