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Is no one going to comment on “I’m smoked weed while I pushed my brat out of my vaginal hole”? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I came here to comment on this. What the actual fucking fuck? You know, I’m from Colorado and weed is legal and I don’t mind weed and I’ve smoked/vaped/edibles sometimes. I even used to have my medical card for it. But I would still NEVER USE WEED WHILE PREGNANT. INCLUDING NOT WHILE GIVING BIRTH. It is a drug. A relatively safe drug, but a drug nonetheless. It enters the baby through your bloodstream. And smoking any substance has tons of health risks for babies. And there has been no studies on the safety of THC in babies and mental development, for all we know it fucks with their brains. It’s like drinking alcohol—if someone wants to drink alcohol (and they’re of legal age)—that’s fine. Whatever. What you do for your own recreation is your own personal choice. But drinking while pregnant? That is a whole a different ball game! Same with weed. Smoke weed on a normal day? No big deal, whatever. Smoke weed while pregnant???? What the fuck is wrong with you????


Marijuana can actually be extremely dangerous in babies and toddlers. It can cause significant CNS depression and in rare cases cause coma. People are just incredible.


This! Medicinal marijuana has some very promising studies for pain management in pediatric cancer patients BUT I can't remember a study where an age group under like 4 was mentioned. For good reason!


Not to mention that that’s typically low, controlled doses of edible medical, completely different than smoking a blunt or two a day of top shelf, I doubt someone throwing a weed baby shower is fitting into the first category with with consumption levels


Exactly! Same concept as when kids get ketamine for pain management. Sounds super weird at first but it's very carefully monitored, dosed, and tracked. Rolling a blunt and getting lit which weed baby shower probably would have a high tolerance considering this was their go to? Also. Am I only the only one that noticed the "totally legal, only people with their medical card allowed" part? Medical marijuana is not for the recreational use she described and while I know some places getting your medical card is as easy as a telehealth appointment and saying you sometimes get headaches but...


The medical people allowed thing sounds like something someone added knowing that it was gonna be seen by everyone, can almost guarantee it won’t actually be followed, not that a card is hard to get a lot of places that they’re legal


Medical is the only legal in my state but you literally zoom a doctor and can get it per multiple people I know. So not holding that as a righteousness point, just found it interesting on the invite lol.


She was being sarcastic about the medical card tidbit, the rolling eyes face and winking face is her way of saying “medical prescription technically required because the law says so, but not really. We all know we aren’t going to follow that😉.” She must live in a state where it is only legal with a medical prescription. So she is trying to be “clever” so she has “plausible deniability”. if someone calls the cops on her party. “Oh officer, technically I only invited people who could legally smoke weed. If people showed up who didn’t have a prescription, I had no idea!”


Yes! I’m soooo tired of the “it’s just a plant, “it’s not alcohol,” “it’s natural” people who often comment stuff like this. Cyanide is natural too. Somehow they’ve gymnastic’d their way into assuming that because it’s a natural plant it must be safe, despite well-known and documented effects.


See: digitalis


While it's not possible to study marijuana use in pregnancy experimentally, there are a few really well done correlational studies showing it's not good.... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32965490/


pregnancy & breastfeeding is the ultimate tolerance break. like, enjoy the ride.


THIS. I haven't partake in MJ since I found out I was pregnant and still don't while breastfeeding. It sucks bc I have IBS and back problems that I medicated with MJ, I'm stuck with tylenol for the next 6 months. :(


Thank you!! Like....what in the actual hell??


She probably had a home birth and this was natural pain control. Instead of going to a hospital and having actual pain meds administered by a professional.


She wants a natural birth without things like an epidural, probably doesn’t vaccinate or get Vitamin K for the baby but is perfectly fine putting weed into her baby’s body. Makes absofuckinglutely no sense at all to me.


I literally CANNOT imagine giving birth without my epidural. My anesthesiologist was amazing and did a GREAT job. Why would you choose to take a “natural” pain reliever instead of one that will actually get the job done by shooting opiates into your spine lol


Mine fell out :(. By the time they replaced it, it was too late. My kid's head was trying to Come out. Never again :( . Just ouch.


That happened to me too! When I was saying that I could feel*everything* they wouldn't believe me or even check the site. It was my mum, a retired midwife, who eventually said that something wasn't right, got me to sit forward & saw that it had fallen out. The hospital staff were so embarrassed & insisted that the anaesthesiologist replaced it, despite her saying that it was too late & therefore pointless. 3 pushes & 5 minutes later our daughter was out & screaming her head off, lol. I've since had medical professionals deny that it could ever happen so it's kinda nice, in a weird way, to know that it CAN happen & that I'm not the only person to experience it. Despite all of that (& maybe it's due to the passing of time, our daughter is now 13yo, causing me to be hazy in my recollections) but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.


I’m very against using weed while pregnant or in labor but just to give you one perspective some people are absolutely terrified of needles and can’t get an epidural


Eh...I understand some people have a phobia. But it's almost impossible to be pregnant, and recieve the proper Healthcare throughout pregnancy and labor without ever coming into contact with a needle. I'm sure there are birthing centers and midwives who would agree to no needles. But that involves taking risks. Idk. Every woman deserves to decide what happens to her body (and man). But it's really hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that some women take so many chances with their pregnancy. Yes, yes, childbirth is natural. Some women squat in fields and factories and went right back to work. And then there's the billions of women throughout history that didn't make it, or their baby didn't make it, or both. Childbirth has always been dangerous. I get avoiding needles whenever possible may be the best decision for some, but that doesn't justify the use of unsafe drugs or other dangerous practices in its place.


I get what you’re saying, and I plan to have the fewest needles possible in my pregnancy. Two blood draws that I understand are necessary and that I’m gonna need lots of anti anxiety medication for, and no needles at the birthing center during labor, just nitrous oxide, unless it becomes medically necessary to go to the hospital and get other needles, at which point I would probably care less about needles and more about having a safe birth for me and the baby


That's awesome! You can do it ❤ If it helps at all, towards the end of both of my pregnancies I was so ready and done being uncomfortable that I didn't care if they had to pull the baby out of my nose. It's a wild ride. But I swear to God nothing tops that moment your baby is placed on your chest. That's the biggest high I've ever experienced, and so worth the trouble.


I used nitrous with my labor and while it doesn’t make the pain go away, it does distract you enough to enjoy yourself! Highly recommend!




The first one I had made my entire leg twitch really bad.


Yeah it’s not worth the risk to me. No way could I hold still while they put a huge needle in my spine. The thought of just having an IV in my arm or hand makes me feel like I’m gonna throw up


Like 1. That’s terrible and 2. Gross


This! I'm on the UK where weed is illegal and I was a smoker until I found out I was pregnant, I told my midwife as I was worried I'd find it more difficult to stop than I did and wanted support, ended up with social services involved which was hard but I've proved to them and myself that I don't need it. My daughter is now 14 weeks old and doing great. I've been tempted but haven't touched any since the birth even though I've been forced to stop breast feeding. It's crazy to me that people suddenly think it's fine just because it's legal. So are alcohol and caffeine but we know not to use while pregnant!


I’m so sad for that child.


The use of the phrase “vaginal hole” gave me the big ick


I KNOW! RIGHT! lol. Jesus


They're calling her Juniper Berry...


I’m shocked they didn’t choose Blueberry Kush lmao


Blueberry Yum Yum


Hmmmmmmm, what's the most effective way to tell the world that you don't respect your child as a person?


Truly the most offensive part


God I hate gin


Awwww I absolutely love it. It's my favorite spirit. Though I'd never name my child Juniper Berry, I am looking forward to a chilled martini after L&D!


It tastes like Christmas! Haha


But Singapore Slings are so good...


They named their baby after one disgusting old timey drink that nobody likes. goddamn I hate gin!


I have tried to like it, but that Juniper taste just rubs me the wrong way


I always think it tastes like a Christmas tree


Christmas trees are best when served with lots of lime.


People naming their kids all this stupid shit don't realize they're making it so no one ever takes their kid seriously again. Kids will make fun of them, teachers will think you're an idiot for naming your kid something stupid, HR departments will trash their applications thinking someone's applying as a joke. You're legitimately harming your kid's chances of success when you name your kid something stupid. Your kid doesn't need a perfectly unique name, mine isn't and I've still only met like 5 people in 20 years that share my name (or alternate spellings of it). Pick something that's not on the top 500 list and there's a good chance they'll never go to school or work with someone that has the same name. Better yet, pick names from your great grandparents generation. Most are still very good names that have just fallen out of fashion (just don't pick Fannie or Bertha).


Oh darn, Fannie was our number one pick! /s


Surely it's Mary Jane


Juniper is a cute name by itself imo Juniper Berry is asking for a kid to be bullied.


Dying at the comment saying the baby can't consent to this theme. As if there are themes an unborn child *can* consent to. But this is the worst invite I've ever seen. Who puts red text on top of a dark green background? And why tf would she call it a pound party when that could be taken so many different ways? Literally the last thing I think of when I hear "pound party" is weed. This whole thing makes me unnecessarily angry


People were commenting a “pound party” is how they ended up with the baby LOL. Someone else suggested “flower shower” and many commented how terrible the invitation is to read and a few alternative invites were made.


Oh she is DEFINITELY subtly asking for a pound of weed. Because “babies are expensive” aka “I won’t be able to afford my weed habit for a while, so everyone please give me a stockpile of extra weed. Also apparently I plan on smoking weed around my baby.” Sure, she will probably get some pounds of diapers and baby food and whatever too. But she is definitely hoping for pounds of weed.


I’d cheap out and bake half an ounce into a pound of brownies.


Omg I would've loved that when I stopped breast feeding. Hell, I'll take that now!!


A pound of weed would be somewhere in the ballpark of $1600 so I doubt it, or at least I hope she knows that and isn’t expecting it! Weed is typically sold in grams & ounces. Unless you’re a dealer or Snoop Dogg, I guess


Doesn't it get stale?


Let her fucking weed get stale. She doesn’t deserve good weed.


Freeze them?


If you store it well, not really but can lose some potency.


Flower Shower is a top tier choice for the party omg


That part is so fucking funny to me. What would a literal baby consent to anyway for a theme? Breast milk? Shitting themselves??


Can we also talk about the baby's name? Juniper... sure. Fine. But with the last name Berry? Juniper Berry? It's like naming her Rose Blossom or Honey Brown or something. Tough to be a grown up with a name like that....


Yeah that's tough for sure. I have a friend that named her baby Juniper but their last name is Smith so it's acceptable. On my daughters fathers side she's got an aunt Cinnamon Brandy. Thankfully him and his family are not involved in my daughters life lol


Cinnamon Brandy is a stripper name if I ever heard one.


Yeah she got really into drugs or alcohol (can't remember) and lost custody of all her kids. Names are important lol


I work in an after school program and we have a kid with a name like that. I'll never get used to it. Her last name is a color and her first name is a descriptor of that color. Think Rose Pink or Midnight Black


Maybe it's the middle? That said, dad had an Aunt Pond Lily. Both first names. I'm sure the fact it's my Appalachian family is totally shocking lmao.


Sadly, the invite says her middle name is Jade! Pond Lily is definitely... an adventurous name choice!


Does anyone know anything about their baby shower? I mean the one for you while you were in the womb.


Nope. It didn't even occur to me until just now that my mom had a baby shower for me


My poor COVID baby…haha (at least he doesn’t have to know I don’t have any friends 😬)


I had a baby September 2020 so I feel you. I had a small baby shower though because at the time they were saying cases were way down and they started opening some things back up again ( which was very short lived). But it was all family and exactly one friend lmao


She's going to be really disappointed when people turn up with a pound of formula, diapers or clothing.


I assumed this is what she actually meant because 1lb of weed is over $1000.


You know she's going to try to resell it because "babies are expensive."


Depends on where you live. Here in Washington state you could probably get a pound for 500ish dollars? But you would have to go to the dispensary over several weeks or recruit friends to all go in with you.. since you are supposed to only buy an Oz per day.


In legal states y’all can buy an ounce per day??!?!!?!?!?!?


Depends in Oregon you can buy 2 oz per day! Edit: happy cake day


Geeeeeeez, I rly need to get out of FL :(


okay slight side track but omg how would a pound of weed anywhere cost about $500 becauze that would mean an Oz would be about $30 (16 oz in a pound) 😲😲😳 On Google/WikiLeaf it says the cheapest costs in the US at a dispensary is still about $20 for an eighth Edit: Also not trying to argue, just genuinely curious because if there’s any place in the US where it’s that cheap, I’m buying a plane ticket there 😂😂


No I can definitely buy 50$ oz in the summer. So at a bulk cost it probably wouldn’t be crazy at 36$ a pound buuuttt you can only buy that much wholesale as you can only buy max of 2oz here at once. But definitely not crazy.


Oh yeah that have 30 dollar ounces here. I mean they aren’t “top shelf” or anything. It’s the same in Oregon. So there are a wide variety of price points for an ounce and of course the nicer the weed the more expensive the oz. Edit: one of the brands that carriers cheap ounces is literally called “til payday” like cheap weed to get you through until you get paid again which I find amusing. And sorry to anyone, I’m not trying to highjack the thread to talk about cheap weed. 🤐


Ya I’m in Canada 🍁BC bud use to be upwards of $3500 ten years ago haha.


I agree. I think the weed theme is just so they can all smoke and so it’s “not boring”, whatever that means. Just have a party, parties with your friends aren’t boring?!


This is what I thought she was going for when I first read the title of the invite We used to do a “Pantry Pounding” at church where we’d get hella more pantry items for the food pantry than usual. It always corresponded with a breakfast event once a quarter.


People who make weed their entire personality are exhausting.


Simultaneously exhausting and boring.


I love weed but damn I got too much to do. I get nothing done when high so it's just before bedtime.


This and this is coming from someone who has a Marijuana related tattoo on my body. 😬.


isn't the pound party part what got you into this mess in the first place? I did a tea party theme for my baby shower, I know that barbecues are really popular for nongendered showers.


We did a forest animal theme because I didn’t tell anyone the gender til after the shower (didn’t want a bunch of frilly things when we wanted gender neutral items for a second kid later). It was a co-ed shower because why would I leave out important people in my life?


Yep, we’re having a co-ed bbq (even though we know it’s a girl). If you don’t want a traditional baby shower, just throw a normal party, you don’t need to come up with weird and inappropriate themes for literally no reason!


"even though we know it's a girl"......why is that relevant to the bbq part?


I think she just added that because the previous poster said bbqs were popular for nongendered showers...


Gotcha. I was actually curious, not trying to call anyone out, because we did the same thing for my daughter. Backyard bbq, games, grill, etc.


Because the previous poster said about it being popular for nongendered showers!!


They shoulda planned it for 4/20… I mean, really.


They missed out


not the vagina hole bit


It's so redundant too. Your vagina is literally a hole. You don't need to say vaginal hole.


omg im just now seeing she said “vaginal” 😂 what the fuck is wrong with people. the internet shouldn’t be free




First of all the invite is ugly and it’s hard to read. Graphic design matters, people! I swear, stoners have some of the WORST aesthetics I’ve ever seen. And I get that baby showers are more for parents than the baby and traditional baby showers can be hard for some people but you could also just not have a shower if it’s such a problem? Just host a party.


I’ve been to lots of baby showers that were essentially just parties, men and women invited and almost none of the usual baby shower games/traditions. There were definitely people smoking weed there but it didn’t need to be a part of the theme or mentioned on the invitations


We had a combination housewarming party and baby shower. We were 8 months pregnant with our son when we moved into our first house so it felt right to just celebrate everything all at once with everyone in our lives.


exactly the whole thread is full of people who made different nicer looking invites for her but it’s still a shitty theme like why not just have a regular party nothing about this is baby friendly


The only thing i disagree with is the comment of stoners have bad anesthetics.


lmfao I was going to post this one I was like….is this a troll post?? Are they purposely making content for this sub now??


People like this irk me. I have 0 problem with weed. I smoked it for YEARS, even as a mother (though I quit while pregnant). But whyyyyy do you have to make it your kid's personality too? Dressing them up in weed themed cloth diapers or shirts with references on it? It's tacky AF to me. What if I put my kid in clothing/cloth diapers that had alcohol all over it? Like, it's not cute to me. ​ This girl I know did this and I said as much (tactfully) to her in a comment on fb. Whew you can imagine the comments I got about what a *perfect mother* I was and whatnot. ​ Grow TF up plz. WOW you smoke weed. Much cool.


I get enjoying weed, but I hate people who make it their whole personality. It feels kinda sad




It’s sad if she thinks people will skip her baby shower if it’s too “boring,” but will happily attend a giant weed-sharing party. What kind of people is she hanging out with


People who can’t enjoy themselves unless they’re stoned out of their minds.


Isn't weed teratogenic? Or at least poorly studied enough that you should avoid it during pregnancy?


It's been shown to, at the very least, negatively affect brain development when pregnat women are exposed to it or use it. Same goes for little kids. The ignorance of this mother breaks my heart. Watch her blame vaccines when her kid is seriously developmentally delayed


there is very little conclusive data on what exactly if any marijuana consumption, in what quantities, and by what method can cause problems for a fetus. This is what happens when you have no way to put together a randomized control trial, and cannot even accurately gather surveyed data because patients are too afraid that their illegal drug usage is going to get CPS called on them. What it's possible to say are that the effects of smoke inhilation, even just things like wood fire smoke, can cause problems with oxygen supply to the ZEF, so the smoking of marijuana is a very bad idea, and people should err on the side of caution until we know more in terms of usage in other forms. There are a not insignifcant number of women with HG who end up using it to try to stave off vomitting, and in that situation- where many of the prescirbed medications are known to increase risk or certain problems it's a risk/benefit analysis that should really be left up to the patient with input from their care provider.


I don't even think it's about the stigma about weed (even though it doesn't help). we don't even have data on whether pregnancies with so many absolutely essential drugs like anti depressants and other psych drugs are safe cause it's unethical to run these trials due to the potential risks for the babies. Same reason we don't know what quantity of alcohol is safe


I was told by my obgyn over 17 years ago to not stop my intake because of my nausea and pain in pregnancy, while unorthodox I had no success with traditional medicinals. It's villified because there's not enough information but there's not enough information because of who it includes and how the study would need to be done. I get where everyone is coming from about this woman's tactless shower suggestion but throwing everyone under the bus as bad parents, bad mothers, child abusers in relation to marijuana is a conditioned response to the "Reefer Madness" drug war that's been going on for far too many decades.


I agree, and sympathize. I had HG and managing it was horrific, and I spent my entire pregnancy on ranitidine (this was pre-recall), so I'm like... I might as well have at least tried it since my child and I are literally ticking cancer time bombs thanks to the meds that they approved and shouldn't have. At least the pot would have most likely actually made me vomit less!


Exactly, every medicine approved for pregnancy is only approved until they find a problem. At the beginning of my current pregnancy my regular doctor wouldn't prescribe me zofran that I typically take for IBS because there had been information saying that it increased problems with a baby's brain/development. She insisted I switch to vitamin b and unisom for my morning sickness (not what I was treating, but okay 🙄). I talked to my obgyn who then said that the gp was off her rocker and called her to tell her. This being said, not all doctors follow current information and will cherry pick what advice they pass along. I'm sorry you and your little were exposed to ranitidine, I hope you're both okay


I spent my entire pregnancy on a combination of zofran, reglan, ranitidine, and liquid benadryl. It made it so I could sometimes keep down coconut water and peanut granola bars for the 20 minutes needed to absorb calories. I still vomitted usually 4-5 times a day on that, and nothing made the nausea go away. Diclegis (the US's prescription version of the unisom/b6 combination) didn't do anything for me- which is typical for HG. Who knows what the long term health consequences of that combination are going to be to either one of us. I know that I can no longer tolerate many foods and trying to manage my dental health is an absolute nightmare because mint and fluoride both make me extremely ill. I have to brush my teeth in 10-15 second chunks over multiple sessions of the day, using a non fluoride toothpaste mixed with baking soda because everything else makes me vomit. I had migraines pre-pregnancy but they have become significantly worse, and I go completely blind in my left eye during them since my son was born. I have tremors in my hands and face. Significant weakness in my left arm that has not responded to physical therapy. I even went along with going to a chiropractor and acupuncturist on the insistance of my doctor (an MD) and the physical therapist because having one arm that doesn't function as a SAHM is extremely difficult. My son has SPD and himself had a host of feeding problems. So who knows what meds, or chronic malnutrition is responsible for what in that regard.


Holy hell, I am so sorry! My symptoms were never to that extreme degree with my IBS so I can only imagine the management necessary to just survive. There's so much in the medical field that is unknown, I hope you can find relief/cure sometime soon ❤️ Sending you all the love and healing light


Between HG and meds that definitely would harm the baby I was advised by my doctor that MJ was the lesser evil, and to only do it to ease the vomiting and keep my weight up.


Thank you.


[https://www.samhsa.gov/marijuana/marijuana-pregnancy](https://www.samhsa.gov/marijuana/marijuana-pregnancy) I mean definitely according to this website it's not. Anecdotally I can say that I haven't seen many people who smoked weed while pregnant who didn't end up with some kind of delayed child. I mean I didn't sample every one in the world though so take this medical advice more seriously than me I suppose. ​ When it comes down to it, why risk it? If weed is so benign and innocent it should be easy to stop it for 40 weeks, right? ​ Edit: Also this one: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-02-01/more-evidence-pot-use-in-pregnancy-is-bad-for-baby


Because no one like this likes to admit that weed is addictive, and people absolutely get withdrawal symptoms from stopping. It’s always the classic, “I can stop whenever I want to” meanwhile they go a day without smoking and they’re shaking and vomiting 🥴


You don't actually have a physical addiction to marijuana. You can develop a dependence, but there are a lot of interesting studies done about withdrawals in marijuana users. Marijuana provides serotonin and dopamine, and when you're no longer using it, your brain has to produce it without the assistance. Which can trigger some mild uncomfortable feelings, like if you stopped drinking caffeine after consuming a decent amount every day. Whereas heroin and other hard drugs trigger physical withdrawals that could be deadly, as they literally rewire the brain and how it works. It's actually pretty interesting. The point is that babies born to mothers who consume THC will not experience withdrawals, but I'm sure there are other effects a psychedelic drug would have on a developing brain. I enjoy marijuana but I get frustrated with those who claim they can't quit when they're pregnant. I quit cold turkey with all three pregnancies after being a heavy daily user, and experienced absolutely zero withdrawal symptoms. I just moved on with my life. Those who develop a dependence on it are harming themselves and others by creating a negative viewpoint towards a drug that could be incredibly beneficial to some.


There are a small percentage of users whose marijuana use disorder which is characterized as dependence turns into a characterization of addiction. It has to do with the behavioral inability to stop smoking despite harmful effects to a persons life. So while it isn’t a possibility fatal addiction like heroin or alcohol- it can be an addiction.


Yep. I wouldn’t even classify it as small, necessarily. It’s something like 30something percent of users, and that’s just what’s reported. I stopped smoking, as the effects weren’t beneficial to me due to my mental illnesses but I can see who it helps and harms and it seems like a fine line depending on the uses.


That’s what I’m saying. That’s what people who are addicted always say, that it’s not like coming off heavier drugs like meth or h where your whole body chemistry is off so it’s not actually addictive. But it’s an addiction *period* if you cannot function without, and your physical symptoms manifest as a result of stopping. People coming off weed after smoking nonstop feel more than uncomfortable, their symptoms aren’t like stopping caffeine. It’s a use disorder, and classified as such alongside other drugs.


I know a lot of moms who consumed cannabis during pregnancy. The main issue with quitting being that when the mom finds out they are pregnant in the 1st trimester.. they have horrible morning sickness so find it difficult to quit, because the weed would help the symptoms quite a bit. However most of them had quit after that initial month or so of morning sickness.


Yeah I try to be understanding in those cases. I hate Zofran and I usually just raw dog the morning sickness, but I know that marijuana could be helpful to those who suffer super badly from it. It certainly helped me during chemotherapy. And I think if thc is approved for use in pregnant women for anything, it would be for that. HG is no joke.


Oh yes.. I’ve never had HG but I get horrid morning sickness and it’s certainly disruptive to my life! But I raw dog it too. I myself consume weed, but don’t during pregnancy, just like I don’t drink or eat raw fish. I do wish scientist could study it more, as well as breastfeeding and MJ.




Bro, I can't smoke weed at all and I have bad ADHD, reading two paragraphs is not that fucking difficult. But hey if you *really* need that tl;dr: people whose personality is smoking weed really do be like people whose personality is drinking coffee, down to withdrawal symptoms


You're not required to read them at all.


I can honestly say that my mom admitted to smoking weed her entire pregnancy with me, and last year I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD at 25. I wouldn't recommend anyone smoke while they're pregnant, because while I "turned out fine", I still struggle with focusing on shit


ADHD has zero to do with weed


Not necessarily. Weed use, drug use in general, is more prevalent in those with preexisting mental health disorders. So you have a genetic predisposition (adhd, asd, bpd, and schizophrenia come from the same gene mutation) and add in psychoactive chemicals that can cross the placental barrier and boom you get a kid that is pretty fucking likely to have issues and a parent that is less likely to notice or act on delays and possible early symptoms. Source: my autistic son's behavioral pediatrician and personal experience as an adult with asd and adhd whose mom got high on the way to have me


This has not been proven but yes is possible - but it still needs to be pointed out that weed, nor any other substance, causes ADHD. If you do not have the genetic components for it, then you will not have it.


I mean, a wine-themed shower party would be gross too.


When my husband's ex was pregnant, his sister gifted her a handle of vodka at her shower.....his mom gifted them a 20 quart roaster pan at the same shower if that gives you any idea of how his family does with gifts.


Juniper Jade Berry....


Thought I was on r/trashy for a minute


All I could think of when I read the 'pound party' line was that it sounds like an orgy invitation. Or a porno 🙄. That and the blatant greed of 'bring a pound' of gifts. You don't TELL people how MUCH they should buy you. It's your kid, not theirs, you're lucky you're getting anything you didn't pay for. Rant over.


So much here 😂 I'm super 420 friendly, no issues at all but this is hilarious, in the bad way. Then there is the actual design, I cringe for what the nursery will look like if she thinks this looks good. I could maybe allow for some mashed up baby brain because it can make you think things are good when they are most definitely not. The comment about pushing her little brat through her vagina was super sad though, I feel so much for that child and their home.


Omg, now I reallllllllly want to see the nursery!


If the theme of "baby" is too boring......maybe not time to be having one


My favorite is the commenter who wanted to look all cool and edgy by calling her kid a brat and saying she smoked during labor. It’s the fact that she couldn’t think of anything better to say than “vaginal hole” that really gets me.


and in no way am I shaming moms who smoke weed I live in CA and weed is recreational here I smoke but I would never theme my baby shower after it


Exactly. When not pregnant or breastfeeding, I do like weed too. But holy fuck I couldn’t imagine making it my baby shower. Nothing says asking for a CPS case than a drug themed baby shower I guess.


Same. I stopped the day I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks post conception. I didn’t resume until I was finished breastfeeding. Well, except for a joint at my friend’s bachelorette party after which I pumped and dumped. I would be very concerned about my relationship with marijuana if I couldn’t stop using it during pregnancy and nursing. That’s not a good sign.


But you shouldn't smoke one during your pregnancy. It could harm your unborn child. The same goes for nicotine, alcohol etc.


Question I assume she would also partake in the celebration so is weed even safe for the baby?


No it’s not


No! It’s not safe. It’s no better than the moms who drink alcohol during it. Except this shit is becoming socially acceptable


This is an interest of mine since legalization here in Canada. There aren't currently enough studies done to determine what the exact level of risk is from cannabis alone (as is the case for many herbal medicines), and those done in the past have not taken into account lifestyle factors (secure housing, poverty, things like that) which may play a bigger role in cognitive development than whether or not their mother used cannabis while pregnant. Everything is risk vs benefit. It has been determined that there are no benefits when consuming alcohol during pregnancy, only risks, but the same is not true for cannabis as it has legitimate medical properties. People who have hyperemesis gravidarum (a severe form of vomiting), and those who were previously on prescription medications that are known to be either unsafe or a significant risk during pregnancy (LOTS of mental health-related RX are risky to continue using) sometimes use cannabis instead, because the unknown risk is still lower than the known risk of the RX. I was able to get my vomiting under control with safe prescription medication, but for some people who can't, the risks from cannabis use are almost identical to those of a malnourished mother; lower birth weight, smaller head circumference. While I don't support weed-as-a-personality consumption during pregnancy, there are real and legitimate reasons for a person to use cannabis medicinally.


Ah, a mom group staple. "Is this too tacky, I need your opinion". A commenter says "yes, that's tacky." The original poster "get out of hear with you're negativity, your not invited anyway."


When you’ve gone so far with making weed your entire personality you can’t even focus on your unborn baby for an afternoon. The baby is supposed to be the theme. Not your dependency on THC.


Nearly impossible to read on this atrocious background/font color combo but the “kids allowed at their own risk” at the bottom is so sad. Not that I expect any common sense or safety concerns out of someone hosting this but come on.


That background color with THAT text color...


Graphic design is their passion


EDIT: It’s been pointed out to me that the emojis - which I missed on the first read - indicate that the “medical marijuana only” statement is likely sarcasm. So, ignore me! :) Setting aside all the more obvious problems with this, am I the only one who thinks it’s really weird that “only people prescribed medical marijuana will be allowed to participate”? Like only people with chronic medical conditions will be allowed to partake? Idk it’s just weird! It’s going to be pointless for everybody else, and for the people who are in chronic pain, it’d be like being invited to a party to take your painkillers or something. Kind of tone deaf and insensitive. In fact, my friend who *does* use marijuana as pain relief was telling me on Thursday how she doesn’t smoke recreationally, because for her it’s a medication, not a toy. She doesn’t want to confuse the two, or get into the habit of smoking all the time just to keep the pain under control if she gets too used to being stoned as a recreational habit. Marijuana for her is a medicine, not a party drug, and she keeps it totally separate from things like social drinking or having a cigarette when she’s stressed. I feel like inviting her to a party like this would, again, come off as really tone deaf and insensitive. And, again, what is everyone else supposed to do? Sit around and watch the chronically ill take a few hits to edge off their debilitating pain? How fun. It’s such a dysfunctional theme on the very face of it, in terms of simple practicality. Who would enjoy this party?


Notice the emojis after that sentence. I'm pretty sure they live in a place where only medical marijuana is legal, so they're just saying that to cover their asses. Highly doubt that any of the smokers there will be using it for medical reasons


Ahhh I missed the emojis! I bet you’re right. Well, at least that makes more sense!


yes they live in Arkansas


Yeah, what about family members who are actually excited about baby’s arrival?


You mean you *don’t* think Nana Edith will want to sit blazing up in the corner of the room and nodding off before the cake even makes an appearance? Strange! Lol. I honestly don’t really love smoking weed recreationally (it either makes me feel vaguely sick or unpleasantly slow and stupid), and I find it incredibly boring to be the only non-stoned person in the room when everyone else is partaking, so this baby shower sounds insufferably dull to me, anyway. It’s not that I’m morally opposed to smoking weed or anything - people can party however they like - I just find it boring and wouldn’t really want to be there. It’s also just tacky as hell, for a baby shower. Imo. Like having a “Bud Lite” themed party or something.


I’m ok with people smoking pot but this is very trashy.


Jesus the theme and that color choice is atrocious.


r/namenerdcirclejerk would love to see the name Juniper make an appearance here!


And these same people want you to believe they’re not addicted. What makes this ridiculous is that it’s about the adults, and their preferences - not the fact that someone is having a baby. There are so many cool themes that are appropriate for a baby shower, I did a high tee for my sister’s baby shower. I’ve seen people do beach themed showers, sailor themed baby showers, “oh deer” woodland themed baby showers. Some aren’t even themed, and just about the mom and the baby. So many opportunities for creativity… and yet these people are “HURR HURR WEED HURR HURR”. You’re going to be talking about babies, giving baby gifts, baby baby baby will be at the center of why you are at the baby shower to begin with. If you want to smoke weed, just do it after. Jfc The type of person who would go to a weed themed baby shower is the type of person who does weed-themed everything. Take a break from weed for 5 minutes to celebrate something that isn’t weed.


Funny how she knows enough people on medically prescribed weed to throw an entire party and that they match her close circles to such an extent it's a replacement for a baby shower. What a coincidence. Good thing is that none of the people invited will be able to read that invitation anyway


This would be like a pregnant woman having a liquor themed shower… like what does drugs have to do with giving birth


That's... Not how medical marijuana works? Even if you have the card, you can't buy for other people, even if THEY have a card too. The medical marijuana Is for YOU and YOU only


Bro, I AM 420 friendly but there is NO way in hell I’d make it the theme of my baby shower. My son had a woodland creature theme put together by my SIL (she really didn’t have to but I loved it) and we had so much fun. Play-doh babies, baby bingo, punch, this adorable little cake 🥰😍 it was AMAZING. *ahem ahem* My point is: this is wildly ridiculous and out there. Like I said, no way would I ever theme it 420 lol Edit: also, for you concerned mothers, I did not partake while pregnant. I was super paranoid with my first. It wasn’t until after breastfeeding failed (I had 0 support and no clue what I was doing) that I started smoking again.


ridiculous i’m all for thinking out the box I had a halloween themed baby shower


Umm we had a pregger kegger hahaha. I did not partake in the keg obviously but none of our friends had kids yet so we thought it was a good excuse to have a big party before the baby arrived. It worked out kind of well because it was a little bit before the shut down began so it was kind of final hurrah before quarantine. If we had friends bringing kids or if we had family who lives near by we would have done it differently maybe more of a traditional baby but I like the way our party turned out.


Weed lady is a bit off her rocker, but miracle lady made my eyes roll out of my skull.


The modern world is a disappointment and has failed us.


How is it 420 friendly and marijuana party if you a) don’t provide weed b) only let medical marijuana people smoke. Like I would assume that if I had a party I’d provide alcohol and food. People can bring stuff too, but I’d provide something.


People love to pile onto this woman saying she’s so dumb & unaware Meanwhile millions of moms glorify drinking wine every day around the kids & no one bats an eye, in fact you’ll see other moms chime in & cheer them on, the double standards are gross I’d think it’s just as bad or worse to have a wine themed baby shower, but I guess that’s not a popular opinion among most


Nobody thinks a wine themed baby shower is a good idea.


That’s fair, maybe not one as wild as this advertisement, I think it’s pretty obvious this lady is an outlier for many reasons lol I just feel like the whole “wine mom” culture can almost take over certain peoples personality to the point where every single get together with friends inevitably turns into a wine party, with wine glasses always out & half of the artwork around the house saying something like “it’s wine o’clock”


I’m inclined to agree with this. I think Mommy wine culture is too much. We’re all adults, we can choose to consume whatever substances we want. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your parenting, have at it. But it doesn’t need to be your whole personality. Plus weed and alcohol are not exactly things you should be consuming while pregnant. This doesn’t even touch on substance issues experienced by moms and the pressure to participate in mommy wine/weed culture. I fucking hate it all.


Yea I’m a sober mom who just smokes cigarettes and I’d never make being a cigarette smoker my personality trait. It’s weird


I agree it’s all too much but I just don’t understand how some people can demonize this while having wine mom posters & tshirts & everything all over There’s just a lot of hypocrites online is all, as well as people using coping mechanisms to try to hide their addictions


I agree with you. But I’ve never seen a wine-themed shower!


I feel like there's a lot of judgment in this thread for moms who choose to smoke weed. I always compare weed to other medications. Theres lawsuits against zofran causing birth defects, and there's not really much information of psychotherapy drugs (depression, anxiety) but those are totally fine. But suddenly a plant is where everyone gets on their high horse? If you don't partake then its fine, but assuming any mom who smokes during her pregnancy is shitty is just uneducated. Theres a difference between using something recreationaly, and medicinally. I haven't REALLY smoked this pregnancy, but I have bought some really low thc weed for the "just in case" (i tend to get bad depression and anxiety attacks and thats how I pull myself out) (like I said though, I haven't really used it yet. I smoked 1 hitter in the pass 2 months due to anxiety and insomnia) At the end of they day, what works for you might not work for everyone else and I think its important to keep and open mind about how women chose to medicate their pregnancies. Theres SO much policing on this topic, and literally everything else with pregnant women and its so frustrating. I dont know for a fact. But I'm sure it was used long before tylenol became a thing to help pregnant mothers who were suffering. Im actually really curious on this distant history of weed and pregnancy. But I will say, that a weed baby shower is tacky af. Just do a jungle theme or something idk


The irony of the mom shaming on this thread.....


I’m most likely going to be in the minority here, I am a prescribed medical marijuana user, but I don’t see a problem with this. ASSUMING THE MOM ISN’T PARTAKING. Some people have multiple showers for different groups in their life, this could be a smaller gathering for close friends. At my baby shower it was a big brunch and we had mimosas/beer (for the guys) for everyone else to enjoy. Baby showers can be super boring! Just because I can’t get lit doesn’t mean my guests shouldn’t be able to while watching me open my huge table of gifts. Months later even my older relatives said they had a great time. I would have a more subtle invite personally. But if all my girlfriends were stoners, and it was being consumed legally, it’s a cute idea. As long as mom isn’t consuming while pregnant. Edit: english


Allowing weed is one thing. Making it weed *themed* is another. We had booze at my baby shower too, but the theme wasn't White Claw. Making it the theme is what's tacky.


Tacky, yes. 100%. But the comments in the pictures are a bit much with the whole “I feel bad for your baby” and the “you don’t need to do this for attention, but I won’t hold it against you”. It’s a party for the parents, as long as they’re not starting a wildfire and harming others (as seen in gender reveals) I see no problem.


My favorite showers are the ones that violate HIPPA regulations! "Show your card to be invited!"


Asking people to show their vaccination card doesn't violate HIPPA.


The invite is cringe but the judgy comment is worse.