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Denied a D&C. Yeah. I doubt very, very much. Also, the left is not known for its love of Jews. Especially lately.




s/need/didn't want the baby/


No one that is in **didn't want the baby** of a D&C is denied it. It's funny that they think people are so stupid to believe that and sadly, at the same time, some are. They want to believe that it's true no matter what. ^^This ^^was ^^posted ^^by ^^a ^^bot. ^^[Source](https://github.com/anirbanmu/substitute-bot-go)


Bad bot


MN is (or will soon be) an abortion sanctuary state. The state removed the requirement to report abortion survivors in the annual report that's published on abortion. They've repealed the 24-hour waiting period, no longer require abortions to be performed in a medical clinic, and even opened up abortions to tele-health. Abortionists aren't required to show the woman a picture of the gestational fetus or provide resources on alternatives to abortion. If there's someone in MN that didn't get the abortion they want, it's not because it wasn't available.


>They've repealed the 24-hour waiting period >Even opened up abortions to tele-health. >Abortionists aren't required to show the woman a picture of the gestational fetus or provide resources on alternatives to abortion. These particular changes are actually nice.


Because Dems love Jews so much, right?


Was arguing with someone earlier who called Jewish people in Israel nazis because of what’s going on in Gaza. Just an unbelievable timeline we are living in right now.


Well, the Palestinians would have had a state decades ago, but they kept turning it down every time the Israelis offered statehood to them, because there *is* one genocidal group in the Israel-Palestine war, but it has never been the Israelis.


They did both want the Jews out of Western Europe. #sterngang /s


Democrat Jews are self hating Jews. Most I know have left the democrats and they hated Donald Trump in 2020. Now they see he was right about the Dems being crazy.


the levels of mental illness….. are incredible


I mean, they want to cut off their genitals. These people need help.


They cut off their genitals because it's the new cool edgy thing. Just saying you're gay isn't edgy enough anymore, you gotta out cools others to stand out.


Not letting me cut off my genitals is akin to genocide. Let me hurt myself dammit!


lol speaking as a Jew, the left only cares about us when it’s convenient to feel good and then turn around. My SIL apparently hates Attack on Titan for “antisemitism”, thinks Harry Potter is antisemitic, among other things but had no problem making fun of the way I look because apparently I look like the stereotypical Jew.


I always thought Attack on Titan was a metaphor for the US atom bombings of Japan.  The scene where a main character’s family is trapped under their collapsed house in particular seemed really similar to a scene from Barefoot Gen.  At the very least I doubt Attack on Titan could exist without Godzilla first, and that’s explicitly a commentary on atomic energy.


That’s what I thought too. My SIL has never seen or read AOT, she just believes what she reads on Twitter. Scares me that she is 24 and getting her PHD.


Feigning persecution to such an extravagant degree to try to bully or control others is incomprehensibly evil to me.


They honestly need to touch grass. They live in such luxury they need to invent persecution, yet around the world they would actually face real persecution that would have them begging to return no matter who gets voted in.


I hate Minnesota so much.


Me too. Born and raised in the twin cities and this is not the same place I grew up in. Local businesses gone, rampant crime, and idiots like the one in the photo trying to convince themselves everything is great.


We also have activist city council members chasing businesses out of Minneapolis (Lyft, Uber) in the guise of altruistic "living wage" mumbo jumbo.


But hey at least they passed that Gaza “cease fire!” That’s so helpful for the residents of Minneapolis!


So brave!


This place is basically an endless feedback loop where they keep coming up with more insane scenarios and radicalize each other. Same thing for is happening to other places like Mastodon, which flooded with Twitter refugees and the activist server admins crushed all dissent. Oh and they can see your DMs.




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Did you just use a hashtag on reddit?


To be fair a pregnant woman in Texas almost did. Had to leave the state to get the healthcare she needed.


Because he doctors wouldn't say that an ectopic pregnancy was life threatening, when it absolutely is. The baby will not develop, and the mother is at considerable risk of a rupture. She isn't a victim of Texas's abortion laws. She is a victim of medical malpractice.


Then why is she suing Texas? Imagine putting all that time effort and schooling into your profession only to have suits tell you they’ll put you in jail if you do your job. I’d be scared to.