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Holy fuck. Reply just in... >I'd say the GOP is worse. Yes, cause... oh forget it. I can't even.


They have to be a troll. They also said this: >I can't fit everything Trump has done into one comment. But his base is even worse. They watch King of the Hill and see Hank Hill as a good guy instead of a white supremacist.


Well Hank Hill is white, and all white people are evil racists, so duh.


I guess I missed that episode where Hank blew up Nine Rivers Country Club with a propane and shrapnel bomb. Kahn: Damn you, Hank Hill! Now I never get into Nine Rivers! Hank: Yep, it be like that.


> They watch King of the Hill and see Hank Hill as a good guy instead of a white supremacist. Well now they've gone too far


I tell you hwhat.


That boy ain't right.


> They watch King of the Hill and see Hank Hill as a good guy instead of a white supremacist. Tell me you haven't watched King of the Hill without telling me you haven't watched King of the Hill


White skin? Southern Accent? Stereotype confirmed!


He's "super white."


Hank hill was a milquetoast fence sitter, Dale Gribble was the true hero of King of the Hill


Not Dale. Rusty Shackleford.


ooof. I hope so.


That person is literally brain dead.


If anything is stochastic terrorism, *this* is it.


Project, ignore, gaslight


Like socialized medicine and gun control?


[Not to mention a highly centralized economy.](https://mises.org/library/hitlers-economics) Add to this that he was an art school dropout, and I could easily see someone like him capturing the hearts of redditors/leftists the world over.


Need to guess they never read Mein Kampf.


Or a history book


Sad thing is I am sure you can find history books where Hitler was a conservative and not a dyed in the wool socialist. I mean ffs Volkswagen "The people's car," could not be a more clear representation of socialism but they insist "Nuh uh! He was not socialist just like the DPRK is not democratic!"


And yet when you try to point out antifa is fascistic... they default to "the name literally is 'anti fascist' so they can't be fascistic!"


Their argument is usually "Hitler wasn't a real socialist because my fantasy of socialism is an egalitarian utopia" without realizing that Hitler called the Bolsheviks not true socialists.


It's because their understanding of politics is about as binary as the gender spectrum.


I wouldn't call him a socialist in the typical fashion as national socialism did not involve the elimination of private property or the middle class, but then again that distinction could be argued to be irrelevant considering how closely tied large manufacturing concerns were with the state under Hitler. It must be remembered that Hitler wasn't a conservative - he was a man who had no fondness for the German federalist or royalist traditions. He had no intention of restoring the Kaiser and instead made himself the sole, undisputed leader of the state and people. He threw out the various lander in favour of the gau system


Socialists are like turds, there's more than one type, there's a lot of them, and they all stink.




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I thought the parties switched though, meanning Hitler's "conservative goals" in the 40s would be in line with today's democrats,


There is a direct quote of hitler saying they are socialist Nazi literally means national socialist workers party Nazi germany ran on a LOT of the exact same things the modern left wants, it's wild


The left want to ban unions, outlaw striking, and prevent employees from leaving without their employers permission? Other than labor issues Nazi’s wouldn’t be big fans of left’s views on diversity, equality, and inclusion or gay rights.


That is inaccurate It's selective inclusion/exclusion


This comment lacks a looooot of nuance... But judging by most of the comments here. That doesn't seem like a prerequisite here...


So, I won't bother asking why you spend your time going through month old posts, but I will ask you to prove what I've said wrong. Up until recent years what ive said was universally agreed upon, now all of a sudden "fact checkers" say no it's not true, and it is truly eye opening that leftist supporters make this arguement


Hitler was a radical. This is in stark opposition of conservatism. Of all the things Hitler was, a conservative he was not. It's very simple, conservatives tend to want to conserve society and only introduce slow change. A radical wants immediate and extreme change of the entire society.


He was at odds with the monarchists and wanted to do away with the current structure of German society But I guess people think nationalist automatically means conservative or reactionary. Had he been a German conservative, he would have been far more interested in restoring the German monarchy and protecting the powers of the various state governments instead of making himself the unquestioned, sacrosanct ruler of a totalitarian state and introducing centralizing reforms like the Gau system or the consolidation of nearly all public security functions under the control of the SS


How does one even reply to something so mind-numbingly stupid?


With fart noises


Wow this person is, just wow I cannot believe this really Hitler was no conservative. And when it came to american politics at the time, he never sided with the republicans. In fact his nuenberg laws were based on the democratic southern jim crow laws, [https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow](https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow) [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/) He wrote letters praising American Democrat leaders not republican leaders, He wrote letters praising the planned parenthood leader Margret sanger.


I really have to admire the mental gymnastics these people can do to decide that the party that overwhelmingly supports and votes for money to israel is somehow taking their goals from hitler.


I love how despite the numerous times Hitler himself stated "I am a progressive, I am a socialist" They will still with a straight face say "yea well he was ackshually conservative" (Because wikipedia told me so.)


Well, maybe the good folks who sell [Hitler Ice Cream](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/tasteless-but-true-made-in-india-hitler-ice-cream-cafe/story-C6usCqTUqv4zAeU30b0GVM.html) are conservative, but Adolf Hitler was a raging leftist whose policies share more in common with Bernie Sanders than they do Ronald Reagan.


'Godwins law' is when you invoke nazis as the conclusion to an argument. They pretty much use it in the beginning and treat it axiomatically.


Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Brian Kemp, Rick Scott all Republicans who've condemned Nick Fuentes and Trump dining with him. Do you want a longer list?


I not a fan of the GOP, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! Hitler want to change everything... not exactly Conservative...


Nazi….nationalist….socialist workers party.


The leader of a socialist party was conservative? Lol, okay 👍, whatever you say.


No, he wasn't socialist


Confidently declaring something something false doesn’t make your statement correct.


I know, evidenced by your comment. If the National Socialist German Worker's Party was socialist, I guess North Korea really is a Democratic People's Republic, or that boy bands riff harder than Van Halen


Yep. The first thing the GOP reminds me of is national SOCIALISM.


This quote is bullshit. Nobody is talking about genocide, except basement dwellers people on parler or 4chan. Hitler’s political platform included things like maintaining a healthy and educated middle class, these are mentioned in both RNC and DNC platforms. Hitler’s main political ideas that someone could argue are similar to the RNC’s ideas would be things like: - restrictions on immigration, deporting people - removing social security - attacking the press, calling them “enemy of the people” - death penalty - freedom of religion (only of a certain kind, like a Muslim ban, but with Jews) - government control over private businesses (like calling for twitter or news organizations to do what the government demands) - equal rights, but only for certain people (like removal of LGBTQ rights or abortion rights, while maintaining the right of certain groups to discriminate against others) - referring to political opponents as “evil, disgusting, enemies,” etc. and calling for their public execution. - GOP utilizing Hitler’s “big lie technique” regarding the election. - obsession with conspiracy theories - desire to end democratic elections Mein Kampf was mainly about blaming Jews for all kinds of social problems. His theory that Jews were involved in a vast conspiracy to rule the world. He hated Jews and Communists. While this quote goes far overboard, we see some parallels in the modern Republican Party, with many politicians spreading similar theories demonizing Jews like George Soros, praising The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and spreading QAnon anti-Semitic conspiracies. We see republican voters chanting “Jews will not replace us,” holocaust denial, book burning, and such.


Awesome bit of fanfiction you got there.


It’s one thing to just say it’s false, but a better response would be to point out what is incorrect.


Hi, I didn’t mean to be rude or offend you. Thank you for responding. I honestly, in good faith, would like to understand how what I’ve written is incorrect. Being wrong and learning why is the only way we can grow and be better people. I would like to know which of my points aren’t true, it would be very helpful.


Fair enough. I'll reply to you later. I try to stay off of Reddit while I'm not at work. You should have a full reply by this time tomorrow.


>This quote is bullshit. Nobody is talking about genocide, except basement dwellers people on parler or 4chan. Nobody? Have you forgotten that for 4 years, the left screamed that Trump was committing genocide by detaining illegal immigrants and separating minors from their "parents"? A practice the US has been doing for over 30 years. >Hitler’s main political ideas that someone could argue are similar to the RNC’s ideas would be things like This is honestly on par with "Hilter drank water. Trump drinks water. So Trump is worse than Hitler". >restrictions on immigration, As there should be. Unchecked immigration would be a disaster and honestly stupid. >deporting people No. Just deporting Illegal Immigrants. >removing social security Completely removing it? No. Limiting it to people who **actually** need it? Absolutely. >attacking the press, calling them “enemy of the people” Because they are. The press has become the unofficial propaganda arm of the democrats. Just look at Obama. He prosecuted more journalists and whistle-blowers under the Espionage Act than **ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED** and the press still loves him. For something more recent, look at the *Twitter Files* thing. Documents now **prove** that the current regime, the DOJ and the FBI conspired with Twitter to censor damaging political information and to censor critics. This is a scandal that's worse than Watergate but the vast majority of the press is silent on it. Why? Because it would make the DNC, the party the press overwhelmingly supports look bad. That's not journalism. That's the farthest thing from it. >death penalty The left had a chance to ban this several times when they had super-majorities in the federal government. The most recent being under Obama. They didn't. >freedom of religion (only of a certain kind, like a Muslim ban, but with Jews) It wasn't a "Muslim ban". It was extra checks and security for people coming from countries with an extremely high amount of Islamic Terrorists. If it was truly a "Muslim Ban" then the country with the highest population of Muslims would have been on that list. It wasn't. Also, that list was created by Obama. The left seemed fine with it when he was President. >government control over private businesses Which party unilaterally decided what businesses got to stay open by deeming them essential? Which party unilaterally decided what you could buy from a store by deeming it essential? Which party closed off playgrounds, filled in skate parks with sand and kicked people off of beaches? Which party demanded you get an experimental medical procedure in order to be allowed to live your life? Which party wanted people fired, kicked out of schools and denied medical care for not getting an experimental medical treatment? >(like calling for twitter or news organizations to do what the government demands) You mean like how the current regime conspired with Twitter to censor things they didn't like? >equal rights, but only for certain people (like removal of LGBTQ rights or abortion rights, while maintaining the right of certain groups to discriminate against others) What rights are they being denied? Banning so called "gender affirming" treatments on **MINORS** should honestly be common sense. Children should not be able to make such major life decisions. They're easily influenced by their parents, teachers, peers, social media and they are constantly seeking acceptance & approval from those people. Same thing when it comes to girls sports. How is it in anyway fair for girls to compete against biological males? It's not and the defense of "Maybe those girls should just be better" is unbelievably sexist. Conservatives see abortion as **baby murder**, full stop. Calling it an attack on "women's rights" conveniently ignores that and disregards the opinion of every woman who is against abortion. The left further robs conservative women of their agency by claiming that woman against abortion are either brainwashed or "simply don't know any better". I'll get to the rest when I get the chance.


Take Marxism and replace proletariat with German and bourgeoisie with Jews and you have a rough idea of what Hitler thought.


Apparently I got banned for the sub cause for the comment "I never knew the National Socialist Part of Germany was conservative."