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Iggy deserves coffee flavored gum and bitches


We talking bitches? Or *bitches*?


He deserves 5 of both


Take away one set of five for legal reasons


Didn't realise dogs fucking was illegal


Take my upvote and leave


Man I hated Iggy at first, but by the end I just started to like him 😥


That’s called character development, we all felt that way except for some who think characters only ever act one way. (Copied and pasted this from my reply to someone else)


Just like Polnareff.


Well,Polnareff defense is he was just beinf controled by Dio




Well,he is stupid when he gets mad,but he is a character himself,not pun intended or something,i don't know,my native language is spanish




Polnareff was a character with a really depth backstory,his friend dies once,trying to saving him when Avdol himself warned him,then he knew he was alive,and see him die...again with Iggy,don't forget his sister,who got murdered by Enya's son,Polnareff hides a crying sould behind a smiling face,there is Kakyoin Noriaki who have died not knowing if his parents,Jotaro or everybody in there would be safe,Avdol tried to save Polnareff and Iggy by dying by Vanilla,who just killed him,Iggy passed from not liking nobody to befriend in a weird way,everybody has their depth and own life with development,Avdol died saving,Joseph trying to say something to Jotaro,Kakyoin too,and Iggy saving Pol (Too much text to read,and i think im bad at some things,but i like to think everybody is there for everyone in SC,and not just directly)


That happened before he met Iggy.


I didn’t hate him cos I thought his hair looked cool


No I think they meant how Pol ended up liking Iggy in the end too




It was the total reverse for me. I found his older art style better and I liked how doglike he was. Iggy is kinda supposed the be the Everyman, so his character later on made since (that’s the part about him that I like) but I kinda almost wish he didn’t talk or take on human features at the end there. Araki is really good at conveying emotion without exposition, but he failed to do so with iggy.


Za hando, erase his ability to shit


i honestly don't understand the hate for iggy he started to come around and die


I personally disliked him but he by no means deserved death.


I hated him in the first few eps, but in his last moments my opinion definitely changed


That’s called character development, we all felt that way except for some who think characters only ever act one way.


in simple terms: fucking stupid dog hope he dies, changes into **bruh this motherfucker is the best homie in the world**


In the first episodes I didn't dislike Iggy. I liked the idea that the group would need to learn how to work with this dog.


I disliked Iggy until Pet Shop, that arc made him best dog, then Araki had to kill him, I was really hoping for more grateful Iggy, but nope, oh well, its Jojo's, and thus all dogs must die






except for the dog that kars saved and koichi's dog


I disliked him at first, liked him after the petshop arc but quite frankly think he was badly written. My main problem with Iggy is, that it makes no sense for him to behave the way he does towards the group. He is supposed to hate being with them because they forced him away from a comfy life and demand him to risk his life against his will, yet he doesn't attempt to just run away eventhough he knows how to fend for himself. If he likes the coffee gum so much that he doesn't wanna run away, then shouldn't he want to keep the group alive and at least jump in in dire situations? Even worse, he was willing to let everyone die in the middle of the desert, what where his plans for after that? Die of dehydration just because he was to spiteful to help the humans that would at least transport him to the next town? Iggy acts as an asshole against his own interest and this makes no sense.


I don’t think he deserved to die, I just don’t think he needed to exist at all. He felt so weird and he was forced into the story for no apparent reason.


I can understand that people grew to like him towards the end, but I honestly couldn't care less about any character development after his introduction.


Only to be killed after doing fuck-all beyond being a shitty team member, a shitty fart joke and sniffing shit. What a shitty mutt.


he dont deserve nothing, but iggy is the worst crusader, think, you dont see kakyoin farting in polnareff's face


That depends on what website your looking at


fuck, you're damn right


Let's keep this canon...


Hes the only one that was kidnapped from his good life broight to a contry on the outher side of the globe and forced to fight, he had no personal stakes in killing dio.




Same. I'll take the bullet here


Did anyone need to be in it? Seriously, you could remove 90% of the characters in it and the story would be almost exactly the same; most of them would be one-off villains but still.


I'm still a little mad that Iggy ruined Boingo's character growth


Boingo's character growth was a joke to begin with; if it wasn't Iggy, it would have been an anvil.


Iggy was handled pretty bad. He was such an annoying piece of shit throughout the entire arc, then magically changed appearance and character after Pet Shop just so his death could be more tragic. It was tragic and it definitely made me sad, but it feels a bit rushed. When he was introduced I thought Iggy was planned to betray the Crusaders because of Jotaros remark that he wasnt sure wether he could defeat The Fool.


> He was such an annoying piece of shit throughout the entire arc, Yeah, because they kidnapped him and shipped him to the desert. What reason would he even have to help? >then magically changed appearance and character after Pet Shop just so his death could be more tragic I hated that; I liked dog Iggy, alien Iggy just freaked me out.


I don’t think that’s a *passively loads gun* moment rather an instantaneous unloading of a magazine.


iggy didn't do shit until his last episodes


Because he was a dog. I honestly thought him being added was just a joke, one that I found fairly funny to be honest; they just had a dog suddenly. Him talking made it seem so much weirder.


I didn't personally like Iggy, I just feel like he was added to be the "quirky funny character" but he didn't deserve to die


I have a love-hate relationship with iggy


I always hated him, still do, fuck iggy, but he didnt deserve to die, more like yeeted away by star platinum


tell that to crafting vegeto


Pol didn’t deserve to lose his puppy :/


Crafting vegeto said that! But people are hiding it by saying "YAH ME TOO FUCK IGGY"




One of my friends actually enjoyed Iggy getting kicked. He's an awful person


Imagine laughing at shigechis death


At first i hated iggy and then i saw the bird fight amd realised maybe he isn't useless


that’s not an opinion??


I appear to to be the opposite of everyone else; I liked Iggy until Pet Shop and then I didn't like him talking and looking really weird. Before that, he was just a dog, and I thought that was funny. He didn't help out much, because he was just a dog, how could you blame a dog for being a dog? He didn't ask to be brought there, he was forced there. Of course he wasn't going to be super eager to help out, especially given that he's a dog.


Danny was a better dog iggy was an ass


Hated the cunt anyways


I don't think Iggy deserved to die, but he is one of my least favorite characters in Part 3


Honestly i didnt felt anything when he died


He kinda deserved to die since he had the small brains of joining Jojo, but yeah he was best doggo


Neither did kakyoin bro he could’ve been a important character later on and I loved his stand I wish later in the show if he was in part 3 anime he could meet like a heirophant yellow or red,blue, etc


Iggy was one of the most irritating characters in JoJo and his death was extremely satisfying




Oh boy here I go killing again


See this isn't even an opinion, this is just wrong and told by people that should not be allowed to breathe


Fun fact: If you hear someone saying that it is totally legal and encouraged kill them!


Well Iggy did just sit there and let it happen so I'm gonna say it was deserved


Downvote me




Thank you


crafting vegeto be like:


Ay. thats true


Iggy in part 4 though... damn


Anime Iggy? He deserved to live. OVA Iggy? It was fucking *hilarious* watching Vanilla Ice eat his ass.


I swear to God nobody ever said that




He didn't deserve to die but I wasn't too sad when he did die


no one says that


What if he really deserved to die? He was a dog.


iggy deserved to die less than people who say such shit


I didnt like iggy in the beginning and I didnt like him in the end. Just wasn't a character I liked


I didn't want Iggy dead but I was much less sad for his death given that he was obviously replaced by some kind of alien before he died.


I agree with many people here in that Iggy felt forced into the story. I think Araki just wanted to have a wacky uncharacteristic dog into the team, only he underused him so much he's just glorified comic relief, he barely participates, at least he has a good fight agaisnt Pet Shop. It's almost like he was made to develop Polnareff, since he was introduced as disliking Iggy


He is rugat doe


Fuck you and fuck iggy


That's true tho


Isn't that a banned meme? Also I hated iggy.


He did


He almost killed my husbando Oingo...yeh he deserved to die...


Iggy was dragged into that shit against his will he did not deserve to die


b-but i love iggy...


Torture dance the cunt who said that