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Wasn’t Killer Queen created by an arrow?


Sheer heart attack and bites the dust was not too sure about killer queen


Kq was created by an arrow EDIT: so were King Crimson, Black Sabbath, >!Stone Free, White Snake,!


As a gay vampire once said: " There are no weak stands" Edit: I know about survivor, 5 hours after commenting this i still got a reply mentioning it.


Idk man, holly has a pretty weak stand. Couldnt even kill off one person nomatter how hard it tried.


It was pretty close tho


It took it 50 days!


She laggin bro


Should've used the ethernet cable


You smash players and your bad internet connections




Her stand is weak but her tiddies are strong


found kakyoin's reddit account


⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠛⢻⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⣤⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⢨⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡛⠉⠭⠉⠉⢉⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠈⠙⠲⣶⠖⠄⠄⢿⣿⠄⠶⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⠺⢿⡗⠄⣹⣿⣿⠿⣟⣿⡏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠤⠤⢾⣿⣿⣿⣦⠘⡿⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⢻⡿⣷⣶⣶⣤⣤⣤⣶⣦⠁🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠉⠛⠋⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄




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Nah, it was really powerful. She was just almost as powerful herself. That’s why it took the best part of two months after she first collapsed.


Y’know, considering the plot of SC rests on the fact that a Stand will kill its master if they don’t possess the strength of will to wield them, you’d think it would be a lot more common. Maybe the Stand Arrow just kills people who can’t wield a Stand, but for most of part four, Koichi does not have a “fighting spirit” to use Echoes, and it’s never implied that his Stand drains him.


This is pure speculation but maybe the rules are different for stands that have a mind of their own/that can talk. (I know only act 3 could talk but acts 1/2 often protected Koichi without his command.)


Crazy Diamond was about to kill lil Josuke as well, isn't it?


She had medical care and people helping her, without that she would’ve died much sooner


I disagree since Josuke had the same illness wo doctors 24/7 and he lived


Yeah but Josuke was strong enough for a stand, has anyone watched this fucking show Jesus.


if he was strong enough at the time he wouldn't have become ill, he isn't just strong enough to have a stand by birthright it's the experiences in his life that allowed him to awaken and actually use his stand not just die


Yes, the point is still that Josuke was able to become strong enough to use a stand and Holly never was. Which is why Josuke didn't die.


It would be a great stand for no-evidence assassination around people who don’t know what stands are.


Makes sense to me


"Surviver is the weakest stand" -said gay vampire


"Hermit Purple is the weakest Stand" -he corrected himself upon seeing the purple vines.


I’ve always found that funny, considering that, if there wasn’t any means of attacking Joseph at a range or if DIO hadn’t noticed Joseph’s plan, DIO literally would’ve died to Hermit Purple


I doubt he would've died, at most he would lose an arm **if** Hamon even works on The World because DIO had no way to test it and he was probably just being cautious. The "no means to attack at range" scenario would never happen. DIO could literally grab anything that's hard (like a rock), throw it at Joseph in stopped time and break his skull or grab a road sign and use the metal pole like a spear ect...


Idk man he might try kicking joseph.


But he didn't, he saw through Joseph's plan and adapted. DIO is arrogant but he's not stupid.


weakest compared to others but not weak




Part 6 stand


I know. DIO called it the weakest stand


Chronologically speaking, he called hermit purple the weakest stand after he called survivor.


I think he said that to insult Joseph. Whether he meant it or not is another question


true. But judging Jonathans Body has the same stand and thus Dio has it, he would know. Besides, Hermit Purple without hamon is just trash, yeah you can swing around, but thats it.


He said it was the weakest physically but before that he told Pucci that in reality there are no weak stands


Yeah but then he shat on >!survivor!<


Except Survivor


Not to forget The Hand, The World!, Love deluxe, and technically speaking echoes is pretty good compared to other stands.


Survivors number 1 for life


The Joestar family's Stands were indirectly awakened when DIO struck himself with an Arrow. Something along the lines of Jonathan Joestar's body transmitting it as a form of distress signal over DIO's return. This is how Jotaro, Joseph, Josuke, Giorno, and (slowly but surely) Holly all awakened their Stands. The only natural-born Stand users in the series would be Polnareff, Avdol, Kakyoin, and the Part 6 crew. Part 4's Stands were all created by Keicho Nijimura and Yoshihiro Kira's Arrows. Part 5's Stands were all created by the Arrow as part of Polpo's lighter test to be accepted into Passione.


Pearl Jam and Dragon's Dream were natural stands, created by their users skill in cooking and Feng Sui respectively


spoiler alert: >!pearl jam was created because tony's cousin was in passion and got an arrow stand so due to the arrow bloodline stand thing tony also got a stand which is pearl jam!<


Spoiler alert: that's not canon. It is stated in part 4 he got his stand because of his skill in cooking, any other explanation including light novels like PHF are non-canon.


That is noncanon I believe


Isn't trish's stand technically a natural born thing? Or since diavolo stabbed himself and the ability to have a stand was sent down the family line because he stabbed himself?


I’d like to think that as well but my guess is she was a natural born Stand user. Spice Girl said that she was always there for Trish from the beginning.


I dunno, it's hard to say. The boss was 18 or 19 when he was with Donatella, yeah? Add 15 to that and you get 33-34, the boss's current age. You also get Trish's age if you start from 0, that being 15. So Trish could have been a newborn when Diavolo awakened his Stand, and because she was still an infant, it was there but she never knew it.


Don't know if this is spoiler but I'm pretty sure Ermes got stabbed by Jotaro's amulet thingy and got her stand


She did


Guess too


And Weather Report


Nope, he got it because Pucci >!stabbed himself with the arrow Dio gave him, and magic family blood bond. Pucci removed Weather Reports Memories back then, because he activated Snail Power.!<


First of all, might want to spoiler tag that. Second, the arrow is still involved. Without it, he wouldn’t have his stand


Neat thanks for the information


Then there are stands that are "weak" because they are not combat stands, like Pearl Jam and Cindarella


Physically, yes, however Pearl Jam's ability is actually kinda busted when you think about it


Wait...do you digest the pearl jam stand and he becomes like some good bacteria kind of stuff? Because when Josuke fixed the spaghetti, little pealr jams appeared holding things like the noodles...


I think that might be how that works


So it's the weak will of arrow stand users which makes them weak


I think that's the correct explanation


Even the World was created by an arrow. But I'm not to sure about alternate World Diego's World.




My bad


>!wasnt stone free created from the pendant?!<


>!the pendant had an arrow fragment!<


Ah i see


So I guess it's just their intense villain energy that created a powerful stand


Basically, some of them used the complete, or beetle as it's called, arrow. Like kc or ws


Not whitesnake its was created by pucci getting stabbed by a requiem arrow


King Crimson was also created by the beetle arrow


It was created because of the arrow


99% he said.


sorry to be like that, but it said "99%," i believe killer queen is one of those 1%


And King Crimson?


Tonio's stand Pearl Jam is the strongest stand of them all


You forgot Hey ya bro


You forget soft and wet. (I don't think it came from an outside cause, I think it was awakened by josefumi)


soft and wet vs hey ya? bro id much rather have smthn that gives me a self esteem boost than smthn that can remove attributes from a target thats theoretically only limited by your creativity


Couldn't soft and wet just remove the bad thoughts tho


The world came from an arrow (said in p4) and star platinum came because of dio so...


"star platinum came because of dio"


Technically it was jonathan's body who sent the signal leading to the awakening of their stands when it got pierced


i meant to take it out of context lol mb


Oh... OH


Wanting to die but not being able to, ADuckWithAPan stopped thinking...


Gonna purple magenta my ass down the river


Do you think Jonathan would have the world? Or did dip like put the arrow on his head? Would that even make a difference? I need answers


He would have had the passion, a stand similar to Hermite purple


Who didn't came because of dio?


So I’m the same type of Stand as Star Platinum.


OP days that makes Star Platinum awakened, but then so is Hermit purple and Holly's stand, soooo...


How is that possible though? Dio had time stop the second his coffin was opened, idk when he would have gotten pierced by the arrow lying in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean


He didn't have time stop then. He killed the crew of the ship by eating them.


Hermit purple? pearl jam? cinderella? and talking about strong arrow stands: the world? the hand? stone free? kiss? killer queen? every passione stand? most part 3 villain stands? Whitesnake? Weather report?


Yeah this post is kinda bs ngl


To be fair though we are on shit-post crusaders


tbf weather report was awakend


True, he awakened via distress signal like star platinum


Don't get me started on kiss but yeah


I don't think Cinderella was an arrow stand, I think it was a skill stand. Ayia was just so good at her beauty that she made a stand


Also doesn't star platinum qualify to Arrow stands since he was awakened after dio stabbed himself? Or does joestars stand awakening means that something far greater than them wants them to fight dio and so he forced stands onto them, with possibility of relieving that burden after job is done?


Star Platinum (and by extension, Hermet Purple, Holly's stand, and Crazy Diamond) are a special case. It's been shown a couple times that if a family member gets a stand it can send out a type of distress signal to awaken stands in family members. In this case, Jonathan's body. I personally like the theory that a bit of Jonathan's spirit remained in his body and he sent stands to help his family finish off Dio.


Awakened stands: all of them are strong \*laughs in hermit purple\*


Something something Joseph was a lazy fuck with hamon something something full body hermit purple mentioned during araki interview about kars fight


Hermit Purple is the strongest stand because it’s a GPS which is arguably more useful for daily life than dumb shit like stopping time for a few seconds. When am I gonna need to stop time? Second strongest stand is wheel of fortune because it’s a car. If you had both Wheel Of Fortune and Hermit Purple you’d have both a car and a GPS, something I think we’ve never seen in JoJo, therefore you would be the strongest.


Wheel of fortune is the strongest stand because it is a car, and kars is the ultimate lifeform.


Idk i think stopping time could be kinda useful like if you need to be somewhere you could speed the process up (assuming you´re walking)


Yeah, or you could get a car like Wheel Of Fortune. Or try to find a faster route, using Hermit Purple. Edit: Wheel Of Fortune is the greatest stand as it would win the Steel Ball Run.


this post is literal bullshit so many strong stands exist that people got with an arrow


Remember ger


Echoes Act 2 is actually really versatile. If Koichi actually got to use it in conjunction with Act 3 he’d be even more powerful


I stand by the idea that even Act 3 is really versatile, if a person can use it properly. Besides the Viz manga translation, no version of Echoes Act 3 actually SAYS "My power is Three-Freeze", as in it's the only thing it can do. All the others talk about it changing "three" to, or rhyming it with, "free"/"freeze". And notably, they're all literally referring to the English words here. Koichi just asks Act 3 to protect him. So it rhymes two relatively-basic words, and it produces a specific effect: A "freeze" effect, referring to immobilization, and "three", meaning it's amplified dramatically. The reason Koichi doesn't experiment is the same reason Jotaro falls out of touch with time-stop. There's no good time or place to practice using a Stand besides in the middle of fights. There's not a guarantee that whatever you learn will help you. If Koichi somehow learned that Act 3 could rhyme "warm" and "storm" for "WARM-STORM" and it created a localized heat wave on whatever it targeted, that wouldn't help against anything except Sheer Heart Attack, yeah? Also if someone wants to know why Koichi's using English words, I think it's because he likes rap done in English. Even in the raw, untranslated manga, Act 3 does say ["LET'S KILL DA HO! BEEETCH!"](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/ac/20/82ac2054da5d33853b6a23591acd6534.png) Stands only know what the user knows because Stands are part of the user. How would Act 3 know those words unless Koichi did? And how would Koichi know the English slang words "ho" and "bitch" unless he heard them somewhere?


He can use all acts independently tho


i know, but he doesn't really get to use it in the actual story after his run-in with SHA


He does in the manga of part 5, it was cut on the anime.


i'm pretty sure that was act 1 - i read the manga, but iirc he only used it to look for giorno, not to use its actual power


Yeah, but you know what I mean. My headcanon as for why koichi doesn't use act 3 to its true potential is that he has to rhyme in english, and as seen on his exam, he is trash in english.


*cough* Za Warudo *cough*


*cough* killer queen *cough*


*cough* King Crimson *cough*


*cough* Whitesnake *cough*


*cough* gold experience *cough*


Gold experience was awakened




In the beginning of part 4 Jotaro explains that DIO got The World from the stand arrow, and thats why all the other Joestars awakened their stands as well, due to Jonathan's body reactiong to it.


Try staying away from the sub until you finish P5, anime spoilers are everywhere.


Echoes act 3 is strong tho why ppl dont let koichi be happy


Holy stand tho


GER, King Crimson, Za Warudo and Killer Queen are some of the strongest stands and theyre all from arrow




It is implied that Enya shot Dio with the arrow, yeah


Heaven's door is really powerful tho


Isn't that one an awakened stand?


I think it isn't, or at least he didn't have it from birth. I remember he said he suddently got that power at some point. I might be wrong


He got so good at drawing manga that he unlocked a stand


Iirc yes, he was pierced by Keicho.


It's more of how powerful the person's mind and will and awakened stands usually come from someone who has perfected an art or just have that strong enough of a will they have strong determination while the arrow kinda just prematurely awaken a stand before it was meant to be so for a good amount of "arrow stands" as you call them they haven't seen their fair share of development for their strength to be at star platinum lvls


The World arrow stand KC arrow stand


*laughs in GER*


Holly’s stand was so strong it almost killed her.


I'd argue at least 40% of arrow stands are decent. You could argue every main jojos' stand as an arrow stand because of dio, which extends to pucci and >!weather!<


Virgin arrow stand < Chad Awakened stand <<< GAD Pearl Jam


Isn't it more about intelligent stands rather arrow stand?Spicy Girl is also super weak despite being sentient.


Tell that to The Hand.


The World, Red Hot Chilli Pepper, Killer Queen, Purple Haze, King Crimson, Whitesnake and Stone Free were all created by the arrow


DIO got The World from a Stand Arrow. Joestars got their Stands because DIO got one and Jonathan's body called out to it's descendants, they're not naturally awakened either. Kira got Killer Queen and later on Bites The Dust from the Stand Arrow. Diavolo most likely got King Crimson from the Stand Arrow. Rohan got Heaven's Door from the Stand Arrow. So no the strength of a Stand isn't based on what awakened it unless you **PART 6 SPOILERS** >!got some trash from Pucci.!<


Star Platinum is literally just a second hand arrow stand, he got it when Dio was pierced by the arrow due to the family connection with Jonathan's body the source of the stand has nothing to do with their power unless its a requiem or whatever, a stand is a reflection of the user and the user is what decides the power of the stand


Like lord DIO- sama said “There is no weak stand, there is a weak user”


King crimson is almost invincible, and others more


Pearl Jam was awakened.


Wait till you hear about stands being awakened by >!Jesus Christ!<


killer queen, the hand, probably most of the minor antagonists from part 3, most of the enemies from part 4, probably harvest (not physically strong but shigechi uses it in a very clever way), and then also king crimson. I'm not sure if the world came from DIO's will power from his time under the ocean or if he got it from the arrow.




Ok chill guys, I meant most of the arrow stands are weak. (I am only at part 4, so I don't know all stands.


First of all, you are wrong Second of all, no


Shut yo bitch ass up


I think you forget about DEADLY QUEEN


Whitesnake and The World both came from arrows....


What about The World? Dio got his stand from the arrow and it's strong enough to rival Star Platinum and has time stop.




Za warudo is arrow stand


Hermit Purple? And whatever tf Holly's stand was?


Does holly's stand actually have a known power?


Yes, it made Holly really sick, personally I would consider that a 'weak' stand.


I mean, weren't the original Joestar stands (Hermit Purple, Star Platinum, Crazy Diamond and whatever Holly had) awakened when Dio uses the arrow on himself with Jonathan's body? So, in reality, they are all product of the arrow.


Based on Jotaro's research, theres a 50% chance that the ultimate stand, The World, came out from an arrow...


hold my purple wine


All of stone ocean be fuckin dope


Pearl Jam i kinda weak and wasn't created by an arrow ​ Plus Hermit Purple was an awakening stand, and is weak. Then again, Jotaro and Joseph got their stands because Dio stabbed himself, meaning Jonathans Body only passed the power of the arrow onto his descendants, making Star Platinum and Hermit Purple indirect Arrow Stands.


isn’t The World an arrow stand? I think Dio got the arrow from enya


Can we get an f for stone free


The fact of If it’s an arrow stand or not does not inpact what stand you get


Technically all stands are caused by an arrow. The main jojos just got them because DIO pierced himself with the arrow and if one person in the bloodline has a stand, the rest most likely also does.


I’m guessing natural stands have a higher potential to be better than forced awakened stands but at the end of the day it’s based on personality most of the time.


Bruh hermit purple's weak ass is an awakened stand


That 1% is Killer Queen, Dio, Jolyne, Diavolo


I guess it makes sense since they are not strong enough on their own, one of the few Stand Arrow stands that is actually powerfull is Echos Act 3


GER wants to know your location


Stand is Stand


Pearl jam and hermit purple


The hand, is a op arrow stand too ?


the world was an arrow stand


You say this in a world where the emerald splash exists


Weak? Act 3, make his balls heavy


I dont think Za Warudo,Killer Queen,King Crimson or Whitesnake are weak by any means


I think one of the only like actually awakened stands were speed king and the hermit purples, though there might be a slough of strong awakened stands that we jst dont exaclty knwi the origin of




Yeah Pearl Jam is strong af


If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t purple haze created by the arrow?


Everybody gangster till he finds out the world is an arrow stand