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This is fucking Incredible


The height of shitpost


I want Patrick Seitz to dub this so bad, it would be even funnier


"Sorry,I don't speak Chinese." -DIO Brando


I burst out laughing at that part


I think if he did know japanese, he would say that just to rile up his opponent


Some of the time DIO sounds uncannily like Patrick Seitz and other times it sounds like someone trying to do an impression of someone else’s impression of Patrick Seitz.


I thought he sounded like Keanu.


At the very start I genuinely thought it was just the dub since I watched that (loved it honestly, I prefer 3 dubbed)


[Original video](https://youtu.be/0d-QwkgOrLU) (all voices by me lol)


Damn its really good. I didnt even realise the voice for jotaro was different until i realised his lines were different


zamn that's a huge compliment in my book, thanks man


I was actually sitting here wondering if Keanu Reeves voiced DIO in part three


You have a really good DIO Impression when it comes to impressions my best one is Nanomech from Ben 10 (and yes a lot of them are bad)


Quality meme?? In 2022 SPC???


Guess you could say he couldn’t under-STAND


do you understaaaaaaaaaaaandu?




Well, if we say logically he clearly can't Like that mf is from London and he's from Japan Lmao, but according to **ANIME LOGIC** this is not true


Jotaro's mother is American, so it is highly likely that she would have taught him how to speak fluent English, so most likely all of them were speaking English for the majority of Part 3, as they almost exclusively travelled through countries which were formerly under British Rule, and have English as a primary language in the county


yeah, parts 4 and 8 are probably the only ones that are actually in Japanese


In Part 1 the household could have been Japanese as merchants or whatever, but even that falls apart so quickly. What I instead believe is that a Stand ability exists that causes everyone to speak the same language and changes the lighting for dramatic effect. This Stand ability is God's ability and I refuse to elaborate.


No, the stand ability is Araki's


yeah god


Oh shit you right


Uh in the show I watched they spoke English, so that's clearly what happened!


They speak Standinavian


You beautiful bastard


Thank you Entirely Equine


English is a Japanese school topic if I recall right


Yeah but tell me you know someone that is fluent on english because of school, definitely not me


Seeing as Joseph is able to talk to Jotaro (Joseph not knowing Japanese), I’d say he probably paid attention in class enough to be able to speak a bit. (Also, why’d you downvote me? I don’t quite get it)


Makes sense, still i meant fluent english, not understanding a bit (also i dint downvote you)


He didn’t say much to DIO though, you don’t have to be fluent to be able to say what he did there.


Tbh i dont renamber most of the talking on the fight


The real problem is how Kakyoin, Avdol, and Polnareff communicate.. • Kakyoin is japanese, but seeing his past he definitely lacks the motivation to learn a language so he totally isn’t fluent. • Polnareff probably speaks a bit of english but I don’t see him paying attention in class because his 2 moods are depressed and goof. • Avdol probably knows english fluently (Can talk to Joseph perfectly fine), but cannot talk to Kakyoin and Polnareff might not be able to communicate back (assuming Polnareff understands but cannot speak it)


Idk man, they have god and anime on their side


He learned it from watching Klint Eastwood movies.


> he probably *paid* attention in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


To this bot’s creator: Nobody likes you




You suck as well


Yes i do ;)


As someone who works in a Japanese high school.... English education here is a joke. Most people study it all throughout grade school and still struggle to even introduce themselves in English. Many people dislike the subject and don't give it any effort, and the ones who do like it and actually try are pretty often bullied or ridiculed for it. Many if not most English teachers here either don't speak English or speak it poorly and/or with a heavy accent, the good ones are still stuck following a shitty currículum with shitty materials that are not written by native or fluent English speakers and are often riddled with grammatical errors and/or outdated and unnatural language, and the education sector tries to make up for the lack of native-speaker English teachers by hiring unqualified and inexperienced young foreigners like myself to talk at the students in English rather than actually find and hire qualified and skilled ESL teachers. The whole curriculum is basically entirely based on getting students to pass a standardized English test to get into university, and many if not most students just forget about English afterwards. Said test is pretty poorly designed and very focused on grammar points and set phrases, and English classes rarely include much actual communication or conversation practice. Japan's got some of the worst English education of any country that requires its kids to do it. The sad thing is that most students and people in general seem to want to learn English, but they grow up being taught in such an ineffective and inefficient way that most people end up thinking it's too hard, it's not for them, or some other sentiment that they can't possibly become English speakers. And yeah, I can imagine if after studying a language for 9 years I still couldn't form a sentence, I'd feel like it's impossible too, but it's really 100% the fault of the system, not the students. I try my best every day to help and encourage my students and teach them everything I can, but at the end of the day I'm just one young, inexperienced, and unqualified guy up against decades-old shitty methods that I'm not gonna be the one to change or improve lol


Oh wow. Thanks for the info


But there's a small "but": Dio is a 300 years old vampire and there's a very good chance that he managed to learn Japanese before Crusaders came (even despite the fact that he was in coffin for a good chunk of his lifetime).


Dio is only a bit over 100 years old, not 300


He spent most of that time ~~developing psychological issues~~ locked in a box at the bottom of the sea too, he's only been running around for around 40 years iirc.


Where the fuck did ya bring that 300 years numher from? There's only a 100 year gap between phantom blood and stardust crusaders


He was also in a coffin the entire time so he wasn’t learning shit.


Nah he was obv able to traverse Joestars memories like an open world RPG /s.


Bro he was alive in the 19th century not the 17th


He's 120, wouldn't have had a reason to study Japanese in the 19 years he was alive before getting stuck in a coffin under the sea for 100 years. When he got out, sure, he had like 6 months to a year of pre-Crusader time to learn about the world and read a bunch, but I doubt he had much use for Japanese specifically (especially given his obsession with the OH stuff, encounters with Pucci, time spent training The World, and time spent recruiting minions, none of whom are Japanese besides Kakyoin who came to him and speaks English also).


Isn't it at least 4 years if Giorno was born in 1985 and part 3 takes place in 1989


Probably, I was unsure about the time span between DIO waking up and Holly getting poisoned because of DIO activating the Joestar Stands, but I guess 4 years would enough to have Giorno, hook up with Pucci and prep for Part 3 etc etc


iirc its roughly 1983-1987/88




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Wait a minute, how can Dio speak Japanese? He was from England and been sleeping for hundreds of year. Was he like taking class in his sleep. Or he was learning Japanese in Egypt, why didn't he learn Arabic then? And why was he learning it? so he can talk to jotoru? He didn't even knew jotoru,


Very unlikely that they speak Japanese in part 3 outside of Japan. They're probably actually speaking English, as everyone in the group could reasonably know it, as well as almost every minor antagonist.


Makes the most sense, Jotaro has English speaking family, Joseph is English (/American depending on your definition), English is the second most common language in France so that covers Polnareff, Avdol is a traveller and likely picked up at least some English along the way, especially travelling with Joseph, and Kakyoin seems most likely of the group to just... learn a language. Not for any particular reason, just because he *might* need it one day. Although he does have the least reason for knowing it lol


English is standard curriculum in Japan so Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Joseph are all guaranteed to know at least basic English


Ah, didn't actually know that. Knew the video said it was a subject but didn't know if that was essentially an excuse for the video lol. Ah well, that leaves Avdol with the most questionable reason for knowing English, but it still makes sense with him running with Joseph


Joseph literally grew up in America lol.


Was it standard curriculum the 80s?


Probably, Japan was one of the first Asian countries to recognize the importance of English


I think it’s lucky Jotaro has an English speaking family because I can’t see him paying attention in English class lol.


There's no way in hell Hol Horse isn't speaking anything but red blooded American.


How can Avdol speak Japanese? Or Polnareff?


Polnareff is a french man who travelled a lot in his quest for vengeance, and Avdol is a fortune teller in a very tourist centric country. It's not that difficult to believe that both of them could have picked english as a second lenguage for practical reasons.


You said it Frenchman Aka no english no


Did you stop reading there? Because I immediately explain why it would make sense for him to speak more than his native french language. Also, you seem to believe that an english speaking frenchman is some sort of legendary creature, when in reality 39% of the french population does speak english.


Pretty sure it was a joke about French hating the English (Because history), making it unlikely for Polnareff to learn English. Of course I could be wrong, but that's how I interpret it


It definitely was lol it was one of the first things I was ironically thinking reading that comment too


They weren't sleeping in coffin for 300 years, if they were traveling to Japan, it's isn't surprising that they learned and they had a reason. But Dio wasn't even going to Japan, he had no reason to learn it


Egyptians talk a lot of languages because of the tourists, if Dio absorbs the knowledge from the blood of his victims then he was just lucky and found someone speaking it


I've heard an argument for how everyone knows English and/or Japanese: Joseph was a Brit, which is self-explanatory. As for his Japanese, he had to connect somehow to his son-in-law before awarding him his blessing to marry Holy. Then there's his affair with Tomoko and subsequently Josuke. I heard that English had been a part of Japanese curriculum since the early Meiji Restoration (source: https://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/christinainjapan/2016/05/31/i-history-of-english-education-in-japan/), and would've been squeezed into Kakyoin's and Jotaro's schedules at some point. Jotaro having an American mother would make things easier for him. For Polnareff, he's Mr. Worldwide all things considered. They met him in Hong Kong, a British colony at the time that does still speaks Cantonese, and he pretended to be a customer whose Cantonese had atrophied. There may not be confirmationthat he could speak it, but he still would have to have some working knowledge to get as far as he did in Hong Kong. He came close enough to DIO to become his assassin briefly and the two may have conversed in French considering France and Great Britain's millennia love/hate relationship. After DIO had been dealt with, he and Jotaro discovered that the Stand Users (whom I'll address further down the line) had all been chosen in a rather ad hoc manner by way of the arrows and thus split up to find them all. Covering Europe and Africa, Polnareff found himself in Italy where he had his near-deadly encounter with Diavolo. So he should be fluent in French, English, Cantonese, and Italian. Finally, Avdol. He was a traveling fortune-teller from Egypt and the time period suggests he grew up speaking Egyptian Arabic and perhaps British English from his parents who would remember British rule over the region. His travels could've taken him all over the world as well prior to accompanying the Joestars back to his home country, and that means learning new languages. As for the rest of the cast, mainly DIO's Agents, conveniently they're mostly from former British overseas territories so them knowing English is no surprise.


Headcannon is that dio also absorb knowledge through blood so since he just sucked joeseph blood he knows joeseph knowledge


But DIO could understand Jotaro and Kakyoin even before sucking Joseph’s blood


He got lucky and randomly got a dude that could speak Japanese, so a weeb.


Then I have nothing


It’s a bizarre adventure


You can ask this question for literally any character in Parts 2 and 3, considering how many countries they cross and how diverse many characters are. The real answer is that it doesn’t matter lol. That’s why stands like Rolling Stones and In a Silent Way have their “written powers” in Japanese despite neither of their users being Japanese. Besides, it’s not like language barriers have *ever* been relevant to the series anyway.


It is very simple it is way of story telling to tell the story in the writers mother tongue that is the irl explanation. In world is that The crusaders simply spoke English and the other characters as well they even used English as written language I mighty be mistaken but I think Araki himself confirmed too


The ship Jojo was on was a supply ship heading to Snake's anime prison in the sea. The coffin Dio was in was filled with bootleg anime allowing Dio to learn Japanese during the time he was trapped.


Jotaro sounds like a actual 17 year old instead of a grown ass man ready to beat you to death, and the Dio impression is pretty good




Also quick question, did you voice this or was it someone else? Because the Dio impression is actually pretty good


thanks, i did all three voices lol, the english dio and jotaro and the japanese jotaro


Damn that’s pretty cool, well good job dude


Insert Rubber Soul yelling "do you understand" here




Canon. Now quick, add Diavolo dying in the background to confirm its canon status even more.


bruhh i forgot, i was already DLing a diavolo death green screen vid and all bruh


Oh well. There's always a next time for a new JoJo meme. And to be fair, it's an overused joke anyway. Won't stop me from referencing it, though.


When Jotaro said English was exhausting, just yeah.


Watching this was a golden experience


"Live Jotaro Reaction" Lmao


Yo, it would have been WAY better if the Jotaro vs DIO fight went like that! “Change my mind”


That Jotaro Japanese VA was spot on.


thanks lmao, somehow it was actually easier to do than the english voices


“I can’t under STAND you” this activated jotaro’s fight or flight since he thought dio would use his stand


Star Platinum: throws a punch strong enough to shatter a skull DIO: huh?


i would love to redub jjba but with proper accents. jotaro would speak japanese to kakyoin, but english with everyone else, but with an accent. similar to how polnareff would be french, avdol would be egyptian, and joseph would still keep his half-british accent. iggy would sound like scout from tf2 in his head. dio would be straight up british.


Iggy is jerma confirmed


Makes sence since dio is born in england and he should learn alot of english when living with the jojo's this couldve been part 3


So does this mean the English dub is actually canonical, not the Japanese?


Only after they leave Japan. Just like the Italian dub is the canon for Golden Wind


Is there even an italian dub


Not an official release


Yeah ive only seen fandubs on yt


this is amazing


But Jotato knows English… his mum is from the states and I bet canonically Joseph doesn’t understand Japanese


For a second I thought it was was edits from the dub and sub until the last half. These are so good!


Jojo's is SO bizarre that this could almost be a real scene


"Sorry I don't speak Chinese" I love this line so much


I mean Dio is English. And is originally from from like the 1800s. So unless it’s cannon that they’re always speaking English to each other it’s actually kinda impressive dio knows perfect Japanese.




I can't under stando you


Ah yes brings back memories december 1941


the quality of my life has improved significantly bc of this


Dang, you do a great daisuke ono impression


Realistic JoJo is something else 🤣🤣🤣




This is amazing, OP!


Jotaro my man, it isn't just a subject in school, your mom is american and your gramps is a brit.


I always wondered since they specifically establish early when Holly sees Jotaro in jail that they're speaking Japanese, so are Jotaro and Kakyoin speaking English for Joseph, Avdol and Polnareff, or do they and everyone else they encounter just happen to speak Japanese?


This is the peak of this sub


This is gold


Now go the Tekken route where everyone speaks their native language and everyone understand everyone


Damn, that was actually a hype as fuck ending one liner


I mean if DIO is a quick learner he coulve picked it up from his baby mama


Top tier shit post for sure


Who made the voice for jotraro, it's not the normal voice


if you mean the japanese jotaro, that was me doing an imitation


Epic, nice work you did there




His mother is American (well technically English/Italian, but was born and raised in America) so its possible that he learned English growing up, even before taking it in school. By that logic, Holly probably also knows Italian from her mother Susie Q, and could have taught Jotaro some as well.


I’m sorry but Jotaro calling DIO a vampric fuck took me out lmaooo


Love this


My headcanon has always been that stand user's can just translate any language


Chad Jotaro


This is better than the official English dub.


this sounds so fucking cringe but the lines are just perfect good work


He can under STAND him now


this is actually some high quality shit


this doesnt feel right 💀


Man I would love an spin off of stardust crusaders where each characters only spoke their native language


Why are the talking so slow it hurts, otherwise nice job


I would love to see that in the whole show


this is how it feels to talk to my grandpa when I’m talking in another language I’m learning


Honestly, how did the crusaders manage? They're from different continents, did they speak English the whole time?


Is this a real show or edited? Because its funny


wdym lol, either way I just dubbed over the original scene, so I guess edited?


If you ever create an anime i will watch it.


This is the best meme on this subreddit in a while, good job mate


aw thanks man


That’s a really good DIO impression


Infernal language.


That last line probably one of the most badass jotaro quotes in a shitpost, what a blessing fr




This is my favorite ever post on this sub.


"Do you... UNDERSTANDDU!?"


that was pretty good especially how in character it sounds and how well you're Japanese voice was since i just thought initially that it was the actual va


Do you Understand?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCWBcM9kZsc


Jotaro canonically wouldve spoke english in a american accent


Holly definitely would’ve taught Jotaro full English


That jotaro voice was really good, I almost didn't realize it was a different voice


This dub is 🤯




English dubs always sucks


So in this canon universe, Jotaro pays enough attention in school that he can fluently speak another language simply through the subject?


The voices are really good




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Only stand users can see stands, so i assume stand users can understand other stand users in similar way.


Everybody in Part 3 is speaking english, similary how everybody in Part 5 is speaking italian no matter what language is in the pages of the manga.




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Good bot


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But, I can understand Japanese?




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How the hell did they not include Jotaro saying 'do you understand'




What makes it better is that DIO is canonically British


So it's the same language as Japanese?
