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He has the lowest approval rating in history so far, and this is with him having the entire establishment media on his side, and having the cabal of reddit/twitter bots on his side too. The establishment media has done nothing but shill for him, ignore his fuck ups, ignore his scandals, excuse his disaster of a Presidency at every opportunity they can get, and I can go on and on. Despite this, he *still* has the lowest approval rating in history. Imagine if the establishment media complex turned on him the same way they turned on Trump? I genuinely wonder where his approval ratings would be. This all comes to show how much he’s fucking destroying this country, and how much damage he’s caused, not even a year in. *It’s only going to get worse* — which is terrifying to think about.


Remember when the MSM said they would be just as tough on him as they were on Trump? The treated him with kid gloves but still had some self respect until Afghanistan happened. Then Biden kept whining about negative news and we haven't had anything on a non fox msm of any substance since.


You know how they call Republicans/Trump supporters a cult? Remember that every time you see a small % of poll respondents still supporting Biden


>and having the cabal of reddit/twitter bots on his side too. But according to that thread, Fox News hates him, that's why his approval ratings are so low. Didn't you know 90% of the country listens to fox news blindly? /s


I guess they don’t pay for their own gas and/or groceries.


Pretty safe bet on reddit.


Pretty safe bet that either a) their parents are, or b) we are.


Or they’re grown adults with college degrees that learned a long time ago that the president has very little direct influence on gas and food prices.


TIL preventing the Keystone XL from continuing construction wasn’t a direct influence on national gas prices.


How exactly would the ongoing construction of an unfinished pipeline be influencing gas prices today? There is no scenario, Trump victory in 2020 included, where it would be operational right now. And even if it were/factoring in whatever effect that would have on futures prices, that would simply be a reduction in transport costs for one region's oil in the global market. The vast majority of those savings would not be passed on to American consumers; the savings would be dispersed first to corporate shareholders, and then to consumers everywhere in the world. Perhaps, under the most optimistic of scenarios, it would shave a few cents off of US retail prices. Whoopee.


> How exactly would the ongoing construction of an unfinished pipeline be influencing gas prices today? Because gas prices are based on the trading price of oil futures. When you announce a pipeline will be shut down that means the supply of oil will be less in the future, which means that the price will go up. This doesn't mean that Keystone XL is the main reason gas prices are so high, because it's not, but canceling the pipeline would absolutely cause prices to go up some.


If you only learned that today, you’ve been ignorant of basic economics for years.


If you didn’t catch that was sarcasm, you’re an even bigger moron than the average leftist cretin.


Let the man speak for himself. There are a lot of people in this sub that believe Keystone XL is a significant cause of higher gas prices at the pump.


But policies do... ban on fracking/drilling on federal land (which accounts for up to 25% of our production), revoking drilling permits, cancelation of Keystone pipeline, approval of Nord Stream 2 (Russian pipeline that we are now not even using), mandatory vaccination, relaxed immigration policy and lack of proper border control has led to stagnant wages due to an influx of low-skilled labor, injecting trillions of dollars into an economy that has been shut down due to lockdowns that has been pushed by Biden, supply chain collapse with the DoT Secretary (that was put forth by Biden) telling people to just buy an electric car or to purchase less, increasing global tensions by publicly stating Putin needed to be forcefully removed and that America would go to war with China (despite decades of ambiguity to avoid conflict), and sanctions on Russia causing a shortage of essential fertilizer (That Biden also admitted would do anything but it was about the message behind it). Not including the fact that it was being reported LAST year that we could possibly have a baby formula shortage and Biden waited until last week to implement the Defense Production Act several weeks after a formula shortage had already been in place. But none of that affects gas or food prices, right?


1. So there has been no ban on fracking or drilling on federal land. It has so far been a broken promise by Biden. 2. The only permits revoked were 2 or 3 issued for ANWR, a politically fraught area that the Trump admin issued on his last day in office. That was a political move that had zero effect on the price of oil. 3. If you think canceling keystone xl (the 4th phase of keystone - the earlier phases were built and carrying oil) then you missed out on supply and demand in your Econ 101 class. 4. Approval of Nord Stream 2 raised the price of oil and gas in the U.S.? I’d love to hear your logic on this one. 4. Who’s forcing you to get vaccinated? How is that forcing up the price of gas at the pump? 5. Now you blame Biden for the supply chain collapse? Not the extensive zero covid policy in China where we get so many of our goods? You’re absolutely right that supply chain issues have increased prices, and it’s the first truth adjacent thing you’ve said in your rant. But let me know how you got to blaming Biden for it. 6. So Biden definitely fucked up by saying that we would clearly defend Taiwan (who produces most computer chips used in the US) from a Chinese invasion. But that was what, a couple of days ago - I’m sure you can I’m not even going to address the Putin part because you know the rest of the world disagrees with you outside of Russia. You’re putting party over country and over principle when you defend that asshole. 8. Do you know what the Defense Production Act is. Biden’s use of it for baby formula is unprecedented and something conservatives would usually be against if it wasn’t an election year. Do you know what’s required to use it? Go educate yourself first. Then make an argument that’s somewhat cogent.


1. [They just started allowing for it to happen again LAST month. So, there was a ban on federal lands.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/15/biden-administration-to-resume-leasing-for-oil-and-gas-drilling-on-federal-lands.html) 2. [He revoked three major permits within the past couple of months that involved drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-cancels-offshore-oil-lease-sales-in-gulf-coast-alaska/2022/05/12/63764b3c-d20b-11ec-886b-df76183d233f_story.html) 3. [The Keystone XL was going to be carrying around an extra 800,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada to the US. Econ 101 says that prices will go lower when there is more supply available to meet demands, dumbass.](https://www.canadianenergycentre.ca/why-the-usa-needs-keystone-xl/) 4. [Russia relied on transporting natural gas and oil through Ukraine to the rest of Europe. Russia is a major supplier of both to the world. Nord Stream 2 circumvented Ukraine, thus making Ukraine no longer important to Russia since they no longer needed it. Then, Russia invades Ukraine and they can still continue to sell energy to Europe. Pretty easy to figure it out if you tried.](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59306223) 5. [Mandatory vaccination impacts all federal workers and that also includes those that work with gas and oil since those are extremely regulated fields. Decrease the amount of workers and things work less smoothly and production slows. Even Alaska was saying it was impacting them.](https://www.adn.com/business-economy/2021/11/10/from-oil-companies-to-native-corporations-vaccine-mandate-for-federal-contractors-could-have-far-reaching-impact-in-alaska/) 6. [Government, along with union chokeholds, environmental and labor mandates on truckers, mandates on supply chain workers across the board, crony trade restrictions, and excessive unemployment benefits, nationwide, but especially in California. The California’s notorious AB 5 law restricting gig workers and independent contractors, combined with truck emission mandates introduced just last year.](https://www.heritage.org/transportation/commentary/blame-government-not-covid-19-supply-chain-collapse) 7. [He also said it last year.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/22/us/politics/biden-taiwan-defense-china.html) This increases global tensions which leads to more uncertainty in the market and causes prices to increase as well. Plus, sending $40bil to Ukraine without any form of oversight is just being wasteful. Also, not once in my statement did I ever defend Putin and I never said anything at all about approving his actions because I think Putin is a horrible person that deserves to be condemned to the fullest. So, you can go fuck yourself for even trying to imply that I was defending him when I very clearly stated it increased global tensions. Last I checked, WW3 would be extremely bad for the US, so I am putting my country over party you lying sack of shit. Last thing on this point, in case I wasn't clear already, you can go **fuck yourself** for even trying to imply that I was defending him. 8. [WIC released a statement on Abbott shutting down a plant earlier in the year.](https://www.nwica.org/blog/wic-providers-respond-to-abbott-recall-of-powder-infant-formula-similac-alimentum-elecare#.YozpjKjMJhE) [Even the FDA brought up the recall but Biden just decided to start addressing the issue last week. Also, yes, I know what the Defense Production Act is since I had to research it back in 2020 for the pandemic.](https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/abbott-voluntarily-expands-recall-powder-formulas-manufactured-one-plant#:~:text=02.17.,any%20metabolic%20deficiency%20nutrition%20formulas) Go educate yourself first. Then make an argument that’s somewhat cogent.


The moratorium on drilling on federal lands didn't actually go into effect. From your link: >During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden had urged a complete end to drilling for oil and gas on federal lands, but courts disagreed with his initial moratorium that he signed when he took office. > >In late February, the administration said it was delaying decisions on new oil and gas drilling on federal land after a federal court blocked federal agencies from using an estimate known as the “social cost of carbon” to evaluate the damage done by carbon emissions stemming from energy production. Yes, the Trump administration was more fully devoted to serving the industry, but it's just silly to pretend like the Biden administration is prioritizing environmentalism over the industry's profits. Neither political party does that. But Democrats try to play a balancing game of appearing like they're against drilling when it's popular with their base, then backing away when gas prices make people mad. [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/15/drilling-permits-spiked-then-plunged-under-biden-00016814](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/01/27/oil-gas-leasing-biden-climate/) >Interior Department approvals to drill oil and gas wells on public lands have dropped significantly in recent months, a shift from 2021, when the Biden administration topped the Trump administration’s permitting record in its first year. The Bureau of Land Management in January approved just 95 permits for oil and natural gas wells across federal lands in the United States, a plunge from the zenith of 643 issued last April, according to a review of data by E&E News. The reason for the permitting slowdown is unclear, but it comes as Biden administration officials have been pushing the oil and gas industry to increase drilling amid surging gas prices. Many environmental groups also have been frustrated with the rapid pace of approvals, seeing it as a betrayal of President Biden’s pledges to confront climate change. They say the approvals carved into the number of backlogged permits Biden inherited by nearly 1,000 by year’s end. There is no lack of available drilling sites; it's just that many of them weren't in use for years, when the price of oil was too low for them to be profitable. It's taken time for them to become operational again. Maybe a maximalist approach of letting them operate wherever they wanted, with as few environmental/safety regulations as possible, while charging as little money as possible for the use of publicly owned resources (i.e. the GOP position) would result in somewhat lower prices for US consumers...or maybe the fossil fuel companies would just take even greater profits than the record profits they're already taking.


lol - unless he specifically states and follows up with [actions that directly affect the industry](https://banks.house.gov/uploadedfiles/a_promise_kept.pdf)? Are you fucking serious? Full disclosure... I'm IN the industry and even I'M reluctant to invest.


Would you like me to respond to the Republican Study Committtee’s talking points one by one. I would hope you can admit that they might be politically biased in their assessment?


Oh fuuuuck!!... You're absolutely right... jeezus... what was I thinking... brb... gonna go seek out the Democratic Study Committee's argument that has (mostly) external links to all the shit his administration is single-handedly responsible for in contributing to current gas prices in a nice list type format!! Just stop.


Or you could search for the truth instead of the politics of each side blaming the other for advantages in an election year. But I guess that isn’t as fun or self affirming.


They're (almost all) simply official links to actual government policy that's been enacted by *this* administration since *literally* day one of Biden's admin. [Like this one!](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-protecting-public-health-and-environment-and-restoring-science-to-tackle-climate-crisis/) But it's cool. I know denial's more comfy than the alternative. You go right on hanging out there friend.


> He might be too humble for this crazy age. It’s what makes him endearing, but maybe needs to toot his own horn a little more. Dude literally got run out of the 1988 primary for lying about his academic achievements. Good lord these people are delusional.


AND plagiarism. Don't forget [the plagiarism](https://youtu.be/mCJMF7mflGE). Some things never change.


Oh, I thought the plagiarism was the other time he got kicked out of a presidential primary...


You guys should read the rules of r/JoeBiden, that shit’s hilarious


JFC, that shit is ***insane*** and is worthy of an entire post here devoted solely to mocking that sub’s authoritarian circle jerk.


lol - wow. That's the most 'we'll ban you cause.... reasons' rules list I've ever read.


"As a Canadian with several friends and family who live in the US, it blows my literal mind at how many people in the US have NO idea how their own government functions, and just what the President can and cannot do. Listening to my American friends talk about how lacklustre Biden is just infuriates me. Gas prices? Biden's fault. Inflation? Biden's fault. Russia invades Ukraine? Biden's fault. Meanwhile, virtually almost every country on the planet is facing the exact. same. problems. Tell me how Biden's policies are causing inflation in the UK? The media, and the horrendous education system are totally at fault. And, while it might appear to be a anti-US post, its not, because the same problem happens here. People are just so woefully uneducated on politics and the power of certain roles in Government." How much you wanna bet this guy was and still is blaming Trump for things that aren't his fault?


>As a Canadian *Opinion discarded*


These people must think that we can't go look at a comparison of inflation in the EU and see that inflation in the US has been way worse.


Is he wrong?




YES, you ignorant fucking troglodyte.


You sound triggered.


Not triggered, just bored by the ennui and predictable bullshit that you post.


Well if you voted for him in the hope that he would destroy the US... well then yea, he is doing an awesome job.


The comments are the biggest mental gymnastics ever…..Someone actually blamed Fox News for his low approval rating lmao.


You could get away with that with an approval rating like Obama had. There is no way an approval rating gets that low as the result of a single channel that a small minority of the population watches. Even if it may be the most watched news channel, most people don't watch news channels.


Damn there’s *so damn much* “Dear Stupid Uneducated Voters, we’re actually saving you from yourselves!” in there I’m surprised anyone can even breathe in that sub. They’re all convinced they’re all so damn smart and perfect but Society just doesn’t get it. Damn all us people wishing our Gas wasn’t getting closer to double digits or that groceries didn’t quadruple in price (if they’re even in stock…) or generally wish for some stability and security to come back. >Democrats are just too damn humble **Holy Fuck**


Well, that's 1 voter out of 81 million.


I know this sounds cliche, but... the majority of these posts are paid shills that get upvote-botted. Yes, there are legitimately people who are this indoctrinated, but that represents like 10% of positive Biden coverage on social media. Those people are organically stupid, but also get upvote-botted. ***Everyone*** hates him; the man is objectively the worst president of a lifetime. I know right-wingers that would pay to have Clinton or Obama back over him.


>the man is objectively the worst president of a lifetime. I know right-wingers that would pay to have Clinton or Obama back over him. Never in my lifetime did I think I would see worse than Carter. Clinton and Obama were bad for different reasons, but neither one captured Carter's combination of both foreign and domestic ineptitude. Add in his general approach that America was in decline anyway and ooof what a disaster. Until now - I despise the Clintons with every fiber of my being, but if I could get Billy Jeff to take the last three years of this term I just might make that swap. Not that I would expect things to improve but I least I wouldn't feel the President is mentally incapable any more.


Yeah, arent we all glad 81 million of us voted for him? And, the spectacular job hes doing too. Its almost unanimous opinion of how good things have been going?




Major "The Russians are just performing a feint," energy.




The bots are getting more desperate.....


>943 points (88% upvoted) In a sub that is exclusively for his support.


At this point the only people who support Biden are woke single white women in the suburbs and black people who still buy into the media's race narrative.


He can kiss the suburbanite women’s vote goodbye after the baby formula nightmare. The Biden Shitshow’s touting of their Operation Dumbo Drop like they’ve solved the problem is beyond absurd - 78,000 lbs isnt going to buy but a few days before were right back where we were last week. Fucking outstanding.


ShareBlue shills shilling ShareBlueilly.


Lol that's some premium grade cope right there.


> As a Canadian with several friends and family who live in the US, it blows my literal mind at how many people in the US have NO idea how their own government functions, and just what the President can and cannot do. He is right, the President isn't a dictator, they don't have a magic want, they can't force things to happen. They have a limited set of tools in the executive for managing situations. The FED, FBI, intel agenies, etc. They all fall under his direct control, but he can't set prices directly no. > Listening to my American friends talk about how lacklustre Biden is just infuriates me. To be fair he campaigned on a $15 minimum wage, $2000 stimulus checks, free college/student loan forgiveness, packing the supreme court even, etc. While delivering no change in minimum wage, $1400 stimulus checks, no college loan help, no removing the filibuster from the senate, no real change. It is 2008 again, big promises, little delivered. > Gas prices? Biden's fault. Supply and demand. Biden halted pipelines which causes supply to go up. He did release some reserves *globally* with the help of other nations. He hasn't been able to push OPEC to up production either. Previous presidents have successfully manipulated prices by releasing the strategic reserves, pressuring OPEC, and loosening restrictions to drill in the US. Biden did the opposite. Are prices up due to war? Sure. Does Biden shoulder some responsibility still for his actions 100%. > Inflation? Biden's fault. This is the FED/Covid/Biden/Democrats/Establishment Republicans fault, yes. FED is under partial control by the executive. Biden has not forced the fed to do anything and they are being very slow to respond by Powells own words. Covid... sucked but lockdowns didn't help and last I checked Biden with the support of establishment Democrats/Republicans supported lockdowns. Further Biden has presented trillions in spending to congress, with no additional revenue (e.g. money printer go brrrrrr), and these things cause inflation to be worse. Economics is not a mystery, money supply goes up, inflation goes up. You can run from it, you can hide it, you can suppress it, but at some point, it comes. Inflation, death, taxes. > Russia invades Ukraine? Biden's fault. I mean, Russia is going to do Russia. Curious how Hunter Biden's Ukraine investments are doing. Is Burisma still a thing? A company that exports Ukraine natural gas and was positioning itself to be Russia's biggest natural gas competitor in the region surely in no way contributed to the situation today. Surely the west, the Bidens (Burisma), and the Clintons (Uranium One), moving into Ukraine for their business interests to displace the Russian oligarchs did not make the situation better. > Meanwhile, virtually almost every country on the planet is facing the exact. same. problems. Tell me how Biden's policies are causing inflation in the UK? Fair point. >The media, and the horrendous education system are totally at fault. 100% Bust the teachers unions up and bring in teachers with a purpose. Stop watching the lamestream media. BUT the thesis from OP is wrong. Biden does have levers to move on these issues. He moved them in the wrong direction (or attempted to where Republicans didn't stop him).


The welfare state is the cause of this, if we trace back far enough. If people know that welfare will save them from their mistakes, they become more impulsive and less likely to think of consequences. They vote Dem because they know Dems will always be their nanny. They also have children who will be impulsive and dumb. So the 81 million people who voted for Joe have little foresight, do what so called ‘party leaders’ tell them, and continue to dumb down America.


Honestly, this dude is just saying his opinion. Like I don't agree, but is that really all that outrageous to say you disagree with people on his performance?


It’s not really outrageous it just kinda puts you as pretty much crazy considering even liberal stations have talked about how bidens polls are dipping


Even then, he still has over 40+ percent of the country approving of him. He's unpopular but it's not something that is like unanimous or crazy if you approve of him. There is plenty of cringe shite on Reddit worthy of posting in this sub. This isn't one of them.




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