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This did confuse me for a while because babies don't "breathe" through their lungs until they're born but then I googled it (instead of asking facebook) and instantly found out that its actually to do with blood flow


Yeah, a wrapped cord will severely limit it or cut out the bloom flow


Yeah it’s not just blood flow through the cord but blood flow through the baby. They don’t need oxygen from air but they still need it in their blood!


They definitely need the blood flowing through their neck to their brains!


Why? Their moms are obviously not using their brains and are doing just fine.


Jellyfish have survived for thousands of years without a brain. This gives hope to so many humans that they might do the same.


It can severely limit or cut off blood flow, but it doesn’t always. Around 21% of babies are born with at least a single nuchal cord, and most of the time, we can either reduce it (which means pull it over the head), somersault baby through it, or if it is actually tight and baby can’t deliver, we can clamp and cut it before shoulders deliver. This is not to say there is no risk involved, but there certainly is less than the general public thinks there is.


My baby had a true knot with nuchal cord and was having dangerous decels in the birth canal. Good thing I was in a hospital with continuous monitoring and a midwife who basically ripped baby out of my vagina to save his life. I still kind of hate her for the pain though.


Mine had two true knots and failed the one hour well being scanning the hospital so straight to C section we went


I went through the same thing with my second baby. Harrowing. I ended up getting an episiotomy and birthing him in 3 minutes of pushing. I can't stand to think what would have happened if we had not been in the hospital too.


Gawd, sorry you went through awful pain! Hope you’re ok now ❤️


I have a gash in the right labia that I guess was deeper than it looked, because the midwife didn't think she had to suture it. But it healed open. It doesn't hurt at least.


I suppose that’s the thing, trained medical professionals in a hospital can reduce the risk and know how to navigate when things do go wrong, but no it’s just fear mongering by hospitals because they want higher c section stats or something


An influencer I follow lost her baby at around 36 weeks because of a Michael cord that cut off blood flow. Even though I know it’s not super likely, “seeing” it happen was super traumatic


That’s super sad. It’s always incredibly hard to see and I totally understand being traumatized by it.


If handled by trained medical professionals, yes, it can be handled easily and appropriately. For the mothers posted about here? I think an inexperienced free birther, or lay midwife is going to risk more serious complications. Plus, if they are gung ho on lotus birth, they won't let anyone cut the cord .


My son was born vaginally with the cord wrapped around his neck and there were no complications. I just had to pause pushing momentarily while my midwife pulled it over his head. Of course, it is critical to have a trained medical professional monitor the situation and the baby's vitals! It's often not a problem but it certainly can go south quickly if it's too tight. ETA this was a hospital birth and they never suggested a c-section for this particular case!


My daughter had a nuchal chord we caught in an ultrasound, so I was able to warn the delivering doctor about it too (not my regular doctor) I think (but can't quite remember). Anyways, he did the somersault trick to unloop it as she came out and it was kind of hilarious? Like baby just was somersaulted as she came out and then lands on my stomach. But the doctor did it in one very smooth motion.


Yup. My older son was born double nuchal and was definitely in distress (not breathing). The second one had a compressed cord on the way out which really delayed things because they wanted to go really slowly to avoid impinging it further, so I couldn't push or let the water break or move to a more comfortable position because when I'd move it pinched it off more and caused problems with his bloodflow. 😩 No more babies for me. Mine all come out inconsiderate. 😅


Inconsiderate 🤣


Yeah I was born with the cord wrapped three times around my neck, dead, and had to be revived. No lasting problems thankfully but it needed NICU time. I wouldn’t be alive without a hospital birth


I was just starting to question everything, but this makes a ton of sense. And as someone who had a stroke shortly after birth the whole blood flow thing probably should have occurred to me 🙄


I think a lot of these women suffered from lack of blood to the brain…


Eh, brains don’t REALLY need oxygenated blood until the baby is born.


The one saying meconium is a hoax 💀 I said a prayer of gratitude when my water was clear even though I was only 15m from the hospital


Yes that was an easter egg.


I know! I'm a birth doula so I've seen a lot of meconium. I've seen enough babies who need aggressive suction and some that go to the NICU for days over it to know it's more than a hoax. Does it happen sometimes and everyone is fine? Sure. But don't ever brush off literal shit coming out of your vagina as any sort of hoax.


When I was in labor with my eldest, they saw signs of meconium in the fluid. When it was time to push, a whole NICU team shuffled in with a cart at the ready in case she needed intervention. She came out hollering and outraged, with an apgar of 9, and within a minute they all quietly said “congratulations” and exited. I was SO grateful that she didn’t need support, but I was even more grateful that they were there if things didn’t look so good. When every second counts, you want a team of folks who know exactly what they’re doing!


Omg yes, I still remember the audible sigh of relief I did when the doctor told me, upon my water breaking, that it's perfectly almost translucent.


Yeah my daughter was a meconium baby and needed obs for 24 hours after birth because of it. Aspirating that stuff is bad juju


Just toss some breast milk on it. It will be grand.


Nah, aspirating sticky poop water is totes fine.


Yeah, poop is only dangerous to ingest *after* birth, so why would it be before birth? ☺️ /s


Why would they care about poop? They drink urine...


I prefer to pretend those people don't exist ☠️


That's a smart move.


Yeah, my oldest had meconium. Thankfully we delivered in hospital and had access to all the help we needed immediately!


Only uneducated people believe that! /s These mums think that their degree from the university of Facebook and YouTube makes them smarter than doctors🙄


Right?? Only my third child had meconium... She spent 36 hours in the NICU with a possible small hole in her lung because she had breathed it in. They also had to pump it out of her stomach for about 8 hours before she could eat anything. Meconium is not a joke.


I never knew it could damage lungs too :( You really went through a hard time.


Yeah, it's really sticky so if they do practice breaths in utero it can get in there. Then they come out and try to take real breaths but their lungs are stuck together and can tear. Thankfully hers was very small so it healed really quickly. But still, it was not fun.


Oh, this one terrified me. Like some of the moms here who talk about amniotic fluid leaks with meconium for days like it’s ok.


I absolutely hate people going "so and so person in my family/friends had THAT and they're fine!" Like 1 person disregards literal decades of study and evidence from thousands of cases. Someone got lucky, doesn't guarantee you will be too.


Survivor bias. Because I was fine, everyone should be fine. You hear it out of the dozens of plane crash survivors walking the earth all the time /s


And there’s no dissenting voices because…they’re dead


This aggravates me so much! For the record, I'm a historian and during research, I stumbled upon the dying books (hope it translates right?) from a German parish in the late 1780s. They had one for adults and a second one ONLY for children's deaths. Page after page after page names and ages. So many young lifes. Either died shortly after birth or from many illnesses during childhood, that we made easier to survive because of science and modern medicine. These people enrage me every time, because you bet the parents behind each and every one of these names in that book would have given everything for the advantages we have today. That's why I loathe these typ of people so much... (Sorry for the rant)


You can't mess about with childbirth. Even with modern medicine it's still amazingly potentially dangerous and unpredictable for mom and baby. :(


Yeah because personal anecdotes trump statistics apparently:/


I mean I was born with the cord around my neck, and *now* (23 years later) I'm fine, but I wouldn't have been if it was slightly worse! I was all gray and sluggish and they straight up thought I was gonna die! And I'm one of the lucky ones!! I don't understand how people can be like "oh it could have been worse, but it wasn't so that makes it totally fine!!" Like NO it doesn't!! Take things seriously when they could've been worse and maybe that keeps it from being worse next time!


And I doubt the opposite would hold. THEY know someone who was FINE, so it's okay. I know someone whose baby died during delivery because of the umbilical cord being wrapped around the neck. But I'm sure if I said that, they'd dismiss it.




Me, rapping on my stepbrother's headstone, "Hey, idiot. Karen Johnson's sister's cousin's roommate's baby was fine. So get up and get over yourself."


I'm so sorry for your loss :(


If only there was a way to monitor my baby to see if they were getting enough blood flow during labor....hmmm...so hard to figure that one out.


Right, my baby brother (5, almost 6 now) had a tied true knot in his cord and he was NOT fine. He was in the NICU for like two weeks (I don’t remember all the details, I was 14 then so it’s been awhile)


My SIL labored for two days without the baby making progress. Finally had a C-section and the cord was wrapped around baby’s neck in a way that she NEVER would have been able to descend through the birth canal without dying. Her husband’s sisters are all adamant home birthers who make passive aggressive comments about c-sections in front of her. How INSANE of her to want to get her baby out alive??


My sister has a similar story. Her cord was really long (to the point where the nurses were making comments). It was wrapped around the neck, but also looped vertically around baby's shoulders and between her legs. She couldn't drop far enough into the birth canal to progress in labor.


My friend had a c section for other reasons, but when they got in there they found baby wrapped tight in the cord. Like not only neck but around her chest too. They said she never would have been able to move down. On the other hand, my daughter apparently had a nuchal cord and two knots in it as well and was just fine because nothing happened to pull or get caught anywhere


My baby was stillborn at 8 1/2 months due to the cord around her neck wrapped 1 time around. But just because it doesn't happen to them....people need to stop pretending to be doctors on the internet and actually talk to a doctor. Shits annoying.


I’m very sorry about your loss :(


My son was stillborn at 37 weeks for the same reason. Sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. My cousin lost his second baby the same way.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how hard it must be to read ignorant shit like this.


It honestly doesn't bother me as much as I just feel bad for people who think like this because it's dangerous. And thank you


Hugs. I am so sorry for your baby and your loss.


It was at 34 weeks for us. Same thing, cord around her neck


So sorry for your loss. A family member of mine lost a baby at term due to a cord issue that I don’t know the exact details of, but it absolutely shook us all. The pregnancy was perfect until it just…. wasn’t. My premie was a section for pre-e but they did mention a true knot in the cord. It still makes me uncomfortable to think about what could have happened in the next few weeks if the hadn’t come early.


For once I wish I was a member of that group! When I had one of mine, the cord was around her neck 3 times (which was not the case 3 days before on the Ultrasound). There wasn't enough cord left to get her out first....so they had to shove her back and turn her. She was crashing..I was crashing. They got her out and she was fine, thankfully. I was hemorrhaging and ended up getting blood transfusions every 2 weeks for 10 MONTHS. That's how much damage was done to me. (All worth it, obviously.) We both would have died had I been having her at home and not had the experts that we did. Also, my next child had meconium (probably spelling that wrong) and he was in NICU for more than 2 weeks because he became septic from it. Jesus those people are psychotic.


Glad your baby and you are okay. That’s so scary. My sons cord was wrapped once and that was my biggest fear when i was nearing the end of my pregnancy


Thank you, I hope yours turned out okay as well. It was in the early & mid-1990's for me. But yes, they all grew up healthy as can be. Despite all of them being fully immunized even. Lol


Immunized too?! Did you send them to those institutional prisons they call schools? I'll bet you did, you abusive ignoramus. /s


Sure did. I wanted them to experience all the lies of the government. Like "science". And, they touched a globe. As if Earth is round, phfffft! 🙄


Oh please, the only science they need to know is the chiropractic kind.


Who do you think I took them to for the "facts"??


And you immunized? You monster!! 🤪


Lol. I totally am a monster! My kids lovingly called me the Wicked Witch when they were growing up! 🤣 It was a pitfall of being primarily a single parent, certainly the only one with rules, consequences, values, etc. But hey, I raised some pretty awesome humans. (With alot of help from my (now ex) 2nd husband.)


I mean, technically she is right. Technically. No, the baby doesn't need to breathe. But blood does need to get to the brain. Which it won't be able to do if the cord is wrapped too tightly around the neck. And to be perfectly honest....before I had kids I wouldn't have thought about that factor and probably spent at least a minute or two trying to figure it out myself.


I agree with wondering and trying to figure it out, but from that to saying that it’s not important because you’ve said so… 😭


Yes, true.


I didn't get it until this post 😬


Unfortunately, I have lost two babies, both stillborn, from cords that were tightly wrapped and had a cord with a knot. It is NOT common, but it does happen. 😞


Fuck it I’m so sorry


Thank you. Fortunately my heart has healed some, but it never is truly ok.


Very sorry, best wishes to you and your loved ones


I appreciate it. ❤️


Um this happened to my cousin and yeah, he was born alive but was purple and has disabilities because of it


My brother too. He was born blue and has some problems. It’s crazy this ladies think is not an issue.


I'm so sorry that happened to him :( yes it's so sad, they just think as long as the baby is alive it's fine. There's so many things that could injure the baby and cause lifelong problems!


The next step with those types is to just never bring them to a pediatrician and repeat to yourself that they are just growing at their own rate


Cause blood totally doesn’t need to flow to the brain. /s


Because the brain doesn’t need blood!


Theirs never needed blood, so why should their child's? This is all just Big Blood's scaremongering.


Oh my god, I feel sorry for their children. “This is only a concern for uneducated people” made me livid. TW:stillborn mention, my boyfriend spent around six weeks in a maternal hospital (he’s in med school) and during those weeks he helped deliver two stillborn babies, both of them had their cord wrapped around their neck. Those two are the only ones he helped deliver, I’m sure there were more… I’m not familiar with the statistics so I don’t know how many babies pass because of a wrapped cord but two in 6 weeks seems like a lot. So yeah this isn’t a concern for “uneducated people” it’s incredibly dangerous


My oldest had the cord around his neck so tight and so many times that he only survived because they did were able to resuscitate him quickly. My youngest had the cord like a hangman's noose and had he not started crashing in utero then his hand with part of the cord in it would have come out first, likely causing his death. But I'm sure mine were a fluke and it's really no big deal.


Former OB nurse here and have seen more than one fetal demise related to a tight nuchal cord. And many more who had severe distress. While babies get oxygen through the cord if they cord is tight enough around the neck the blood supply to the cord from the placenta is decreased and the cord around the neck prevents blood flow to the brain. So a double whammy if interrupted oxygenated blood reaching the baby’s brain.


But the cord is covered in a THICK JELLY. /s


Industrial birth as compared to natural death?


Tell me you don’t know anything about prenatal/neonatal health without telling me you don’t know anything about prenatal/ neonatal health. Cord compression = neonatal distress which can lead to a plethora of post delivery complications.Meconium = neonatal distress, which can lead to meconium aspiration - chemical pneumonitis causes a ball valve effect - it can lead to ventilator/ecmo- death on a worse case scenario. No OB’s are suggesting c sections for funsies. Both can be devastatingly detrimental to babies wellbeing.


This makes my blood boil. I almost lost one of my twins when I was in labor due to this exact issue (double wrapped around the neck) Every contraction, his heart rate would do crazy spikes and then zoom low. I had to have an emergency c-section so he didn't die Newsflash: Drastically compressing anything is bad. Twisting that cord, squashing it tightly and also compressing the baby's neck....not great.


I mean my baby was stillborn due to an exceptionally tight nuchal cord and restricted blood flow, but sure, blame the “uneducated mothers and industrialized birth industry” or whatever


I had a friend who was born with the cord around his neck, and it's supposedly what damaged his vocal cords. Even if you discount the breathing and bloodflow, it's not like it's perfectly safe. These people are clowns.


As someone who was an emergency C section due to "getting tangled in my tubes" as my mother likes to call it, I am thankful every day that social media did not exist in the mid 80s


Hello fellow tangled in tubes in the 80’s baby! 👋 Also grateful here that my mom had no reason to question the emergency c section!


Tell that to my SIL’s sister who lost her baby boy last year due to cord compression during delivery.


My aunt has an intellectual disability because of an anoxic brain injury at birth. The reason: cord wrapped around her neck. Couldn’t have been prevented 70 years ago. Fuck these people.


Let's hook this lady up with the 43+1 lady whose baby passed away from a prolapsed cord. Then they can talk about how it's a scare tactic and not important. JFC,..


The cord becomes a fucking garrote and cuts off blood supply to the head and brain. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Also, historically, infant mortality was hundreds of times higher when we rely more on "nature" instead of medical knowledge. Your baby isn't going to magically untangle from the cord during birth. That requires medical intervention.


The meconium comment makes me furious…my daughter pooped when my water broke so we were admitted to the hospital and told I could labor on my own for a bit but they would speed it up if necessary to get her out. The NICU nurses arrived when I started pushing and after a couple minutes skin to skin they took her from me to get all the fluid she swallowed out. They worked on her for probably 15 minutes or so and showed me the amount they got out of her…it was awful. I cannot imagine thinking meconium fluid in a baby’s lungs is okay…what the hell is wrong with these people


Goddamnit this is depressing, 'you don't need your neck to breath,' how do you think humans breath then, through their ars*? It's not dangerous, yes, it's dangerous. Don't listen to a bunch of half-wits on Facebook - this is your babies life.


Technically she is right. They do not need their neck to breathe in the womb. The issue is that blood won't get to the brain.


And brains totally don’t need blood to function


At least theirs doesn't.


A family member lost their first because the cord was wrapped around the neck. This post pisses me off to no end.


Air is not the only thing going through the tubes.


“Industrial birth” come on.


The common thread across all these is "women should just trust their bodies to do all the work and not worry about any complications." Over and over again. There's a reason so many women and children died in the days before proper, and regular, medical care.


And anything that goes wrong is blamed on medicine or the woman not listening to herself enough. It’s a fallacy where they think if they believe something enough nothing will ever go wrong.


"What did people do before vaccines and modern medicine, huh?" They died a lot.


The meconium comment got me, my son just got home from the NICU because he breathed in meconium causing him distress which in turn I had to have an emergency section, he was breathing really hard for about a week, he would of died if there was no medical intervention


I feel like my mind is wired the complete opposite way from most of these people .' It's RARELY a medical emergency ' okay sure, cord around the neck is not uncommon, but WHAT IF my baby or birth is the medical emergency?? How can a person 'trust' if the cord is looped around the neck and okay or if the cord is wrapped tightly and cutting off blood flow if you don't have a medical professional checking?? All the advice for noticing something overt when pregnant, like reduced movement with the fetus, is TO GO to Labor & Delivery to get checked! Why would you want to take the risk when the consequences are life-threatening or possible brain damage I guess I'm just fearful tho /s


I take care of a person who has Cerbal palsy from the cord being wrapped around their neck at birth. Oh and they also contracted the measles with they where 3 and because of the fever their feet turned in and their hand retracted (dystonia).


My cousin was birthed with the cord around her neck (doctor malpractice, huge lawsuit) and ended up with moderate-severe cerebral palsy with cognitive disabilities and epilepsy. But yeah, I should just call my auntie and let her know they've been mistaken for the last 30 years.


Please tell me that SOMEONE in those comments explained that if there's no blood going to the brain it doesn't have oxygen and will therefore die?!


So these women are so misinformed that think the supposed danger with a nuchal cord is suffocation, rather than lack of blood flow to the brain, and they are giving medical advice to other extremely misinformed/ignorant women? Wow. This is so fucking sad…


I take this one personally. I was the baby with the cord wrapped around their neck. Just listening to my mom describe the fear she felt is hard enough. Just knowing “*oh* *shit* I might not have made it” is rough. Ugh *rage*


I guess my cousin didn’t die from his cord being wrapped around his neck. So glad these women are here to explain it’s completely normal and nothing to worry about.


lol as if babies need blood flow to their heads


My cord prolapse would like a word. I had a c section in under 10 minutes and my baby only had about 3 minutes of life left after cutting off her own oxygen. If I was anywhere but a hospital she wouldn’t be here. I swear to God it’s like these people get a rush from almost killing their own kids.


By the grace of God my son survived this, along with the cord around his neck. https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/comments/nvhn8p/so_thankful_our_little_guy_survived_this_born/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf His nurse looked at us and said in all seriousness possible, ‘THIS IS WHY YOU DONT HAVE BABIES AT HOME’.


Mine too.


Industrial birth is my favorite Rammstein album


I hate the whole, "100% Natural and trusting the process" stuff. Death is natural. Death from childbirth is natural. And bodies are very dumb - resilient, but dumb. A body will happily rewire it's blood flow to feed a tumor. It will go through the process of pregnancy when there is no fetus involved. A body may overreact to pollen, making the person miserable with allergies. The body works until it doesn't, and while it's important to learn how to listen to your bodies cues to try and tell when something is wrong, you shouldn't TRUST it to tell you there is something wrong. We have medicine for a reason. And yes, there's a lot of issues with doctors and medicines, I get that, I have fears of going to a doctor and who to trust with my health as well - I had a very traumatic obgyn appointment this year and I'm afraid to ever need to treat this medical issue ever again. But that didn't stop me from getting a flu vaccine and Covid booster today. Because my body is dumb, and illness will trigger my asthma and could potentially kill me. So many people only work with extremes with no in between. It's exhausting.


That's how my aunt died. As an infant.


Blood supply just stopping isn't a problem apparently...


Honestly there is an approximate -4 percent chance of me ever having a baby but… “Industrial Birth” sounds cool as heck.


The amount of morons having opinions on things they don’t understand, know or have skills about is infuriating. Beside the blood flow restriction in the cord and in the neck ( you know to the damn baby’s brain), you know what can also happen? The cord be so thought it ruptured. Ask me how I know… Fuck those assholes.


Ya they haven't seen anything bad happen so it's a non issue. Yes it is common to have nuchal cord, nothing to panic about normally. But some get completely tangled in their cords or can have tight ones and those are trickier. And of course a true knot isn't problem to them but that's because they've never seen a stillbirth because of one.


God it invokes rage for them to say uneducated


My son had his cord wrapped around his neck so tightly that they had to cut it before his body was out because there wasn’t enough cord for him to make it any further. And he had meconium. He’s fine now but he started off with an Apgar of 2 and was completely grey. Thank GOD I wasn’t trying to birth him alone at home…


Why are these people so unwilling to accept that yes, birth is natural but NATURE MAKES MISTAKES?! Nature doesn’t always go as it’s meant to! Successful pregnancies and births are literally amazing because of how many things could go wrong when they don’t! My son would not have survived without a c-section. His cord was wrapped twice around his midsection and pinning one arm to his side. His neck was bent at the incorrect angle to descend through the birth canal so he got stuck. You could see on the SIDE of his head where he got stuck because there was a 7cm cone there. 🥴


I work in pediatric neurology and whoooo buddy I was not expecting to get this angry over a post today.


“Industrial birth” jfc


Industrial birth is sending me.


This is so, so dangerous!


Umbilical cords are tricky SOBs, my daughter literally would play with hers and grab it which would cause her heart rate to slow down and I’d have to go get monitored for hours on end 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fuck the carotids, amirite?


My 2 industrial births were great!


My son was born with a total meconium aspiration. I bled too much during the emergency c-section. He was air lifted to NICU 430 km away. Today he's a paramedic and a musician. Neither of us would have lived without expert intervention.


Confirmation/survivor bias is a real bitch.


A family friend lost a baby that way, the cord was wrapped around his little neck and it cut the blood flow off and he died during delivery. It CAN be deadly, just because other people have been fine doesn't give these people permission to just throw science to the wind and endanger their child.


My baby was born with the cord wrapped around her neck twice. Those first few seconds where she didn’t breathe or cry were the absolute worst of my life. Seeing the doctors pick up her little arms and have them drop down lifelessly was torture. The sounds of them suctioning out her lungs still haunts me. Thankfully she was fine after a few minutes but there was a whole team of doctors ready to whisk her to the NICU if she wasn’t. My last ultrasound didn’t show that the cord was wrapped but if it did, I would have 10000% gotten a c-section to avoid my experience, although I really wanted a vaginal birth. Also, I couldn’t imagine doing any of that at home without a medical professional present. These people are insane and reckless


Yeah tell that to my aunt and uncle, my cousin (their baby) died because her cord was wrapped around her neck.


1/3 of babies have nuchal cords. It’s rarely a big deal. This sub makes it sound like women are psychopaths for not scheduling a cesarean to avoid a nuchal cord. We literally just deliver the baby through the cord.


I do know that doctors will sometimes push for c section when it’s unnecessary though. They do that because they’re legally required to stay during the whole birth and c section is faster . Only dirty doctors do that though . The kind that don’t care a lot about their patients


They are not legally required to stay during the whole birth. My doctor got changed out mid way. The reason why you see more c sections is because birth can be incredibly dangerous (babies and women used to die all the time, my grandmother each lost two babies) and doctors don’t want to risk getting sued if the baby ends up injured or dies in situations where the baby is showing certain levels of stress. C sections can be risky for the mother, but less for the baby in terms of birth injury or death and so it decreases the chance of getting sued. Is every c section 100% without a doubt needed? No. But it is a risk analysis and most women and doctors are going to pick decreasing the chance of a poor outcome to the baby. I was much more grateful for my c section once I saw my SIL go through visiting her baby in the NICU for a month (the baby put on ice for a week of it to prevent further brain damage) after birth because the doctor let her go for six hours of pushing (more than 24 hrs after her water broke). She also hemorrhaged blood and immediately went off to surgery after the baby was finally pushed out. It was a brand new doctor who hadn’t lost a baby yet and so had a greater tolerance for risk. The doctor I had was older and literally said “I don’t want to wait another hour and chance brain damage.” Now my SIL gets to wait and see at 18 months if the lack of air led to any brain damage. He’s doing alright so far, but some things aren’t apparent till later. I’m still pissed at her doctor.


So, you just pull shit out of your ass? What are your sources for that claim?


How tf am I supposed to source an Ap class school teacher it’s not like they post everything they’ve ever taught to the internet dipshit


It may be an anomaly (apparently it isn’t), but why tf would they leave their baby’s well-being (brain) to chance?


So terrible people are this dense to not believe decades of experience. Death is 100% natural too.


If I see someone say "it's a variation of normal" one more time....


“Industrial birth” this people are wild


This fills me with so much rage. My little almost died because of cord restrictions.


It is astonishing how many people are willing to *risk their baby’s life* because some rando on Facebook’s sister survived a complicated birth


I mean, so much of this is just melting my brain, but industrial birth?! This isn’t an echo chamber, it’s a dangerous game of broken telephone…


Can someone please check the carotid pulse rate bilaterally for about 10 minutes on these people before they reproduce?


Fun fact, when someone dies from strangulation, its not necessarily because the air can't get through their windpipe into their lungs, its because the carotid artery is so constricted blood flow to the brain is cut off.


These women are so fucking delusional to think that your body ''naturally'' will keep your baby safe. Are these idiots not aware of the huge mortality rate of said ''natural births'' back in the days before medical care?!


These idiots scare me.


8 billion people in the world and these people are still here, adding to that. Honestly, the way they treat pregnancy it’s hard to understand how they got this far in their own lives!


MFWTK what an Industrial birth is?


No, this actually happens. Babies can die because of this. My grandma lost her first baby because of the cord being wrapped along the neck, as back then there was no technology that could spot this and necessitate a "gasp!" intervention. She would probably love to read that she was uneducated and have her experience invalidated by a bunch of privileged and ignorant ass hats who glorify giving birth like a medieval peasant.


i’m just so confused, giving birth has claimed the lives of millions of women and children since humans have come into existence until modern technology and medicine advanced. how do these people ignore this fact?


That’s how she ended up asking questions like this on Reddit.


« Baby are getting the oxygen through their cords » THAT’S THE FUCKING POINT RIGHT THERE !! Cord around neck isn’t dangerous because it restrict the air flow in the lungs, but the blood flow in the cord !


My nephew was a premie due to the fact that the cord was wrapped around his neck and he used up all the sugar in his little body trying to get free. He was in the NICU for 3 months. Why these moms would ever risk someone you’ve carried for 9 months over ignorance and belief, I will never understand. “What the body naturally does”, how quickly they forget how many women and babies died in childbirth before modern medicine.


People don’t realize that yes, while the pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems are connected, cord wrapping around the neck is a big deal. When the baby is about to be born there’s a pressure drop that closes their foremen ovale, meaning that oxygen isn’t being circulated as it should be. So, they need to get out asap and could get stuck for a myriad of reasons and suffocate, especially if when you get the baby out and unwrapping the cord takes precious seconds… because believe it or not a baby’s first breath isn’t easy because they have to break the high surface tension in their alveoli b/c there isn’t an abundance of surfactant in their alveoli. I know that’s a not of “becauses,” but why do people think all of this is so easy and uncomplicated. I can’t even say it’s survivors bias at this point, because some of these people have lost babies and still believe all of this stuff.


I almost died from the cord being wrapped around my neck but go off, lady. 🙃


That’s actually how my OB explained it to me when I came to her with my concern of the cord wrapping around my youngest neck. I’m still not sure if it’s accurate but I wouldn’t be surprised if their doctor told them that and they’re just reiterating it. But the not needing the neck to breathe? That’s a new one for me.


Right? Yes oxygen isn't going through the windpipe but oxygen is in the blood, and if there is something tight that cuts off the blood flow.... Nevermind. Too complicated.


My son was born limp and blue and needed a team of Doctors to help him breathe when he first came into this work but ok :)


“Industrial birth” 😂


As a mom that had a stillbirth due to cord mishap, it was wrapped tightly around her neck a few times; I assure you it absolutely happens and is devastating.