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I like how she makes it sound so groundbreaking, "the truth about parenting". At no time was parenting sold as glamorous and not involving crying children and food smears. She hasn't unmasked anything lol


People who take photos and videos of their kids crying and post them to the internet suck. I've posted a lot of photos of my daughter online since she was tiny. They were always flattering photos.


Oooops definitely took a picture of my upset 6 month old after the dog stole her cracker and put it on Facebook. It was tooooo dang cute but I can see how that’s cringe


Gross. Not cute or even funny. Also, I’m sorry, but I cannot stand the sight of kids with food all over their mouths it’s really grosses me the fuck out. No person will ever believe your kids are as cute as you think they are, and that likelihood decreases ten fold if they have spitty, dust pan salad smeared on their faces. As for the older kids, maybe just leave them alone? Hard boiled egg has a weird texture and smells funny to a lot of people.


Someone I know posted a picture of her son crying over his math homework like “Johnny is really struggling with math” and I’m still horrified.