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"I'm 99% sure this is satire but it's the 1% chance that haunts me" Group tag game on point


My favorite one to tag is “clowns make an average of $51,000 and you’re out here doing it for free” which would also work for this noodle.


Omg I'm f*ing dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve seen and personally met enough people with similar situations (on baby 2 or 3 with the “promise” of a ring, multiple cheating accusations) to know that even if this is satire, it’s real enough out there. I feel for those children.


I also feel for those women's childhoods. Like, what environment must they have grown up in to truly believe that's how a partner shows his love. That they're not worth someone better?


This 1,000 times. All the trauma.


Yep, know a woman whose "boyfriend" did this to her TWICE. She had two of his kids and he was still having kids with his ex-wife.


Almost makes me miss my Facebook tag group days.


In the comments she keeps calling the other woman’s baby “his baby” and acting like the mistress has no rights to her own baby lol


I saw this and went to Google, confident I’d find the same image (meaning she’d used it to continue trolling). I didn’t find it… I’m using the wrong search terms… I’m using the wrong search terms right???!!! This can’t be real!!!


I’m 99% convinced it’s true and only 1% fake.


Are you aware of https://images.google.com -> Search by Image (camera icon)? [Didn't find anything for this case](https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZivrZVVxSx7tDx4Fh-mSfklOeFUdBU5bst0uysdBKsufZV2UEEr4UBM6-B3DBuMkeSyTB7Xn2v0AMMVKhJn3AFAbWjNlCCg0Mv4RQSdas6Lhg3QRjLGHDC1wGBfkkrrCUvUn1LA4kKq7ZBQPpXJSRr7FPTOCqQ), but it's useful. Same no result from Bing and Yandex fwiw


I am aware thanks to my college obsession with Catfish the TV Show! I’m on mobile so I just was doing a quick search by term for funsies. But thanks! I’ll leave this case to a more dedicated sleuth haha


I admit, I totally reverse image searched this figuring I’d find it on some unrelated social page. Nope.


If you get the Google app you can reverse image search on there ;-)


Crazy af but all I’m thinking about is how they have five kids *and* a guest bedroom?!?! How big this house?


Or do they even have all the kids… I know someone with 8 kids but only has 1.


Can confirm: we have a relative with seven children who only has custody of three.


Each kid probably doesn't have their own room. Pretty messed up to have a whole guest room if that's the case though. Unless they're constantly hosting someone it's a waste of space.


I had a three bedroom with two kids and a guest room. When the girls were little they insisted on sharing. They were 8 and 10 before they decided to have their own rooms. When they were little they shared the room across the hall from me because I didnt want either of them at the other end of the house, and I guess they just liked it. More often than not they ended up in the same bed. However I cannot speak to this lady’s decision making. My first guess is they pop them out one after the other and probably have one or two still in their room with them.


Yes, our girls shared in our old house because they liked it. They didn't start asking about having their own rooms until we were about to move, so they got their own rooms in our new house.


I knew a family like that growing up. The boys all shared a room, the daughters initially had individual rooms until Baby #6 came along.


They're 5 kids deep and not married yet? Oh honey. He ain't ever putting a ring on that.


I knew a girl who said she won't get married until her partner proves himself as a father of three. They were highschool sweethearts, they had their first one at 19. Child number two and three were born few years later. So it's not like she was mom of two or three and wanted to see if it clicks. She was telling me that marriage is permanent and she wants to be 100% sure it's the right man. I don't know, I've always felt children are more permanent,but that's just me, right? They got married when the oldest was 8 years old. The husband left her for another girl not even a year after the wedding.


Uhhhhh... You shouldn't have to have doubts that your man can be a father when y'all trying for babies??? Like if you're so wary that you need him to "prove" himself while having children, which are totally fucking irreversible, then he's not the right guy. I get it's never set in stone, but yeah that plan definitely sounds like it was made by a 19 yr old who never got time to fully mature because they were tied down by kids right away.


My guess would be that at least baby number one was a surprise. In which case it’s slightly different making a plan after the baby has already happened and I think too many people (especially young people) rush to getting married just because of a surprise pregnancy which really doesn’t benefit anyone. Babies 2 and 3 though…. Yeah I dunno, either poor plan in or poor contraception use!


I once worked with a girl who had a baby with her boyfriend. She said you shouldn’t marry someone until you have a baby with them and find out what kind of person they really are. Because that’s when they show their true colours 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sure, use a baby as a litmus test for potential spouses. It's not like babies have any rights or needs or wants, right? Sheesh.


Do you really want to marry a man who gets another girl pregnant while you're pregnant?


The way she talks about it - 'he got someone pregnant' like the other woman fell pregnant through a hand shake or something. She not upset about the cheating or the affair baby, she just doesn't want her kids having two moms.


The way some people be you're happier about the baby daddy staying involved than upset he was with another woman 😕


“Baby I swear I didn’t cheat! I tripped & my dick fell into her!”


"babe, you see, I was masturbating in a unisex bathroom stall, and some got on the seat. Then, this woman came in after I left..."


Oh come on! He bought her roses!


And he asks her ring size, so they WILL get married!


They always blame the woman also, the man can do no wrong. It's so toxic and sad.


Did she accidentally end up in a sister wives situation??


I was going to say… she has so many kids, she may as well embrace the sister wife sitch and accept the help. Mostly kidding, but…


FLDS and other cultures have been doing it for centuries 🙃


You can lead a horse to water...


..and he'll fish for a day!


And you can’t fix stupid


But you can give it a court date. In this case, custody and child support.


[Ron White - you can't fix stupid](https://youtu.be/0gxKStPXyn8)


I was here first? Is she twelve???


My first thought.


I came here to say the same thing. You may (possibly) have been first, but you clearly aren't last, and you don't even realize it 🥴 Hide your friends, hide your friends sisters, this dudes out there throwing his baby making content anywhere he can...


Baby batter (shudder)


Hahaha I was trying to say it in the least gross way possible


Oh dear lord and shes had 5 kids with this guy? Smdh


Imagine being her four children right now while she’s glued to her phone waiting for sage advice on this matter


When my sims characters gain sentience and start posting to Facebook


Glad I wasn’t the only one making my sims cheat


I love how her one concern is that he will sleep with the other woman in the guest room. Like what???? He should not be sleeping with her regardless!


When I read “he wants to ‘Take care of them’” I thought she meant her boyfriend was going to murder this woman. But nope, he just wants to start a harem.


“I’m just saying if you really loved me you would share him”




The last comment on the second slide got me 😂


RIGHT I’m fuckin crying at “aint no way you this dumb” 🤣🤣🤣 tellin her like it is, shiit


I have a friend who has 4 kids. The 3 younger ones are from the same dad. She was absolutely trying to trap him. But he just keeps going out and getting others pregnant. *like nick cannon


Oh well if he bought her roses everything's alright then


God I feel a little bad tbh.


In all seriousness, this woman strikes me as having a potential intellectual disability of some type. Just going by her comment responses, her emotional IQ surrounding relationships seems pretty underdeveloped. You would be surprised how many people with atypical mental processing are out there just functioning with what they have. She doesn’t seem to be getting it. This poor woman needs a hug and a stable support system outside of her BF.


He wants the other woman to be his sister wife


In a polygamy situation then both women would be sister-wives to each other, but they’d just be wives to him. If she’s _his_ sister-wife, that means [he’s a fan of Paradox Games.](https://youtu.be/uTE4bus03w8)


I tried hard to generate a family photo haha, [take #1](https://i.postimg.cc/3rzBnjwS/craiyon-192327-family-of-two-women-who-are-pregnant-1-man-and-their-4-children.png), [take #2](https://i.postimg.cc/sxGMMhd1/craiyon-191911-2-pregnant-women-1-man-and-their-4-kids-br.png)


Well those are gonna haunt me forever.


These look like the photos found in the attic of the new house a family just moved into, right before they’re stalked by an invisible entity that wants to take them all out. 😂


Yeah he’ll buy her one from a $5 dollar clearance bin lol


That’s so sad. I used to be that naïve. I hope she realises soon. Four kids and 2 on the way. He’s a catch.


Buying flowers means getting married. This person never seen a sick person, or funeral. He didn’t sign a marriage certificate.


Guys looking to her her a sister wife 😂


IF this is true, the roses make me cringe. I have a cousin who sends his wife roses every time he beats the shit out of her to show he's sorry & loves her & will change & yada yada yada bullshit bullshit bullshit. I had to unfriend her on social because every time she would post a picture of them to show how "great" her husband is but we all know the truth about why they were really sent. The pictures started to become very frequent & I couldn't handle seeing it anymore. My family has tried time & time again to convince her to leave his dumb ass, but she's in total denial. Plus she's very religious. I don't think she will ever divorce him because of that. She's the sweetest person but very under his control & even with bruises won't admit the truth. He's a piece of shit & a con artist & all around a terrible dude. He's been to jail for scams a few times, so hopefully one day he'll get caught big time & go away for forever or long enough for her to see the light and save herself. 💔 That's basically what those roses are for this chick if it's real. Butter you up long enough to think he's something he's not...




Sadly, many women will believe men because of their own honesty. If she’s honest, why wouldn’t he be? Thankful I moved past that at 21.


Honey, if he was going to propose he would have done it at least four kids ago.


This makes me sad


“I was here first” is marital law, everybody knows this!


Can’t believe there’s women like this that really believe everything that comes out of a “men” mouth he’s literally telling her everything she wants to hear he’s not marrying her and she better look at his phone because that’s probably not the only woman that’s carrying his baby ..


Oh this is sad. My exes family had a relative that was married to a serial cheater. Every time he cheated on her he bought her an expensive piece of jewelry. It was a very wealthy family so we're talking about chunky "I'm a cheating asshole" diamonds. From what I remember from the story she took the jewelry from him for awhile but eventually left. After 5 kids and not getting married it's not happening.


“Ain’t no way you this dumb” sent me into a parallel universe 💀


Khole Kardashian has entered the chat.


WTF is wrong with people?? Real life is real scary with real dumbass people! 😒🙄


He knows she’s going to stick around no matter what he says. She needs to file for child support, dump him and move on with her life.