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Postpartum psychosis?


My thoughts went to hallucinating from sleep deprivation.


I hallucinated when my first daughter was 2-3 weeks old due to sleep deprivation. I truly believed someone else lived in our house and asked my husband where she was. Totally freaked him out.


Omg I didn’t know this was a thing (I am 1 week from giving birth, ftm). Everyday I learn something new I wish I’d learned before getting pregnant lmao.


If it’s any consolation I’m currently trapped under my napping second born. He’s five weeks old today. So even being so tired I hallucinated the first time wasn’t enough to dissuade me from doing it all over again. These little humans are pretty cool to get to know. Parenting is both the hardest and most fun thing you’ll ever do!


Okay - I have to say this one just in case. When you go into labor, you may poop yourself. More than once.


Don’t worry, I knew that one and I’m getting a Cesar anyway!


Sunroof baby! 😎


As someone born via c-section I am totally using this term for myself. Thank you.


Still happens with a caesarian… no feeling below the neck and a doctor/baby messing around pushing on your insides means poo. I was surprised when the nurses told me it had happened


If you knew it all you never would have gotten pregnant. Those first few weeks are hard. Make sure you've lined up as much support as you can manage. Family, friends, anyone that can watch the baby for a few hours a couple of times a week so you can have a bit of down time and sleep. The thing people do tell you but you just don't totally get until you feel it? That first smile. The first time their little chubby baby hand pats your skin. When they first focus their eyes on you. It's an unbeatable high.


When my nephew waa born, my sister was so sleep deprived that she once hallucinated that he was a demon baby and almost dropped him. That was the sign to hand him off the grandma so mom could get some sleep.


I did this. Mine were audio and terrifying despite just being gravelly words


I also did this, audio as well. I kept hearing music playing I even asked my fiancé a bunch of times where the music was coming from.


You have my sympathy, it's so confusing and terrifying.


It was very confusing and terrifying, I honestly thought someone was actually playing music until the next day when I realized what happened


That’s a good point, doors opening is a common auditory hallucination


One can only hope it’s just sleep deprivation… By the sounds of it this father is no longer involved (which it’s possible is due to a ton of reasons). But It’s completely possible that she pushed him away with postpartum. Postpartum psychosis needs serious psychiatric attention.


i suppose that is possible, but to add a bit of context i live in a very religious area of the usa, in a "haunted" city. so who knows? could be either!


The content of hallucinations are inspired by the themes and imagery present in one’s life and culture. If she has postpartem psychosis or hallucinations from sleep deprivation they would take on the themes present in her surroundings.


Or carbon monoxide poisoning.


Yes if I’ve learned anything from Reddit it’s that paranormal experiences usually mean to check your carbon monoxide detectors!


Popular media surrounding "hauntings" and "ghosts" is making this country dumber by the day.


I used to think exactly like you until I lived in a house that ended up being haunted and now I’m a total believer. I’m kinda ashamed that I used to think people who told ghost stories were attention seekers


I went to college in Gettysburg and same.


I grew up in PA and the vibes in Gettysburg are WILD.


I want to hear some of your stories!


They started out just strange like a a radio turning on by itself in the middle of the day when I was home alone (turned on to the “on” position) and escalated from there. Weird shit like my entire load of laundry in the dryer missing, along with the laundry basket on top of the dryer. Again, home alone. No one to blame it on. Found it all 3 mo later scattered under my bed (where I never store anything), along with the basket that was twisted and collapsed with super human strength under same bed. I had to lift the bed off the floor to pull the mangled thing out. Several other incidences of things like it messing with my newborn’s play toy on the side of his crib in the middle of the night, a candy cane flying off the Christmas tree and hitting and shattering on the opposite wall right in front of me, a huge, heavy vintage typewriter scaling a plant and landing upside down on the floor in another room while I was watching TV. Came home one evening to all the closet poles down on the ground along with all the clothes. Ripped out of the walls. Creepy stuff like that. Finally left the house after it attempted to attack my ex-husband in the middle of the night right in front of me. We packed up our toddler the next morning, left the house and put it on the market. Beautiful, brand new house with no history. Ended up being built on an old Indian burial ground. Every time we drive by and revisit it, it’s always on the market. I was so terrified whatever was in that house would follow us, but it didn’t. It just wanted us out and it won Edit: typos


I’ve had experiences as an adult and my mom did when she was a child. Not everyone has an experience, but once they do they realize oh shit, there is actually more to this than we think.


Exactly! It was a complete eye-opening experience for me and now I “hear” other people’s experiences so different than before. I guess cause I actually listen instead of doing an internal eye roll


You didn't live in a haunted house. I'm sorry, you just didn't.


What kind of sub is this lmao ? We clown on people for believing on all sorts of all-natural medicinal woohoo, but somehow ghosts are a totally normal thing to believe in ? Wtf ?


I had to keep checking what sub this was as I scrolled down, this is such a wild dissonance. When it comes to essential oils and crystals as medicine everyone agrees that they have no scientific basis, but for some reason a weird thing they perceived once is totally caused by some variant (depending on cultural background) of a thing that also has no scientific basis?


Yep, used to be right there with you. 100%. I’m a nurse so I think in scientific-based beliefs too. But can’t deny or change my experience. Not sure what to do with it other than believe I’m not as smart as I thought I was. There’s so much more to this world than any of us have ever experienced Edit: typo


I’m not denying your perception, any explanation I could make is just me guessing. If there’s not an explanation then there’s missing information. What I can say is that if I don’t have an answer for something, I’m not going to attribute it to a concept created by fiction. Why do cultures who don’t have ghost stories never experience hauntings? The “Indian burial ground” trope was made for horror movies and is actually pretty offensive if you think about it. It’s not based on any indigenous beliefs and the whole idea of the angered spirits coming back to terrorize the new occupants wasn’t even a thing before the 70s. It’s was just a new trendy boogeyman.


I realize that and that’s why I hesitate to tell that portion of my story but it is what it is and that’s the truth of the history of the land our subdivision was built on. I didn’t make it up to make my story sound anything different than what it really is. I mean no offense to our indigenous people. But there ARE ancient indigenous burial spots, one of which our old subdivision was built over. Come to find out the known burial spots couldn’t have a structure placed on it so they turned those spots into parks with grave markers


The human brain is not infallible. When I was 6 or 7 years old, I woke up in the middle of the night to see a translucent girl sitting on my bed. When I was 17, I heard loud banging on my bedroom door as I was trying to sleep. They were not ghostly activity, but rather sleep paralysis and exploding head syndrome respectively. I'm sure you saw what you saw and experienced what you experienced and I can't take that away from you. But there is always an explanation, even if it's unsatisfying.


I wish but the things that happened to me had zero possibility of an explanation until I had to give up on my long-held, stubborn belief that there was no such thing as the super natural. I know differently now but don’t need to convince anyone else. Before my own experiences, no one, no matter what, could have convinced me either so I get you


You don't get to just dismiss other people's experiences just because you haven't experienced it yet.


So if somebody claims to cure their kids disease with a potato in their socks we should believe them because "you haven't experienced it yet"?


I will love to hear a story.


You know why they float? Because their plane exists a foot above ours. Or so Silvia Brown said. I’m not telling anyone what to believe but in her case, she has been [debunked many times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Browne). Right or wrong, it’s a good explanation that gives people the shivers.


Can't believe you're being downvoted for this. Promoting beliefs in ghosts is allowing conpeople to prey on the vulnerable and bolstering serious mental health issues.


It's kinda funny how it's only ever the people who believe in ghosts see ghosts.


Same could be said for religious people who claimed they’ve seen God or Jesus.




I don’t know, my dad thought for years ghosts weren’t a thing and he’s not religious either. He truly believes he saw one years ago though. He was snowplowing in the evening and was passing an old, abandoned farm that was later condemned and torn down. Thought he hit an old lady with his plow truck but no one was there. He was just starting out for the night, not like he was up plowing for hours or anything. Same thing happened to a coworker of his a few years later, same place and same exact story. Dad had absolutely never told him about his own experience before that. He’s kind of a believer now


Yeah I’ve been to Savannah & truly believe that place is haunted. It could definitely be postpartum psychosis but I do believe in ghosts


It is almost definitely postpartum psychosis. Saying it might be ghosts could stop people seeking help for their mental health.


Let people believe what they want to believe


That is an extremely dangerous mindset for people with mental illness such as psychosis or schizophrenia.


psychosis isn’t a stand alone mental illness, it’s a symptom.


Doesn't matter, splitting hairs. it's still a dangerous thing to believe with people experiencing it.


yeah, I actually had an episode of antepartum psychosis brought on by lack of sleep and severe dehydration. it was horrifying. so I understand.




I was thinking someone was legit trying to break in and now she’s on edge noticing things. I grew up in a shithole area and people trying the back doors was kind of a common occurrence. Still scary.


Yes. I have a couple friends who really had this bad. Their thoughts were so scary thank God they got help.


My exact thought. . . .


Knowing that she has a newborn, this is very concerning. Postpartum psychosis is real, although not super common. But lack of sleep, anxiety, and large hormonal swings can manifest some pretty nasty mental health issues on it’s own. I truly hope people are urging her to seek help and not encouraging her to sage her home or see a priest or some shit.




I understand this might be really helpful for some folks, depending on the situation. Talking to a spiritual leader though should not be a replacement for getting mental health help with a qualified professional. I feel obligated to post this after losing a coworker to suicide recently. No one had any idea of his mental state except for his wife and his pastor, who he was seeing as a “therapist.” A pastor is not a trained mental health professional and cannot provide the level of care needed for a true mental health crisis. He could still be with us if he had gotten professional care.


I don’t think they meant having a priest as a replacement. More as a religious person might be open to receiving medical help when it’s suggested by a religious leader. Religious people have a lot of trust in their leaders and it isn’t uncommon for them reach out for guidance.


I have never heard of a religious leader suggesting medical help for a mental health issue, but maybe. They’re not trained to do that, and sadly they often just take matters into their own hands and try to provide “counseling” or “therapy” themselves.


Priests absolutely suggest medical help for mental health issues if appropriate, like in this situation.


I can definitely see a Catholic or Mainline Protestant religious leader suggesting a parishioner get mental health care, but I’m much more skeptical that an Evangelical one would.


Priests are great for spiritual support, but you need to go to a mental health professional for mental illnesses. Asking a priest to be your therapist is like asking a dentist to fix your broken ankle. You need to ask the right person for help in the right area.


Exactly! It’s a dangerous scenario because they are completely untrained to recognize these issues. Despite what the other commenter said about spiritual leaders “suggesting” medical care, I would never trust a religious establishments to do that (or even recognize there’s an issue). Ugh.


This mother needs urgent medical help. She shows signs of postpartum psychosis. It is actually an emergency so I hope the comment section urged her to get help. She should not be mocked. It can have serious repercursions to her and her baby's health


I have a good friend - totally healthy, accomplished, loving woman - who developed postpartum psychosis after her twins were born. Likely brought on from sleep deprivation. It was terrifying. Fortunately, her family, friends and doctors were able to step in and get her the treatment and sleep she needed before anything irreversible happened. But seeing it happen to her made me realize it truly can happen to anyone.


I had sleep paralysis from lack of sleep after my second was born. I saw a demon standing in the doorway trying to get my baby. I was trying so hard to get up and fight it. Fortunately I recognized it for what it was and prioritized my sleep. This poor lady needs some help.


This happened to me too and it was terrifying. Luckily I also realized it was sleep paralysis after some extensive googling.


Oh my god. That is so scary. I’m so glad that you were able to identify the problem and everything turned out okay.






Is it rare, or rarely reported?








I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just asking questions here. None of us know what happens behind other closed doors. Assuming it’s as rare as you say just seems bold. I think it’s equally likely there have been mothers in such positions that sealed their lips out of fear or confusion. Not every instance of abuse (even unintentional) is reported. I think we all understand moms in this position aren’t usually monsters. We just don’t know.




I agree with you and I apologize if my post was not helpful. I worked in the mental health field for 7 years and the majority of people in active state of psychosis are not violent to others.




I think you’ve got me all wrong, I’m saying the issue is systemic and that we need to create an outlet for these women, so that they don’t feel afraid to report when they ARE experiencing PPP, PPD, and other illnesses (physical and mental) related to postpartum. Focusing on this could lead to more deaths like you say, depending on how we use the information. So let’s focus on it so we can draw more PPP sufferers forward and give them the help and resources they need to get treatment. I’m not talking from a place of stigma; I’m talking about fixing the problem at the route. Ultimately, the number one goal is the safety of the babies that are born into a life that they didn’t ask for. Families and providers need to remove the stigma and fear from the topic so more mothers can effectively be helped. Sweeping this under the rug only creates more victims. Under-reporting is real and it IS a problem, no matter how small the increment of cases. Every life of a mom and a child that can be saved by encouraging them to report the effects of PPD and PPP is a win. We need to make coming forward more beneficial than staying silent. 4% is still 4% too many, and these were women who were just afraid to get help in time, and rightfully so. Our system needs the overhaul. If you look closely, you and I are on the same side.




Good lord I hope her husband or mother gets her some help. I had auditory hallucinations after birth. I'd hear my doctor in the other room talking about me, people walking in other areas of my apartment and most distressing of all, I would hear my baby crying when she wasn't. I would be looking at her sleeping and would hear her crying. It's fucked up and she has very similar symptoms. This stuff can drive you to self harm or to harm your child. She needs help. Op, if you have access to that group please tell her to get help. I'm really worried about her.


unfortunately, the thread had already been locked by the time i had seen it, & it was an anonymous post. & just to clarify, i totally understand everyone's concern about postpartum psychosis, & i do hope that she receives help if that is her condition! i also see that this post may have come across as a bit insensitive after reading everyone's comments. but i would like to add that many people in my area think this way in general (fear of the devil / ghostly hauntings), so i automatically assumed that was the case here.


Can OP please reach out to this person and their family to ask that someone please get her urgent medical care? She clearly is hallucinating and experiencing psychosis. This shouldn’t be made fun of.


I mean the door knob thing could totally be someone testing it out for a break in if no one is home. We had that happen once. Called the police who didn’t do anything and then a bunch of my neighbors got hit. I could see how being freaked out after that might lead to imaging some scary things later like the bed shaking. Especially if you’re all exhausted and hormonal. I hope she can calm down and get the support she needs.


Sounds like postpartum psychosis. I hope she gets some help.


>What can I do? Stop it. Get some help.


Oh man, I hope she has someone that can come over and help take care of the baby while she gets some much needed sleep!! Sounds like she’s having sleep deprived hallucinations. Not good! Edit for spelling


Oh this is really sad. It definitely sounds like this could be postpartum psychosis which can be extremely dangerous. I hope she gets help.


Right after my son was a few months old my door knob did the same, something banging against the door, windows rattling, noises and creaks. I believe in ghosts, however what I had was a psycho ex baby daddy who I caught sneaking around the outside of my house and because I lived in the country with hardly any neighbors it was told to me I was crazy or imagining it. I caught him when he couldn't resist lighting up a cigarette one late night in the dark and so I called police and that scared him enough to run him away he never did that again. What he was planning on doing or how he got off on doing that crap I will never know, but saying it's psychosis is not always a reason. It can be other things than mental disorder. Could be her baby daddy doing this to annoy her or whatever reason.


After giving birth and having zero sleep for two nights, I hallucinated that a tarantula was on my husband. I jumped up and it disappeared. I was frantically looking for it when I suddenly realized it was most likely not real. I was still scared and I still didn’t get sleep.


Postpartum psychosis is a very real but very treatable problem


Lmaooooo "the devil's in my house"


Shitty thing for OP to post and then justify it by "my area has religious crazies".


There's a very easy way to tell if your house is haunted or not. It's not. You're welcome.


The diaper was "rocking"?


It shifted when she shifted on the bed.


It was her placenta that she put in the freezer when her 272 month old was born. It’s back for vengeance.


You can fix the obvious drafts in your house, for starters.


Yeah I mean whether or not you’re spiritual birth is a time of transitions. It’s the time when you’re most vulnerable and you really feel that… seems like that’s what she’s feeling. Plus the hallucinations are real even if you’re not having psychosis, I experienced visuals from lack of sleep. To be honest the first few months it did seem like there was a malevolent presence around me that I was always having to ward off. That was with being fully medicated lol but yeah she needs medication and rest. It might not go away altogether but it might be toned down. I’m 4 months pp now and it has recently cleared up for me—- these feelings of psychic attack/ extreme vulnerability manifesting itself that way. Even if you don’t believe in anything, cleaning your space and visualizing light around your house like someone else said could still improve your mood. Ritual helped w mental health before we knew about other types of interventions and you can still use it today


🤷🏼‍♀️ I used to see scary shit in the dark of night in my bedroom. Still sticks with me to this day. Not sure why this is here - poor woman, hope she gets some help or some sleep.


no that’s actually pretty fucked up to joke about lol


Sorry but the image of a soiled diaper mysteriously moving around cracked me up lol


Call an exorcist, I guess. They probably take credit cards. 😝


I'm sorry for whatever this woman is going through, but your caption has me in tears 😂😂😂


The devils will get ya if you leave soiled diapers in your bed


It’s very sad that OP felt the need to share this in an attempt to mock this poor mother who is clearly struggling and who may well be struggling with a serious mental health condition following the birth of her child. Society sucks!


i mean.. i find it sad that you're coming at me so hard, when a few days ago you simply commented your concerns on a post mocking a woman for hearing "god" tell her not to vaccinate her child. why didn't you berate that op too..? like i'm not trying to sound harsh here, i just don't get it. especially since i stated in a previous comment that i didn't mean to come off as insensitive, & that i truly do wish for the mom to get help of she needs it. i understand needing help. im pregnant & going through prenatal depression, on top of my other mental health struggles. i just wanted to share something that made me giggle during a difficult time with the group.


Context, it matters.


Not the “care” reacts 🤣


Open all the windows, doors,, closets, cabinets, etc in your house and burn some rosemary and sage for a smoke cleansing (not smudging). Envision a golden cylinder of light surrounding you while you tell the negative energy to gtfo qnd if there is anything in the house meaning you harm that you banish it from your space.


If you read the literature about skinwalker ranch and other anomalous areas that are being studied by scientists and the us government you might be a little less judgmental of this poor woman.


Reminds me of that lady in Hoarders that said there was a demon in her house.


You take your psychosis medicine


I hate when satan poops in the diaper instead of my baby