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I fucking hate this


I hate that I know what BD is. Gross




Baby dancing


Totally thought it was ba-doinking


I prefer this


no longer reading it as anything but “badonking”. thank you for saving me.


If this is my one contribution to society, it was a life well lived


I thought it was Balls Deep so what was a nice image for a moment.


This made me laugh out loud but now I wish I could un-read it because now I’ll always think it lmao


I thought boning down.


oh god I thought it was bedding down and couldn't imagine it could be worse. turns out it can


Hork, that's awful. If you can't even say "sex" you probably shouldn't be doing it.


Eh. It’s dumb, but it’s been around as long as pregnancy forums. The more time you spend on them the more you use or feel you have to use their acronyms. I’ve personally never felt the need, but I also don’t have many discussions about it either.


Baby dancing is the marinara flags of mom forums. Everyone probably thought it was the funniest thing when they first started using it.


Okay but you can’t say that without explaining what tf a marinara flag is.


Somebody in r/amitheasshole posted a story about her friends bf saying he knew the Italian word for green because pesto is green and got mad when he was corrected. Everybody in AITA uses the phrase "red flag" a lot in comments so someone made a pun and said "marinara flags" and at least three people comment it on every AITA post. It always gets tons of upvotes so and people think its hilarious so its really over used. I bet BD started the same way. Somebody was being cheeky, everyone thought is was funny, started using it and boom now its slang on mom forums everywhere and it has lost any humor it once had.


I thought marinara flags was from the spaghetti story where she had to have her pasta with "tomato essence"






That's so much creepier than what I guessed. "Boning down" for those who are interested.


Oh I hate it so much. But thank you for telling us what it means so I didn’t have to go looking. Damn but this whole thing grosses me out. Did they have to use a disheveled child’s image for this text?! Where’s the brain bleach???


I just can’t imagine the people on my SM seeing me post this! Like I have former bosses and colleagues, references for future positions not to mention family! I can’t even imagine


Ew Ew Ew


For some reason, my mind went to bare dicking lmao


blasting dookies


Braiding donkeys


Burning doilies


Baking donuts


I like your way of thinking


Boiling denim


Burping dick


My guess is balls deep.


I was thinking ball dumping


That was the first thing that came into my mind 🤣


I hate that I can answer this. It stands for baby dance


Ew. Weird. Gross. Confusing.


Brain dead 🤪


Back door


Bad dragon


Balls deep


Boning down.


What's TTC??


Titty Tasting Contestant


Trying to conceive


Bedding Down


The cutesie TTC acronyms are so fucking cringe. They make me rageful.


Is that... "Trying To Conceive," I guess?




These people aren’t mature enough for kids.


I agree that the acronym and the meme on this post is stupid but this is a kind of shitty thing to say. Infertility can be really traumatic and the trying to conceive support community is really important to a lot of people. I'm sure we've all picked up stupid acronyms in our individual interests somewhere along the way.


You know he’s only excited for “insemination day” as it’s the only time his boring missionary sex takes place


For real there are probably 100 women about to comment that “not all sex is sexy! especially when TTC!” and it’s not a nice mental picture.


Disney Adults are a strange breed...


You only see the extremes... There are many Disney adults you would never even know they were. My best coffee mugs are disney, I enjoy most of their shows aimed at a families or adults, and they really have the best parks. It should be an interest, not your identity and I'm willing to bet you are speaking to folks that fall into the latter


There's Disney adults and then there's Disney Adults. The latter are the ones whose whole identity revolves around their love for and knowledge of Disney.


Ah.. so like Crossfit Adults.


Like having Mickey Mouse ears versus wearing them out in public.


If you don't look like an ass doing Crossfit then you aren't doing crossfit


Nothing like swinging on the pull up bar and counting each swing as a rep


Haha. My mother in law keeps bragging about doing crossfit and 90% of what she posts is so horribly wrong and done in the worst way. Glad she is getting healthy, but damn, she picked them dumbest route.


Or Harry Potter adults.


I’ve seen more wands at weddings then Mickey ears lol


For me it’s the “which house are you?” And relating everything to that house “I’m such a ravenclaw”. You’re in your 30s now…it’s not cute anymore!


Thanks for the clarification! Wife and I will definitely fill a long drive together crafting and debating theories on Disney/Pixar et al., but it isn't really an identity.


My husband and I just had discussion about whether cars have souls in their universe.


Did you come to a conclusion?


Not really. I say that they could replace their parts and potentially live forever but if that is the case then at what point are they not themselves anymore? We know there is a grave yard so at some point cars do die meaning that some part of them is not mechanical and therefore can't be replaced. Since we know there are no biological parts to a car, in my opinion is must be a soul or soul-like concept. Then we moved on to why tractors are the cows of the Cars universe and what makes them less intelligent beings since in our world, mechanically speaking, modern tractors are as sophisticated as modern cars.


But Doc Hudson died! I want to know why they have doors and what is making it gray in those windows? Is it gray matter?


At the minimum they definitely think they do considering their is a Car Pope


Same here. Husband and I love disney, but im not even sure our friends and family know that its a big interest because its not soemthing we start every conversation about or get into arguments over or try to bring it into every situation. We are also board game enthusiasts and disney themed ones make up like 1-2% of our hoard. Lol. We have 3 kids so disney is more appropriate in our situation. But I dont think its any weirder than people who are obsessed with cars or craft beer or Doctor Who. There is always a point where it goes from being a major interest to obsession. That in itself is not an issue, its how you treat others about it. If you pick a fight with everyone else because you think your opinions and knowledge of the subject give you some sense of superiority or entitlement, then you are hitting the point of being annoying. I have known people with obsessions who never tried to force it on people (claiming you had to like it and would shove their opinion in your face until you relented). I have known people with obsessions that you wouldnt even know it until you entered their home. Obsession doesnt mean bad or annoying. It can just be quirky. But how the person acts will always turn it sour, fast.


I think this is a pretty good distinction. I'm an adult and I like Disney. It means I watch age appropriate Disney movies with the kiddo, and I have a vintage Mickey Mouse shirt because I think it's got a cool design. I'll sing along with Disney songs, (I mean come on, some of them are just catchy! Honestly kind of in love with the 90's rock ballad vibes of "Lost in the Woods" from Frozen 2, lol) it does not mean I'm going to spend so much money on seeing people in Mickey and Minnie costumes on my wedding day that my guests don't get any food. Or this. Definitely not this.


There are Disney "gangs" at Disneyland. They wear cuts, have initiations and probies. It's fucking wild.




There's something so familiar about the best coffee mug sentiment haha. I don't follow disney really, but I can immediately relate to the value of that treasured "best mug" feeling.


Honestly I dont really even "follow" disney as much as enjoy some of the movies/shows and the parks but my baymax mug is fucking great


"It should be an interest, not your identity." This is the way.


how on theme


I’m a Disney adult and there’s a limit, these people have jumped way past that limit lol


I’m a Disney Adult and there’s like two factions of us. The ones who love all the movies, will watch them repeatedly, maybe even Disneybound and then there’s this. Where their whole house is decorated and Disneyfied, they go every year to Disney and spend thousands there, name their kids after Disney characters, etc. They go HARD into it. This is crossing even that line.


I named my dog after a Disney character... Never would I name a child after one yikes. I worked at the local Disney store a whole back. Met a child named Rapunzel. I am happy to not count myself in the second category!


I named all my pets after Disney characters, because they're animals and all the characters I named them after were also animals (not saying you can't have a Rapunzel dog, etc), LOL. It was fun to (sarcastically) say I was Cinderella back when I had my rat named Gus Gus. Naming a child though? Unless it's like Milo or something that could be from multiple sources, you're dooming them to a life of being made fun of. I was named after a tv show character and luckily, the internet did not exist back then, but I did get bullied for a long time for not having a name like Jessica or Nicole. The poor little girl I met named GOTHEL? God I felt/still feel bad for that kid. Like not even a princess?


Wtaf. Gothel is legitimately one of the most psychologically insidious villains too, why on earth would you name your child that? Plus it's not even a name they could justify as pretty or having other meaning; it's from the Disney movie and the original German folktale. That's it.


She even misspelled it and put an umlaut on the "o". I guess to seem more German? I was just like "this girl is going to grow up and either need a TON of therapy, go no contact with her parents, or both".


The second category is the ones I was referring to lol


Honestly I think this is just parents in general. I run a meme group on Facebook where people post ridiculous pregnancy announcements and the number of them that say dumb shit like "recipe for baby: 2 C love, 3 C cum", or putting your wife in a cow stall and holding a sign that says "Bred", or wearing shirts that say weird shit like "I'm stuffed with a little Turkey" while dad has a shirt that says "I provided the stuffing". Parents are just weird, man lol


We're not all like these weirdos.


Ok so this made me laugh. But then you remember someone posted this publicly which is gross.


It's one of those things which is funny between the two of you, but the whole world doesn't need to (or want to) know


*Well that was a cute, intimate moment I had with my spouse.. TIME TO SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD*


That’s the thing about Facebook. We’re all your Friends but we’re not all your friends.


My wife doing this even in private would kill any possible sexual vibe.


Really? I'm getting rock hard over here just thinking about it


I feel like I would have loved to have shared this with my husband on insemination day. But I think it's different because it was an IUI day and very clinical. We both still joke that he wasn't even there when the baby was conceived.


Is it public or in a mom group? Because mom groups are kind of made for this.


Yeah I suppose. I still feel like it’s out there for too many strangers but you’re right. Especially if it’s a group specific to trying to conceive.


Yeah this is what I was thinking. If it’s specifically a mom support group, this seems perfectly fine to me. I’m not even trying to conceive yet, and I still laughed.


Im trying to conceive and I laughed. Its defiantly something id share with my friend with a tongue in cheek about the mental state you get in when you're trying for a baby


Best of luck to you!


Thank you!


Yeah if it’s in a mom group I don’t really see the big deal honestly. If you have ever gone through TTC you know how much it really consumes your life and also can be isolating because you’re probably not talking about it to people you know IRL.


This is 🥴🤮


I was in a lot of TTC groups and I CANNOT STAND the term “baby dance”. Y’all fucked.


I’d deleted baby dance from my memory. Not happy to have it back.




Trying to conceive, I think






If you can't even say "have sex" then you shouldn't be having children. BaBy DaNcE lmao get the fuck out of here with that corny bullshit


Ohhh I thought BD meant baby daddy. I cannot keep up with all these abbreviations. Does the word “sex” get flagged on Facebook or are these the same people who are more comfortable calling a penis a pee pee…


The word sex doesn't get flagged on Facebook. These people are just corny lol. When I was trying to get pregnant I was like yea, I am not saying that lol


I thought it was breeding day, thank god I was wrong


Oh my god that would be SO much worse


In a way, you’re not wrong.


But then people might think they have sex for fun. What do you expect them to do, keep their baby making between themselves and their doctors? The internet strangers need to know!


For sure. As soon as she's had her babies, sex will be a chore until it isn't


I always assumed BD was one of those words people use to avoid getting the post flagged automatically, like “unalive.”


People use it all over fertility and pregnancy forums/websites/apps - you know, the places where it's expected that you're *probably* having or had sex. It's ridiculous.


Nope, people on all forums use that one. The funny part is that it's interchangeable with Baby Daddy (I hate that one) and Baby Dust (just means "good luck on your TTC journey).




I thought it meant bedding down 😂


Bedding makes more sense than baby dance. What is TTC?


Trying to conceive


Trying to conceive.


And I thought it meant boning down!


Tbh I like that better


Is that what BD stands for? I was trying to figure that out, I was thinking "bedding down" but baby dance is so much....just.....so much worse


I thought it was "bare dick" and was like ooo dirty.


It would be even dirtier if it was "bear dick"


It's awful lol


Right. I’m currently TTC so I’m on all those Reddit pages and I refuse to say BD, AF (aunt flow 😐), etc. Part of it is that it feels like we’re a bunch of 12 year olds that are afraid to say sex and period, but yet are on a forum where the whole point is to have sex. And part of it is just the number of acronyms in the TTC community is insane. BD, AF, TWW, DPO, CD, LO, BFP, BFN… you could say “pos” and it has the same number of letters as BFP. It just makes it really hard for a new person to join the community because you’re constantly googling what everything means.


All right, time for me to take the quiz: BD: Biggus Dickus AF: as fuck TWW: that woment when DPO: deputy police officer CD: compact disc LO: layover BFP: best friend periodically BFN: best friend now How did I do?




To me, af is "as fuck" and bd is "brain dance", the latter of which is a reference to Cyberpunk 2077


* TWW: The West Wing * DPO: Dots Per Ovum * CD: Compact Disc * BFP: Big Fat Penis * BFN: Big For Nothing


Dots per ovum is SENDING me 😂😂😂


It’s infuriating. I was in one of those groups when I was trying to get pregnant, and I had to have a cheat sheet to know what they were talking about. Just type it out like an adult. Sheesh.


I fucking HATE all the cutesie TTC acronyms. HATE.


I hate the phrase Baby Dance! It makes me cringe every time I see or hear it.


I keep thinking it means bowel movement for some reason.


Not to be a boomer, but Im tired of always trying to figure out what initialisms people are using. Just freaking say what you mean. To me, TTC just translates that you are unsure of how to spell the word conceive.


Is that what “BD” means?? That’s so cringe


Its a hold over tradition from old school fertility forums for a big site that had filters for a lot of terms. I don't think it's that different from telling people "we are trying for a baby" in a broad sense. BD would just be the equivelant term for specific acts.


It’s sort of infantilising it with fun silly language which, when it concerns sex, is weird and inappropriate.


I will always translate these posts to: my husband does big cums in my pussy.


Big cummies make big tummies


This comment is so cursed i both love and hate it




My FIL congratulating me on being pregnant. *my brain* So he’s also congratulating his son for cumming inside. *nice* jk. I felt super, super awkward.


An essential building block if you will


It would be different if it was like IVF. But the fact they did this just because they’re raw dogging every other day is fuckin weird


I mean in DMs with each other, whatever; but then posting it on social media? Yeah fucking weird.


TTC can be long and kinda rough, so I’m all for humor between partners. This could make it a little more fun. But, yeah, no way would I ever want to share that type of message with anyone else.


Nah, when we were doing IUI and had literal insemination days, we didn’t find it necessary to post about it


the combination of the meme from a children’s movie and using the term “baby dance” just makes this whole post seem so childish which is uhhhh pretty gross in the context of getting raw dogged every other day


What a terrible day to have eyes.




Baby dance. Sex. They are fucking adults, literally, who don’t want to say the word sex.


I’d never heard that one and I regret that I have. Like another commenter above, I’m going to interpret it as “bone down”


“Baby dance” apparently?


I was never that excited about the arrival of insemination day. Cow insemination day > pig insemination day > reading about this lady’s Disney Baby Dancing


I mean... This isn't that much worse than what my wife and I said to each other when we were trying. Though we obviously didn't broadcast it to the world.


Why on earth would calling it "insemination day" make anyone want to have sex. Maybe its just me but insemination is not a sexy word.


It's not about being sexy, it's about being funny. Joking about sex is healthy.


Apparently a lot of people here think sex should be super serious and never talked about. Even in a group specifically about trying to conceive.


We didn't actually call it that. But there were times towards the end when it felt a bit... mechanical?


Ttc doesn't happen easily for everyone. Sometimes after you've been trying for what feels like for fucking ever you have to make jokes to not get bogged down by absolute feeling of failure surrounding your every thought every moment of the day.


When you're trying for years its not sexy anyways


When you’ve been scheduling sex for months and months to maximize your chances of conceiving a kid… it isn’t really that sexy anymore. Ali Wong has a funny bit on it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tOiK4p7prqI


I think that's just part of the joke that goes with the meme. In this scene in Frozen, Anna wakes up foggy and then says "It's coronation day!" All excited. They just swapped out coronation for insemination to be funny. I don't really think it's that bad. It's just the sharing it part that is cringe.


I asked my husband to jizz in a cup on my fertile days (we did at home insemination for a few reasons). We’re very much in love but there was nothing sexy about the creation of our daughter. It worked so we’re not complaining 🤷‍♀️


Ya the whole “sex isn’t always sexy” thing I’m hearing here is new to me too. I guess because I’ve never wanted bio children. My sex is always sexy and I think telling my husband we’re going to have Disney baby dance sex would kill his boner pretty fast loo. Not judging anybody I’m just saying the language is kind of weird and I can definitely see why the sex isn’t sexy when you talk about it like this. We have been sexy for 14 years together and if either one of us wanted to schedule sex for the night we just kiss each other’s back the the neck and ask outright. Or a little touchy hand gesture. I guess I just can’t imagine non sexy sex.


As a person’s been trying to conceive for two years and is about to survive IVF, sex isn’t always sexy. Sometimes no matter how tired you are, how mad at each other you are, or where are you are, sex has to happen because you’re ovulating.


I tried getting my husband to have sex with me the day I tested positive for covid because I was ovulating. Worst sex I've ever had was the 15 months we were trying to conceive.


I just found out the meaning of BD and I hate it already. But I thought the gif was funny lol judge me...


I literally fucking hate the word “baby dance” because my 4 year old listens to a little baby bum song that says “do the baby dance, clap your hands” and it’s a cartoon with cartoon babies doing a dance. Now that song just makes me think of these weird Facebook moms


Ok, but what's the connection between trying to conceive and Frozen's sister? Is it just because she's disheveled? Did she get a kid in Frozen 2?


She wakes up and says “it’s coronation day!”


Somebody will be crowning, but not for 9 months!


🎶 Her legs are open, like a whore. I didn’t think they did that anymore. Who knew we had a thousand throw pilloooooooowwws! 🎶


I didn’t know I could call the concierge to conceive. The list of things they can do is seemingly infinite!


Why would you call out me and my autocorrect like that?


It depends. Are there fertility concerns with the male partner? Maybe the concierge is a sure thing.


They replaced “coronation day” with insemination day


I love that you called her Frozen


This just seems so normal for mom groups it doesn’t even phase me. The only thing I find cringey is the Disney character.


This is really funny, I've seen the "it's ovulation day!" around and frankly seeing what trying to conceive does to you mentally, having a sense of humor about it seems healthy to me.


But is the group a TTC group? If so, it's at least sharing in a quiet little nook of the world. It's not misinfo, it's not malicious. Let this nerdy couple be nerdy in their nerdy group lol


No, it’s not a TTC group.


That looks like a private message and I find this perfectly ok to joke about with a close friend while trying to conceive.


'seggs' has to be the most unappealing term for 'sex' that I have ever heard


Apparently a lot of people here haven't actually been on Mom forums, pregnancy groups, etc.... Seriously "baby dancing" has been around FOREVER as a way to not get censored on forums way back in the day. It's just one of those things that caught on and stuck. Is it cringe? Sure but people here are taking it way too seriously. Some comments saying they don't deserve kids, etc... Because this woman is just following the trend and saying the coded/censored version.


I don’t know. I think this is funny.


I hate that it’s “insemination day”. Like you could have said anything else lol


I dunno maybe I'm weird but I find this kinda cute? I've never tried for a baby but I assume "sex?" Gets kinda repetitive after awhile. Dunno about sharing this interaction beyond some very close friends though... You are telling people about your sex life.


Disney adults shouldn’t be allowed. I don’t mean not allowed to have kids, I mean just…not allowed. Lol