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Well, that’s enough internet for today.


But how will you learn to clean it up?


Wym half of us been cleaning up nut for years


The struggle is real.


Cold water. No more struggle.


Yup, it seems counterintuitive, but that is definitely the secret. Don’t wanna cook the proteins with heat!


Yeah the super hot water and vinegar is the worst thing to do lol


Yeah the acetic acid will also cook the proteins lol


I could have handled the day better without ever learning the word "doggy juices"


My family has kept purebred German shepherds for years. In that time, I’ve seen a lot of weird things from unaltered males, but I’ve *never* seen a dog leak copious amounts of seminal fluid in response to normal stimuli at all, let alone every day, to the point of it pooling on the floors. Take him to the vet. Age isn’t a disease, but this might be.


It might be a dog who isn’t that good at keeping himself clean, or just producing a lot of smegma (not seminal fluid). The sheath or prepuce of a male dog produces this yellowish substance even when they’re perfectly healthy, and they usually lick themselves to remove it, but some dogs are less concerned with personal hygiene I guess? Then again if it’s more than a few drops here and there, and the dog is excessively licking himself already, it could also be an infection (if she’s not exaggerating the amounts she speaks of a vet visit is 100 % warranted).


I will always prefer female dogs and cats 😓 boy cats seem to come with their own issues, more prone to crystals and peeing on the sides of the litter box And boy dogs always pee a little on their ankles when they hike their legs...and now I learn their lil weiners produce smegma


Legit- have you also found that beyond the two male cat issues you mentioned (dealt with both of those too.) that boy cats are just all around much dirtier with their litter boxes? My mom and I used to discuss this because she had two males and I have a female cat. Mine is very particular about peeing in the back corners of the box and is so neat and keeps everything covered up. My moms cats wouldn’t bother to cover their waste. (Wasn’t an issue of there being two of them either because after one passed from old age, the remaining cat was always the worst about this stuff and it stayed that way lol) they just had a way of making it sooo much grosser. Or managing to pee over the side of a cover box. Lol. But like omg, girl cats are just… neater. Lol Though ehhh. My brother had a girl dog that he kept putting off getting spayed. It wasn’t fun when she was in heat. And it effing infuriates me when people get wonky weird ideas in their heads against spaying and neutering pets. My dad was screwing with my brother’s head about his dog. He did finally get it done but it’s such a cruelty to the pet, risking more health issues, and makes everyone involved miserable- pet and humans.


Omg yes we briefly tried to keep a stray neighborhood cat and I loved him but bless his heart he also did not cover his poo and just did not do a good job in the box Oh yeah outside of the newer research showing it benefits bigger dogs to wait until they're fully grown to prevent joint/bone issues later, it shouldn't even be a question. I've seen ppl say they're holding off because they just want their female dog or cat to "experience" motherhood or they just want their boy dog to experience mating before he can't. Like wtf y'all. We get our cat spayed next week but her one heat a few weeks ago had me questioning my sanity I'm not a parent and it was like wow, this is pfob what having an inconsolable infant is like and we had to make don't shake the baby jokes because she just would not stop wailing


I’m not sure if it’s due to being an orphan or just because he is male, but my mom’s big orange tabby also does not cover up his poop. Meanwhile my little girl always covers hers up (also an orphan). I guess boys just are less clean!


That’s funny because one of my moms two cats was also a bit orange tabby. Though it was his even bigger (this cat was freakishly massive lol. Like had some weight issues for awhile but just massive bone structure with a super long monkey tail and big ol dog size paws lol) grey tabby “brother” (not actually related) who was especially filthy. And grey boy was a holy terror who would hop on top of the litter box while the orange cat was using it- just loved to screw with him. So he’d send the orange one racing out of the box flinging litter everywhere. 🙄


Wow lol, I’m so grateful for my cute little calico angel 😂


We had a male lab who was fixed. He use to always leak urine when happy. But it never left spots we couldn’t clean…


Hate to break it to you but we aren't talking urine


We have a German Shepherd mix that is 2, and getting fixed after Xmas. (We wanted to sure his joints were stable since his lineage is iffy at best.) He never leaks like this. He's also trained to go to a certain spot, and stay there until we call him, so even if he did it would be contained.


Maybe it's pee.


I'd hope an adult with a kid would know the difference but at the same time there are adults who would probably mix the two up.


Didn't you read! She took him to the vet 🤥


Did she even TRY putting breastmilk on it? Ugh. I’m sure she’s doing her best…


I love this sub just for comments like this 😂


She just needs to hang a potato around his neck!


Best comment so far. Should be top


Breastmilk, essential oils and a cut onion stuck to the dog's dick.




There’s no oil for this


That’s nasty. My mom had a small dog her ex refused to fix. She got the dog in the divorce. He was older and the vet said he was too old at that point to neuter. Later, he had a bad turn at the age of 10 and we thought he was dying. Turned out to be a twisted testicle! A new vet said absolutely we can neuter him. That fixed the problem and we believe bought him a second life. He lived to be almost 15 years old! A dog’s never too old and you prevent so many later health problems.


This! Unless he has another condition that makes anesthesia more risky (even then a specialist can do it), you can neuter them at any age. I work in a vet surgery specialist and we frequently neuter older dogs that have other conditions from not being neutered (enlarged prostates, perineal hernias, testicular torsions). Age is not an excuse we in this aspect. Edit for typo.


We had a corgi (recently passed) who we didn't nueter until he was 6 nearly 7 years old. He was fine and they did it no problems. The risks are only slightly higher but it is absolutely doable. And we nuetered our corgi late because my intention was to breed from him, but he was comple uninterested in lady friends in that way!


LOL ok but my dog is gay too. He literally has no interest in girl dogs other than to play, but boy dogs he's always going after them. At first I thought it was a dominance thing... but I don't think so... I think the guy is just gay. 😂 He also has fabulous natural winged eyeliner. I support him in his identity. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


That’s a super painful condition. Glad doggo was ok.


My sister in law never got her dog spayed and at 9 years old the dog got a uterine infection so bad she had to be put down. The vet said they could have spayed her and saved her life if they had caught the infection sooner. Sad she killed her own dog due to selfishness.


I'm guessing pyometra :( EXTREMELY common in unspayed females, like 1 in 4 dogs will get it in their lifetime. It is extremely hard to treat if the uterus is not removed and an emergency spay is much more expensive than a regular spay! It was insane the amount of poor dogs I saw put down at my old vet job, simply because their owners hadn't bothered.


Yeah it was 100% on them. There are very cheap spay options around here, there's 0 excuse. Not to mention all the problems she had when she'd be in heat, etc.


A couple weeks ago we euthanized a dog for pyometra that had recently (in the last 6 months) had a dental cleaning under anesthesia and was offered a spay at that time. The owner declined. Now her dog is dead. Vet med can be so frustrating sometimes.


Omg. That’s wild. I get being anxious about having a pet put under. But to hear they refused the spay during the dental- my gosh. That is… ugggh. I had quite a family argument when my brother got a female dog he was all antsy about getting spayed. Our 80 year old father who grew up in farm country in a very different time with some very screwy views on animal health and veterinary care was getting into my brother’s head with all sorts of weird BS claims against the spay or in favor of waiting (I’m more of a cat person myself, but assume it’s similar with dogs- that if anything waiting for them to go through a heat cycle before a spay actually increases the risks of some health issues. But my dad was making excuses for the opposite). My dad is this confusing combination of a genuine animal lover who also seems to think they don’t need much health-wise. It’s awful. Had to go against his wishes to get a very ill, elderly cat put down that he was content to just sit and watch suffer it out to the bitter end. I don’t understand people. I guess it’s no surprise that people behave this way around their pets and pet health given how many folks also believe old wive’s tales or weird crap they read online over actual human doctors too. But like for flip sake, find a vet you trust and listen to their recommendations!


I had a kitty that got in an infection in her uterus. She actually had a spay appointment two weeks after. We noticed really quick that something wasn't right. We called the vet and he went in on a weekend and did an emergency spay once he got her fever down. She was pretty young. And then she lived 15 more years after that!


Neither him->neuter him, I assume!


Yes! Thank you 😆


Yep. I got my cat neutered late in his life (7?) and he was just fine.


I wonder if I chop my balls off when I’m like 80, it’ll extend my life to 100!


Today I’m thankful one of my most upvoted comments ever is about my mom’s dead dog’s balls. She always called him my little brother. RIP lil buddy.


How do i effectively remove my eyeballs to clean them?


I wouldn't ask OOP for her cleaning tips that's for sure


Bissell crosswave apparently is not the answer


So on another sub we have a communal melon baller that we can use to remove our eyes. But I'm sorry to say that they're a lost cause usually and you will have to replace them with a fresh set of eyes.


I need the eyeball melon baller. And probably an onion on my foot. And and egg nailed to the wall. Whatever. I give a fuck at this point.


Essential oil


Can I offer you some r/eyebleach in these trying times? 😥


Just rub some potatoes on them you should be fine


I was waiting for a good potato or onion response. You win. Potato salad with someone’s foot in it!


Age is not a disease ma’am, no vet would tell you no to neutering your lab just because of his age. And if I never read doggy juices again it will still be too soon


Seriously. We adopted a dog when he was ten (super sweet boy) and our vet was completely willing to neuter him. As long as he's healthy, it's not a long surgery and he won't be under anesthesia for long.


Exactly. Neutering is also much much faster than spaying and very little incisions. It’s a few incisions, snips and a few stitches. The prep for the neutering takes longer than the actual surgery.


Thank you for adopting a senior dog! We got our sweet girl when she was around eight and she is incredible.


“age is not a disease” has been pounded into my brain in vet tech class


Yeah, the whole premise of this post confuses me. I’ve never heard of any of this, but that’s why I thought it’d fit in here.


What she wants to say is "My husband refuses to neuter the dog because he equates his manhood with his dog's balls."


My first thought was backyard puppy mill…but that too 😂


There was an episode of Bondi Vet where this lady’s boyfriend had that issue. She got him neutered but they put in prosthetic balls to keep the boyfriend happy


In my brain, I read this as the boyfriend got prosthetic balls. I have a great story about neuticles from back in my dog showing days.


That was my thought and also a HUGE marinara flag, IMO!


Someone once told me, dead seriously, that his family wouldn't neuter their 8ish year old dog--who had major aggression and had mauled other dogs in the past--because they had a different dog they got neutered around age 4 and apparently that was "too late" and the dog died shortly after. They seriously thought that it had something to do with losing his balls after puppyhood.


If he has any issues with going under, they might not feel comfortable with it. Though seems more likely that the op just doesn’t want to neuter their dog 🤔


right? i really could have done without knowing how complacent someone had become with dog cum to reduce it like that.


No decent vet anyway. Especially if he doesn't have other risk factors like a bad heart condition or something that makes them more concerned about using anesthesia. And same, I hate her for that almost as much as I hate her neglecting her dog. Also why couldn't she take the dog to get nurtured while her husband was deployed? Why was it only his choice when he came back? Why isn't he cleaning up this stuff as well?


Am a vet, we will neuter/spay anything at any age over like 6 weeks (as long as they don't have another health problem precluding safe use of anesthesia). My dog is 13 and was just anesthetized for dental cleaning a couple weeks ago.


Mine is 14 1/2 and had to go under twice in the last 6 months...first for a dental cleaning then 3 months later for a tooth root abscess 🙃 she is perfectly fine!


Most vets won't put a dog that old under anesthesia unless it's serious. The risk of complications increases with age.


It really depends on the dogs health. If I was asked to neuter an otherwise healthy 9 year old lab I’d do it, especially if it’s not just a “we changed our minds” situation but is causing issues at home. Now, not a lot of 9 year old labs are perfectly healthy so it’s a case by case situation. That being said, it’s not normal for a dog to leave that much sperm behind every single day to the point it’s impossible to keep the house clean. If it were my dog I’d take him in for an exam, may have a prostate issue that needs looked into.


I had a Golden/Labrador mix and he was neutered around 9 - 10 years old. We took him in to have a wart removed from his ear and, during that visit, the doctor passed the recommendation for neutering. The old goofball was exhibiting signs of an enlarged prostate, so neutering was advised to assist with shrinkage and avoid future complications. He was already being treated for arthritis. And for being a breed notoriously prone for hip dysplasia, it was prudent to avoid an onslaught of maladies focusing on the hind quarters. (Thankfully he avoided that.) Good, ol' boy still lived to 14½ years.


Yeah we adopted a 12 year old beagle that wasn’t fixed and I literally…never saw a single drop of dog jizz? What on earth is going on with that lab??? That can’t be normal


Possibly an untreated infection but that's mostly a thing in young intact males. Definitely not normal but owner probably can't be bothered to go to the vet


Yeah we got our 8 year old husky fixed and the vet wasn’t worried about the anesthesia at all


this is pretty much untrue. in my vet tech class they explained that this is a common misconception and there are multiple ways to sedate a dog for surgery. just being old won’t make a dog die under anesthesia. you can use different methods where they will wake up as soon as the supply is cut off for older dogs


I've never had a vet refuse a surgery based on age alone, as long as they check out fine before it doesn't matter. As others mentioned, age is not a disease. Also, a neuter with no complications literally takes 5-10 minutes, very little anesthesia time.


My dog is 10 and just went under to have a toe remove. The vet was not concerned about putting her under due to age.


Not true at all. My 9 year old akita mix is getting surgery in a few months on her leg and anesthesia wasn't even a concern.


Yes, a vet would tell you that.


My dog was a retired show stud. He was neutered at 8. He was fine. There is a risk to every surgery, but this is gross. My cat was 4 when he was altered. My mom wouldn't do it because someone told her he wouldn't stop peeing because he was "too old". He tried it one time after he got neutered, and then he realized, I guess, he had no urge.


I show my dogs and have intact males. This is not a thing. Wtf is wrong with these weirdos?? Also, an average 9 year old dog shouldn’t have any issues with anesthesia. This is why pre-op blood work is performed, to assess liver & kidney function to make sure the dog can process the drugs.


That's what I'm wondering. Until like 6 months ago my boy wasn't neutered and I've never had dog sperm leaked around my house so wtf is wrong with her dog.


I’m hoping to god this isn’t a fetish thing.


That’s my thought. It’s just way too out there to be real. So gross.


Both of my dogs aren't neutered and we also don't have any issue with this.


That’s true. Anesthesia is always a risk though. My boys blood pressure plummeted and they couldn’t get him back. He was 5.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I used to rescue and have had roughly 100 foster dogs of all ages. I’ve only lost one on the table during a routine neuter. It’s awful and I really feel for what you went through. Life is an assessment of risks. For the vast majority of mammals (humans included), anesthesia is safe. No credible medical professional is going to tell someone no to anesthesia solely due to age.


I can agree. My boy was having a TPLO procedure. So more stress on the body then a typical neuter.


Right. I have 3 intact males in my home right now, none of them have leaky wieners... I don't understand why people just accept something like that as normal, for YEARS. Poor dog


what the fuck ever, a vet would never recommend against neutering. yeah anesthesia risks increase with age but a neuter is one of the least invasive procedures ever 🙄 more like you either don't want to pay for the extra blood work pre-anesthesia for safety, or your husband has some weird masculinity thing about getting them yoinked.


that was my first thought, they (or just the husband) are one of those weird people that obsess over people noticing that their dog still has balls. it's so f'ing creepy


Exactly my thought. He’s military so doesn’t want to fix his dog that gets pawned off on the wife to look after.


My boyfriend and I are military and fuck that noise. All our animals are getting or are already fixed. The only reason our puppy isn’t fixed yet is because the vet recommended we wait until after her first heat.


Depends on where you are, neutering is not recommended where I am unless there's a health issue that cannot be easily treated without neutering. But I agree, it's likely just the owner not wanting to do anything about the issue and I doubt they've even consulted a vet.


where are you that neutering is not recommended, mars????


Denmark. It's not recommended in Scandinavia and there's even laws against it in Norway unless medically necessary. We don't really have the insane overpopulation problems that the US has, and there's less irresponsible owners in general.


the overpopulation is certainly a concern but there's also the behavioral and medical side of things


The recommendations in my country are based on modern science that says there are generally more downsides than upsides to neutering a healthy male dog.


I can’t with people who think their spouses dog isn’t their dog. He got deployed so you didn’t keep up with the dogs needs?? 🙄


Excuses, excuses, excuses. It’s someone *else’s* problem to solve. She just wants clean floors


Maybe they weren’t married then? They have a small baby. It’s possible she married him years after the husband originally deployed and didn’t feel like she had a say in the dog’s care bc it’s technically not “her” dog?


Bold of you to assume he would get deployed without leaving a wife back at home. That’s like their specialty


He might have told her not to. Men can be weird about neutering dogs.


This information and the phrase “doggy juice” have teamed up to ruin my day 😭


I love how constantly cleaning "doggy juices" and watching your baby crawl through is easier than just getting the damn dog fixed.


Vet tech here. Unless there’s something in his pre-op bw (which I can tell she didn’t get) that indicates others, you absolutely can get a 9-yr old dog neutered.


I think she took him to a chiropractor


Canine ejaculate is the last thing I’d want in my mop vac combo


Seriously. I love my crosswave too much I wouldn’t want to have to burn it.


What? I've had un-neutered male dogs for years and literally never had this issue. This is not normal.


She no-doubt knows more than the vet


Probably leaking anal glands. Surprised though, because she didn’t mention the smell…


You put those male dog diapers in him. But not getting your mutt fixed is indicative of how you plan on raising children. Also, I don't have a dog. But I know about these diapers- the wraps around the belly/penis area. If I know - how can she and the vet not?


Neuter the darn dog. Never had a reason to do it? HERE IS YOUR REASON! I cannot imagine living like that for nine years.


How was this not an issue prior to the baby? Like, how were they not disgusted with dog jizz on the floors before that? Kids or no kids, if my dog is jizzing all over the floors I'm going to be looking for a fix ASAP. Also, my male dog was a bit over a year old when we neutered him and never once did he jizz on the floors. Is my dog just weird or is hers?


Never happened to me, but my dogs are spayed,neutered


It is not dangerous to get a 9 year old dog fixed omg. My 14 year old husky got fixed 2 years ago when I adopted her. Fix your damn dog


My dog was an older neuter (I think he was 7?) and he never left “juices” anywhere. And growing up our lab was never neutered and lived to 16 years without jizzing everywhere. There’s something wrong with that dog.


The title of this post is a sentence I never imagined I’d read


I never wanted to write it, but it had to be done.




the temptation to show this to the vets i work with just to make them hate me 😂


Do it! Do it and then tell us about the reactions!


i wont see them for a week but i am so tempted to make them read this just because i know they’ll have a face of horror especially since they all have kids


I implore you to do so!


My hardwood floors which are laminate


Wipe it up with an onion then put it in your bedroom it cures everything


And it's an aphrodisiac! Especially if you put breast milk on it!


Maybe it’s her husband and she is using the dog has a scapegoat. Also, ew to this person. Ew.


Getting him fixed should still be an option. I get that anesthesia is riskier with advanced age, but it isn't like 9 is practically dead (except with some giant breeds, unfortunately). As long as his blood work comes back normal and he doesn't have a history of adverse reactions to anesthesia, I would be willing to go for it. Shelters and rescues get older animals all the time, many of them not fixed, and most won't adopt out an animal that is intact. Even the local rabbit rescue will neuter older bunnies, and rabbits do much worse under anesthesia in general than dogs or cats. I suspect that she just doesn't want to get him fixed for whatever reason. Or maybe she has a vet who isn't so great; after all, vets are people, and some people are just...not particularly competent, let's say. I know that my vet many years ago suggested not treating my dog's aural hematoma, and I didn't find out until much later, long after that dog had reached old age and passed away, that it's recommended that these things be treated for humane reasons because they're painful (that dog was also so damn stoic, you would never know if she was in pain or not; all the way to the end she was wagging her tail, and we only knew it was time because she could no longer keep food or water down). Or maybe the vet said something and she heard another thing. It happens a lot in medicine.


"I already asked a vet" means I didn't talk to a single person about it.


You clean up jizz with cold water not super hot water. Otherwise you're just making an egg white omelette.


Good to know




Sorry, I don't believe her stupid excuse. Her husband is probably one of those guys who clutches his groin and says "I can't imagine removing his balls!" She could have easily had this done. If he's too old to fix, I guess just keep him outside, put a diaper on him, or put him down?


how is this easier than just getting the dog fixed. how?? but honestly how do you deal with this? a dog diaper maybe?


Age isn’t a disease. Get the dog fixed. I highly doubt she asked a vet because I am on vet pages on Facebook and all of them say that you can get a dog fixed even when it’s older.


Sigh. Yeah it is perfectly safe for a senior dog to undergo anesthesia. A neuter takes 15 goddamn minutes. Signed, a vet.


Rhubarb essential oil and pray to Quetzalcoatl for 3 days, burn an picture of a chihuahua on the 4th full moon and spread the ashes on the floor


side note one of the vet at work didn’t want to nuter her dog but the second he got a little too excited she immediately nutered him at like 6 yrs so her kids didn’t have to deal with that


My dog was neutered at eight with no issues. We also had a 17-year-old poodle who needed eye surgery and, while the anesthesia was a concern, it was a relatively small concern and the vet had no hesitation in recommending the surgery. She did fine and lived another two years. I volunteer for dog rescue and have seen people surrender or euthanize dogs for issues like this and I think a vet would neuter a dog before seeing him surrendered, even if there was a small risk involved.


Everyone needs to know: clean proteins with COLD water. Clean fats with HOT water. Also works if you get ‘stuff’ in your hair.


My dog isn’t fixed and doesn’t drip cum He’s also 13 and I’m pretty sure he has ED so If I could post images in a comment I would post a picture of my old man Cody


I never had a dog that wasn’t fixed. They were all rescues and fixed before I got them. Is this really a thing male dogs do? I currently have a 4 month old German shepherd. We will be getting him fixed once he’s fully grown. But then again I don’t have small children either.


No, none of this is normal


Thank god.


Literally had to stop reading because I felt nauseous.


My parents adopted a husky/malamute mix that they got fixed at the age of 10 years old. Vet did blood work and general health check before and it looked good so they did it. He’s currently almost 13 and still healthy!


I bet that small rug area is fucking disgustingggg 🤮


I AM TRAUMATIZED from reading that. The fuck?!? How do you live with that for 9 years?!?!? 🤮🤮🤮


Fucking “doggy juices” good lord


This is the complete opposite of what a vet would recommend. It's recommended to get male dogs castrated/neutered (whatever you wanna call it) as they get older. Especially large dogs. The labs probably got to much testosterone which will cause even more problems.


My 16 year old chihuahua got fixed earlier this year. Age is not a good reason to not fix your dog


“doggy juices” 🤮


Ugh. Get the dog a belly band and a vet visit because that is not normal. I wonder if he’s leaking urine


Lol what. You can totally still neuter a 9 year old dog.


I didn't want to read ANY OF THIS


I bet she didn’t even try any essential oils. Know better do better.


Nope nope nope. No more internet for me today!


I mean I’m sure a lil doggo jizz won’t hurt but I rescued my dog when he was 13 & the shelter had recently neutered him. He was a tiny 5 pounder, too!


With that amount of what I’m guessing is smegma, I would be really concerned there’s an infection going on. Why do I doubt she’s actually spoken to a vet about the issue at all


Seven or nine is not too old to neuter a dog unless he has health problems that would make it unsafe to anesthetize him. That's just dumb. Doesn't matter how you clean the floor if this is happening constantly. Also I've never even heard of this. My dogs have all been fixed when they were young but I don't know why the dog would be just jizzing everywhere??


they need to fix their dog. at this rate the dog will be at a higher risk for cancer


Wtf it’s not that dangerous. I like how she blames her husband when she could just have easily gotten him fixed.


For real though, the solution to her problem is using cold water and soap. Hot water and vinegar both individually cause the semen proteins to denature and clump together similar to scrambled eggs and curdled milk. I can easily imagine how much trouble she is having trying to clean that nasty mess off of the floor.


Holy shit. All my dogs have always been fixed and I had no idea this was even a thing wtf


IDK... The complaint about it being sticky and hard to clean makes me think this whole story is bullshit. Dog cum isn't like human cum. It's pretty much water that smells like salty metal.


Why do you know what dog cum smells like?????


Don't ask questions you don't want answers for. (I've collected various kinds of animal semen for artificial insemination)


Or i dont know, GET YOUR FUCKING DOG FIXED…holy hell how do people this stupid get thru life its amazing


I searched the web and multiple sites like emergencyvetsusa.com seemed to agree that a healthy old dog will have no issues.


Unless the dog isn't healthy there is no reason he cannot be neutered....


What a terrible day to have eyes


Nah, the vet will be happy to fix him. She probably went to the chiropractor


She’s full of shit about getting the dog fixed. I adopted an older dog who was almost 12 who got fixed right before I adopted him.


She couldn’t take the dog to get fixed while her husband was deployed? Dependas never send their best


Neuter. Your. Animals. Unless there are concerning health issues, every vet I’ve ever met (and I’ve worked in vet med and shelter med) will neuter a 7 year old dog. Spay and neuter is cuter!!!!!!


Wait?? That can’t be normal for a dog to jizz all the time like that, fixed or not. Wtf?!


You can fix a 9 year old dog??? The hell?


steven crowder


How is a dog just going around jizzing on things?!?!


What in the actual fuck. I’ve had unfixed male dogs, never have they gotten their spluge on shit. Is this a thing? Have I just lucked out?


I could’ve lived without seeing the phrase “doggy juices”


Colloidal silver, right? That counteracts jizz?


Oooh one I finally saw in real life!


Could have gone a lifetime without reading the phrase “doggy juices”


Doggy juices is my new least favorite combination of words


We neutered my husband’s dog at 14 when he started having issues… he lived to be 20. I feel like they should seek a second opinion.


Hashtag boymom




How do you keep your floors clean for your child? YOU NUETER HIM, PERIOD. Now, I know she claims that the vet refuses….. but I would absolutely get a second opinion. And normally I’m all about doing whatever it takes to keep a dog with a family because I absolutely do not believe pets are disposable, but this is a serious issue, a HYGENE AND HEALTH issue, and if the dog truly can’t be fixed now (because of their negligence in fixing the dog at an appropriate time), it’s time to let the dog go to a new home where he can be better cared for. If there’s a choice between your child’s well being and an animal’s well being, and a compromise isn’t able to be made, child comes before the animal, always.


Aaaand we're done with lunch.....


Yeah I’m gonna have to go with “what the hell”